Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 5


It was the red-haired female assistant who pushed the door open.

Miss Romanov stood at the door and said, "Mr. Warden, the staff have a request recently... I hope I can help convey it."

This is strange, the tool man still needs it, and it hasn't appeared on the to-do list yet.

Zhang Dianyu smiled amiably, and raised his hand to signal the sofa at the door: "Sit down and talk."

With a chill in Romanov's heart, she knew it would be like this.

The prisoners in this prison are poorly treated - but there are big dormitories and endless potato meals. The staff are the worst.

There's no permanent restaurant, just two small, dirty staff lounges with just one sofa - now two - for overnight stays.

Dozens of employees!

There are no beds, let alone toilets and bathrooms. He went to work after filling his stomach every day, and did not dare to complain at all. No wonder his face was numb.

Romanov even suspected that the warden had some secret handle on these people, so that they had to come here to sell illegal work.

After hearing her protest from the staff, the warden immediately showed a horrible grin on his calm face, and invited her to sit down and talk in a gloomy voice.

If she wasn't an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., she might have succumbed to the power of the other employees.

"Mr. Warden," Romanov did not sit down, his tone remained unchanged, "The employees hope to be equipped with basic living facilities, such as dormitories for rest and public bathrooms and toilets."

Zhang Dianyu raised his eyebrows.

"Otherwise employees may lose their ability to work," Romanov said.

"... oh?" Zhang Dianyu said slowly, drawing out the end of his voice.

This game is getting worse and worse. A Sinicization package turned him into an empty shell, and now he only has the charity grant from the Wayne Group and a little money left in his hands, which together are only a little over 40,000 yuan.

Tomorrow's prisoner hasn't arrived yet, and his daily turnover can't fill the vacancy at all.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help frowning because of the needs of employees on the one hand and the transfer of prisoners on the other.

After the game is realized, it seems that a lot of content and settings are automatically filled in. For example, he has an extra assistant—although this seems unnecessary, and for example, his employees began to ask for food and drink.

Also... quite reasonable.

Zhang Dianyu sighed inwardly, opened the map and began to re-plan the land.

At present, there are two buildings on the northeast corner and west side of the prison, which are used to house prisoners. The main body of the building is a large dormitory. The room is filled with double-layer iron frame beds. The floor is covered with dark patterned floors, which adds a little bit of life.

—Actually because the floor increases the movement speed of the inmates, keeping them from getting stampeded when they squeeze into the bathroom in the morning.

Next to the bathroom is a long and narrow public toilet, with two long rows of toilets installed along both sides of the wall. Prisoners can even have long talks and exchange feelings when they are in the tuba, which is also conducive to building a civilized and harmonious prison atmosphere.

—Pixel villains have no human rights. It would be nice to have a toilet, and it would be convenient for them to engage in sex. Isn't the prison a high-incidence area for radicalism

After all, Zhang Dianyu is a very enlightened warden, and he will not forbid the prisoners to have some life sentiments. It doesn't hurt to do anything in the toilet and bathroom as long as they keep their feet.

The northwest corner is interesting. The infirmary next to the courtyard is next to a huge morgue, which provided a lot of convenience for the initial management of the prison.

The number of corpses that can be transported by the hearse every night is limited. Although the prison has gradually got on the right track recently, and there are fewer and fewer free shootings every day in front of Wayne at noon today, but the problems left over from history have caused the current suspension The beds in the mortuary are still in short supply.

Zhang Dianyu stroked his chin and thought for a while. After the stun guns are in place, the death rate of prisoners will be greatly reduced. Maybe the morgue can be transformed into a staff restaurant.

They are all places to dispose of corpses, almost.

As for now, the restaurant is temporarily shared with the prisoners, and it is enough to allocate a plot of land for the employees and build a dormitory and public bathroom.

So now, in addition to the office building in the southwest corner and the activity center in the southeast corner, which includes the laundry room for prisoners to participate in the work and rest in prison and the workshop where the machines are roaring all day, and a library and a chapel are set up next to it. , and a cramped classroom that could be called a hodgepodge—then there was only a large confinement room that had just been built between the two buildings.

Zhang Dianyu felt a little regretful.

Originally, this confinement room was a very satisfactory part of his plan for the future of the prison-this started with the fact that the guards were equipped with stun guns. Prisoners who are stunned by disturbances can be taken to the confinement room, where they are squatted in a small dark room without a toilet until the end of time.

Prisoners of any legendary level, overweight criminals who are not very law-abiding—meaning a government subsidy of 2,000 US dollars a day—can be thrown directly into the brig and never see the light of day again.

This is a bright future, filled with the sound of running gold coins.

Too bad it's all gone now.

Zhang Dianyu sighed and carved out half of the confinement room and transformed it into a staff dormitory.

He raised his head and saw Miss Romanov looking at him warily, and smiled slightly.

"Natasha, may I call your name?" He asked with a questioning look.

"Of course, Mr. Warden." The red-haired female assistant said flatly.

Zhang Dianyu picked up the phone on the table, dialed the number of the foreman's office, and under Natasha's amazed gaze, ordered the engineering team to immediately start renovating the confinement room next to it.

"You are right, the employees deserve better treatment." Zhang Dianyu crossed his fingers and smiled peacefully.

Of course, he didn't mean salary. The employees spent the entire initial stage of the prison with a 50% salary cut. Originally, Zhang Dianyu wanted to reward them with a salary increase when their total assets reached 500,000.

At present, it seems that it is indefinitely far away.

For some reason, just after Mr. Wayne left and before the system released the task of transferring prisoners, he found that the work arrangements of the engineering team and emergency rescue could not be simply operated through the game panel.

At the same time, the phone number of the corresponding contact appeared on the to-do list, so he had to try to pick up the brand new phone on the desk.

For this game, telephone communication is not uncommon, and the mayor often calls to give pointers.

He can only think that the game is now starting to move towards a true simulated reality.

Although he still doesn't know how he got into the game suddenly, going bankrupt is definitely not a good choice. At present, he can only try his best to play the game well-he means to make more money.

As for how to arrange the transfer of prisoners tomorrow, he also has a little idea.

There is no extra space in the map to build a house now, but existing buildings can still be used. There are currently two buildings that can be carved out for a single cell.

Canteen, or morgue.