Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 160


Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Stark smiled slightly, and stretched out his right hand: "Having a good cooperation?"

Zhang Dianyu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect this Stark to set him up, and he obediently got in.

But it doesn't hurt him either—at least he doesn't want super criminals to escape.

He gritted his teeth and stretched out his right hand expressionlessly, and held it with Stark.

When he was about to pull his hand out, he found that Stark had used a little force. He looked at each other suspiciously: "Mr. Stark, is there any question?"

Stark let go of his hand: "Now that the 'misunderstanding' has been resolved, you don't have to let Miss Rita do it all the time, do you?" He glanced at Zhang Dianyu, "To be honest, I still want to see Bill—in addition Miss Rita needs to be there for another psychiatrist appointment."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Stark obviously guessed how he passed the psychiatrist's test, but he still remembered that Zhang Dianyu didn't expect this.

He manipulated Rita to cough to attract her attention.

"Mr. Stark, in case you haven't realized it, I need to make a statement—I may not be human." Zhang Dianyu paused, "In fact, that's a euphemism, I'm not human at all."

When Zhang Dianyu said these words, his tone was very flat, but it has to be said that this did not leave him untouched.

Today, he has long accepted this fact, but saying this to others in person gave him a strange feeling in his heart.

From his own feelings, he never felt any difference between himself and a human being.

Stark said suddenly, "Sorry."

Zhang Dianyu manipulated Rita to glance at him, which seemed a little strange.

Stark shrugged and didn't mention the incident just now.

"So, for the rest of the time, it's this—" He looked at the black-haired beauty in front of him, "Miss Rita, is in charge of Alcatraz Prison?"

Zhang Dianyu manipulated Rita to nod.

Although most of the misunderstandings have now been cleared up—only the blame for the bill has not yet been deployed, he still decided to let Rita be stationed on Alcatraz temporarily.

Stark inspected the dilapidated wall: "Are you going to rely on this to maintain your 0.5% escape rate?"

Zhang Dianyu maintained his last dignity: "You have seen those engineering teams."

Stark blinked: "But I haven't seen a plane that can transport engineering teams."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"Mr. Warden, are you going to have the engineering team swim over?" Stark asked.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"Why not," Stark snapped his fingers, "I'll lend you a Quinjet fighter?"

For this sake, Zhang Dianyu definitely couldn't refuse - not only did he only have a broken helicopter, but he also didn't have a boat. Would he be escorting the prisoners to the ferry terminal

And this cheap helicopter, in addition to the pilot and the co-pilot, only has two passengers. It may be enough to escort ordinary prisoners, but it is also common for super criminals to jump out of the plane, and the security of this helicopter is not enough.

Zhang Dianyu nodded: "The apron in the prison is already under construction. When half of the engineering team is brought to the island, we can start building the cells here."

He looks around. This ancient building has a full sense of age, and the impressive facilities make people feel as if they have returned to the middle of the last century.

"Also," continued Stark, "perhaps in excess of modesty I haven't mentioned that I helped design and build the Vault..."

For some reason, he felt that Miss Rita was looking at him strangely.

"It is a superpower prison with the highest level of security." Stark inexplicably justified, "The specific structure is not convenient to disclose, but it has a very strong suppressive effect on superpowers."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Stark: "..."

"Okay," Stark said, "act like I didn't."

For the first time, he felt as if he could agree with the captain's point of view-not all problems can be solved with technology.

In fact, he was still full of curiosity about this mysterious Mr. Warden. But the other party has already thrown an olive branch to him today, which has resolved his doubts to a certain extent, and it is not suitable to continue to question the other party's identity at this time.

Although he was relieved to learn that he did not leave behind an illegitimate child, many mysteries remained.

The two walked out of the gate of the cell side by side, and Wilson not far away raised his hand to greet them.

The sunlight outside the door was a little dazzling, Stark raised his hand and put on his sunglasses. The sunny island is surrounded by greenery, but on the hillside in the center stands a fortified prison cell. This contrast gradually disappeared as Alcatraz was developed into a tourist attraction, but it seems to be coming back soon.

As Stark said before, from here you can see the Golden Gate Bridge across the strait, and there are tall buildings in the distance, which is the downtown area of San Francisco. Rumor has it that Alcatraz was chosen as the location of the prison, precisely because the bustling city and the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge can be seen from here - but the criminals imprisoned in it can only work day after day, and are not even allowed to talk.

From a certain perspective, their future plans seem to have some subtle similarities with the prison's "silent policy" at the beginning.

Zhang Dianyu didn't know what Stark was thinking, but he also looked at the Golden Gate Bridge on the other side of the island. A few months ago, it was demolished again by Magneto, and it is still under repair and has not been put into use—Zhang Dianyu knew this because he saw such an order in the subsidy mission.

Adhering to the principle that whoever does it cleans up, Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, and has already finalized the person who is going to be dispatched to carry out the task.

What's more, several months have passed, and the repair project of the bridge is still progressing slowly - obviously lacking a good hand to lift the steel bars.

Although Luthor had done a good job rebuilding the ruins of the metropolis, it was his own territory, even his own building, and he was certainly quite motivated to repair it.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while. Although there are many criminals with super powers, not all of them have the power of Magneto and can be entrusted with important tasks on the construction site.

Of course, he also had some preliminary ideas about how to control criminals—only one chance to experiment was missing.

After Stark walked out of the cell, he left in a hurry. The tourists outside were still landing on the island in an endless stream, and then left disappointed to get a refund.

From a certain perspective, this "cooperation" also helped him solve the problems that the artificial intelligence housekeeper was worrying about.

Stark raised his hand to summon the battle armor, and the golden-red Iron Man turned into a streamer and flew into the clouds. The situation is urgent, he needs to create the set of equipment that can upload thoughts to a platform and have interactive functions as soon as possible, and mass-produce and put it into use.

And Zhang Dianyu also arranged for Wilson to return to the prison through Miss Rita, and put on the Quinjet fighter borrowed by Stark to transport the engineering team to the island.

After doing this, Zhang Dianyu heaved a sigh of relief and leaned back on his sofa chair.

However, another prison car slowly drove up outside the map... followed by one, and another. The black prison vans slowly filled the main road and stopped at the gate of the prison.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."