Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 163


Soon, Zhang Dianyu received a second call from the guards.

The content of the guard's report was simple, and Loki was stunned to the floor by the stun gun again, because he also refused to go to the morgue, and there was a physical confrontation with the prison guards, which ended up repeating the consequences not long ago.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

As a god, this is a bit miserable.

If Zhang Dianyu hadn't known about the good deeds Loki had done in the news, he might have felt compassion now.

He thought for a while and said to the phone: "He has already wasted two chances, so send him to the underground confinement room."

When Loki woke up, he found himself in a dark and lightless small space, and he could touch the cold wall with his hand. The space above the head is not high, it seems to be a wooden board, and it will make a hollow sound when knocked on it.

This situation is a bit strange. Calmly groping the upper planks, he felt that this might be a way out—apparently, he was in this eerie atrium prison, bereft of his magic... and clothes, in stupid prison uniforms, in an apparently In the small dark room used to punish prisoners.

The first step he has to do is to leave the prison's power field or something, and then let the bold warden here kneel down and beg for mercy.

Zhang Dianyu in the office found a new pair of earplugs and walked into the bedroom behind him.

It has to be said that compared with the bed in Stark's house, his bed of the same size as the prisoner's is a bit narrow for two people—although the bill only occupies half of the person's place.

The two looked at the ceiling calmly until Zhang Dianyu said, "Go down and sleep on the sofa."

"You used to let Peter sleep in your room and sleep on the couch," Bill replied.

"You don't need to sleep." Zhang Dianyu glanced at his side, "It's like this—who are you to me?"

Bill thought for a while and sat up, then nodded to Zhang Dianyu in the dark: "You are right."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

In fact, things didn't get much better after driving Bill away, and he still felt a little restless. The prison that night was full of unrest, and the Scarecrow would come to interview the psychiatrist the next day. He and Bill also designed a small trap, intending to let the Scarecrow jump in by himself.

He opened the map, saw the big silver-gray ball Shark King huddled in a ball in the air confinement room, saw the newly imprisoned super criminals on the bench to maintain their dignity without sleeping, and finally pulled the map to Loki's cemetery Brigade.

Now he was wide awake.

He saw on the map that Loki was destroying the coffin above his head, and even the coffin was crooked red, proving that the item had been damaged.

Zhang Dianyu immediately got up and put on a suit coat, and called a few guards to wait above the cemetery.

Loki spent a lot of work, and finally broke a hole in the wooden board above his head that could barely accommodate himself to climb up. With his hands still in handcuffs, such an act was much more difficult than usual—plus he lost the magic he usually relied on.

The plank is very thick and smooth to the touch, but a bit weak as a ceiling.

He stretched out his arms with difficulty, and grabbed the side to prepare to climb up. The back of his hand touched something smooth to the touch, but the cold and hard contact surface seemed to be a little elastic.

Loki nimbly got out of the hole, and saw a dead man's stiff face head on.

He caught off guard and let go of his hand and fell down.

"Odin's—" He almost blurted out an Asgardian catchphrase, but closed his mouth just in time, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

There was the sound of shoveling soil, followed by a glimmer of light from a flashlight. Loki frowned to block the light, and saw a face looking at him from outside the hole.

The man's face was hidden behind the flashlight, and the face could not be seen clearly, only a voice was heard.

"Move the body away."

Loki: "...?" What he encountered just now was really a corpse? He thought it was a prison, but he seemed to touch the corpse on the roof of the confinement room unexpectedly, so that he let go of his hands and fell down in a state of anxiety.

However, he calmed down the moment he fell, and thought about it carefully, thinking that it might be a latex prop used for the daily practice of the guards.

But this judgment was denied when he looked up and saw the person coming.

Loki was silent for a moment.

He thought the Atrium had long since escaped the ignorant and dark stage of civilization—but why were there discarded corpses on the roof of the prison used to punish and imprison criminals

The sound of shoveling soil above the head stopped temporarily, and the voice ordered: "No. 601009 is trying to escape from prison, bring him up."

Rocky: "?" People in the atrium now like to talk on the roof

After a few minutes, he finally knew what was going on.

It wasn't that the other party was on the roof, but he was underground—he was stunned twice as soon as he came to this ghost place, and he was buried alive while taking this opportunity

At this time, Zhang Dianyu was studying the coffin that had been smashed through with a big hole. He glanced back at Loki who was brought up: "This is for compensation."

Loki snorted.

Zhang Dianyu paused: "No money?"

Loki's face sank: "How dare you talk to me like this?"

Zhang Dianyu: "Do you have any money?"

Rocky: "..."

Zhang Dianyu sighed. It seems that Mr. Cthulhu is a newcomer in this world.

"If you don't have any money, you can only deduct it from the wages of labor in prison." He looked at Rocky, "Labour is voluntary, and you can accumulate points to apply for parole—but before you pay for the coffin, your Prison labor is compulsory."

Rocky gave Zhang Dianyu a nasal sound again.

But before the other party could speak, Zhang Dianyu stepped up from the grave, patted the dirt on his hands, looked at him and said, "I know a place that is very suitable for you."

Zhang Dianyu smiled.

Rocky wanted to satirize the other party, but this strange prison did give him a sense of danger—of course, it could also be the miserable howling of animals that kept coming from the wind, which made him shudder.

In addition to snarling and screaming, shadowy in the darkness, there seemed to be someone moving up and down all the time, transporting items deep into the prison.

Linking to the corpse just now, Loki's thinking also became active, and he had some not-so-good guesses.

"I still don't understand." He saw the young man called "Mr. Warden" open his hands to him, and asked calmly, "What's wrong with the morgue?"

Rocky: "..."

He was eventually taken to the morgue anyway.

It seems that due to some new decision, Mr. Warden not only did not continue to pursue the matter of knocking a big hole in his coffin—of course he did not exempt him from financial compensation—but also arranged for him a high-grade prison cell that resembled a simple bedroom.

Turns out that's what the morgue meant.

If he had known earlier, he would not have received an electric shock.

Although the electric shock could not cause any substantial harm to him even in the weakened state, but being unconscious on the cold floor with his face in full view clearly made him remember the so-called "Mr. Warden" in his memory. on the blacklist.

No matter what the warden's next trick is, it will be a stepping stone to his escape.

Zhang Dianyu in the office looked at the map of the morgue, and the plus sign on Loki's status bar increased a few more, and he felt a little relieved—maybe it meant that he would not make trouble for the time being.

I didn't expect the alien's arm strength to be quite good. Even though he couldn't use magic here, he could still punch through the coffin board with his bare hands. Is this why he often beat others with his staff to practice it

Zhang Dianyu shook his head.

He had already fallen asleep, but he opened the map to check the status of the newly admitted prisoners. The detention cell was still calm, and everyone sat on the bench to rest in an orderly manner, but the fatigue value seemed Relatively full.

However, the prisoners are tired and have less time to create riots, which is a good thing.

Shark King huddled in the corner of the air confinement room far away from the crowd. The plus sign of the fear value was so green that it was so bright that it filled the entire screen. Make trouble easily.

The Riddler sat on the floor of the room two empty brigs away from the Joker, with a question mark popping out of the bubble above his head.

Zhang Dianyu admired it for a while, and felt that it matched well.

At this moment, a black head stretched out before his eyes.

Zhang Dianyu pushed the bill aside: "Why?"

"You shouldn't have sent him to the brig," Bill said solemnly.

"He will disturb the order." Zhang Dianyu babbled casually.

Bill looked at him disapprovingly: "But if this continues, it is impossible to raise the prison rating to 3 points."

Zhang Dianyu glanced at him slowly.

"After the prison rating is improved, you can accept more high-value subsidy tasks. This is the basic rule set by this world." Bill looked up at his game panel, and pointed to the Riddler sitting on the floor of the confinement room. "There's a question mark over his head, which means you're not playing by the rules."

Zhang Dianyu poked his head away: "Do you know who this is? It's normal to have question marks on the bubbles, and he will draw question marks on his head."

The bill casts a disapproving glance: "And the opening of a staff safety training session for a secretive mutant juvenile offender correctional center."

Zhang Dianyu slowly made a question mark.

No wonder he was able to recruit so few employees, it turned out that no one passed this so-called safety training - but is it normal to have employees recruited first and then trained

He even wanted to take the risk of receiving a ticket and forcefully send a few employees over there. It's just that he still has half of the old houses on the island to be repaired, and he can't afford that much money to pay the fine for the time being.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the Riddler in the confinement room, and seemed a little shaken.

"And the clown," Bill interjected at the right moment, "is supposed to be nearing the end of his solitary confinement for violating the prison system."

Zhang Dianyu's shaken heart became firm again.

He looked at the bill: "you can go out."

The boy was kicked out of the bedroom, Zhang Dianyu leaned on the pillow in the dark and sighed.

Of course he wanted to improve the prison rating - but doing so was much more difficult than establishing a small goal.

It's no ordinary prison, but even the Vault, which Stark helped build, has super criminals breaking out of it from time to time, let alone other prisons.

Arkham is the most famous place for free-range mentally ill criminals—prisoners feel like returning home when they return there. They go back to visit during the holidays, share their experiences during this period with inmates, and improve their criminal skills.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Dianyu has strengthened his belief that free-range breeding should not be allowed.

Of course, in order to make the prisoners work more, he did not set a little prison time in the prison. In addition to bathing, sleeping and eating, prisoners can come out to work. At the same time, prisoners often organize large-scale escapes.

Zhang Dianyu sometimes does not know whether the things that happened in his memory are real or not.

But at least the world is real.

No matter what the reason is, he can't continue to keep prisoners loose—whether he wants to commit a crime or not, first put all the dangerous people into the confinement room and keep them under strict surveillance.

Zhang Dianyu looked at the three who were assigned by him to take care of the mutant teenagers. These people were all outstanding super criminals. Zhang Dianyu was actually very worried.

There was no window in his room, and he couldn't see any light from outside, but the map on the game panel showed that it was almost midnight.

The engineering team built the apron on the roof of the cafeteria overnight in the dark night, and it is estimated that it will be ready for use tomorrow. Stark is willing to lend him one of the Quinjet fighter jets he built for S.H.I.E.L.D. to transport prisoners—but at least it needs a landing pad.

No prisoner could sleep well that night.

It's nothing more than the terrifying roar of wild animals from outside, and the sound of construction outside has been heard all night-judging from the direction from which the sound came, this is the Holy Land canteen in everyone's mind.

Early the next morning, the prisoners didn't even have time to take a shower. As soon as 8 o'clock, they crowded at the door of the dormitory, trying to see the situation outside.

The canteen is intact and still carries the weight of its role—food, entertainment, and all the relaxing moments of inmates' incarceration.

But its roof is covered with a dark gray platform, and its purpose cannot be seen from below, but in connection with what happened not long ago, the prisoners already have guesses in their minds.

Sure enough, while the prisoners were having their breakfast in suspense, there was the roar of engines overhead.

The moment the jet landed on the roof, Strange, who was serious and focused on scooping potato soup into the prisoners' plates, swayed with the whole building, and poured a spoonful of soup into the prison before it could be spilled. into Banner's bowl.

Banner looked intently at his bowl, then looked up at Strange again.

Strange: "…"

Banner: "... congratulations?"

Strange gave him a cold look: "You should also be a 'doctor'."

Banner shrugged: "I'm not that kind of 'doctor'. I study high-energy physics. Of course I believe in miracles."

Strange: "…"

It was Stark who came out of the Quinjet fighter. He looked around and found Mr. Warden who was meditating under the cafeteria.

"I'm very glad you built the apron so quickly, Mr. Warden." Stark tried not to look sarcastic, "Then I want to know, where are the stairs going down?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..." This is exactly what he was thinking about.

In the end Stark went down the maintenance ladder.

He looked at Zhang Dianyu, and then at the dilapidated maintenance ladder with a few streaks of dust on his new suit.

"Mr. Warden, don't you come from... a planet that doesn't need windows or stairs?" Stark thought for a while and added, "Sometimes you don't need doors."

"..." Zhang Dianyu restrained his expression: "I completely... belong to the earth." He wanted to say that he was from the earth, but he didn't know whether he counted.

Stark thought about it.

Zhang Dianyu looked at him again: "You don't have to come here in person, it's the same if you have something to tell Rita."

Stark raised his eyebrows: "That is to say, you can get the information synchronized with her?"

Zhang Dianyu spread his hands.

"But I came this time to talk to another person." Stark smiled slightly, "You know."

Zhang Dianyu is of course happy to hear that the bill is about to be overturned.

He took Stark back to the warden's office, and Bill sat on the couch and enjoyed his breakfast in a serious manner - in the case of his use of the carrier, he, like Zhang Dianyu, must eat and sleep normally, whether human or not .

Of course, humans sleep to protect their brains. And this carrier is not important to him, it can be discarded at any time. Especially since Stark is close to the truth, Bill may discard this body at any time.

Stark stood in front of the green staff door, facing the bill on the sofa, and the two met their eyes.

"Do you have something to say to me, little guy?" Stark asked casually, brushing off his tie.

The boy on the sofa looked serious.

"I want to take you somewhere."

In the next second, Zhang Dianyu, who was watching the excitement with his arms folded, became stiff.

Stark and Bill both fell to the ground and fell asleep, unable to wake up no matter how they called. He even peeled off a cactus spine to help, and things got worse, and Stark's hands started bleeding.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He could only drag the two of them into the bedroom and hide them, hoping that the rest would go well.

Because he has an interview with the Scarecrow at ten o'clock.