Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 165


Zhang Dianyu followed Banner's gaze down and saw a few drops of blood on his neckline.

He thought about it for a while before he remembered what was going on - he had cut a cactus thorn before trying to wake Stark up, but of course, he didn't succeed.

But he felt a little guilty.

Zhang Dianyu met Banner's gaze and raised his hand to cover his nose.

Banner: "?"

"I just had a bit of nosebleed," Zhang Dianyu said very calmly, "It's not a big problem."

Banner: "...?"

"So I may need to rest for a while." Zhang Dianyu looked at Banner's face, and slowly closed the green staff door in front of him, "The documents can be placed on my desk."

The door lock closed with a click, Zhang Dianyu leaned back against the door, took a deep breath, and listened to the sound outside.

Banner was silent for a while, and then there was the sound of folders falling on the desk outside the door, followed by the sound of footsteps gradually going away.

Zhang Dianyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He reached for the switch at the door, and the whole room was suddenly illuminated, but Stark was nowhere to be seen. Bill on the bed was still in a comatose position, as if he didn't wake up with Stark.

Zhang Dianyu was a little shocked.

His eyes turned around in the room, and suddenly thought of something, he slowly looked up to the ceiling, and finally met a pair of warm brown eyes.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Stark coughed to relieve the embarrassing scene: "I never said that the experience is from myself."

Fortunately, Peter was not here, and he didn't know that his reputation was suddenly killed.

After Stark came down, Zhang Dianyu saw clearly how he got up—obviously it was impossible to really climb up to the ceiling like Peter, and it was impossible to use superpowers in the prison. His battle armor appeared out of nowhere to wrap around his limbs, allowing him to gain almost psychic climbing abilities.

"I finally understand why the coverage of artificial intelligence here is intermittent." Stark fell to the ground and complained, "Why is there another virtual world superimposed here-this is why you want me to use virtual reality technology The real reason for developing it?"

Zhang Dianyu didn't answer because his head was filled with question marks.

Stark glanced at him and seemed to realize that he didn't know.

He spread his hands, looked at the sleeping boy on the bed, and slowly shook his head: "Damn, you must have no idea how much information I have received in such a short period of time, I just hope that if I really do If you have a child, it won't be such an inexplicable little thing, at least it should be easier to communicate-by the way, what time is it now?"

Zhang Dianyu looked at Stark, very relieved that he finally asked this question.

From his expression, Stark also felt something was wrong.

"Close to 35 hours." Zhang Dianyu replied.

Stark seemed to be stunned: "...that is to say, I have been missing for such a long time?"

"But no one knows you are here, you hide it well." Zhang Dianyu smiled.

"?" Stark slowly typed a question mark: "Is it because you hid it well?"

Zhang Dianyu: "Thank you."

Stark: "I didn't praise you!"

Zhang Dianyu shrugged. At least now that Stark is awake, he's finally relieved.

"Mr. Stark, what do you mean by superimposing another world?"

The expression on Stark's face was a little frozen, and his eyes slowly turned to Zhang Dianyu, as if he hesitated to speak.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while: "Let me guess—is it some kind of testing sandbox for the set of samples mentioned in the bill?"

Stark seemed to be relieved, and tentatively asked a little cautiously: "You don't mind? I mean—" He seemed to have been close to the truth, but quickly rejected himself.

Ultimately, although Mr. Warden's behavior is often beyond imagination, he feels no different from a real human being.

Judging from the Warden's daily communications, although he said he was not human, he did not see himself as a different species—until today, he did not even know that he was a species.

Although he has never asked his own artificial intelligence butler what it feels like, but as another creation, he may be a little sensitive to this topic.

Sure enough, he saw Mr. Warden's face darken: "Of course I mind." The black-haired young man paused, and said through gritted teeth: "I haven't figured out what this little thing is talking about until now... I only know this perhaps."

Stark: "..." He still thought too much.

It turned out that Mr. Warden had such an idea, then...they reached an astonishing agreement.

But he opened his mouth, but changed the subject: "Bill... Bill, okay. So he told me who he is, but... things are much more outrageous than expected."

Zhang Dianyu pouted at the sleepy boy on the bed: "What's wrong with him?"

Stark was silent for a rare moment, and looked up at Zhang Dianyu, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

Zhang Dianyu's expression became serious: "What? Is something wrong?"

"Are you concerned about the bill?" Stark asked back.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"He's fine, but... things may be a little bit beyond imagination." Stark sighed, "I really saw a ghost."

Zhang Dianyu's heart skipped a beat—Stark even showed this expression and made this evaluation, obviously things must be going in an uncontrollable direction again.

Zhang Dianyu asked cautiously, "What's going on?"

Stark put his hands in his suit pockets and pointed to the boy on the bed: "You should ask him."

As his words fell to the ground, Bill's eyelashes moved, and the eyeballs under his eyelids also moved slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

Zhang Dianyu immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Wow," the black-haired, blue-eyed boy sat up, tilted his head, looked around with some curiosity, and then his eyes fell on Zhang Dianyu's face, "I know you."

Zhang Dianyu: "...?" Isn't this nonsense

"You are the one who suddenly disappeared after attracting a lot of naked pursuers." Bill stared at Zhang Dianyu thoughtfully, "It seems that I was the only one who was chased for an unknown distance— But this also solves a question in my mind, it seems that you are fine."

"..." Zhang Dianyu immediately remembered who it was.

Isn't this the Stark from another world it saw in the dream? At the beginning, because he used the "prison search" skill, it also affected the prison in reality. He was awakened by Bill and Banner, and disappeared in front of that Stark.

But this also solved one of his doubts—the black-haired and blue-eyed Stark in the desert was chased by a group of naked prison guards for a long time.

He felt a little guilty, but felt that the imaginary scene was a little funny, so he couldn't help coughing, and covered up his smile.

He looked at Stark who was put into Act's body, and then at Stark next to him: "So, this is where Act took you to? That...dream?"

"Sandbox, just like what you said just now." Stark shrugged, "Tony in the other world fell into a coma after deleting his brain, lost in his dream. But the sandbox was originally what he was simulating Created when the Act was run, just brought into the world by the Act—the sandbox had a name, he called it Biosphere 46."

"So, 45 failed before?" Zhang Dianyu analyzed.

"No, Biosphere 1 refers to the place we live in. Biosphere 2 refers to an experiment that simulated the living environment in the past. The next 43 are his simulations of how ordinary people should live with superpowers." Si Tucker looked at Zhang Dianyu.

"Biosphere 46 is about what will happen after the superpowers who refuse to register are imprisoned during the simulation run." Stark glanced at Zhang Dianyu, "But before it has time to start, it has already happened in reality." —The government has proposed the 'Superhuman Registration Act', so there is no need to use this program anymore."

Zhang Dianyu fell into deep thought. That being said, from a certain point of view, the bill's previous view that prison is not a game may also be correct.

It's just that the game has not been transplanted into this biosphere 46, and the plan has been stranded.

But can this damn prison really help Stark in another world to maintain world peace—Zhang Dianyu is extremely skeptical.

The black-haired boy sitting on the bed listened carefully to the conversation between the two, and suddenly interrupted: "This idea sounds good."

Zhang Dianyu rolled his eyes: "Listen to me—it has nothing to do with 'not bad' at all, you failed."

The boy shrugged, leaned back on the bed, and blinked his big blue eyes at Zhang Dianyu: "Although I heard that I did it, but since this gentleman thinks so, then—good-looking people always talk Can't be too wrong, unless they're my girlfriends."

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Stark: "..." He discovered that facing another self was like a public execution.

Especially since this Stark has lost his memory and is in a boy's shell.

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a moment: "What about the bill?"

Black-haired boy: "My son?"

Zhang Dianyu took a deep breath, and was surprised by Stark's kind answer: "Is that how you admit it?"

"I don't know," the dark-haired boy shrugged, jumping to the ground to stretch himself, "that's what the little guy said anyway. I don't know who I am, and I certainly don't remember my son—but Judging from the sense of disobedience in my brain at the moment, I should not be the same age as my son."

He opened his arms and looked at Zhang Dianyu innocently and harmlessly.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

The other Stark suddenly took a step forward, with a serious look on his face, even serious—Zhang Dianyu felt that he must have some bad idea.

"Physiologically speaking, I am..." He paused for a while, but still didn't say it, and replaced it with a gesture, pointing to the black-haired boy in front of him, "—father, you have half of my genes."

The dark-haired boy nodded without hesitation.

But Zhang Dianyu had a bad premonition.

Stark pointed at him, and continued to introduce the black-haired boy: "And this is the person who provided you with the other half of your genes."

The blue eyes of the black-haired boy, who had always been indifferent, finally widened slightly. After thinking for a moment, he smiled at Zhang Dianyu: "Mom?"

Zhang Dianyu: "...?"