Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 51


The warden looked at him with great interest, seemed to subconsciously touch his meticulous tie, and said softly: "So, you are... that person."

This sentence seemed to mean something, and Joyce understood it.

He was silent for a moment, then bit the bullet and denied: "I don't understand what you are talking about, sir."

Zhang Dianyu smiled: "Oh you will—but we can talk about other things too. Do you like sleeping on the mortuary table, Guard Joyce?"

Joyce couldn't explain this, but the point was—he felt that the warden's question seemed a threat

He decided to blame Seike Stone, half-truths are the most difficult to see through. Anyway, that Saike Stone has been in the confinement room for a long time since he was imprisoned, and he is a well-known thorn.

Judging from the attitude of the warden, it seems that things have turned around.

He straightened his shoulders and saluted: "I was attacked. It was my problem. I asked the prisoner who was serving hard labor to go to the gun depot for cleaning, so that he had the idea of attacking the guards and taking the gun."

Zhang Dianyu rolled the bouncy licorice candy around his fingers, with no expression on his face.

Joyce was a little guilty, but he still insisted: "Mr. Warden, I think we need to call all the prisoners to conduct a roll call immediately. Seike Stone may take this opportunity to escape from prison with his followers."

Zhang Dianyu slowly moved his gaze from his fingers to Joyce's face.

After looking at each other for a while, he smiled slightly: "I know. He is in the confinement room."

Joyce breathed a sigh of relief. But then he noticed that the warden squinted his eyes slightly, and his slightly probing gaze suddenly became as piercing as if it were real.

"You're hurt," he heard the warden say. "I can give you a week off—in the staff quarters."

Joyce fell silent.

Is that a dormitory with the same specifications as the prisoner dormitory, with double beds placed side by side, and shared showers and toilets for all staff? Even if it wasn't for unfinished business, he didn't want to hold back for a week in a dormitory filled with strange smells.

Not to mention that there are no windows in the dormitory, and the only ventilation is the small green staff door.

Joyce immediately refused: "I don't need a vacation, Mr. Warden. I can interrogate Sikestone myself."

The warden gave a thoughtful "Oh".

"No need, I will personally pay attention to the escape incident in this prison." Zhang Dianyu emphasized the last few words, and his eyes glanced at Joyce's face inadvertently.

As a pervert who got into the prison, Joyce's expertise in lying is obviously not something that Zhang Dianyu can expose.

Fortunately, he can take a screenshot and save it for an expert to analyze in the future.

As for who the expert was—maybe Banner, or ask Strange if he could magically analyze microexpressions.

There was a heavy sneeze outside the door.

"You can go." Zhang Dianyu unwrapped the licorice candies wrapped around his fingers, and smiled at Joyce.

Joyce's throat rolled involuntarily.

For some reason, he always had the intuition of being targeted by danger.

"The mortuary table..."

When he carefully controlled his expression and pushed open the green staff door, the voice of the warden suddenly came from behind him, and the words he said made him straighten his back.

"It might be the workers' mistake." Zhang Dianyu said casually, "Let someone move it back to the morgue."

Joyce's breathing stopped for a moment, and he replied stiffly: "Yes, Mr. Warden."

When he left, the prisoner at the door, who was said to be the Incredible Hulk himself, looked at him with a strange look, as if looking at a dead person.

He seemed to feel that the plan was about to be hastened.

Zhang Dianyu opened the map and looked at Joyce who left for a while. The other party seemed to be very cautious, and he didn't dare to make any moves anymore, and went back to duty honestly.

It was time for dinner soon, so Zhang Dianyu withdrew the two guards around him and asked them to go back to the restaurant to maintain order.

He reopened the map to observe Hannibal Lecter. He didn't know if the ogre was aware of what happened, but judging from the status bar, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

In the psychiatric ward on the other side, Strange is giving one-on-one psychological guidance to criminals who have turned mentally ill in his office.

He chose an ordinary psychopath, as if to test the success of his theory.

Zhang Dianyu didn't expect that he might actually recruit a psychiatrist—although he changed his job, didn't Strange succeed in changing his job to a magician last time

The only requirement for Strange to join the job is not to live in the staff dormitory, Zhang Dianyu of course agreed.

Even if he still has a part-time job as a mage at night, it's not a bad thing to take up one less bed.

Zhang Dianyu pushed open the door of the office. Outside, Banner was concentrating on reading a thick stack of documents. He raised his head when he heard footsteps, and met Zhang Dianyu's gaze.

Zhang Dianyu walked over slowly, sat sideways on the desk, raised his hand, paused in the air, and landed on Banner's shoulder.

Banner couldn't help grinning.

"Doctor," Zhang Dianyu looked at him with a half-smile, "You lied to me?"

Banner was silent.

"This wound," Zhang Dianyu tapped the bandage lightly with his knuckles, causing Banner to "hiss" softly—"It doesn't heal like a Hulk?"

Banner could have made up an excuse, but considering his IQ, the speed of making up a lie was too slow, and it was too late to say it now.

"I'm very sorry… "

"Oh, that's not what I'm talking about." Zhang Dianyu changed the subject, "You can prepare to clean up the cells in the morgue, you need to change places."

Banner nodded silently.

Still, he's been flattered by how well he's been treated during this time—although something always seems amiss.

"It's next to the original accountant's office—that's the lawyer's office, but he's also moved out now." Zhang Dianyu crossed his arms and thought, "The workers will finish the renovation soon—you can ask them to help you move things. "

Banner: "Uh..." The development of the matter was a bit unexpected, that is, Mr. Warden not only did not express anger at his lies, but even planned to let him move out of the ghostly place of the morgue.

Although it is indeed the best cell in the entire prison, it is still a ghostly place - because there are rows of morgues right outside the door. Although there is no rotting smell of corpses miraculously, the dark red blood stains on them are all real.

If it weren't for the tempering of transforming into Hulk, Banner doubts that he would go crazy after living here for a while.

Mr. Warden stretched out a hand in the direction of the door: "Can you leave work early?"

Banner hesitated and said, "Uh... okay, thank you, Mr. Warden."

The warden had turned and left.

Zhang Dianyu took the cactus back from the hall and found a rag to wipe off the bloody thorns.

Then he dug up Lecter's entire file, ready to study what the ogre, who didn't have a lot of mood swings, was thinking-and most importantly, if he transferred him to the luxury cell of the morgue, he would Will he escape from prison honestly according to the original plan