Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 74


Zhang Dianyu sighed.

When he thought about the current financial situation of the prison, he felt his eyes go dark, and he even wanted to pretend to be an ostrich and live here for a long time.

But for some reason, he didn't think so. It was as if a force was pushing him, telling him he must go back to prison.

Zhang Dianyu didn't have much spirit of inquiry, no matter why, the conclusion was the same - he had to go back and clean up the mess.

Also take the former warden Mr.

Zhang Dianyu shrank back under the quilt. It's too tiring to play two roles under the eyes of these people. It's better to wait until they are all gone, and then he will perform a bitter scene in front of Stark, and then take the bald Mr. Fergus back to prison to go.

The rest of the matter is beyond their control. Anyway, he has the final say in the prison.

"Mr. Warden must not be allowed to go back now," at the same time, Fury next door also made a decision, "otherwise it will be inconvenient for everyone there to act."

"...Not necessarily, it's actually quite convenient." Stark interjected, "If you go there a few times, you'll find that it's full of freedom, as the warden said."

Fury looked at him like he thought he was crazy.

Batman: "…"

Strange was silent for a moment: "... Indeed."

"Look," Stark spread his hands, "in prison you can go anywhere, you can even escape at will - but not now." He raised his chin triumphantly, "If anyone hasn't noticed, I You can help me with a reminder, this problem was solved by me not long ago."

"Your contract with Mr. Warden was forced to terminate." Fury pointed out, "Just last night, do you remember? A large number of prisoners escaped from prison, and the contract you signed with the warden guaranteed that the escape rate would be below 5% The contract to provide anti-riot equipment for the guards can no longer be carried out."

Stark's smile faded away.

"Banner is acting as the agent in charge of prison affairs during this period, so you won't see the situation where prisoners leave as they want." Fury said coldly, "Wait until Mr. Warden goes back and finds out about this, what do you think?"

"I could re-sign this contract..." Stark said dryly.

"You have to make sure Mr. Warden is willing." Fury said, "He even owes you a liquidated damages now."

Stark: "..."

For some reason, as a creditor, he felt a little guilty.

And Zhang Dianyu stayed next door for a while, he really couldn't lie down on the bed, so he could only get out of bed slowly, and was going to check the terrain first.

The old warden still sat blankly aside.

It's a fairly spacious bedroom with a sofa and TV. The floor is not high, but if you want to escape through the window, at least it will take some effort.

Besides, under Stark's attention, he couldn't get anywhere even if he jumped out of the window.

In addition, just to the right of the entrance, there seemed to be a door leading to another room.

Zhang Dianyu, who had checked everywhere briefly, pretended to put his hand on the doorknob unintentionally. When he was about to open the door, someone behind him pushed the door in hastily and pulled him from behind.

Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but let go of the doorknob and grabbed his clothes tightly.

Stop fucking pushing or this baggy surgical gown is going to fall off.

The person who came in was Stark, who pushed him towards the bed in shock: "Mr. Warden, you should need to rest, are you still dizzy?"

Zhang Dianyu's face remained unchanged: "It's much better, I think I need to go down for a walk."

Stark: "No, you need to rest."

Zhang Dianyu: "No, I need to go down for a walk."

Stark: "..."

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

"Thank you for your concern for me, Mr. Stark." Zhang Dianyu slowly smiled.

Stark: "..."

They didn't expect Mr. Warden to suddenly wake up. The vacant cloakroom next door was still decorated like a cult scene.

They even watched for a while when Mr. Warden started wandering around the room, discussing whether the Warden had gone back to circling, until he found his hand resting on the compartment doorknob.

Stark rushed out, and Strange went in through the portal to clean up the mess.

Now the warden appears to be suggesting that he already knows he is being watched.

Stark thought for a while full of despair, he would later inform Mr. Warden that he had become his creditor.

There are so many people involved in the incident, but he is the only one who is responsible.

"Actually, I'm really sorry." Stark spread his hands, "We were very worried about your state when you fell asleep, so in addition to providing nurses, we also set up video recordings to monitor everything that happened in the room. But since You have woken up, I think these can also be removed by the workers."

The corners of Zhang Dianyu's mouth twitched slightly, and he nodded slowly, as if to express his approval.

But no.

This is completely made-up nonsense - the monitoring thing has been turned off long ago, has the off button been cut out, and the camera has to be removed in the room.

Stark saw Mr. Warden showing an inexplicable smile, and then leaned lazily on the head of the bed and said to him: "I am very grateful for the help of the gentlemen. If they haven't left, I hope to have the opportunity Express gratitude."

Zhang Dianyu looked at Stark intently, hoping that the others had already left.

Stark showed a soothing smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Warden, this matter can be discussed after you recover—they will also stay here for a while, as... a rare gathering among old friends .”

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

Not only did they not leave, but they also stayed

You Iron Man and Batman have become good friends, who are you lying to

Zhang Dianyu felt tired and could only hold Mr. Fergus's hand tightly and fell into autism. It seems that his superb acting skills have not dispelled the other party's suspicion, and they still want to take this opportunity to investigate.

Zhang Dianyu vacillated between contributing his secrets and selling Mr. Fergus to take the blame.

Zhang Dianyu suddenly said: "Mr. Stark, thank you for coming to help in time last night-but there is still a mess in the prison waiting for me to deal with, I think I should express my thanks to Batman and them now, and then go back to went to prison."

Stark looked at Mr. Warden, maybe what he saw last night was lingering in his mind, a large pool of blood on the ground was extremely glaring, which made him always feel that the medical report showed that all indicators were normal. Mr. Warden looked lingeringly tired, and his face seemed a little pale.

He also pulled the old warden who was sitting beside him: "I plan to bring Mr. Fergus back and hire him as a consultant, and he has already agreed."

Stark followed his gaze and looked over. The old warden didn't seem to retort, and his face was as calm as ever.

Let the two of them continue to stay together - this situation is the last thing that a few people want to discuss, and he should prevent it.

But even if it wasn't because of this, the warden would go back to the prison now, he would still feel a little worried.

He still remembers Mr. Warden sitting on the desk with a smile, staring at the golden-brown whiskey in the glass, and saying to him in a sleepy tone—"All this is just a game."

He hasn't told anyone about this yet. But the crazy clown also liked this set of rhetoric best, and that was what worried him.

In the end, the warden chose to face the clown alone, apparently still immersed in the news of Seikeston's death.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Warden, but you'd better rest here for a while." Stark slowed down his tone, "There is some chaos in the prison now."

As soon as Zhang Dianyu heard these words, his stomach sank, his whole body felt unwell, his back felt cold, and his eyes went dark.

He couldn't control his tone: "That's why I have to go back now!"

Although he remembered that he didn't open the option of "failure condition" at the beginning, it stands to reason that the prison should not be declared bankrupt due to the financial deficit, leading to the failure of the game-but he didn't open the employee demand, these pixel villains even asked him for a dormitory.

He always wonders now if his hair will fall out like the old warden.

In order to avoid the tragedy on his head, from now on he does not intend to dream about logging out of the game and driving out prisoners like clowns—every time he will face a more impoverished predicament, which simply makes him unable to breathe.

After much deliberation, he can only work hard to make money.

Zhang Dianyu got up slightly and sat up straight. He looked at Stark and said word by word: "This is my prison, Mr. Stark. No matter what happens, I must be with it, understand?"

Stark was silent. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"At least tell me how it is now." Zhang Dianyu couldn't open the game panel here. According to his speculation, because this place does not belong to the scope of the prison, the map of the prison cannot be seen. And outside the prison does not belong to the scope of the game, so he can't even open the game panel.

"The gun depot and nearby buildings have been affected, but the construction team is rushing to rebuild - the problem is that some building materials are missing, but the truck has already delivered the low-cost building materials this morning." Stark faced the warden Looking at him, he recounted all the news he had learned so far.

Cheap building materials

Zhang Dianyu thought for a moment, and then he understood where these things came from.

He nodded, his expression softened slightly: "Thank you, Mr. Stark."

Stark looked a little embarrassed-this kind of reaction was not common for him, and Zhang Dianyu couldn't help frowning secretly.

"Actually, the death and injury situation in the prison is not serious." Stark hesitated to speak, "Because of—you know, the superior treatment conditions."

Zhang Dianyu: "?" This Stark can really talk, it's obviously an unreasonable treatment needle.

"So," continued Stark, "the prison's finances are not looking good due to the high consumption of needles - and since the number of escapees exceeds the subsidy terms you signed with Stark Industries, you There is also a liquidated damages to be paid.”

Zhang Dianyu slowly looked up at Stark.

Stark: "..."

Zhang Dianyu took a deep breath, and couldn't help tightening his fingers, his knuckles turned white due to too much force.

In other words, he is now a deficit under a deficit