Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 32


But Zhang Dianyu thought about it, and felt that it was still not quite right—Hulk is certainly not afraid of bullets, but Banner is different.

If he can't become the Hulk in prison, wouldn't he be shot and killed

This is a simple truth, and Ross and Banner will not fail to understand it.

Maybe they don't believe that Hulk can really be restrained here-in fact, Zhang Dianyu can't believe it either. But if this is the case, he will lose a 15,000 that is safe and sound!

Surely not.

Zhang Dianyu's face darkened: "General Ross, the prisoner has been handed over to the prison. I'm afraid you don't have the right to shoot him."

Rose looked at him for a while, raised his hand and pressed down, and the soldiers behind him put down the barrels one by one.

Both Zhang Dianyu and Rose turned their attention to Banner.

Banner felt a little unbelievable about the current situation: "You... don't you really want me to call out that 'big guy'?"

Zhang Dianyu raised an eyebrow and asked softly, "Why don't you try it?"

This self-confidence made Ross gradually feel a little confused. He wanted to believe but couldn't believe it.

The Hulk, whom he spent years and years hunting down, was suppressed lightly like this? A pair of handcuffs that inhibit gamma ray mutation? Is this realistic

Banner stared at the young Mr. Warden.

He looked at his watch absently, and occasionally raised his eyes to glance here, and there seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ever since he found that looking at the game panel facing the air would look like he was in a daze, Zhang Dianyu changed the habit of looking at his watch while looking at the game panel.

"Doctor?" he asked.

Banner sighed and closed his eyes.

The air became stagnant in an instant, and several soldiers of the Hulk arrest team held their guns tightly, intending to use a special anesthetic needle to bring Hulk down at any moment.

Only the original guards in the prison, after receiving Zhang Dianyu's order, started daily patrols according to a fixed route.

At this time, in the entire small courtyard, there is only the monotonous footsteps of the pixel villain guards.

But this voice made people's hearts tense, and General Ross clenched his hands behind his back into fists.

And Zhang Dianyu also lowered his wrist, looking at Banner with interest.

After about tens of seconds, Banner opened his eyes in astonishment, as if he couldn't believe it.

"I... felt no response from it."

Everyone present heaved a sigh of relief, and General Ross also showed a slight smile, then quickly retracted it, and stared at Zhang Dianyu seriously.

Zhang Dianyu smiled back.

"I will keep a few members of the Hulk arrest team in prison." Rose said bluntly, "They all have a lot of experience dealing with Hulk—in case Banner is lying."

I have to say that what the general said is unreasonable.

If he really didn't believe that Banner was telling the truth, he should have ordered his subordinates to feed him bullets to see if it was true or not. From the perspective of equipment, the Hulk arrest team is obviously superior, and in the prison, except for the sniper on the guard tower In addition to the guns, even the armed guards only have shotguns in their hands. They are very lethal and suitable for stopping riots, but they are not opponents of military personnel at all.

Your old enemy is the one who knows you best - and there's nothing wrong with that. Rose did know what Banner was thinking.

But again, his principles are simple. For monsters, there are only two options: to use them for yourself and to kill them all.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the faces of the members of the Hulk arrest team. After a slight pause, he asked seemingly casually: "They stay here... will they provide special subsidies for this?"

He didn't want these soldiers to starve because their superiors didn't allocate funds in time.

Ross uncontrollably looks confused.

Zhang Dianyu: "If some... critical situation occurs in the prison, can these few be temporarily recruited to suppress the riot?"

Ross: "... not impossible."

—but not so much.

Zhang Dianyu smiled: "Then please go ahead."

Money was saved for emergency calls to the riot police, and he even developed a teaspoon of affection for General Ross.

Ross: "…"

Zhang Dianyu simply arranged the Hulk arrest team to station around Banner, and at the same time withdrew the original armed guards in the yard, and assigned them to more important positions-such as patrolling the restaurant.

After all, prisoners are most prone to friction when eating and bathing. The former is not difficult to understand, sometimes they will deliberately create problems, take the opportunity to hide spoons and forks.

The latter Zhang Dianyu didn't quite understand.

There is no soap in the bathroom at all, and the shower is still cold, and there is still the mood to fight in it

Zhang Dianyu was puzzled.

After sending away Ross, who had become complicated for some reason, he returned to his office, but soon received a report from the guard that the newly transferred prisoners refused to take off their handcuffs and change into their prison uniforms.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He remembered that he had made up something to fool Ross, but he didn't expect Dr. Banner to believe it.

Fortunately, he told the guards not to do anything to Banner this time, and to report any problems directly. Otherwise, according to the previous style of the pixel villains, they usually directly use the stun gun when encountering such a situation, and then strip them while they are unconscious and change into prison uniforms.

No one knows where Hulk is now, so it's better to be cautious.

After all, only Banner can find the Hulk—or even communicate with him.

Zhang Dianyu had no choice but to leave the warm sofa and return to the transfer cell where Banner was held.

When he stepped into the courtyard, the man was being pinned to the ground by the guards. He was wearing only a pair of tattered purple pants, and his bare feet did not even wear shoes.

Of course, this is not Banner's daily attire. It is obvious that after Hulk was subdued by Ross, he directly controlled Banner who had returned to an ordinary person.

Zhang Dianyu felt that this matter was not easy to handle.

No one other than the superheroes is aware of the prison's suppression of superpowers. Although this matter was not a secret and would be made public sooner or later, he still didn't intend to tell others—especially people like General Ross—until he could figure out the ins and outs.

And there are still people from the Hulk arrest team in the yard.

Zhang Dianyu fell into deep thought.

Banner, who was pressed to the ground by the guards, saw Zhang Dianyu re-entering the courtyard.

Mr. Warden stood in front of him condescendingly, frowning, stroking his cufflinks lightly while thinking.

"You can't... let it out." Banner spoke with difficulty, rubbing his face sideways on the ground.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He waved to the guard: "Let him go."

The guard let go of Banner obediently. The eyes of the small pixel people are focused on the man. Although they are not very intelligent, it is the first time they see such a fresh and refined criminal, and they don't let people take off the handcuffs.

Zhang Dianyu looked at Banner who was slowly getting up. He looked extremely embarrassed, his hair probably hadn't been washed for a long time, blue stubble appeared on his chin, and there were also blue and black marks under his eyes.

"Actually, I don't know much about Ross's rules..." Zhang Dianyu tried to persuade patiently, "but streaking is forbidden in this prison."

Banner: "..."

He couldn't help but look down at his tattered trousers.

Since the Hulk shared his body, he had to spend a little more thought on choosing pants.

It's the only pair of pants he's found that doesn't look like the Hulk will tear them apart, and it turns out that they live up to his expectations.

Zhang Dianyu waved to the guard on the other side who was wearing a prison uniform.

"Put him on."

Banner took a step back: "I lied, I can't control the other guy—it can come out whenever it wants, without my calling."

"You mean Hulk," Zhang Dianyu lowered his eyes and smiled, "Look, doctor, let's discuss it... You can only take off the handcuffs on one side, and then you can change into a prison uniform-as far as I know, Hulk hasn't half What happened?"

Banner: "???"

For some reason, this absurd statement was impossible to refute for a while.

He tried to calm himself down and tried to explain: "Mr. Warden, what I'm talking about is a chance, it doesn't mean that part of me will suddenly become Hulk..."

Zhang Dianyu raised a hand to interrupt him.

"I don't care what it is, Doctor, you must put your clothes on today."

Banner looked at the warden whose tone suddenly became tough, but did not speak.

Zhang Dianyu: "It's not that there are no prisoners who like to run naked in this prison—"

Banner: "What? I don't…"

"But," Zhang Dianyu interrupted him, "do you know where they were all afterwards?"

He didn't wait for the other party's answer, and slowly smiled a little: "They are all in the confinement room, doctor."

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly turned cold, and said to the guard next to him: "No. 501001 is in confinement, and he will be released when he is willing to change clothes."

"Yes, Mr. Warden," replied the guard.

Banner smiled wryly, and was taken away by the guards without any resistance.

Zhang Dianyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had a brainstorm and thought of this method, otherwise this matter would be really difficult to handle.

As long as he is out of the surveillance of a few Hulk arrest team soldiers in the courtyard, he can honestly ask Banner to take off the handcuffs.

He never thought that it would be so difficult to change into a prison uniform.

Since the last time he recruited a secret informant, this was the second time he had stepped into the dark and silent confinement room.

Footsteps echoed in the corridor, and the guards led him to the door of the brig where Banner was being held.

"Stay here, no one is allowed to get close." Zhang Dianyu ordered.

The pixel villain guard strictly carried out his order: "Yes, Mr. Warden."

The iron door closed, and the sudden flash of light made Banner block his eyes.

Zhang Dianyu showed a smile and greeted lightly: "Hi, doctor."

Banner seemed to realize something immediately, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Mr. Warden looked him up and down, and then said: "Do you really believe that this pair of handcuffs can restrain Hulk from appearing?"

Banner: "..."

He didn't believe it at first, but he is a scientist, and the facts conquered him.

"Isn't it... isn't it?" He raised his handcuffs. "I believe, Mr. Warden, because I don't feel its existence at all."

"If I tell you," Zhang Dianyu said softly, "Even if the handcuffs are taken off, this fact will not change in any way?"

Banner stared at him blankly.

Zhang Dianyu smiled and wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but finally withdrew his hand because the doctor was not wearing anything.

"If you are willing to withdraw your doubts," Zhang Dianyu said slowly, "you will find that I have prepared a gift for you in the morgue."

Banner looked at the corner of Mr. Warden's mouth with a cold smile, and thought in a daze:

Is this a threat