Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 35


Lecter's expression seemed to be understated, but the occasional glances were quite penetrating.

Zhang Dianyu stared at the opposite man expressionlessly.

Because he was thinking about the recipes of these days carefully.

When Zhang Dianyu heard that there was Hannibal in the kitchen, Zhang Dianyu felt panic and nausea. But after calming down and thinking about it, he felt that things should not be that bad.

Although he has never eaten human beings, he has eaten bacon and sausages. These two only meat dishes in the prison have been so unpalatable since the beginning, and they have not changed in the past few days.

Lecter's eyes lingered on Zhang Dianyu's face for a moment and then smiled slightly: "Mr. Warden will not suspect that my purpose of working in the kitchen is not pure."

His voice sounded calm and deep, but most subtly he used questions that sounded like statements.

Zhang Dianyu was noncommittal.

"A good piece of lamb shouldn't be cooked roughly in a stew," Lecter said slowly, "I wouldn't do that, you can rest assured, Mr. Warden."

Listen, is this speaking human language

Zhang Dianyu felt offended.

The guard in the chef's uniform didn't seem to have any thoughts. While Zhang Dianyu glared at him, he saluted and asked, "Mr. Warden, do you have anything to ask me?"

Zhang Dianyu glanced at him and asked, "How are the potatoes doing?"

"The stewed potatoes should be almost dry, Mr. Warden." The cook and the guard replied.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Lecter on the opposite side still had an inexplicable smile on his face, but Zhang Dianyu was basically sure that he hadn't lied about the food.

After all, there is no need. And, as he said, the smoked sausage in the restaurant is unpalatable and very authentic, and it must have not changed much recently.

As for the vegetables—since Poison Ivy is not nearby, the option that the cabbage was transformed by humans should be ruled out.

But for this Hannibal, Zhang Dianyu still can't take it lightly.

He doesn't even let off pixel villains. Could it be that the food in the prison is not good enough

A person like this should be allowed to eat spinach every day—but Zhang Dianyu has a better way.

As we all know, doctors also have magical healing needles in their hands. Although it costs money now, and the price is 1,500 US dollars, Zhang Dianyu thinks it is worth it.

He specifically canceled the food supply to the confinement room, asked the doctor to keep an eye on Hannibal Lecter's vital signs, and gave him a magical injection before he starved to death, and he revived with full blood on the spot and continued to starve .

"Doctor," Zhang Dianyu said sincerely, "I believe what you said—" Then he turned to the guard next to him, "Put 302028 into a confinement room."

He didn't miss the moment of astonishment on Lecter's face.

Then after the guard took the ogre away, he turned back to the guard in the chef's uniform, thinking for a moment: "You don't need to go to the kitchen—it just happens that the gardener needs a helper."

Planting trees will never be seen by mental illness again, right

"Yes, Mr. Warden."

Of course, the little guard had no objections, and quickly took off his chef uniform and left the guard room.

Zhang Dianyu opened the map and looked at the open space on the edge of the prison. There were many trees planted on it, and the trees could be cut down and sold for money.

In the past, there was no open space for planting trees in the prison, but now it is advisable to hire more gardeners to plant more trees on the vacant ground. When the funds are tight again, in addition to confiscating mobile phones, you can also develop some new businesses.

Zhang Dianyu fell into inexplicable worry.

The second batch of new prisoners doesn't seem to be so simple. It's nothing more than a quasi-psychotic follower of the clown before, and Hannibal Lecter was discovered this time.

So this whole afternoon, Zhang Dianyu sat in the warden's office and meditated—of course, this was from Peter's point of view.

In fact, he checked all the information on the second batch of prisoners. Although he didn't find any large fish that slipped through the net, he also gained something.

He also found members of the "illegal organization Hydra" in the files of several prisoners, and immediately put them in permanent confinement.

The confinement area was divided into two areas by him. The smaller one has only three confinement rooms. This is an area without meals, and the current resident is only Lecter.

It's not that Zhang Dianyu doesn't want to arrange for all the prisoners in the confinement room, it's because the treatment needles cost money.

Only prisoners who really made him feel threatened could enjoy this honor.

Zhang Dianyu glanced at the clown who was still sleeping.

It stands to reason that prisons should also provide corresponding treatment when taking in criminals with mental illness, and Dr. Banner has read half of the books on psychiatry, but it will take time to apply for a degree.

And Zhang Dianyu still has the biggest question-if Hulk doesn't appear in prison, can Dr. Banner still survive

He intends to try it, but the problem is not easy to handle.

General Ross had simply tried to shoot Banner—apparently he had done so many times. When Dr. Banner faces death threats, Hulk will emerge to take over the body and smash everything around to vent his anger.

Have to say, that makes sense.

For Hulk, who is simple-minded and short-tempered, the world is indeed full of malice. And Banner's way of containing his presence is to keep his anger out, whenever and wherever.

But it is impossible to completely remove anger from human emotions, which means that he will never be able to get rid of Hulk.

In fact, Zhang Dianyu really needs Hulk's ability to be almost immortal. But Hulk can't really show up.

With even Peter losing his superpowers in prison, Hulk could probably raze this place to the ground by himself.

Just when Zhang Dianyu was frowning, the helper suddenly appeared. Peter reports that Stark is visiting and wants to meet Mr. Warden.

Zhang Dianyu's eyes lit up.

When Stark saw Mr. Warden in the office, he was taken aback by the enthusiastic smile.

For a moment, he began to wonder if there was something wrong with the previous agreement. For example, the warden failed to reduce the escape rate and betrayed his expression for liquidated damages. But obviously unlikely - because that's what Stark is here for.

Peter's report has described how the warden has reduced the escape rate, which silenced all members participating in the remote meeting for two minutes.

Even Stark had to admit that he didn't expect this to happen - removing the toilet to prevent the escape.

What he didn't even expect was that one day he would be responsible for the toilet, and he would personally come to persuade Mr. Warden to put the toilet back.

Mr. Warden handed a glass of whiskey to Stark, leaned slightly against the desk, and raised the glass: "Welcome to visit, Mr. Stark."

The damn bottles had been sitting in the cupboard behind him for so long that at first he thought they were decorations.

It wasn't until he found out that the prisoners who were in charge of cleaning during prison labor often left, that there would be one or two less colorful bottles in the wine cabinet, and he finally understood where the contraband alcohol found came from. up.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

It has to be said that after Dr. Quizell's hardcore Alcoholics Anonymous Association, there is no shortage of things in the wine cabinet, so he can use it to entertain Stark today.

Stark stared at the golden-brown liquid in the glass, thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Warden, about the subsidy agreement signed by Stark Industries and the prison last time..."

"—There is already a solution." Zhang Dianyu replied quickly.

Stark was moved by this confidence, and hesitated for a moment: "Can you show me what kind of plan it is?"

"This matter concerns a particular transfer prisoner—perhaps Mr. Stark has heard of a super-criminal nicknamed 'Killer Crocodile'? He just happened to be transferred to prison this week to continue serving his sentence."

Stark showed a listening expression, but his focus was on when Zhang Dianyu mentioned the toilet issue—he couldn't ask questions directly, otherwise Peter's undercover identity would be exposed.

"This prisoner is very familiar with sewers, and he is willing to use his skills to get a chance to reduce his sentence." Zhang Dianyu smiled, "And I just want to ask Mr. Stark something about another prisoner with 'special skills' The problem."

Stark was very surprised.

But glad he might not have to deal with the toilet, he still remembers Fury's stern expression and Batman's disapproving stare from last night—very unpleasant.

So he readily agreed to Zhang Dianyu's request.

It happened that he also wanted to get to know this Dr. Banner, and even had some special ideas, such as absorbing him into the Avengers Alliance—after all, as an alliance, there should be at least five or six people.

Zhang Dianyu personally took Stark to Banner's cell.

Although he had heard about this place in the report long ago, seeing the cell in the middle of the morgue with his own eyes still made Stark silent for a while.

This is so shocking.

Seeing that there were several armed soldiers in military uniform stationed in the morgue, Stark glanced at Zhang Dianyu with some doubts.

If Mr. Warden thinks that Bruce Banner can already participate in prison labor, why is there an armed guard outside.

"These are members of the Hulk arrest team, which belong to the troops under General Ross." Zhang Dianyu shrugged.

Stark couldn't help but cast them a sympathetic look.

Banner, who was still studying books in the cell, seemed to be slightly taken aback when he saw Stark.

"Hello, Dr. Banner?" Stark stood at the door of the cell, took off his sunglasses and stretched out his right hand, "Tony Stark, maybe you've heard of me before?"

Banner paused slightly: "I know you." Then he smiled wryly, raised his wrist slightly, revealing the metallic handcuffs under the prison uniform, "Sorry, Mr. Stark, I don't think I can shake hands with you. "

Stark looked at Zhang Dianyu suspiciously, which seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with the situation he described.

Zhang Dianyu didn't expect that General Ross didn't go to Stark for verification. No wonder Stark didn't come to the prison to look for him because of the flickering relay.

Under the scorching eyes of members of the Hulk arrest team, Zhang Dianyu had a serious expression on his face: "That's right, Mr. Stark, these are the handcuffs specially used to restrain Hulk—you know it."

Stark: "???"

Why should he know