Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 157


"But the Extremis virus is illegal, and currently only some samples are kept in Stark's laboratory." The bill added.

Zhang Dianyu discovered the key point - "breaking the law".

"..." He looked at Bill viciously: "When will you teach me to talk about the main points first?"

"Don't worry, Stark also has the technology to upload brain signals." Bill said to himself, "His armor can be controlled in this way."

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a while: "... how much does the equipment cost for the technology you mentioned?"

The bill is also silent.

Two people, one big and one small, sat side by side in silence on the edge of the bed.

On the opposite side of the prison, at this time, Banner had also sent the new prison uniform to the gate of the secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center with a trolley at this time—he could not enter it.

The person in the prison uniform who came out was the Red Skull.

"Looking at what?" He asked angrily with no expression on his face.

Banner: "..." What interest could he have in a skeleton monster that failed to transform? He was already a monster himself.

The Red Skull didn't want to run naked in broad daylight, but he was in charge of the laundry room and had to come out to get the prison uniform.

He took the trolley, turned around and walked in the door, and saw two people standing opposite him.

"I don't want to fight now." Red Skull said coldly.

The corner of Magneto's mouth twitched: "I didn't come to fight either."

Being honest with one another outside of the bathroom obviously puts anyone's interest in fighting and arguing away.

Lecter watched the two people's reactions, seeming a little interested.

"But the crux of the matter is...why did this happen?" he asked suddenly.

Red Skull threw a set of prison uniforms on him, and walked over without squinting. Lecter smiled slightly, anyway, his goal has been achieved.

In the office, Zhang Dianyu, who had been silent for a long time, sighed deeply.

Bill looked up at him from the side. "Why don't you go to Stark for help? In theory he is your grandfather and will help you with this—he has helped you a lot."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." He didn't know whether he should complain first or reason first.

Eventually he decided to keep his mouth shut.

"So, what about fear?" Zhang Dianyu changed the subject and asked Bill.

Bill thought for a while: "Although this proves that you have emotions of fear, it doesn't seem to affect you much. Many people will lose their minds, attack others, or cause harm to themselves because of fear..."

"Didn't you hear Banner's words?" Zhang Dianyu was in disbelief, "Everyone's clothes disappeared!"

Bill paused, looked at Zhang Dianyu's face, thought for a moment and replied: "So—this is what I just said, no one was hurt?"

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

"Believe me, running around naked in public is extremely traumatic for most people."

Don't ask him why he knew—at least he wasn't fully stripped then.

Bill's eyes were full of incomprehension.

Zhang Dianyu sighed. He thought about it carefully. At that time, he was forced to use his skills to try to escape because he was in a nightmare and wanted to escape the pursuit of false guards.

If it is a phantom of fear in the real world, it should be at most some imagination of financial deficits, and there should be no missing clothes for all prisoners.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a moment, in order to deal with the scarecrow, he decided to install a toilet in his office.

Banner was stunned when he walked in.

He saw the engineering team moving the toilet into the office from outside—he chased after him just to tell the workers that they had gone the wrong way, and if the toilet needed to be replaced, the toilet was on the other side.

However, when he opened the door, what he saw was the craftsman who put down the toilet and walked out beside him expressionlessly.

Banner was full of question marks.

He watched a toilet appear next to the cactus in the warden’s office, hesitated for a while, and finally said: “Mr. Warden, you have an interview tomorrow…” He was afraid that the psychiatrist would come in and see The toilet turned around and left.

He had chatted with Dr. Strange several times, and he always believed that there was a real need for a professional psychiatrist here.

He was spooning fish soup into Banner's bowl as he said this.

Dr. Banner couldn't help feeling a little moved.

He had known Strange's true identity a long time ago—as the supreme mage, it was enough for him to work two jobs as an undercover agent, but now he was assigned such a task by the warden.

This one looks worse than his job teaching yoga to prisoners. Especially when those big men with bald heads and tattoos and fierce faces stared at Strange with murderous eyes, believing that he was trembling on purpose.

Several times, Banner deliberately sat near the serving table, and did not leave until the meal time was over, in order to be able to help Strange at critical moments.

However, as the only psychiatrist in the prison, Strange still has a certain status at least, so that the prisoners only dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

If the warden finds a real psychiatrist, will Strange be in danger in the cafeteria

Banner was a little worried.

Closer to home, Banner looked at the toilet in the office with complicated emotions.

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a moment—he couldn't make up an explanation.

He wanted to say that it was to set aside an area of the office as a cell, where he could give face-to-face counseling to recalcitrant prisoners—but he thought about Sekestone and decided to keep his mouth shut.

Words are scary.

Zhang Dianyu, who has been fighting against the murdered reputation, knows it all too well.

But Banner didn't give up yet, he slowly looked at Zhang Dianyu: "...Mr. Warden?"

Zhang Dianyu looked at Banner seriously for a moment.

The other party didn't quit, so he could only make up a reason: "This is... the question for the interviewer tomorrow."

Banner: "?"

Zhang Dianyu saw the big question mark on Banner's face, but he actually wanted to put a question mark himself.

After hesitating for a while, Banner finally gave up and left the warden's office.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't let go of staring at the toilet—what is he going to ask the Scarecrow about the toilet tomorrow? How can we pull on psychological, mental disorders, and criminal behavior

While racking his brains, he opened the game panel. By this time, Rita and Wilson should have arrived at Alcatraz.

Based on his "nightmare" just now and what he said to the bill, he now has a new idea about this place-if the other half of Alcatraz needs to be opened to the outside world, then it is obviously not suitable for super criminals and prisoners. prickly head.

—unless they're sleeping.

What Zhang Dianyu thinks of is "The Matrix" and brains in vats—of course, he can't dig out all the prisoners' brains and soak them in nutrient solution, which is obviously not in line with the humanitarian spirit.

And the technology is not enough.

But the bill says that prisoners also have access to that so-called “sandbox”—their bodies are not violated and their brains are not forced to sleep. Even since Extremis isn't currently legal, they won't be forced to inject them.

From any point of view, this did not violate the sacred human rights, it could not be more perfect.

The bill also confirms that collecting brain signals restores real touch in the sandbox-this is the technology Stark is currently using.

In other words, everything is ready now, only money is missing.

Zhang Dianyu doubts that Stark is willing to hand over this technology-for an inventor and control freak like him, this kind of sophisticated technology cannot be allowed to flow out.

The bigger possibility is cooperation.

— but they are now forced to cooperate anyway.

Zhang Dianyu could even see from the map that the Stark Industries logo had been added to the uniforms of Alcatraz employees—all day today, their job was to deal with angry tourists.

With a cooperative mood, Zhang Dianyu decided to ask Rita to try it out.

Because Stark was standing not far from the barbed wire fence, looking in the direction of the cell, the air bubbles rising above his head were rarely a mess of wires.

It seems to imply restlessness.

It's not that Zhang Dianyu doesn't want to ask in person—he's still carrying the bill here, and he doesn't know how to explain it to Stark.

Stark also saw the eyes looking over through the barbed wire.