Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 30


Undoubtedly, Zhang Dianyu chose the second option.

After the engineering team returned to the prison, a new dormitory for 100 people could be built on the newly bought land within two days. The detention cell, which was temporarily used for the 100 new prisoners, is also useless.

Zhang Dianyu originally wanted to change it back to a restaurant, but now he has overturned this plan.

He plans to convert the temporary detention cell into a large public toilet, and set a one-hour use time before lunch every day, and prohibit entry and exit during the rest of the time.

In this way, no one will dig a tunnel to escape from prison.

Zhang Dianyu was very satisfied.

Prisoners who don't know their future excretion fate are happily enjoying their mid-level lunch in the cafeteria, and the sound of spoons touching the plates can be heard endlessly.

Zhang Dianyu patrolled among the prisoners.

No matter where he went, there would be silence in an instant. Zhang Dianyu smiled, picked a lucky prisoner at random, and patted him on the shoulder affectionately.

"How's the smoked sausage?"

The prisoner seemed to be choking on food, and nodded timidly: "Very...very good."

"Well, if it tastes good, eat more." Zhang Dianyu said.

Because after two days you may not want to eat more.

Zhang Dianyu met the prisoner's eyes, touched his tie with a smile, and his expression was full of joy.

The prisoner's hands trembled a little, and when Zhang Dianyu left the restaurant, he heard the sound of a large spoon falling to the ground.

After returning to the office, Zhang Dianyu first clicked on the small map in the game panel to check the status of the clown.

The map shows that the pixel clown is in a deep sleep, locked inside the iron door of his cell.

Zhang Dianyu was satisfied with this.

He glanced at the next batch of prisoners on his to-do list to receive a reminder.

Since the prison has already accommodated more than 200 people, and he does not plan to increase the capacity, only one transfer prisoner will arrive next Tuesday.

The high-standard cells in the morgue have been replaced with ordinary cell doors, and the next transferred prisoner still has a chance to stay here, provided that he doesn't like to make trouble like the clown and the original Hydra cannon fodder.

But at this moment, Zhang Dianyu discovered a problem.

Same as the previous two times when receiving and transferring prisoners, there is also an extra task in terms of the number of prisoners received.

* Build a 4x6 single cell for transferring prisoners 0/1

Zhang Dianyu was shocked.

It's really getting harder and harder to serve the transferred prisoners now. Why is this cell bigger than others

Zhang Dianyu fell into deep thought, presumably this prisoner is not an ordinary person, he is probably another difficult assassin.

He sighed secretly. The total assets of the prison took a rare leap, and I am afraid that it will drop sharply after this prisoner arrives.

I don't know who this person who has special requirements for the size of the cell is.

It was useless to think too much, Zhang Dianyu re-planned a plan for the renovation, and made a sketch of another dormitory, and the construction could start only after the engineering team came back.

In this way, two days have passed, and Mr. Wayne's holiday villa should be almost completed, right

Zhang Dianyu wondered if Batman secretly dissected his pixel villain. But when he opened the employee panel to check the status of the workers, he found not only that there were no dead or injured villains, but no one showed fatigue under their feet.

Anyway, the money was paid on a daily basis. As long as the engineering team was fine, Zhang Dianyu didn't mind them staying at Wayne's place for a few more days.

At the meeting that night, Stark took the lead in announcing that he had solved the prison escape problem—as long as the defense was strengthened, the situation of running sixty or seventy prisoners at one time should not appear in the future.

After all, I have never heard of any prison that escaped with the number of dozens of people at a time, and there is no such scale of college students skipping classes.

The best part is that there are several jailbreaks almost every month.

This is a hotel, right

Fury pondered for a moment, his face serious: "Stark, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

Stark also agreed: "But Mr. Warden has said that he will deal with this issue-and the identities of those prisoners are a mystery, even SHIELD can't find out the information of those prisoners who have escaped, can't they-and Batman, How are the prison staff you tricked you into doing your research?"

"It's a legitimate transaction with a contract between me and the warden." The person on the light screen was dressed in a black Batman armor, and it seemed that he planned to go to the night patrol after the meeting.

Stark, who was sitting leisurely on the sofa, shrugged his shoulders, while Fury on the other light screen was still expressionless, with his hands behind his back, standing like a soldier, and the scene behind him couldn't tell where he was. .

"Judging from the infrared spectrum analysis, those engineers are all human beings. The scan results show that their strength and speed are higher than ordinary people. They should be some kind of rudimentary mutant humans with superpowers." Batman said slowly, "But... these workers The difference from normal people is also obvious." He fell silent after saying this. Stark and Fury in the light screen looked at each other and asked, "What's the difference?"

"It's difficult for them to communicate normally with people, and they often repeat the same paragraph." Batman said solemnly, "And as far as I know, the employees in the prison don't have a fixed rest time—I suspect they are some kind of biological technology product .”

The expressions of the three of them gradually became serious.

It has to be said that each of them has some old friends, they have no respect for life ethics and morality, and they try to play God with their own strength.

Most importantly, it was almost never successful, and a lot of monsters were created because of it.

If the employees are all reformed people under the control of the warden—or even lives created through certain technical means, then it is very worthy of attention.

In the end, Fury interrupted the dignified atmosphere: "SHIELD received news that next Tuesday, a prisoner will be transferred overnight from the Cube Prison to that prison—you know, the Cube is specially used to detain people who have been exposed to gamma rays. A prison for radiation criminals."

Stark frowned: "I have also received the news, but I don't think that person is dangerous enough to be put in prison."

"Stark, maybe for him, this is a good thing."

The engineering team returned to the prison the next day, Wayne Enterprises' engineering funds arrived quickly, and Stark Industries also sent two truckloads of anti-riot vests as scheduled.

Now that the other party has fulfilled the contract, Zhang Dianyu must of course follow the agreement between the two parties and prepare to reduce the escape rate.

The construction team spent one night building the new dormitory, so the guards sent all the new prisoners who had nowhere to take them and were temporarily placed in the detention cells into the new dormitory early the next morning.

The inmates discovered the problem after 15 minutes, and the noise was endless.

The beds in the new dormitory were brought over from the temporary detention cell, with spacious showers and patterned floors, and the conditions were quite good.

There is only one problem - there are no toilets in the dorms.

The prisoner who first discovered this problem yelled loudly, and others gradually noticed this problem.

Some prisoners were handcuffed and escorted by the guards as soon as they woke up. Before they had time to solve the problem of excretion every morning, they could hardly hold back.

Zhang Dianyu certainly considered this question.

He arranged for a few armed guards to come on duty, flashing their polished shotguns, and guarding the passages of the new dormitory with grim faces.

Soon, several prisoners who erupted with strong dissatisfaction died down, and a dark red liquid slowly spread on the ground.

Someone started to sob.

At this time, Zhang Dianyu had already arranged for an engineering team to dismantle the toilets in the original dormitory and install them in the detention cells that were converted into public toilets.

A riot also broke out in another dormitory at this time, and several people were also sent to the morgue.

But the responses of the two dormitories were quite different.

The hundreds of inmates in the old dormitory would respond in accordance with prison policy, but usually not particularly violently. And after sending in guards to suppress them, they will surrender quickly.

The residents of the new dormitory are all new prisoners who came in with the clown. After being suppressed, they will resist in a small area, crying and yelling.

Zhang Dianyu thought about it, maybe the original batch of tool people have not been upgraded, and only the newcomers have higher AI.

But right now he is more concerned with the construction of centralized toilets.

The efficiency of the engineering team is unquestionable, and the toilets were built before lunch. From the map, toilets are closely arranged in a fairly spacious space, which can accommodate 60 people to go to the toilet at the same time.

It's really spectacular.

Zhang Dianyu was very satisfied. With a toilet of this size, one hour of toilet time is more than enough, and the problem of jailbreak is solved.

It hasn't cost much yet.

An hour before lunchtime, the guards first escorted the prisoners to the canteen, and then announced a new policy of regular and centralized bathroom visits.

The prisoners felt as if they were living in a dream.

"Only one hour a day?" one of the prisoners in the queue shouted discontentedly, "how can that be enough!"

The guard with the gun responded quickly, and Zhang Dianyu on the side pressed down the barrel of his gun, motioning him to wait.

He slowly walked up to the prisoner who raised objections, looked at the bald man with a tattoo on his forehead, and asked softly, "Not enough?"

The other party suddenly gaped and stared at him blankly.

Zhang Dianyu suddenly smiled: "Then is one day enough?"

Prisoner: "..." He seemed to have a bad premonition.

Zhang Dianyu snapped his fingers with his back to the guard, and stared gently at the one in front of him: "Call the engineering team to add a cell in the middle of the toilet, and transfer this..." He glanced at the prisoner's information, "This 303025 is transferred to this cell .”

The face of the prisoner is a little green.

Zhang Dianyu patted the other party's collar with a smile: "Is this enough?"

The prisoner opened his mouth, but he was afraid that saying the wrong thing would lead to a more terrible encounter, so he didn't make any sound in the end.

Soon all the prisoners silently accepted this arrangement, especially the prisoners in the new dormitory, who were a little faster than the original ones.

It seems that they are more intelligent, Zhang Dianyu thought.

In the afternoon, there was an unexpected visit from the prison.

Zhang Dianyu almost forgot about it. When he received Peter's uneasy report that there was a Planet Daily reporter named Clark Kent at the door who wanted to interview Mr. Warden, he suddenly remembered Mr. Wayne some time ago. hint.

Zhang Dianyu, who has just upgraded the prison, expressed his willingness to be interviewed very happily.

Although he doesn't know whether the prison's superpower restricted area has an impact on this alien, Zhang Dianyu feels that this will definitely be a good opportunity.

Since it is a follow-up mission of Wayne's visit, it must also bring good benefits.

For example, the report on the democratic and harmonious prison with a low escape rate has attracted new attention, paving the way for continuous investment in the future.

Zhang Dianyu felt that the future was bright.

However, he felt that since Superman came, there must be some tasks to take over.

Peter went to meet reporter Kent outside the gate, and led him to the warden's office, which he had been notified in advance.

Kent knew Peter, the Avengers sidekick Spider-Man, who was on good terms with most Superheroes.

Who wouldn't love a silently helpful little New York neighbor

Among the Avengers who have disclosed their identities successively, Spider-Man's identity has not been announced, which made Kent feel kind.

Unlike other Avengers of his own caliber, Peter is all about the warm-hearted boy-next-door.

But today he looked a little dejected.

They walked side by side on the gravel road with a fairly good environment, and Peter pointed to the building on the left from a distance.

"Super... Mr. Kent, Mr. Warden is in the innermost office."

The reporter adjusted his glasses in shock. No wonder he was told not to reveal anything to Spider-Man - he thought it was someone's regular vigilance.

Peter scratched his hair embarrassingly, and changed the subject to defuse the embarrassment: "Uh, Mr. Kent, let me... introduce you to the prison?"

That's not bad, the reporter nodded in agreement: "Thank you, Mr. Parker."

Peter thought for a while, and started with the activity and labor center on the west side of the prison on the left: "There are libraries and classrooms here, as well as a church and a mail room for prisoners to study and work. Points for their performance assessment for parole and a salary."

After being here for more than a week, he felt that the warden was not bad. Although he didn't look like he had good intentions, and his behavior often confused people, he didn't act particularly out of the ordinary.

However, the following introduction is still a bit difficult to beautify.

The reporter already had some understanding of what he said, but he nodded gently, motioning him to continue.

Peter scratched his hair and pointed to the right side: "Uh, the west side of this building is the restaurant, the canteen, and the public room for the prisoners to entertain."

It is said to be a room, but in fact it is only a small open space in the corner. There were some chairs there, and that's where Harley Quinn put several prisoners into the hospital.

However, the reporter also understood these contents.

"The east side is the collective toilet of the prison. The one hour before lunch every day is the time for the prisoners to go to the toilet, and the rest of the time cannot use the facilities here."

Reporter Kent: "...?"

Peter looked around, lowered his voice and approached: "This renovation just happened this morning, and I haven't had time to report it yet."

Kent was a little shocked, and lowered his voice: "Peter, you shouldn't say this publicly."

"Don't worry," Peter said confidently, "the warden doesn't have the money to install bugs in the courtyard."

Reporter Kent has more question marks on his face.

Peter went on to introduce: "The courtyard behind the restaurant is a place for the prisoners to relax, uh..." At this time, it was the time for the escape, and more than two hundred prisoners were forced to squeeze into the small courtyard. Is there a ghost full of hormones screaming far away? came.

The land of the prison is clearly less tense, but the warden seems to have forgotten about it.

Peter quickly changed the subject: "The south side of the cafeteria and the rear are prisoner dormitories. Each dormitory can accommodate a hundred people. The middle is the mortuary and the infirmary. The warden has specially repaired it several times. The clown was locked in it at the beginning. There."

Kent: "Stopped in the infirmary?"

The infirmary seems to be an easy escape for the clown

Peter: ", in the morgue."

Kent: "..."

Peter didn't expect that he didn't know about it, so he changed the subject: "The building on the westernmost side is the new mental ward of the prison, where the clown is now being held."

Kent nodded subconsciously, as if he was still immersed in the topic just now.

Peter: "..."

It's not that he can't understand it. When he first saw the warden's bewildering behavior, he was also frightened. Even the well-informed Mr. Wayne once fell silent in front of the new concrete wall.

"Mr. Kent, please go this way." The two walked to the front of the office building. Peter suppressed the excitement of seeing an acquaintance, and politely led the way for the reporter.

Peter brought Kent into the office and saw Mr. Warden sitting behind his desk thinking.

Peter was no stranger to such situations. Mr. Warden would often fall into deep thought alone, staring at a place in the air, as if there was something worth studying in front of him.

Zhang Dianyu came back to his senses and saw the person walking in.

The black-haired reporter had a faint smile on his face, and the blue eyes behind the glasses were as clear as the sky, looking reliable and gentle.

He went around the desk to shake hands with the other party, and motioned to the sofa: "Mr. Kent, is that right? Please sit down."

The reporter sat down calmly and uttered a pre-planned lie: "Mr. Warden, I recently heard that both Wayne Enterprises and Stark Industries have had business dealings with prisons. I hope to have an exclusive interview with you. Talk about whether the newly developed anti-riot vest can achieve the expected effect?"

Zhang Dianyu recalled: "The prison is very grateful for the lofty sense of social responsibility of the two philanthropists, not only the anti-riot vests sponsored by Stark Industries, the two gentlemen have also taken care of the prisoners in the prison to reform the prison and invested in some other charities cause."

The reporter Ken nodded and took out the recording pen: "Then, Mr. Warden, would you mind if I record the content of the interview?"

Zhang Dianyu made a "please" gesture.

The conversation between the two is very pleasant and basically produces no nourishing dialogue. Two hours later, Zhang Dianyu called Peter again and asked him to take the reporter out.

After the two left, Zhang Dianyu returned to his chair and continued to meditate—in fact, he was looking at the game panel thinking about where to put the large cell for the next prisoner transfer.

The morgue can no longer be divided, and there are not many places left for the morgue. Now the roads for people to pass have been squeezed out, leaving only a narrow one.

It is not known whether the newly transferred prisoners are mentally ill, and they are not suitable for being placed directly in the mental ward.

Zhang Dianyu thought about it. For newcomers, it is prison policy that they cannot be sent directly to a cell, but must spend a few days in a holding cell before they can begin their prison career.

Although the transfer of prisoners is special and is not affected by this policy, it does not mean that Zhang Dianyu cannot do so.

It will cost a lot of money to temporarily transfer prisoners to reform prisons every time, and if they cannot be kept in the future, they need to be demolished.

Such a waste.

It is better to directly set aside a block to build a cell specially for newly transferred prisoners, and then prepare special cells for these 15,000 after a period of observation.

Zhang Dianyu remembered the super-powered criminals that Fury had said, and he might be sent in one after another in the future.

However, the setting of the game is obviously focused on building prisons. In order to avoid deviation from the theme, these super-powered criminals are directly suppressed, which is unexpected by Zhang Dianyu.

But... it seems to be right.

Zhang Dianyu always felt that something was wrong, but it seemed to be all right.

All in all, he has nothing else to do now, as if he was born to build this prison.

But obviously, he did a good job, Zhang Dianyu thought with satisfaction.

During the teleconference that night, two new light screens were added.

One is Mr. Reporter during the day, and the other is Peter, who barely found a place on the bed to set up his mobile phone and sat on a small round stool to participate in the meeting.

"I want to ask," Stark carefully observed the background on the screen, "were you locked in a cell at night, Peter?"

The environment where Peter lived was dim and dark, and there was no arrangement. There was a simple wall lamp embedded in the white wall, and there was no desk.

"No, no, Mr. S..." Peter almost said his name, but took it back in time, "Mr. Warden is still sleeping on the sofa in the office."

The poor conditions caused everyone present to fall into a moment of silence.

The warden, who is bewilderingly stingy, spends the night on the couch

That was... more confusing.

If Zhang Dianyu were here, he would definitely say that it wasn't that he didn't want to, but that there was currently no place for him to plug the bed.

Recently, people have been visiting the office from time to time, and it is too outrageous to see a bed as soon as you enter the door.

It's even worse than that pot of murderous cactus.

At this moment, someone pushed open the secret door and knocked on the wall next to it: "Peter?"

Everyone on the screen: Is there such a knock on the door!

Peter frantically grabbed the phone, trying to stuff it into his trouser pocket, but accidentally dropped it out.

Zhang Dianyu shook his head: "I'm sorry, Peter... It is forbidden to use personal mobile phones in the office area in the prison."

Peter swallowed, trying to find an excuse.

"—But your room is a private area." Zhang Dianyu pointed out.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, Mr. Warden."

Zhang Dianyu: "Here are the resumes of some security guards who are going to be recruited. You can contact them."

There is no way, the prison has lost several groups of manpower one after another. If new guards are not recruited, there will not even be enough people responsible for opening doors and escorting prisoners.

Zhang Dianyu has always been reluctant to recruit new employees, because these newcomers are different from the original pixel villains, they will be afraid, have emotions, just like a real person.

Emotionally speaking, Zhang Dianyu cares more about the original scumbags, but the death of these new employees will make him feel uncomfortable.

However, the death of guards in prisons is a common occurrence.

After Zhang Dianyu left the document and left, Peter lay in the crack of the door and looked out for a long time, before finally taking out his phone furtively and setting it up again.

"Gentlemen, did I miss something?" He looked expectantly at the screen, his first teleconference.

"Almost all topics." Stark said relentlessly, "Didn't the warden leave long ago? You listened behind the crack of the door for half an hour, why are we waiting for you?"

Peter: "..."

Having said that, it can be frustrating to feel unfulfilled.

"But there is one question left," Stark paused, looking in Fury's direction.

Everyone was in the projected light screen, and it was not easy to determine who they were looking at, but Fury quickly understood Stark's meaning and nodded slightly.

Stark cleared his throat: "Peter, we've already discussed it. The fact that superpowers will be suppressed in prison makes you an ordinary high school student, so it's not appropriate to continue undercover there."

Peter froze, and slowly lowered his eyelids.

He knew that this was something that happened sooner or later, and it was also the reason why he kept concealing it in the report—he thought it would be better to delay it for a few more days, and then report to S.H.I.E.L.D. after he found out the reason.

But as an undercover agent, that doesn't qualify.

Peter was silent for a while, and everyone else was watching him from the screen, until he raised his head again and mustered up the courage to say, "I know, it's my fault...but sir, I can't leave." His tone gradually changed. Quickly, I gradually became anxious, "If I leave the prison, who will prove that Mr. Warden is a good person—I understand that you don't trust this place, but Mr. Warden is definitely not planning any conspiracy!"

Stark rolled his eyes, and Mr. Wayne on the other screen also showed disapproval.

"You have to know that no one wants to go to jail to be disadvantageous, Peter." Suddenly someone spoke, and Peter raised his head. It was Kent who had just met during the day.

"But we can't act on emotion," Kent said softly. "If Mr. Warden is all right, he's your ally."

He looked at the other two screens and smiled a little: "I'm sorry—although I'm very glad that the editor-in-chief rejected my proposal to interview the prison, otherwise I really don't know how to write this report." He shook his head helplessly, "—but As a reporter, I prefer to respect the facts."

Peter cheered up: "Sir, I also want to be a reporter."

Seeing Peter who suddenly started to ask the reporter for advice, Stark rolled his eyes hard.

Peter was able to stay in the prison for the time being, but the next day he received a big package filled with all kinds of weird...self-defense tools

There was also a big "waste" sticker on the top of the box.

Peter: "..."

In fact, he was quite moved.

In view of the increased consumption rate of the guards when transferring prisoners, Zhang Dianyu checked the recruitment information by the way when he was planning a new receiving cell for transferring prisoners, and selected a few people for Peter to contact.

To be honest, these people's resumes are quite rich.

Most of the prison guards who applied for this kind of private prison had a background in military service, or had practiced some fighting skills, and they seemed a little more reliable than the original ones.

The original silly pixel villains are tall, short, fat, thin, black and white, and they don't seem to be able to fight.

Even equipped with stun guns, they are often brought down by prisoners with the skill of fighting experts. Not to mention being robbed of the stun gun, he might be killed by a backstab from a ferocious prisoner.

Zhang Dianyu felt helpless.

He even wondered whether to adapt them all to the chef team in the future. The previous guard who was rushed to the kitchen by Zhang Dianyu to move potatoes for protection because he offended the clown seemed to have completely integrated into the atmosphere of the kitchen. Zhang Dianyu even spotted him several times wearing a prison guard's hat and a white chef's uniform, shaking spoons in front of the stove.

In this way, although the intelligence level of these pixel villains is not high, it is not impossible to cultivate them.

Zhang Dianyu pondered for a while, and felt that it was not impossible to set up a small group of idiots.

But the most important thing now is to arrange for the new transfer prisoners.

The clown has been in a deep sleep for the past few days under the arrangement of sedatives. He wonders if he will become a fool with too many injections.

But...seemed to be good too.

Most of the psychiatric wards are still vacant now. It was originally planned to wait for the Arkham talent market to gradually settle in and then complete the task of establishing a psychiatric ward. Therefore, Zhang Dianyu has not taken the initiative to accept mentally ill criminals.

Therefore, it cannot be transformed into a receiving cell for transferring prisoners.

The only other vacant area was the land between the psychiatric ward and the new dormitory, which was adjacent to the morgue and was also a quiet place.

Zhang Dianyu felt good.

He directly planned an 8x8 area here as a prison cell—the offices of ordinary employees such as lawyers and accountants are only a quarter of the size—and then set up a circle of walls outside to house guard posts.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a moment, and moved the guard tower to this side.

Anyway, there are not many cases of violent prison escapes in prisons. They are basically digging tunnels, and snipers blow the wind on them every day (and get the highest salary), and there is actually nothing to do.

Zhang Dianyu simply moved all three guard towers over and asked the snipers to move the prisoner cells and the west wing of the psychiatric ward.

Once the clowns or transfer prisoners try to escape or cause trouble, the snipers who are too idle will have a job to do.

It can even solve Zhang Dianyu's troubles once and for all.

Zhang Dianyu, who has gradually become rich, no longer needs to fear one or two fines from the prison administration.

Two days later, new guards were on duty, and the transfer cells were constructed—like the mortuary's luxury cells, they even came with toilets.

Enough to make the prisoners envious.

Seeing the desire of the prisoners for the toilet, Zhang Dianyu temporarily added a new policy—the prisoner with the highest weekly safety score can be rewarded with the opportunity to live in the morgue for a week.

When the guards announced the new policy, the prisoners couldn't help showing a mixture of horror and joy.

The new recruits were also shocked.

This job really opened up a new world for them—before they never thought that living in a morgue could be considered a reward.

But that's not the only weirdness.

The centralized toilets that are opened on a regular basis are even more frightening—as well as those guard colleagues who look like they have been hypnotized, and the warden who forces them to work 24 hours a day, making people suspect that they have come to hell.

If you can get out of here alive, maybe you should complain to the regulatory authorities.

But the warden's glance made them have to give up this idea.

Just live.

At 8 o'clock on Tuesday morning, Zhang Dianyu was waiting for the arrival of the new prison van, but found a plane slowly landed in the garbage dump opposite the prison.

This is not surprising, since Stark and Wayne have been here a few times, Zhang Dianyu has gradually become immune to people traveling by plane.

Immediately afterwards, the plane door opened, and several armed special forces soldiers ran down, escorting what might be called a prison van.

This is a dark green metal box with the logo of the US Army spray-painted on it.

Zhang Dianyu fell into deep thought.

With the previous two experiences, he had already begun to think that most of the transferred prisoners were villains in superheroes, used to add a little fun to the prison-probably, he didn't feel happy at all anyway.

But how did this transferred prisoner get involved with the military

The dark green prison van moved slowly towards the gate of the prison. Zhang Dianyu stood up and decided to see what was going on.

When he arrived at the gate of the prison, the prison car had already stopped, and a man dressed in military uniform stood behind him, with gray temples and a majestic expression, he was not easy to provoke.

Zhang Dianyu counted the stars on his epaulettes, three of them were lieutenant generals.

This rank is not low, what kind of vicious criminals will be sent? Zhang Dianyu became curious.

"I'm General Ross, in charge of the Hulk arrest team. Are you the warden here?"

The lieutenant general cast his gaze on Zhang Dianyu the first time he appeared, and spoke in a very blunt tone.

But Zhang Dianyu's focus is no longer on the attitude of General Ross.

"Hulk arrest team"

This sentence reveals an important message - Hulk.

That green Jarhead humanoid self-propelled tank? Zhang Dianyu gasped.

Why was this kind of nuclear weapon sent to his prison? Zhang Dianyu began to doubt whether the prison's inhibitory effect on superpowers could work on Hulk.

After all, that's the Hulk.

Perhaps it was Zhang Dianyu's shocked expression that aroused General Ross's contempt. He glanced at the prison's simple gate and barbed wire fence with disgust, and frowned unabashedly.

"Mr. Warden," General Ross said indifferently, "please lead the way, I need to confirm that this place does have the ability to detain this criminal, otherwise even a letter from the Ministry of Justice cannot change my mind, and I will take him away .”

Only then did Zhang Dianyu notice General Ross's two eyebrows that were about to knot.

Had he known he wouldn't have built a transfer cell—wouldn't it be better to take the Hulk away

Zhang Dianyu secretly sighed.

The special forces members of the Hulk arrest team opened the prison car, and pushed out a metal cylindrical object with a glass cover from inside. The hands and feet of the people inside were firmly fixed on the metal side wall, with their eyes closed and their upper bodies bare. Wearing a pair of tattered purple trousers, a tired and thin face can be vaguely seen.