Rebuilding Base is Under Construction

Chapter 87


Banner thought for a long time, and when he was about to turn around and step out of the office, he remembered what he was here for.

"Mr. Warden, I think I'd rather..."

But he was interrupted by Zhang Dianyu just after speaking.

"Doctor, do you have a top?"

Banner's confused expression hadn't completely faded away, and he became even more confused at this time: "Mr. Warden, what do you want a spinning top for?"

Zhang Dianyu thought for a while: "I... have a mental illness?"

Banner: "?"

He didn't know how to answer, in fact, he quite agreed.

"I..." Zhang Dianyu saw the funeral schedule that Banner had sent over earlier, and Seikestone's funeral was circled on it with a red marker on the day of his funeral. He glanced at Banner cautiously, remembering that he believed deeply in the scandal between him and Seikeston, cleared his throat, "Maybe you have already found out—after Seikesstone left, I once doubted the reality of the world, so I need it."

Banner was silent for a while, Mr. Warden looked at him from behind the desk, and even when he said this, he seemed to be restraining his emotional fluctuations.

He sighed slightly, but still had to ask, "So... what do you want a spinning top for?"

Zhang Dianyu was also very puzzled: "Haven't you watched "Inception"?"

"?" Banner replied, "I saw it, Mr. Warden, but... didn't you think it was a movie?"

Zhang Dianyu smiled: "If the real world can be fake, why can't the movie world be real?"

Banner was dumbfounded.

There seems to be something wrong with this logic, and there seems to be nothing wrong.

Zhang Dianyu looked at Banner and said meaningfully: "Maybe you are also a character in a certain work—have you thought about it?"

Banner sighed, he met the warden's eyes, and said hesitantly: "Mr. Warden, maybe you have heard of another theory - in a work, apart from the protagonist and the characters around him, outside The world will be a fog."

Zhang Dianyu did not speak.

Banner shrugged: "If a work really 'comes to life', then the part it does not describe is blank, that is to say, the characters in it will not be able to move an inch."

Zhang Dianyu was silent for a moment, then clicked on the financial statement on the table: "...difficult to move an inch?"

Banner: "..."

When he walked out of the office tiredly, he realized that he had come to reject Mr. Warden. But it didn't seem very wise to go back at this time, and he decided to wait for a while.

The sound of Banner's footsteps gradually disappeared in the corridor. Zhang Dianyu silently looked at the hole in the wall until a human head protruded from outside.

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He narrowed his eyes, feeling a little displeased with the person who interrupted his thinking: "Guard Warren, what are you doing?"

"Sir, do you need to patch this hole?" Warren said to him from outside the hole in the wall. "If the engineering team is not free to come and patch the wall right now, can I try?"

Zhang Dianyu: "..."

He felt a little tired.

If it weren't for the fear of triggering an omnic crisis, he would have agreed to let Varen go to the construction team—but it didn't seem much better to let him stay with Lecter.

"No." Zhang Dianyu replied indifferently.

Warren Guard didn't look disappointed either. But he always has the same expression, after all, he is just a pixel villain.

He retracted his head, and walked into the office with the dinner plate after a while.

Zhang Dianyu stared at Varun for a while, then suddenly asked, "Are you really interested in the engineering team?"

Warren saluted and replied, "It's one of the only things I know of, sir."

Zhang Dianyu fell into deep thought.

In other words, if there is a chance, this pixel villain may also be interested in other industries in prisons

After Warren left the office, Zhang Dianyu, who was still thinking, caught a glimpse of the to-do list next to him.

Below the task of prison rating, there is a new task.

What is it like to "become a real estate agent"? He already had a legitimate job—as a prison warden.

But this task can add points for improving the prison rating.

This was the second time, as if the to-do list could detect his thoughts.

While he was thinking about how to run the prison, a prison rating task appeared on his to-do list. When he was about to build a construction team and earn money from real estate agency orders for a long time, the to-do list directly asked him to become a real estate agent.

"I don't know what you're thinking," Zhang Dianyu said of the virtual to-do list floating in the air, "but I think it's kind of weird, doesn't it?"

Of course the to-do list couldn't possibly respond to him.

It was Banner instead.

As soon as Banner, who had returned from dinner, stepped into the corridor, he heard Mr. Warden talking to himself. He paused, and could only sigh silently.

The confidence that had been established not long ago to resolutely reject the warden began to waver again.

He couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

After failing to induce Banner to join the construction team for the first time, Zhang Dianyu has not received a definite answer. Moreover, Banner dodged his eyes when he saw him-to be honest, Zhang Dianyu felt that this meant that he was only one step away from success.

He studied his task and found that he was only 6 orders away from becoming a qualified real estate agent, and it seemed that there was no difficulty.

But in his view, as long as he continues to accept subsidy tasks to make money, one day the fiscal deficit can be reversed.

But the real money-making model of prisons still depends on taking in prisoners. So in order to make up for the prisoners lost during the previous clown escape, he is going to take in a new batch of prisoners next Tuesday.

In addition, a transfer prisoner will also arrive together.

At 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the prison van appeared on the edge of the map on time and slowly drove into the prison area.

Unlike the long period of time before when only one transferred prisoner was taken in, this is the second time Zhang Dianyu has taken in a large number of prisoners since he entered the game.

On the map, the villains wearing red and orange prison uniforms came out of the prison van one by one. It was not until all the prisoners were escorted into the prison inspection room by the guards that the last prison van slowly stopped at the gate of the prison.

Zhang Dianyu had a bad premonition.

Only the transfer prisoner was left in the van, wearing a strange restraint device and a gray-and-white prison uniform similar to that of a mentally ill criminal.

For a moment, Zhang Dianyu thought he was another talent sent by Arkham—until he saw the name on the map at the foot of the pixel prisoner, Eric Lanshere.

Magneto was actually sent in—Zhang Dianyu couldn't help taking a breath. From this point of view, he might have to keep the unfinished secret opposite.

He always felt that this matter was not so easy.

But he still has a bigger trouble now—Magneto on the map has completed the transfer and is being escorted by the guards to the prisoner inspection room.

In other words, in a few minutes, he will be stripped and searched by the guards with a stun gun.

Zhang Dianyu thought for a moment.

Now that things had gotten to this point, there wasn't much he could do—such as call in a dozen or so spare gun-toting guards to stand by and watch Magneto change his clothes.