Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 162


After dealing with the Shark King, Zhang Dianyu took a leisurely walk along the trail and returned to the warden's office.

There was a shrill scream in the sky, causing the prisoners along the way to speed up their pace after seeing him, and ran to their dormitory with their heads down.

Zhang Dianyu felt that they were thinking too much. It is illegal to use lynching in prisons—of course, most private prisons cannot avoid this, except here.

Because there is a sky-eyed bill staring at him all the time, but the one who can make a judgment on this is probably the invisible world itself in the mouth of the bill that has to take care of even the most important things.

Since prison timetables were changed to improve prison ratings, most free time has been changed to incarceration - otherwise taxpayers feel that criminals are not getting enough punishment.

So Zhang Dianyu could only bear the restlessness caused by a group of big men being locked together for a long time.

Although a single cell has always been planned, it has always been put on hold for various reasons, so that Zhang Dianyu has heard the legend among the prisoners that he is very stingy.

Although I don't know how to refute it, but when he finds out the culprit, he must stay in the sky for a few days to try.

However, due to the modification of the prison time, there is no free time after dinner, and the prison is no longer like a university. But this is very individual behavior.

Zhang Dianyu once tried to commend a prisoner who used his free time to study, but the prisoner was so frightened that he returned all the books to the library.

So he had to let the pass rate of the reform plan go his own way.

By the time he returned to his office, it was dark and the prisoners' dinner time was over. The Shark King still howls in the air brig, so loud that it can be heard from such a distance.

Zhang Dianyu walked into the office silently, intending to find a pair of earplugs from the magic drawer.

He greeted Banner who was sitting in the assistant's seat, then went inside and opened the green staff door, only to find that Bill was sitting on the sofa.

He thought about it, and vaguely remembered that the boy was sitting in his bedroom before. It's just that the series of events that followed made him gradually forget the existence of the Act.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the boy on the sofa, cleared his throat: "Have you met Stark?"

"No." Act replied.

Zhang Dianyu breathed a sigh of relief - although he didn't know why.

Maybe he always felt that the scene of Bill's showdown with Stark must be crazy, which made him nervous involuntarily.

"Stark knows." Bill raised his face slightly, staring at Zhang Dianyu seriously and said.

Zhang Dianyu immediately disregarded the relationship: "You know—'I'm mentally ill', right? It's impossible for me to tell the truth."

After he finished speaking, he carefully glanced outside. Banner's face seemed to be hidden behind a pile of documents, and he didn't notice the situation here. He closed the door softly, watching the bill curl up his mouth slightly.

"Yes." Bill nodded, then looked at Zhang Dianyu with a frown and said, "But I don't understand why he guessed the truth from your words—why are you laughing?"

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but laughed directly, walked over and rubbed the little head that was staring at him, and then threw Bill into the bedroom by the back of his neck.

"I still have something to deal with, you lie down quietly for me first."

Just as he was looking for earplugs in the drawer, Bill poked his head out from behind the green staff door: "If Stark finds out about my existence..."

He seemed a little hesitant, which was odd. Zhang Dianyu slowed down his search for things, and looked back at the boy who seemed to be thinking.

"—Then I can stop pretending to be this identity."

Zhang Dianyu was stunned.

"At first you were not used to my existence, and I promised you to appear in front of you as a carrier." Bill's blue eyes looked at him, "But now you seem to have adapted—and Stark doesn't need to be in front of you." If I continue to pretend this identity, then I will disappear."

"Like... the beginning?" Zhang Dianyu asked slowly.

Bill nodded.

"Managing the prison is a sample job. If you can accomplish this, I don't need to show up."

Zhang Dianyu didn't know what to say for a moment. Although he didn't like this little thing that popped up out of nowhere, when he heard that he was leaving, he felt a strange feeling rising in his chest.

"So where will you be?"

"I am the Super Human Registration Act itself, and I am with it." Act replied solemnly.

"So, when I want to find you, I... open the bill and call for you?" Zhang Dianyu asked hesitantly.

"That's fine too," Bill nodded, "but it's not necessary, I'm still by your side—if you need it, I can still chat with you."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"Or if you don't want me to appear, I can be like the beginning." Bill continued.

Zhang Dianyu: "... go back to sleep."

Bill: "Oh."

The boy obediently withdrew his head back into the room, without emphasizing the fact that he didn't need to sleep. Zhang Dianyu finally found a pair of earplugs from the drawer, and held it in his hand in a daze.

Banner, who knocked on the door and came in, saw the earplugs in his hand, with a complicated expression on his face.

"I know, lynching is illegal." Zhang Dianyu said before he could speak.

Banner raised his finger and pointed outside: "Mr. Warden... the prisoners' reaction was great."

Zhang Dianyu looked at Banner and handed him the earplugs in his hand.

Banner: "..." He took it in silence.

"Send gun-wielding guards to the dormitory to patrol tonight." Zhang Dianyu said to Banner, and added after thinking, "But the stun gun is still the priority, and all troublemakers will be locked in the confinement room. By the way, send Rocky Separated from the others—send him to a solitary unit for mentally ill criminals."

Banner hesitated to speak, Zhang Dianyu raised a hand: "I know. There are many new prisoners entering the prison today, and there are not enough beds in the dormitory, so we can only let them spend one night in the detention cell."

Except for Loki—leave the god of lies and tricks in the holding cell, lest he start breaking out with other prisoners before midnight.

Although Zhang Dianyu is not sure whether Loki will be shot dead by armed guards in this prison, but he still has a plan to kill the gods for the time being—especially when the evil god’s brother looks like a macho man in tears and heartbroken to come to him Saying goodbye to his younger brother, Zhang Dianyu had no choice but to miss the friendship of moving bricks together.

Banner didn't say anything more, and went to inform the guards of his arrangement.

To be honest, Zhang Dianyu also felt a little tricky about this matter.

To recruit a criminal, you must first understand his deep desire - Loki wants the throne and he can't give it. Other than that, he just wanted to make an earth-shattering move to attract the attention of his father and brother - this piece of Dian Yu couldn't do it either.

Zhang Dianyu was still racking his brains on how to arrange for Rocky, when the phone on his desk rang.

The guard said that when Loki heard that he was going to be sent to the psychiatric ward, he immediately tried to attack the guards, was stunned by the stun gun, and was lying on the ground at this time—the guards came here just before he woke up Make an internal call to report to Zhang Dianyu and ask what to do next.

Because Zhang Dianyu fulfilled his order to keep him informed of Loki's movements.

Theoretically, Rocky should be imprisoned in the confinement room at this time, but there are still clowns and hydra living in the confinement room. Zhang Dianyu decided to keep him away from these troublemakers temporarily, so he returned to the prison guards and asked them to arrange for Rocky To the luxury cells of the morgue.

Mr. Cthulhu, who was lying on the concrete floor tiles, was woken up by a bucket of cold water from the guard.

Loki sat up and wiped his face, his face darkened a little bit. He is still in the detention cell. On the bench next to him are today's newly imprisoned criminals. The crimson prison uniforms on their bodies represent that they are all serious criminals. Sitting in a row, watching him make a fool of himself by being knocked down to the ground by the stun gun.

Loki raised his head and glared at them with icy eyes.

The criminals on the bench showed innocent expressions—they were all stripped and searched by ordinary guards in the prison inspection room today, who cares about other people's ugliness.

It's a hell of a prison.

The moment they stepped out of the prison car and saw the simple outer wall, they still felt that freedom was right in front of them. As long as they escorted the prison car away, they would be free to fly.

The result is that they are now obediently sitting in a row, without even a bed to sleep on.

It was around the end of dinner when they heard passing prisoners outside whispering something that seemed to be about the evil warden torturing the newcomers - which also meant they hadn't been able to go out for dinner. Because Dr. Octopus's robotic arm is likely to cause chaos in the cafeteria, today's dinner for this group of prisoners is only a bowl of soup and two slices of bread sent by the prison guards, which is the dinner for the prisoners in the confinement room.

Among the newly imprisoned prisoners, several of them were teammates with Dr. Octopus. Together they formed an organization called the "Sinister Six" and used their spare time to do things in New York. Dr. Octopus was exactly The leader among several people. But at this time, the prisoners were chewing the bread that tasted like wax, and it seemed that a different atmosphere was gradually spreading.

Doctor Octopus doesn't seem to realize this yet, but Loki has.

It's just that before he had time to alienate a few people, the plan was interrupted by the prison guard who suddenly walked into the detention cell. The guards roughly pulled him from the bench, twisted his arms behind his back and handcuffed him.

When did Loki suffer such grievances—especially when the guards said they would take him to a cell in the psychiatric ward.

"Who said I was mentally ill?" Loki looked at the guard with cold eyes, "Tell him to come out."

Of course the guard refused him, and Loki struggled angrily a few times, and he didn't know what happened afterwards—or rather, he fell to the cold floor after a burst of electric shock pain.

Then he was woken up by even more icy water.

"Prisoner 601009, you have been transferred to the morgue by the warden." The guard pulled him up from the floor and said expressionlessly.

The prisoners on the bench opened their mouths collectively.

Loki's expression also froze—is this warden really as vicious as in the legend