Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 161


This is probably the situation where a large number of superpowers mentioned in the bill are about to go to prison.

The prison cars lined up outside the map, and Zhang Dianyu zoomed in on the game panel, only to find that the surface of each prison car was slightly different, as if using different suppression devices to prohibit the prisoners in the prison car from using superpowers.

Moisture was faintly seeping from the outside of some prison cars, some had blue-white light from the cracks in the doors, and some had strange sounds.

Zhang Dianyu looked solemn.

Judging from this situation, the people escorted this time are probably all criminals with superpowers.

He opened the game panel, and sure enough, the to-do list indicated that 10 new prisoners would be imprisoned today, but there were already five prison cars lined up on the map, and there seemed to be more behind, but they were already outside the map.

Ordinary prisoners can fit quite a lot in one prison van, and ten prisoners can fit so many vehicles, obviously because strict guards and specific devices are needed to imprison them.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help standing up.

It wasn't until he reached the gate of the prison that he realized that it was obviously quite dangerous to be in close contact with these prisoners—but he was really worried. He had to see with his own eyes what was inside before letting them in through the prison gates.

If it is really not possible—even if he uses his body to block the prison gate, he will refuse to accept it.

The first prison car got off two heavily armed guards, opened the back door of the prison car, lowered a slope, and then pushed out a glass box with wheels, which was filled with... soggy mud

The glass was covered with mud and sand, and it seemed to be shaking strangely.

Zhang Dianyu slowly opened the map, and saw two names appeared under the glass box—Basil Caro and Flint Marco. Although these two names are not familiar, you can see their nicknames by clicking on their profiles.

"Mudface" and "Sandman".

To be honest, judging from the surface of the glass box, the two of them had almost become a mass of mud, and it was impossible to tell if they were two people.

Of course, normal people also have to have a personality.

Zhang Dianyu was troubled for a moment. This glass box full of mud and sand is disgusting, and these two super criminals are also a bit tricky-for him, it is easy to trap a human being, but whether it can trap a puddle of mud or sand remains to be verified.

But in terms of super criminal's ability, the two of them are not particularly difficult to deal with, and he can't say any reason to refuse.

They're going to be human again in prison anyway—probably.

After all, Killer Crocodile and Professor Lizard are currently living in the same cell. Those who wanted to be human retained their atavistic appearance, while those who thought lizards were more advanced were assumed to have reverted to human form.

Zhang Dianyu suspects that the world is a bit rebellious.

He felt that the world should not judge that the real appearance of the two groups in the glass box should be a puddle of mud—if the two of them became humans, it would be easier to manage.

Zhang Dianyu waved his hand with a straight face, and asked the guards to push the glass box into the prison. He watched the box gradually enter the confines of the prison, and slowly raised his heart—if the two of them can't transform into humans, is it too late to reject it now

Maybe mud also has eyes. The moment the glass box stepped into the prison gate, there seemed to be a dull voice blocked by the glass, full of pretentious tones.

"Ah, it's the feeling of soul fusion~"

Zhang Dianyu's scalp felt numb.

But then, something happened as he expected. The silt in the glass box slowly slid to both ends of the box, gathered into lumps, and then turned into two men with entangled limbs.

Zhang Dianyu felt that this scene was a bit hot-eyed.

One of the men seemed to be taken aback by the scene in front of him, and then let out a long and rolling sigh: "Oh—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the prison guard who opened the side of the glass case.

Handcuffs were placed around his wrists, and he was roughly ripped from the glass case.

The sand that had covered the glass wall just now had disappeared without a trace, and the other man sitting inside was a little dazed. He was wearing a ridiculous green striped T-shirt, and he looked tired.

The guards pulled him out and put him in handcuffs.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the map and identified it. The pretentious guy in front is Mudface, and the one behind is Sandman—since they can look like human beings in prison, they have no choice but to accept them reluctantly.

But Zhang Dianyu still secretly made a note in his heart—they will take the two of them to the interrogation room some other day to give a hint. If you are dishonest, take the mud face to paste the wall, and the sand man to mix cement.

As the two newly admitted prisoners were taken to the prison inspection room for search, the first prison car finally drove away slowly.

There were more prisoners in the second prison car than Zhang Dianyu imagined, but they were all familiar faces in his memory—although not everyone could match the number, but he saw mechanical tentacles on his back and ugly goggles Dr. Octopus. Beside him is a balding man in a green tights, the wing gear behind him folded and chained. There was also a strange man in a fur coat on a hot day, and a freak with a fishbowl-like object on his head.

From the perspective of the octopus doctor, Zhang Dianyu vaguely guessed that these were Peter's old enemies.

He didn't think much, and waved his hand directly to let the prison guards take these people away. While Spider-Man is willing to be a good neighbor in New York, is it appropriate to put a kid who has just turned sixteen against such a group of old perverts

Dr. Octopus has so many robotic arms, it must be super double the speed when lifting bricks. Zhang Dianyu has good reasons for Peter's decompression, or for keeping them to work.

The people in the next prison car were packed in an insulating protective cover, and their bodies were still glowing with lightning. Zhang Dianyu also has an impression of this person, who is also one of Peter's enemies—why did Peter provoke the entire zoo at such a young age

Zhang Dianyu didn't have anything to say, so he directly took Electron Man down.

Although he has outstanding superpowers, he will not be given the opportunity to make trouble in the prison-if he wants to shine, he can go to the construction site. At least in Zhang Dianyu's impression, this electro-optic man was an excellent power system engineer before he became a super criminal.

He can also design and install high-voltage cables with his bare hands.

If it doesn't work, it can discharge itself.

Talents who can be used more these days are worth cherishing. Zhang Dianyu decided to let the electro-optical men sit in prison. Anyway, judging from their sentences, none of them have a sentence of more than a hundred years. If Electron wants to get out of prison early, he will have to move bricks.

These people were quite disdainful when they were pushed into the prison car, but when they stepped into the prison, their faces changed.

Except for the guy nicknamed "Mystery Man" because he has a fishbowl on his head.

Zhang Dianyu is really strange, there are too many strange species in this world. That’s all for those who passively mutate—those who put wings on themselves, those who wear fish tanks on their heads, those who think that lizards are the evolutionary trend of human beings, you name it. Compared with them, Gotham's mental illness is just weirdly crazy.

When these super-powered criminals passed through the prison gate, they immediately felt the changes in their bodies—their superpowers disappeared, and the parts that were different from ordinary people on the outside became normal. In other words, they feel that they are just ordinary people at the moment.

This caused a small commotion, but it was quickly stopped by prison guards.

As the prisoners were escorted to the prison inspection room by the prison guards one by one, the third prison van also slowly drove out of the prison.

At the same time, the sound of gold coins flowing in Zhang Dianyu's ears never stopped. Every time a prisoner is taken off the prison van, a subsidy is credited. This slightly relieved Zhang Dianyu's resistance, but it was only a drop in the bucket.

With a wave of his hand, he motioned for the guards to open the fourth prison van.

There are slight water stains on the outer wall of this car, which always makes people feel as if something is not right. Zhang Dianyu thought about it, and it must be a reptile. I don't know if Professor Killer Crocodile and Lizard would accept a new roommate.

The guard opened the back door of the prison car, pulled the iron chain and shook it vigorously, and said solemnly: "Get out of the car, Shark King."

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

This nickname sounds very bad.

The people inside moved slowly, and squeezed out of the prison car with slow steps. Every step he took made the prison car shake slightly, as if it would fall apart at any moment.

Finally, a silver-gray animal with smooth muscular lines stepped out of the prison cart, making Zhang Dianyu's heart skip a beat.

Those mutated super criminals in the past are nothing more than that, but this one doesn't look very human? It's more like those monsters that kill people in horror movies.

When the whole body of this monster was displayed in front of Zhang Dianyu, he realized that he had guessed right.

This is not a human, it is clearly a terrestrial shark—don’t ask him what a terrestrial shark is, anyway, this shark has two legs, can walk on the ground, is wrapped in heavy chains, but has a shark’s head .

The monster known as the Shark King narrowed his eyes, as if he was not used to the sunlight here.

Zhang Dianyu gasped. After thinking for a moment, he took out his mobile phone and searched for half-human, half-fish species on the browser.

But within a minute he gave up.

Because the searched webpages are all interviews about the traces of mermaids, the interviewees all described the stories of their encounters with mermaids as dreamlike, and they seemed to be addicted to a lot.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the monster in front of him again for confirmation.

Although they are all half-human, half-fish—this one is a fish with upper body and lower body, and from the appearance, it obviously does not meet the interviewee's words, "I knew it was my destiny the first time I saw her." partner" description.

Zhang Dianyu's face was stiff.

The guard dragged the chain and pulled Shark King to the prison gate, ready to hand it over to the prison guards.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't bear to stop the guard.

"Wait — no offense," he glanced at the shark's head above, "what's this?"

The sharkman responded faster than the guards, and immediately let out a cold snort from his nasal cavity - if he had one.

The guard saluted: "Mr. Warden, this is the notorious criminal 'Shark King'. He is a foreigner who claims to be Nanase, but he has been carrying out illegal and criminal activities on the ground all year round. On the wanted list."

Zhang Dianyu breathed a sigh of relief: "That is to say, he is indeed not a human—a mutated shark?"

"Mutation?" Shark King took the words in a vicious voice, and a stench came from his direction.

Zhang Dianyu coughed, trying to maintain an equal and respectful attitude, but ignored the Shark King, and continued on with a blank expression: "—that's easy to handle, although this prison can house criminals with superpowers, it doesn't Talking about continuous change—" He paused, considering that Shark King seemed to resist this kind of statement, so he changed the word, "Even shark people can accept it."

"Hey, what a big shark."

Zhang Dianyu hadn't finished speaking when he heard someone behind him speak.

The voice was familiar, and he turned around and saw Stark.

But there was another person behind Stark, and Zhang Dianyu also had a relationship once. It seems that the friendship is a bit shallow, but in fact they moved bricks together. This alien known as Thor is a real wall smashing expert, and Zhang Dianyu appreciates him very much.

Thor also recognized him, looking past Stark and meeting Zhang Dianyu, he nodded calmly.

Zhang Dianyu forgot about the Shark King for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Thor? What's your business here?"

They didn't interact much other than moving bricks, and he was surprised to see Thor - and he came with Stark.

Thor raised his chin and pointed to the row of prison cars behind: "I'm here for this."

Although Zhang Dianyu couldn't figure it out, he was not a fool. He immediately thought of Thor's famous younger brother.

His face became stiff—could it be that Loki, the god of mischief and lies, was also in the prison car behind? Do you still think the prison is not chaotic enough

In desperation, Stark quickly confirmed his thoughts.

"Our alien god friend insisted on visiting his imprisoned brother," he shrugged helplessly, "I had to fly here temporarily with him—long time no see, Mr. Warden."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

This deliberate sentence made him not know where to start complaining. Something that seemed to be helping him keep his vest—he actually wanted to punch Stark in the face.

If it weren't for the nerve circuit of this Thor who never turns, maybe he would have guessed about the vest.

Zhang Dianyu glared at Stark and got a wink.

"Don't worry, my teammate is very reliable."

Zhang Dianyu: "..." If Thor knew what Stark was talking about, he would definitely raise the hammer on the spot.

It seemed that their conversation was wasted too much time. The guard next to him seemed to have misunderstood what Zhang Dianyu meant, thinking that he had acquiesced to the Shark King's imprisonment, and started pulling the chain again to bring the Shark King to prison.

The half-man, half-shark monster has already stepped into the prison, and Zhang Dianyu intends to stop it.

But he was obviously not as fast as his steps landed. King Shark steps into prison, but nothing happens. He is still a ferocious and terrifying monster, and has not turned into a human like the previous ones.

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a moment. He remembered what the guard said just now. The Shark King was a monster from a different race, and he was not human in the first place. The image shown in the prison is the world's judgment of the prisoner's true self when he is stripped of his superpowers—that is to say, the killer crocodile feels that he is useless as a human being, and the world thinks that he is half-human and half-crocodile. It's useless for Professor Lizard to think that lizards are the real direction of human evolution. Anyway, the world thinks he is an ordinary person. As for how many degrees you have, that's another story.

After the silence, there was an explosion, and Zhang Dianyu yelled: "Stop!"

Stark next to him was taken aback.

Although Mr. Warden has a strange brain circuit and never plays cards according to common sense, he has never shouted in such agitated, frightened, angry, and urgent manner.

He subconsciously grabbed Mr. Warden, and his playful expression became serious: "Mr. Warden, what happened?"

Zhang Dianyu pointed at Shark King: "That's a shark!"

Stark: "..." Was the warden bitten by a shark

"I refuse to take this prisoner in." Zhang Dianyu said quickly, "That's a shark!"

"That's an agreement between the Ministry of Justice and various superhero organizations." Unexpectedly, the person who interjected turned out to be Thor next to him, "so it is impossible for him to be escorted back to Arkham."

Zhang Dianyu looked at Thor in surprise.

Stark helped to explain: "The government requires that criminals with superpowers be placed in centralized custody. Although no agreement has been reached on the registration of superheroes, an agreement has been tentatively reached on criminals with superpowers."

Zhang Dianyu opened his mouth and glanced at Thor behind him again.

"That's why I came here too." Thunder God replied in a gloomy tone.

Zhang Dianyu subconsciously looked at the prison car in the distance, and then at the Shark King whose height almost hit the top of the prison gate.

"Then what can I do with this shark?" he said in despair.

While King Shark might be a little less powerful here, who knows how the world will judge the level of ability of an "average half-man, half-shark"? With this height and muscles, he can easily overturn 10 prisoners in the dormitory.

The same reason Killer Crocodile can pose a threat in the sewers to prisoners trying to dig a tunnel to escape.

Seeing that Penguin's position as the chief prison officer is about to lose his position-although he is still in the hospital until now. Zhang Dianyu took the time to think about it, was Hulk knocked out and lived in so many heavenly courtyards? Is Penguin old and useless

The Shark King in the distance seemed to have guessed what Zhang Dianyu was thinking, and grinned in his direction.

Zhang Dianyu almost fainted.

Of course he is not afraid of Shark King, what he is afraid of is the security situation of the prison.

Stark glanced at the warden with a livid face next to him, and asked tentatively, "Mr. Warden doesn't look very happy?"

Zhang Dianyu is not only unhappy, he just wants to rush into the Capitol and grab someone in power to ask if you want to raise a sea fish at home.

"That's a shark!"

Stark felt the anger of Mr. Warden, and he became a repeater.

"Uh, like Killer Crocodile?"

Zhang Dianyu was a little desperate: "The killer crocodile is very willing to cooperate, for-I don't know why, maybe the sewer here is very sweet. But this shark-have you seen, Mr. Stark, he was right just now. I opened my mouth wide open."

"I've been studying the theory of the Dyson sphere recently, and I happen to have a little bit of experience in building facilities around specific objects." Stark said, "If—I mean, if we can reach a certain agreement with this Mr. Shark King, give him a relative freedom to roam the waters below Alcatraz and help stop prisoners from escaping from the island?"

Zhang Dianyu was dumbfounded.

What Stark meant was to build a spherical facility to enclose the entire Alcatraz Island, including a sea area. Once a prisoner tried to escape, the Shark King would give an early warning.

Zhang Dianyu was a little silent, he hesitated and asked: "Do you think this is feasible?"

"From my point of view, it is feasible, after all... After hearing about Alcatraz, I spent a lot of time researching how to make it a safe prison." Stark shrugged, " It's up to you how you plan to convince the shark."

After a while, Zhang Dianyu asked, "What do sharks like to eat?"

Stark: "...?"

He thought carefully for a moment: "Seal?"

Zhang Dianyu was a little shocked: "The seal is so cute, isn't it suitable?"

Stark quickly waved his hand: "I didn't mean that, Mr. Warden, seals are forbidden to be killed—and this monster prefers to eat people... But I don't recommend letting him eat people, otherwise we may both go to jail. "

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"And that shark is no ordinary shark—if you look carefully, Mr. Warden, you'll see he has feet," said Stark patiently.

Zhang Dianyu: "..." Isn't this nonsense

"So," Stark added, "I mean, communication. Knowing the opponent, often makes things more effective."

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, then took out his phone and opened the search engine.

After a while, a look of joy appeared on his face.

The way to subdue Shark King seems to be tailor-made for him.

"I understand, communicate." Zhang Dianyu looked up at Stark and smiled, "The Shark King is afraid of heights. If he doesn't agree, put him in a confinement room in the air for a day."

Stark: "..."

For a moment, he seemed to see the ruthless Mr. Warden behind the smile when he first met again.

Although he later felt that those might be misunderstandings—Mr. Warden seemed to have taken some blame that didn't belong to him.

But now he's not sure again.

Although he has not seen the confinement room in the air, he has heard of the one in the tomb. Can the one in the sky be far behind

Amidst Stark's stunned, Zhang Dianyu nodded to the prison guards who came over to receive King Shark. There were more prison guards this time than in the past when taking ordinary prisoners, and they were all equipped with stun guns. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with Shark King for a while.

Although he will be a dangerous element in the cell in the future, at least he can be sure of safety now.

Zhang Dianyu ordered the prison guards: "After searching him and changing into his prison uniform, take him to the interrogation room first. I have something to talk to this Mr. Nanase later."

With the sound of chains dragging the ground, King Shark was taken away by prison guards.

Zhang Dianyu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the prison cars behind, and frowned again.

He didn't know what kind of difficult guy was behind him, but judging from the current situation, it was almost certain that there was a god of mischief and lies.

This matter became a certain fact after the next prison car was opened.

Perhaps because he was afraid that he would be too deceptive, Loki's mouth was still covered by a special device, and his face became very ugly as a result.

When he stepped out of the prison car and saw Thor outside, his expression became even more gloomy.

Thunder God behind him said: "The person in charge of the prison, can you let me have a few words with my brother."

Zhang Dianyu looked back at the alien who had been regarded as a god by the people on earth. Judging from his performance, it doesn't look like he's here to rob a prison—otherwise he wouldn't have to ask Stark to lead the way, just fly over and smash the prison car with a hammer.

Loki glanced up at his half-brother, then looked away, wondering what he was thinking.

Zhang Dianyu nodded to the guards, signaling them to remove the device that prevented Loki from speaking.

"How many times does it take me to tell you. Sol, I'm not going back with you."

After gaining the freedom to speak, Loki immediately showed a mocking face, and coldly said a word to Thor who was not far away.

There seemed to be a trace of sadness on Thor's indestructible face, but it was fleeting.

"Yes, my brother, this is the thirty-sixth time you have left Asgard—I understand your feelings, and I will not force you to go back again. I just asked the Man of Steel, and the prison here has special Visiting hours allow me to make sure you're doing okay."

Loki's face froze.

Zhang Dianyu also opened his eyes suddenly.

He thought that Thor would find a way to bring Loki back—to be honest, he was not very resistant to criminals with superpowers, especially those who relied heavily on their own abilities and were just ordinary people except for their abilities, such as the electric man.

But people like Clown, Lecter, and Loki, who can turn the prison upside down with just one mouth, made Zhang Dianyu have to guard against them.

"Uh," Zhang Dianyu quickly interjected, "It's really touching brotherhood, even I have to be shaken by it—Mr. Thor, maybe you can try to communicate with the federal government again and bring your brother back to Aspen Gard, renew the brotherhood."

Thor obviously didn't feel his urgent expectation, but shook his head in frustration: "Loki, the atrium is indeed a place full of accidents and miracles, your character really doesn't belong to Asgard, since this is your wish, I'll explain it to Odin."

Loki raised his head suddenly: "Who asked you to explain to that old guy?"

Saul seemed a little embarrassed: "Then I will keep this a secret." Although he vaguely felt that he was not very proficient in this area.

Loki opened his mouth, his nostrils flaring.

In the next second, the frustrated Thor raised his hammer, and the crackling thunder light surrounded the legendary weapon, taking Sol off the ground and rushing into the sky.

Rocky: "..."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He stared blankly at the sky for a while, then lowered his head reluctantly: "Is he leaving just like that?"

Stark seemed to have guessed the warden's thoughts a little bit, opened his mouth, and finally could only cough.

Although he claims to be the smartest person in the world—of course there are several "most"—he can't assure Mr. Warden that Loki can stay in prison safely.

In fact, he found that highly unlikely.

Mr. Warden once assured him that the escape rate of Alcatraz Prison would be controlled below 0.5%, that is to say, only one out of 200 people can escape from prison at most. Judging from the current situation, this honor may go to Rocky.

There are many scheming people in the world - but Loki is the god of them all.

From a certain point of view, Stark felt that Mr. Warden seemed to have an indescribable simplicity, and he didn't know how many rounds he could survive under Loki's tricks.

Rocky was put on a speech restriction device again, and the prison guards escorted him to the prison inspection room.

Zhang Dianyu looked a little lost.

Accepting so many criminals with super powers in one breath made him feel a little depressed. But the encouraging news is that there is only the last prison car left.

As long as he accepts the last "surprise", his task for today is almost completed.

At this time, it was getting late, and the last prison car drove slowly towards the gate under the setting sun. Since this period of time, the time for the prison to accept prisoners is no longer fixed, and surprises may be brought at any time, which makes Zhang Dianyu feel a little nervous.

He couldn't help but carefully observed the outer wall of the last prison car. There is no water stain on it, and there is no exposed light, but it still can't make people lower their vigilance.

What seems the most ordinary is often the most dangerous. Zhang Dianyu is well aware of this truth, especially after dealing with so many criminals for a long time.

Whenever the prison enters the most peaceful period, the seeds of riots are quietly planted. Prisoners will take this opportunity to hide contraband and form gangs to prepare for the battle after the conflict escalates.

Zhang Dianyu took a deep breath and signaled the guards to open the last prison car.

Stark didn't leave. He saw Mr. Warden's nervousness, and decided to stand by as Iron Man to deter the next criminals, no matter who he was.

The guards got into the prison van, and escorted out a man in a green suit. Zhang Dianyu glanced at it and gasped—this man was actually wearing a green hat.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the question mark on his hat, and wanted to make a question mark himself.

Although Americans don't have the term green hat, this dress is a bit too refreshing. However, Zhang Dianyu knew this person, the famous riddler of mentally ill criminals.

Obviously he could escape immediately after committing a crime, but he wanted to inform Batman.

Who knows if he actually wants to commit a crime or inform Batman.

When the Riddler opened his mouth, Zhang Dianyu interrupted him. He asked the guard next to him, "Is there only one copy of the device that Loki put on his mouth just now?"

Riddler: "You—"

The guard also interrupted him: "Yes, Mr. Warden. This criminal doesn't have any superpowers, so in the end, this is the only one left."

Riddler: "I—"

Zhang Dianyu interrupted him again: "Then just find something and plug his mouth."

Guard: "Yes, Mr. Warden."

Riddler: "???"

He seemed a little annoyed when he was taken away.

Zhang Dianyu secretly sighed. Although he simply and rudely sealed the Riddler's mouth, he was also a criminal with a high IQ and belonged to the most difficult category in the prison.

Arkham seems to have been sending in a bit of talent lately, but Batman hasn't been around for a long time. According to the bill, he was at odds with Stark over the Superhuman Registration Act.

Zhang Dianyu was a little confused. He didn't know how many files of superhumans he had collected, but he didn't approve of the registration of superhumans. What was his idea

He was so worried that he pulled out a hair of his own.

Stark: "???"

The way Mr. Warden self-mutilates is different from that of ordinary people.

"Mr. Warden," he felt a little worried, "Since Mr. Fergus is not your beloved teacher, why don't you...?"

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Stark: "..."

What does that mean, does it mean that he is going to make himself as bald as Mr. Fergus? Was the bald spot picked out? Not long ago, Stark emphasized that it was genetic.

Zhang Dianyu opened his mouth, anger and frustration intertwined into a web in his heart.

"Sorry, just kidding." Stark spread his hands, "Mr. Warden seems to be a little confused from time to time—of course, in order to manage this prison, I can understand, but I once thought that Mr. Fergus could become your spirit Pillars." Now that Zhang Dianyu admits that Fergus is one of his vests, there is obviously no reason for him to explain himself.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while, and suddenly realized that Stark seemed to be tricking him.

He wondered who else was behind him.

That's the bill, of course.

Zhang Dianyu blinked, of course he didn't intend to hide the bill, but obviously he couldn't say it out loud.

"I don't need anyone to be my spiritual support." Zhang Dianyu replied coldly, "Because—I'm mentally ill."

The guard who was about to drive the prison car away slowly looked over.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Stark fell silent. He didn't expect Mr. Warden to tell the truth, but in fact, Mr. Warden gave him a definite response—he probably guessed the meaning of this sentence. Although it was a bit strange, he had to say , The effect is really outstanding, and even once fooled him.

Strange and eerie had struck such a delicate balance that one could believe it was the truth—which Stark finds a little unbelievable when he thinks about it now.

"I'm curious," Zhang Dianyu said suddenly, "why Batman opposes the Superhuman Registration Act."

Stark didn't seem to have expected him to ask such a pointed question.

He froze for a moment, then smiled again.

Zhang Dianyu was a little puzzled.

Stark shrugged: "It's not difficult for me to guess-but since Mr. Warden can ask such a question, I assume you seem to know Batman a little bit?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He just asked a doubt in his heart. Can this also reveal information so that Stark finds that he has little contact with Batman but knows it very well

"It's normal that he doesn't trust the federal government," Stark said, "—and anyone, that's not normal."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"I see," he nodded solemnly, "like someone."

Stark: "?"

For some reason, he always felt that Mr. Warden had something to say.

Zhang Dianyu sighed, turned his head to look at the setting sun, and wondered whether the prison could safely pass the night.

This is destined to be an extraordinary night, and there is a shark waiting to be threatened by him in the interrogation room.

Stark looked at the side face of the warden, and then turned his head to look at the sunset.

He hadn't sat down to watch the sunset for a long time.

Of course it is still standing now.

After Stark left, Zhang Dianyu turned around and walked into the prison gate, walking along the path to the interrogation room near the edge of the prison.

At this time, the prisoners were gathering towards the restaurant, and it was almost time for dinner.

The interrogation room was as gloomy as ever, especially after a monster much taller and stronger than ordinary people was tied to the interrogation chair opposite, like a scene in a horror movie.

Shark King's black eyes stared at the man who walked in, and he sneered softly.

"I'm here to negotiate." Zhang Dianyu said.

King Shark laughed.

"So," he said darkly, "how do you want to be eaten?"

Zhang Dianyu looked at him expressionlessly.

That night, after dinner, the free time for the prisoners ended and everyone went back to their cells. Before lights out, they can read a book from the library or take a pre-bedtime bath.

But today's atmosphere is somewhat depressing.

It seemed that some kind of cold-blooded animal roared faintly in the distance, as if it would tear all the people it met into pieces.

The prisoners shivered and drew the quilt to wrap themselves tightly.