Red String

Chapter 2


, took a deep breath, probably also suddenly attacked by pain, unable to speak, walking a little shaky.

Fortunately, there were people on duty in the hall. Seeing Ye Xiaochai walking over with a anxious face, he ran over to ask what happened. Before Ye Xiaochai could speak, someone hurriedly picked him up.

"what happened?"

"Ah, I saw him squatting on the ground suddenly...?" Ye Xiaochai didn't finish speaking, and scratched his head with his free hand in embarrassment. Judging from their nervous appearance, they must be more important people. Someone had already notified Qing Yangzi to come down, and he saw his newly recruited subordinate standing in the hall looking at him at a loss, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" Qing Yangzi asked him in a hurry.

"I'm fine, but the person in the elevator with me seems to have something." Ye Xiaochai told him what had happened, and Qing Yangzi was relieved, "I received a call saying that the person coming out of the elevator suddenly fell ill and collapsed. Thought it was you."

Ye Xiaochai pointed to the person sitting in the rest area on the other side of the hall, on the other side of the sofa for waiting for guests, surrounded by several people, "Over there, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Qingyangzi nodded, ran towards the rest area, was a little surprised to see Suzhenzhen, "Brother, why is it you?"

Several staff members were surprised by the sound of big brother. The person sitting on the sofa had already raised his head. Except for his pale face and red eyes, his demeanor remained the same as usual, and his eyes were calm. A gentle smile on his face clearly showed his identity.

There are only two people with whirlpool eyebrows in the company, one is the major shareholder Haishang Jun, and the other is Su Huanzhen, who is rumored to be related to Haishang Jun by blood. , obviously the legendary president who just rushed back from the market place.

Qingyangzi bowed his head and gave some instructions, someone brought medicine and hot water, and the rest went back to work.

He reached out and touched his forehead again, the heat was normal.

Su Zhenzhen held a cup of hot water, and after taking the painkiller, his complexion began to improve. Looking up to see Qingyangzi, he glanced behind him, only to find that the person was no longer there. He frowned immediately, and stood up after feeling that the pain was not so painful, and touched the clothes he had dropped on the ground. Picked it up for myself, really careful.

Qing Yangzi called back, "I called Qu Shitu, he will come to pick you up later, why did he suddenly feel sore? Haven't eaten since the afternoon?"

Su Zhenzhen did not answer his words, stood up and put the water glass on the table, stretched out his hand to straighten his clothes, "Where was that person just now?"

"That person?" Qingyangzi was stunned, and then said, "Oh, it's a new recruit from the engineering department, called Ye Xiaochai, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Su Zhenzhen frowned, reached out to pick up his coat and turned to go out, Qingyangzi followed behind, "Where are you going, Qu Shitu will be here later, let him pick you up."

"Don't ask him to come, I'll drive back by myself." Su Zhenzhen waved his hand back and went straight out the door. Turning his mind, he walked towards the garage again. If that person had just left, he might still meet him.

Ye Xiaochai squatted on the side of the road, watched the last bus leave so ruthlessly, and sighed, she shouldn't have worked overtime so late, but if she didn't work overtime, she wouldn't have met the person who suddenly fell ill.

It seemed that the heat from holding his arm still remained in his hands, his thin body, the hair brushing against the side of his face felt as cold as silk, and the light water lotus fragrance. Too bad I didn't see what he looked like.

Thinking wildly about what happened just now. I don't know who he is, is it possible to find out from the team leader. Ye Xiaochai took out her mobile phone to check the time. It was already late, so she had to go out and try a taxi. Unfortunately, it was a bit far away from the small house she rented, otherwise she could run all the way back.

After wiping his face, Ye Xiaochai stood up, at this time a small white car quietly stopped beside him. The car window slid down, and someone put his elbows on the car window, leaned on the steering wheel with one hand, and looked at him sideways, revealing a pair of gentle and smiling eyes. The long silver hair gave off an ambiguous halo under the lights inside the car.

"Ye Xiaochai." The person in the car called him with a smile.

Ye Xiaochai gave him a surprised look, and then the familiar scent in the air made him realize that the person in front of him was the patient just now.

"Are you okay?" Ye Xiaochai was a little nervous, leaning down to look at him from the car window, "Why are you alone, and no one came to pick you up?"

Su Zhenzhen shook his head, "I'm fine, thank you for helping me just now, it's so late, get in the car and I'll take you home." After opening the door lock, Ye Xiaochai hesitated for a while, then looked at the time, it was indeed It was late, so I had no choice but to open the door and get in the car, telling him the address.

Su Zhenzhen looked at his somewhat cramped appearance, smiled, stepped lightly on his foot, and the car slid quietly into the night.

Ye Xiaochai had no place to put her eyes, so she glanced at the man who was concentrating on driving. He pursed his lips, looking serious, the light outside the car window flashed by, and the light fell into his eyes, shining brightly like stars. The long silver-white hair was meticulously arranged, and a few strands of hair hung down the side of the face, occasionally shaking with the movement of the person. The back is straight, and the fingers holding the steering wheel are slender and porcelain white.

Sensing his gaze, the driver turned his head and showed a slightly childish smile, "What are you looking at?" After speaking, he blinked his eyes mischievously.

Ye Xiaochai watched his eyelashes tremble, and felt as if a butterfly was living in his heart. With the trembling of his eyelashes, it flapped its wings, and a strong wind blew in his heart, causing the person who was blowing directly to be in a trance, unable to speak.

"It's nothing." Suddenly regaining consciousness, Ye Xiaochai felt a little hot on her face, so she turned her head to cover up and lowered the car window a little. The night wind blew, cooling the temperature on his face a little.

Seeing the person who hastily turned his head away, Su Zhenzhen frowned and revealed a somewhat inscrutable smile. But immediately restrained his expression and said, "Are you an employee who just joined the company?"

"Well, I just joined the company last week." Ye Xiaochai looked at the front and sat upright.

"I have read your profile," Su Zhenzhen said with a smile, "You have won so many awards in university, there should be companies that contact you directly. Many companies have connections with well-known universities. Talents are all signed away directly, how can they come to find a job after graduation.”

"A few companies approached me before, but I was taking care of my family and didn't want to be too far away from them, so I shirked it." Ye Xiaochai said cautiously. As for his family affairs, he didn't want to talk too much in front of people he just met.

Su Zhenzhen let out an oh, and didn't ask any more questions. The car was quiet, with occasional wind and car humming. The strange thing is that both of them feel very natural, as if they have known the person sitting next to them for a long time. Ye Xiaochai narrowed her eyes slightly, calmed down with the night breeze blowing, thinking that she was really lucky.

After arriving at the residence, Ye Xiaochai got out of the car and leaned over to the window to thank the driver. The man still raised his smiling eyes, and said he watched him go upstairs before leaving. After Ye Xiaochai thanked her, she took out her keys as she walked, but she searched through her bag but couldn't find the key with a small jade sword. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I realized that I was in a hurry to go out in the morning, and the key was in the clothes I changed yesterday, and I forgot to bring it out!

It was almost 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was obviously impossible to find someone to unlock it. I went out in a hurry in the morning, and only brought my wallet and traffic card, not even other documents. Calling the landlord didn't help either. The landlord lived on the other side of the city, and even if he drove over to deliver his keys, it would take two hours. what to do

Su Huan put one hand on the steering wheel and supported his head with the other, watching Ye Xiaochai turn his back to him with a smile, turning his bag and pockets upside down. The originally straight back suddenly froze, then turned his head and looked at himself with an indescribable expression.

"What's wrong?" Su Zhenzhen silently threw the phone back into his pocket, turning a blind eye to Qu Shitu's blaring text message, and looked at Ye Xiaochai who stood there with a tangled expression.

"I forgot to bring the key." Ye Xiaochai said in embarrassment.

Su really burst out laughing, this person is really as cute as imagined.

"Get in the car." Su Zhenzhen sat down and started the car again, "Go to my place, there is just a place to rest, but I haven't tidied it up for a long time, don't be too messy."

Ye Xiaochai did a lot of psychological training, since they are men anyway, it shouldn't matter, so she got into the car as soon as she got into the car.

The resting place Suzhenzhen mentioned was a small apartment in the Cuihuanshan community near the company. The room is not big, and the decoration style is very warm. The bedroom and the study are connected into one room. The guest room is relatively small. Fortunately, someone tidied it up and it is still tidy. Su Zhenzhen brought people in, hot water was normal, it was already late, so Ye Xiaochai was asked to wash herself.

Ye Xiaochai rubbed her face in the mirror, took off her clothes and went into the bathroom. Just as she turned on the hot water, someone knocked on the door and came in. Through the glass door of the bathroom, the man's voice was clear, "I put the towels and pajamas in the clothes basket outside, and the toothbrush is in the cup, they are all new, don't mind."

Amidst the rushing water, Ye Xiaochai blushed unconsciously, and whispered a word of thanks.

Su Zhenzhen glanced at the foggy glass door, smiled, turned around and went to the study, turned on the computer and continued to deal with things.

Ye Xiaochai came out of the shower and saw a brand new towel and toothbrush, but her pajamas were washed, soft to the touch, with a faint fragrance of laundry detergent. When I wore it, I sniffed it closely and it was no surprise