Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 75


The scene was a little embarrassing for a while.

Zhang Dianyu stared blankly at the debt collector Stark, and countless dark thoughts flashed through his mind—all finally disappeared because Iron Man could press him to the ground repeatedly with one finger.

He tried his best to calm down his mood: "Thank you for your notice, Mr. Stark. Then, please bring my coat here, I need to go back now—pay liquidated damages."

Stark glanced at him, with a strange expression on his face, as if he was restraining something.

"Mr. Warden... your clothes are soaked in blood." He didn't want to bring this up, but Mr. Warden was asking, and he could only answer truthfully, "Do you need me to get you a new set?"

Zhang Dianyu was startled.

He looked at Stark wearing a silver-gray casual suit over a purple henley, and cautiously fell silent.

Even a taupe suit and dark red tie that seems to be from the last century is better than letting yourself go.

Can you do whatever you want just because you look good

Seeing Mr. Warden's silence, Stark paused for a moment, then slowed down his voice and said, "Actually, Mr. Warden, you can rest assured that Banner has carried out your orders very well—in fact, He is very grateful for your trust. Although I hope that you can return to the prison as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation, I hope that you will be safe and sound."

Zhang Dianyu raised his head with a dazed expression.

Although Banner was always thinking of some messy things in his mind, in fact Zhang Dianyu really trusted him. In addition to his own character, there is the most critical issue-that is, he likes to stay here, which can help him restrain the Hulk in his body.

But he was a prisoner after all? Zhang Dianyu was deep in thought, why can a prisoner act as an agent for prison affairs

He glanced at Stark on the opposite side, and felt that these Chaoying actions were not very reliable.

If this matter got to the ears of reporters, it might not be distorted into what it looked like—fortunately, Zhang Dianyu didn't care at all.

Only the last time Clark Kent came to do an exclusive interview, Zhang Dianyu racked his brains to conduct many unnutritious interviews with him, but in the end he did not get any publicity effect.

This incident made him a little brooding.

However, Zhang Dianyu decided to turn over this page because Superman took time out of his busy schedule to help deal with the mess caused by the clown.

Mr. Warden never replied, which made Stark feel a little uneasy.

"So," Zhang Dianyu asked after a while, "Dr. Banner, how did he solve the financial problem?"

Stark: "..."

This question really stepped on his tail. No one can solve the financial problems of the prison, except Mr. Warden himself.

But even if it wasn't to keep the warden, judging from the silence he saw just now, the previous incident seemed to have caused a lot of psychological trauma to the warden.

Stark thought of himself.

He should have died in Afghanistan, but God fooled him and kept him alive. But for himself, he died that day, and the one who survived was Iron Man, and he lived for a new goal.

And what about Mr. Warden

He had already died once, too.

In the messy confinement room, he saw the orange-red sunset kissing the hideous broken wall, but the warden hid himself in the darkest corner.

It was the pool of blood spreading to his feet that made him discover the warden leaning against the wall of the corridor. The young man closed his eyes slightly, with a faint smile on his face, but he still frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

The cave in Afghanistan seemed to have happened a long time ago, but it seemed to be very close, which made him feel a slight tingle in his heart.

And Zhang Dianyu couldn't help but his heart sank.

He just asked Banner how to solve the financial deficit, and Stark showed a sad expression-it seemed to be over.

He couldn't figure it out.

If these two local tyrants, Chaoying, who like to hang out in the prison when they have nothing to do, don't want to be nosy, then they have established new stations near the prison.

If they really wanted to help, and only invested a little each time, Zhang Dianyu, who was trying to get more subsidies, got stuck in his throat.

Especially the first two grants, which he suspected weren't enough for Wayne and Stark's dinner.

"Is there any problem, Mr. Stark?" Zhang Dianyu had no choice but to ask aloud.

Stark suddenly came back to his senses, still a little dazed, and met the warden's focused gaze.

"No, no." He said immediately, and felt that it sounded a little perfunctory, "Banner really doesn't have the authority to deal with the prison's financial problems, and he can't sign the subsidy terms for you, but there is no problem with the prison's turnover at this time. He paused slightly, and continued: "I think you should have noticed that since the special prisoners were transferred here, all superhero organizations will provide assistance to the prison within their ability. If there is no special situation, I will not see it." with it in trouble."

Zhang Dianyu was a little surprised, he didn't expect Stark to be so frank.

He looked at the other party suspiciously, thinking of the investment of tens of thousands of dollars - although it was considered a solution to his urgent needs at the time, it was too shabby.

But Stark smiled at him: "So, maybe Mr. Warden is willing to take a vacation here to relax his tight nerves during this time-believe me, dealing with these super criminals is not an easy task. In fact Now, Mr. Wayne also hopes to invite you to visit and rest at the holiday villa opposite."

He had a very good conscience not to forget Batman, but then shrugged and added: "But I personally don't recommend that you agree. You know, Batman often haunts his villa-that's not relaxing .”

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

Well, Mr. Wayne is not much better in terms of precision, but Stark is better at stabbing a knife.

This sentence is irrefutable even if Batman himself comes.

But Zhang Dianyu still cares about his money. He frowned slightly, and wanted to reject Stark: "Thank you for your invitation, but I don't need to take a vacation—in addition, my teacher, Mr. Fergus, has not been in contact with prison affairs for a long time, maybe I should accompany him back to the prison as soon as possible." There."

Stark replied immediately: "If Mr. Fergus needs it, I can send him to your office first."

Zhang Dianyu: "?"

He knew that there was always Chaoying coveting his baldness!

While getting Mr. Fergus safely back to prison would be a good strategy, it would mean that he would have to switch roles with the old warden—and he didn't know that the hanging warden outside the prison would what kind of behavior.

Considering that the on-hook assistant will only follow the established route, maybe when he opened his eyes and found that he was not in the prison, he suddenly insisted on leaving and planned to walk back

Zhang Dianyu thought about it slowly, and suddenly felt that this was also a good way.

"I think maybe I should talk to the teacher." He looked at the old warden with a smile. "What do you think, Mr. Fergus?"

Immediately afterwards, the old warden slowly raised his head, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a little.