Red String

Chapter 16


When there was something abnormal, he turned around and handed him the water glass, "Then you can eat here, I still have some things to deal with, so I can't eat with you."

Looking around, there was nothing to eat except fruit decorations, Ye Xiaochai frowned, reached out and grabbed his hand, "I have to deal with things after dinner."

Su Zhenzhen looked at this upright young man with a dumbfounded smile, ignoring that his heart beat out of order when he held his hand. He calmly tried to take his hand out, but the other party held it tightly, struggled for a while and then gave up, saying, "I can't eat."

Ye Xiaochai didn't speak, the touch of holding the other's hand reminded him of the feeling in his dream, it was soft and tender, making him reluctant to let go. The faint lotus fragrance in the air came quietly, making him seem to return to a dream, the lakeside with large lotus flowers in full bloom.

"Ye Xiaochai?" Su Zhenzhen looked at his dazed expression, and called him suspiciously, but Ye Xiaochai came back to his senses, didn't speak, just looked at him fixedly. The person in the dream and the person in front of him seem to be integrated, with overlapping faces and similar tastes. The difference is only that the person in the dream seems to be more familiar with him, and their hearts meet, as if they have been together for hundreds of years. And the person in front of him has only known him for a month. Although he has made up his mind, he is still mysterious like a fog.

"I dreamed about you." Ye Xiaochai said.

"Dream about me?" Su Zhenzhen smiled and asked, "What happened to me in the dream?"

"I don't know," Ye Xiaochai shook her head honestly, "Every time I only dream of meeting each other, it ends."

Su Zhenzhen looked at Ye Xiaochai's upright face with confusion, and sighed, "You can eat first, don't delay the afternoon's work."

Ye Xiaochai held his hand firmly, took him to the tea table and sat down, opened the lunch box with one hand, and looked at him seriously, "It's the same for you, you have to eat three meals regularly."

A little surprised at the toughness of the young man in front of him, Su really laughed. Except for Qu Shitu and his family, no one dared to threaten him like this. In order to show cooperation, Su Zhenzhen took the chopsticks handed over by Ye Xiaochai, carefully picked up a piece of white radish and ate it. The other side had already begun to fill a small bowl of ginseng chicken soup and handed it over, and looked at him for three seconds, Su Zhenzhen was defeated and had no choice but to take it.

Today's lunch is a signature dish of a medicinal restaurant. It is said that the owner is a retired old doctor who prescribes good recipes. He can smoke and drink, raises birds and fish, and has a beloved tabby cat who is happy every day. . The store is not big, it is used as a pastime, but it is well-known. The daily supply of Mu-style herbal cuisine is limited, it all depends on the mood of the chef.

After finally finishing the soup, Ye Xiaochai took a piece of yam and jujube paste cake and fed it to Su Huanzhen, who tried to reason with him.

"I don't like the taste of yam."

"..." Ye Xiaochai didn't speak, and the hand holding the pastry didn't waver at all. Su Zhenzhen sighed, showing a helpless expression, and had to open his mouth to bite gently.

"Suzai, have you eaten? I brought you...", the remaining syllables were swallowed. Qu Shitu opened his mouth wide and looked at the two people who were sitting on the sofa in the "feeding action", his expression was like a bolt from the blue.

I must have opened the door in the wrong posture.

Qu Shitu slammed the door shut, and thousands of horses rushed through his heart. Good boy, seeing that I am alone now, you are sincerely going to piss me off. This world is simply too cruel, Tsing Yi, when will you come back, I miss you so much. Qu Shitu cried inwardly.

Opening the door again, Su Zhenzhen had a piece of asparagus in his mouth, and raised his hand to greet him happily. The young man sitting next to him was carefully picking the chili seeds off the lotus root slices.

Qu Shitu stared at Ye Xiaochai for a while with a straight face, his heart was full of turmoil, the young man being looked at was unconscious, he greeted Qu Shitu and continued to feed the lotus root slices to the person opposite him, his whole body and mind were focused on Su Huan real body.

Su Zhenzhen tried her best to hold back her smile, and told the person who was full of food to her mouth that she was full. Ye Xiaochai glanced at the remaining portion, with a gloomy expression on her face. If it was her, the whole portion would not be a problem.

The family of three finished the rest of the meals, and it was already the afternoon's work time. Ye Xiaochai packed up her belongings and left, not forgetting to leave Ling Xiaoyue's pass before leaving.

Not long after he left, Qu Shitu came in with a large pile of documents expressionless, threw them on the table, clapped his hands and prepared to leave, "You should deal with these documents quickly when you are full at noon, don't let me do it all the time, you will hurt me." Working overtime every day has no time to accompany Tsing Yi."

Su Zhenzhen was drinking tea, almost coughing up, pretending to be calm, and almost laughed out loud when Qu Shitu closed the door, he hadn't seen such a funny reaction from Qu Shitu for a long time. It's more interesting than teasing Mr. Haishang.

Speaking of Mr. Haishang, Su really recalled that in the morning he received an overseas call from Miejing, and his uncle asked him righteously if he was against Mr. Haishang again, and the person who caused him to call three or four times a day The complaint turned the good vacation into a grievance meeting.

Of course Su Huanzhen would not admit it, a page of books naturally understood him, he gave up after teaching him a few words, and asked a few more words about the matter with Ouyang Group, saying that he might come back to take a look in a few days, then hung up the phone .

Calculating the time, uncle will be back in a while, why not introduce Ye Xiaochai to him. Su Huan really thought about it, and then remembered that Ye Xiaochai suddenly mentioned dreaming of him, and leaned back in the chair to meditate.

When Ye Xiaochai suddenly mentioned that he had seen him in a dream, he was not surprised, because he also had such a dream.

It was a few days after meeting Ye Xiaochai, he began to have a dream frequently. In the dream, there are pavilions, small bridges and flowing water. I stand on the bridge and look at the lotus on the lake. In a long robe and long sleeves, someone comes slowly with an umbrella in the distance. The person holding the umbrella was dressed in silver armor, with two swords on his back, his brows were steady and gentle, his long white hair was a little wet from the rain, sticking to the side of his face, looking at him with focused and gentle eyes.

After a while of silence, until the intersection with Ye Xiaochai increased in reality, what I dreamed every night was a different scene. There are two people drinking tea together, playing chess, or even doing nothing, holding books, each focusing on reading. He also dreamed that the two of them were trapped in shackles, covered in blood, and broke out of the siege, and the final scene was that the man died in a bloody battle.

I knew I was dreaming, but I couldn't feel any pain, but this sad emotion was overwhelming, my heart stopped beating, and my tears couldn't flow. This feeling was too real. After waking up from the dream, he clutched his chest, gasped for breath, his heart beat so fast that he almost lost control, his hands trembled so much that he almost broke the glass, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

On the second day after the nightmare, he encountered a kidnapping incident. In the dark, the man covered his mouth with a forceful attitude that could not be avoided, and he suddenly felt relieved. Troubled by nightmares for the past few days, and smelling the breath of the person standing in front of him, the tense heartstrings suddenly relaxed.

Both of them are safe, and everything will turn around.

Su really smiled, no matter whether the things in the dream were real or not, or what Feng Lian was nagging about in the past and present, in short, there is plenty of time in this life for unfinished things in the previous life, so take your time.


The day before the concert, Qin Mo specially called Su Zhenzhen to reconfirm the number of people who came, and mentioned that Su Zhenzhen would bring a friend to attend, but only asked if he knew someone.

The members of the Su family, Qu Shitu, Fenglian, Qingyangzi, Ling Xiaoyue and Feng accompanied him, because Su Zhenzhen went to Ye Xiaochai's house to pick him up first, and Feng Suxing was responsible for driving the family to the venue first. After Ye Xiaochai entered the venue, she saw Feng Lian waving her hands desperately towards her from a distance. Qin Mo arranged for the Su family members to be in a box on the second floor, so that their family could talk in private without disturbing others.

Ye Xiaochai was brought into the private room by Feng Lian, Qing Yangzi took a look at him and asked where Suzhen had gone. Feng Lian said that she met a pair of beautiful sisters and brothers downstairs just now, and her uncle asked her to bring Ye Xiaochai up first, and he would come later.

Everyone glanced at Ye Xiaochai meaningfully, and his back turned cold.

The beauties are naturally Mrs. Jun and Huazuo Zhaonu, and Mrs. Jun also loves Qin Mo's performance very much. This time she learned that the concert will be held, so she joined in and booked tickets early. Ghost Festival is not interested in these things, and he doesn't bother to be arty. I had no choice but to ask Huazuo Zhaonu to accompany her sister.

Mrs. Jun's brows are sparse and her eyes are dark and deep. Although it is not as beautiful and eye-catching as the slaves summoned by the flower seat, it is a little more indifferent and reserved, but it is also a different kind of beauty. Its demeanor is like the wind blowing willows, full of mystery, making people feel love and affection at the first sight.

Greeted politely, thanked Huazuo Zhaonu for the kidnapping incident last time, and the opening bell rang in the theater during the greeting room. Su Huan turned slightly sideways, and Mrs. Jun didn't shirk, she nodded her thanks and went upstairs slowly. Huazuo Zhaonu followed her, dressed in Japanese attire, holding a folding fan in his hand, Chaosu really smiled. Knowing that Feng Suixing had also come, he beckoned someone to go back and retrieve the clothes that Feng Suixing had put on him that day. Su Zhenzhen said that there is no need to rush, and the matter of thanking you will take your time.

This is the first time the two have met since that incident. Seeing that he looked normal, Suzhen let go of his previous worries and looked carefully at his wrist. The scars caused by the chains before have disappeared. .

"Brother Su also likes to listen to Qin Demon's performance?" Huazuo Zhaonu asked unintentionally when the two went upstairs.

"Well, Qin Demon can be considered my family, so I naturally want to listen to his concert." Su Zhenzhen smiled, and reached out to lift his temple hair that covered his eyes.

The two stood in the corridor and talked for a while before parting,