Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 159


Zhang Dianyu looked into each other's eyes. Does Stark mean to believe him, or to continue to test him

He didn't know, and had nowhere to look.

But Stark began to look around, marveling at the environment here: "Wait, if I'm not mistaken, is there a... public bathroom with no shelter?"

At the entrance of the cell is a simple prison inspection room, and if you walk in, you will see two rows of shower heads exposed to the air. Apparently, the inmates were able to shower under the watchful eye of prison guards during the hours they were allowed to shower.

Zhang Dianyu heard Stark's words, turned around and looked at the open-air shower room, lost in thought.

For a long time, the bathroom has been a high-incidence area for physical conflicts in prisons. No matter how strict Zhang Dianyu is, he will still see rivers of blood flowing in the bathroom on the map from time to time.

Prisoners spend the rest of the time under the watchful eye of the guards, and the bathroom is the only place where they can open their hearts and minds to revenge and revenge—especially when there are many showers, and some physical collisions will inevitably occur, causing conflicts.

Zhang Dianyu has tried various methods, even including 1x1 showers for one person, with guards stationed at the door—this policy was implemented for a while, and was later banned under the complaints of prisoners.

Of course, the main reason is that Zhang Dianyu felt sorry for the pixel villain guards who rushed to the gates of each dormitory early in the morning, and it would also cause a shortage of manpower.

The walls of the single bathroom were broken and rebuilt into a large bathroom.

It also restored the situation where the pool of blood covered the floor tiles from time to time.

It wasn't until today when he came to Alcatraz that Zhang Dianyu discovered that his predecessors were also deeply troubled by this problem—but they also made very good countermeasures.

That is to let the prisoners bathe in the bathroom in the hall on the first floor, guarded by the guards.

Although such a scene is a bit difficult for both parties, the effect must be good. Zhang Dianyu subconsciously patted the water pipe beside him, showing a bit of satisfaction.

Stark: "..."

Zhang Dianyu saw the ellipsis popping out of Stark's head from the map, and manipulated Miss Rita to look at him.

"The warden..." Stark ambiguously omitted part of the title, "—do you want to keep this open-air bathroom?"

"Unless you disagree," Zhang Dianyu manipulated Miss Rita to look at him and said, "Because you might come here in the future?"

Stark spread his hands: "I don't think so—but I really don't think it's a good scene for the Red Skull and the Joker to be naked and bathe together."

"They will also bathe together now, and they may even sleep on bunk beds." Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, and added, "If they can get out of the confinement room."

In fact, during the confinement period, there was no right to bathe, and they had little chance to leave the confinement room—until Zhang Dianyu assigned the Red Skull to the secret mutant juvenile offender correctional center.

Stark also patted the pipe next to him, and suddenly raised his head and asked: "Mr. Warden, do you really think that the prisoners in the prison can be held on Alcatraz? Across this bay, next to downtown San Francisco, from the island You can even see the Golden Gate Bridge."

What he meant was obvious. Once a prisoner escaped from prison—ordinary people just wanted to escape punishment. What if it was a mentally ill criminal like a clown? They are bound to make trouble nearby, and for no reason.

Zhang Dianyu hesitated for a moment. He has already shown enough cards today, maybe one more will not be a big problem.

"I have an idea and might need some... help from you."

Stark answered quickly: "Investment?"

Maybe it's the poverty of the prison that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, or maybe it's the inertial thinking of the richest man in New York, he directly raised this question that people love and hate.

"Not all of them." Zhang Dianyu said reservedly, "About the technology that collects brainwave signals and uploads them, and simulates and restores them to real scenes... can it be mass-produced?"

Stark was a little surprised, but didn't answer for a while.

Zhang Dianyu understands his doubts—this kind of technology obviously cannot easily fall into the hands of others. Even if it is to provide ready-made equipment and software, it may be reverse engineered, or even produce a semi-finished product that looks like nothing, and enter the market to endanger society.

But Stark also quickly understood what he meant: "You want to... imprison the consciousness of those prisoners, put them in a cage of thinking-you want them to be a brain in a vat?"

The so-called brain in a vat refers to a brain floating in the nutrient solution, and its thoughts are uploaded to the virtual reality, whether it can distinguish whether it is real or illusory.

Zhang Dianyu looked at Stark and shook his head slowly.

"No, Mr. Stark, this is still a prison, and the prisoners will have normal work and rest time." He looked at the other end of Alcatraz through the dilapidated wall, "The time of 'mind uploading' can be regarded as a prison. Moderate labor, you can count points—if you transform and develop the rest of the tourist area into a virtual reality experience hall.”

Zhang Dianyu turned his head, looked at Stark who was a little sluggish, lowered his tone, and said slowly in a demon-like voice: "And you don't need any employees in the virtual environment you provide—you know, prisoners are the most cheap labor."

Stark: "..."

He leaned against a pillar next to him, his face was a little puzzled, but also a little weird.

"Honestly, Mr. Warden... I've never heard of such an absurd plan that seems to have a hint of a workable plan."

Zhang Dianyu remained silent, quietly waiting for Stark's decision.

Stark looked up, a smile in his eyes.

Zhang Dianyu was a little puzzled.

"Mr. Warden—I've called you that twice, you don't seem to have any objection at all." Stark stood up straight, "So, the real you is the other one—the person who is in prison at this time, yes ?"

Zhang Dianyu was dumbfounded.

But the only one who made such a look was him in the office, and Miss Rita in front of Stark looked at him blankly.

"You seem to have changed a little bit," Stark said, folding his arms. "You used to do some very... weird things, but now you can even talk to me."

The weird behavior he was talking about was, of course, the scene where the hang-up warden was circling in the office.

Rita stood where she was, seeming to be thinking, or in a daze.

And Stark looked at her with interest: "If you are still the same as before, Mr. Warden, at this time one of you will only reply to my question 'I don't understand what you mean. , please repeat'—hell, that sentence used to drive me bald."

Rita turned slowly to him.

Stark shrugged: "To be honest, this is a joke. You must know that baldness can only be determined by genes, even though Lex always claims that it is dedicated to scientific research-what research will make people bald? Not bald because of science."

"So, can what I just said be done?" Zhang Dianyu had to control Rita to speak, otherwise Stark would still talk about him. But since Stark exposed his true identity, he can be too lazy to make an expression.

Stark smiled slightly at the ground, then looked at Zhang Dianyu.

"Mr. Warden, are you aware that what you are making is a rather abrupt request?"

Zhang Dianyu was a little silent. No one has ever been able to get hold of Stark's technology - although there are many people who have tried to steal and copy it, most of them have done it by themselves.

Zhang Dianyu fell silent.

Stark looked at Miss Rita, whose eyes were out of focus, and obviously understood that Zhang Dianyu had given up pretending himself. He shrugged and looked around: "So, where are you looking at me, Mr. Warden?"

Zhang Dianyu didn't intend to answer at all.

Until Stark set up a pergola with his right hand and looked at the dilapidated ceiling above his head, he finally couldn't help it.

"Where do you think I'll be, lying on the ceiling watching your dwindling hair?"

Stark turned his head sharply, with a shocked expression on his face: "That's a complete slander—I have nothing wrong with my hair, from old Isaac to Howard, the Stark family has never had a bald head."

Miss Rita remained expressionless, unable to tell whether she agreed or disagreed.

"No offense, may I ask if something unpleasant happened here?" A voice came from outside the door, echoing in the empty hall, making it impossible not to notice the people outside.

Wilson leaned halfway over from the door, as if he was a little confused about the atmosphere between the two.

Zhang Dianyu immediately manipulated Miss Rita to suddenly turn her head to show a smile, and said to Wilson: "Don't worry, Sam, we had a very pleasant conversation."

"I saw a armor flying into the cell just now, so I came in to take a look." Wilson explained, "I know it's Iron Man, but... I'm also in charge of your safety when there are no guards, Rita Dian Warden."

Zhang Dianyu manipulated Rita to nod, with a stiff and exaggerated smile still on his face.

After seeing Stark's suggestive gaze, Wilson withdrew his half-legged step into the hall.

"If you need help with anything, I'm right outside, Miss Rita."

After speaking, he turned around and fled quickly.

This Miss Rita's smile made one's back chill.

Stark: "..." He watched as the smile on Miss Rita's face suddenly withdrew, and returned to a deadpan state, staring at him with dull eyes.

To be honest, even knowing that there is someone behind it, it feels a bit weird.

Stark cleared his throat.

Miss Rita's eyeballs also followed him, still looking in his direction intently.

"Mr. Warden, you must know that there are countless researches stolen from Stark Industries. The worst part is that I find that I spend most of my time hunting down these technological achievements that were stolen for evil research." Stark Spreading his hands, "I want to look in your direction to look sincere, but I don't know where you are—so forget it."

Rita stared into Stark's eyes.

"it's here."

Stark: "..."

He turned his gaze to Miss Rita, and stared into her eyes in the same way. His neck quickly became stiff, and the atmosphere became even more awkward.

And Zhang Dianyu didn't seem to feel this change at all.

"You don't need to trust me," he said casually, "but thanks anyway."

"What?" Stark spread his hands in disbelief, "I haven't promised anything yet."

"But you will not allow these criminals to become a factor of instability." Zhang Dianyu said, "So I assume I have heard your foreshadowing, and we can get straight to the point."

"..." Stark: "I don't need any financial support, but I need you to ensure that the escape rate on the island is 0."

Zhang Dianyu: "0.5%."

Stark: "Deal."