Red String

Chapter 20


In the past, following Feng Lian's gaze, she saw her elder brother lying on her side in Ye Xiaochai's arms, and the silhouette of the two of them under the moonlight was as beautiful as a painting.

Ling Xiaoyue secretly laughed in her heart, and dragged Feng Lian away by the collar. Telling him that children should not join in the fun, Feng Lian yelled in a low voice that I am already an adult! Danced and tried to break free, and with a bit of dexterity, Ling Xiaoyue took advantage of her good mood to carry him to the front yard and started a trick. The young Fenglian's body is flexible, and he punches unexpectedly, but his strength is slightly insufficient. Ling Xiaoyue's hand has both femininity and masculinity. The fight between the two is like a dance, and the people watching are very intoxicated.

Wo Yun gave Qin Mo a cup of tea, and reached out to test the temperature on his forehead. He was given a few glasses of wine during the dinner, and his face was blushing because he was so overwhelmed. At this moment, I was lying near the window watching Fenglian and Ling Xiaoyue fight, and turned to smile at Woyun, "I have only seen you take action twice, and once when we met for the first time, you helped me beat the robber away, He also repaired the piano for me. The second time was when I was threatened. At that time, I didn’t tell you because I was afraid that you would be impulsive. Who knows, you would still find out.”

"Fortunately, I found something was wrong that time, and followed you all the way, otherwise I don't know what those scumbags will say."

"I was shocked by your sudden attack. I didn't expect you to be so angry. I thought I could solve it. You are too impulsive to beat people like that."

"Aha." Wo Yun laughed twice, reached out to wrap his arms around his shoulders, touched the tip of his nose, and smiled at each other, "Wo Yun is for you, so why not be impulsive."

The next day was a rest day, so he didn't care about Feng Lian, he just shouted to go to rest early, then picked up Qin Mo, who was a little dizzy, and went back to the room.

Ye Xiaochai heard the sound of someone making a move in the wind, looked at the person lying in her arms, and said in a low voice, "Everyone in your family knows kung fu?"

Su Huanzhen's voice was so soft that he could hardly hear it, he gave a small hum, and adjusted the angle to make himself lie more comfortably.

"When did we do a few tricks?" Ye Xiaochai looked up and thought for a while, the kidnapping didn't count. He knew that Su Huan was really not inferior to him, and meeting a good opponent was an exciting thing for a martial arts practitioner.

Su really didn't answer because he was already asleep.

The two happily playing in the front yard were stopped violently by Qu Shitu. He ruthlessly threw a durian in the past, scaring the two of them so that they jumped away and couldn't dodge. "If you have too much energy, go and wash the dishes for me. Wipe the living room, Ah Yue came over to tidy up the kitchen."

Qingyangzi and Feng Suan were happily playing online in the game room. After washing the dishes, Ling Xiaoyue came in and squatted down, looking at the two of them with some melancholy, "I want to ask you a question."

Feng Suixing looked up at her.

Ling Xiaoyue was a little tangled, "Everyone has drunk, who will send Ye Xiaochai back? Could it be that he should sleep in the elder brother's room?"

Qingyangzi dropped the handle and stood up, and was pressed down by Ling Xiaoyue again. Feng Suixing took the opportunity to kill the opponent's character two or three times. As the words KO appeared on the screen, the faces of the three were a little uncertain . The music of the game console was playing cheerfully, but there was an enthralling silence between the three of them.


After thinking for a while, Ling Xiaoyue sat down cross-legged and snatched Qingyangzi's handle, and gnawed a plum from the table, "Whatever, Qingyangzi, you are too good, watch me chop him up in minutes."

The other two thought for a while, and what they said was right, and they also sat down. In the dark game room, three people squatted in front of the console, one of them gnawed on a plum, and lost a few teeth. The villains on the screen beat each other violently, and the special effects flew around. It was a true portrayal of their hearts.

It was already midnight when Su Zhenzhen woke up, she was still outdoors when she fell asleep, and now she is lying on the bed well. Ye Xiaochai was lying a little distance away from her, close to the bed, frowning, looking a little at a loss in her dreams.

Sitting up and rubbing his forehead, the problem of getting drunk when he drinks is really a problem. Su Zhenzhen took a look at her body, she was well dressed, only a few buttons were undone.

Feeling a slight vibration from the mattress, Ye Xiaochai woke up and saw him sitting on the bed in a daze, "Are you awake?"

Su Zhenzhen still looked at him in a daze, "How did I come back?"

"I carried you back. Qu Shitu made something for you to sober up. He said you would have a headache when you woke up. He asked me to watch you drink it." Ye Xiaochai yawned and got out of bed, and brought a glass to the table. , there was still a strangely colored liquid in it, Su Zhenzhen sighed, pinched his nose and drank it in one go. I feel that the whole person is filled with a strange herbal smell.

So bitter, this must be revenge.

Coughing, he struggled out of bed to take a shower. Su really has a slight cleanliness obsession, although she is still a little dizzy. I stepped on the floor with bare feet, but fortunately there was a carpet. Opening the bathroom door wobbly, Ye Xiaochai sat on the edge of the bed and yawned, only to hear a moment of silence in the bathroom, followed by the sound of water, and then a short bang.

Rushing to the bathroom and opening the door, I saw Su Zhenzhen standing under the shower and looking at herself pitifully, her face was covered with water, her clothes were wet on her body, and her lips were a little pale. Trembling, I reached out to turn off the cold water, a little dumbfounded, "It's nothing, it's just that I turned it in the wrong direction, and the water that came out was too cold, so I'm completely awake now."

After finishing speaking, he wiped his face, reached out and untied the wet clothes and threw them on the sink. With wet hair sticking to his back, he turned around to turn on the hot water. Suddenly, he felt mischievous and turned around abruptly. The water sprayed Ye Xiaochai all over. With water on his face, he couldn't help laughing at the man's wanton and happy smile.

Su Zhenzhen put the shower on the shelf with a smile, and the two of them made such a fuss that their clothes were all stuck to their bodies. Ye Xiaochai reluctantly tore off a towel to wipe his face, stretched out her hand to pull the smiling man into her arms, buried her chin into his shoulder, suddenly felt impulsive, and said in a hoarse voice, Su Zhenzhen, I like you.

Suzhen in his arms paused for a while, then gently put his arms around his shoulders, closed his eyes and was speechless.

After getting up the next day, Ye Xiaochai has been bathed in all kinds of strange sights, but Su really calmly sat at the dining table drinking porridge, stretched out her hand to beckon him to come and sit down, Feng Lian sat opposite him holding a steamed bun, It seems to be gnawing some teeth.

Qu Shitu came out with side dishes for porridge, and said that he didn't have time to ask Ye Xiaochai what he likes for breakfast. The family here is used to Chinese breakfast, so if you are not used to it, you should tell me earlier.

Ye Xiaochai quickly said thank you, and said that she also eats Chinese food.

After looking around but not seeing Qingyangzi, Su Zhenzhen seemed to see through his thoughts and suddenly said, "Qingyangzi went out early in the morning, and his junior brother Xuanjizi from college came back, and the two of them went out to catch up on the old days."

Ye Xiaochai let out a dumbfounded sigh, and ate her breakfast in suspense. Feng Lian rolled her eyes, clamoring to ask Su Zhenzhen when Huo Lian and Shui Lian would come back, he was suffocated to death.

Su really drinks tea, it's too boring, why don't you go to the company for an internship with him.

Feng Lian instantly fell to the ground and scratched the table desperately.

At this time, Feng Suixing came over with Su Huanzhen's phone and handed it to him, whispering that it was a call from a page of a book. When Su Zhenzhen picked it up, he heard a high-pitched voice from a page, "Su Zhenzhen, has the company's performance declined recently, otherwise why is Mr. Haishang, who is the major shareholder, so busy all day long?"

Su Zhenzhen smiled and said, "The world is a lesson. I will definitely do my best for the company. As for what the major shareholders want to do, I don't care. I will be controlled by the shareholders."

"Joruri asked how you are doing recently, do you still have nightmares?"

"It's all right now, thank you senior for your concern." Su Zhenzhen frowned, "Uncle, there is a man, I want to show you."

A page of the book next to the phone was silent for a while, before speaking after half a ring, "Since you have decided, then bring it. I will return to Misery next week, and you can bring him to Yundu Mountain when the time comes."


Then the two talked about some company matters. Considering the time difference between Yiyingshu's extermination and misery, Su Zhenzhen briefly reported the situation and hung up the phone without delaying Yiyingshu's rest.

Qin Mo was still sleeping, and Wo Yun had breakfast and wanted to go to the room, but was stopped by Su Zhenzhen, and asked about whether he could accept Qin Jiaxian's exclusive interview, Wo Yun said to go back and ask Qin Mo, since Qin Jiaxian entrusted his family Asking for the sake of the elder brother's face, and he is quite friendly with the Su family, so he has no objection to the interview.

At this time at Jiuhuang Airport, Xuanjizi looked at her face nervously in the bathroom. After more than ten hours of long-distance flight, her face was a little ugly, and her clothes were wrinkled. Reluctantly splashed cold water on his face, rubbed his hands again, smelled if there was any peculiar smell on his body, and walked out of the bathroom in frustration, hoping that the senior would not mind.

After waiting near the luggage conveyor belt for a while before getting the luggage, Xuanjizi walked towards the exit very anxiously. Although she had contacted the senior before coming here, she didn't know if the senior still recognized herself after several years.

Just when he was thinking wildly, a familiar voice called his name and rushed over, slapped him violently on the back several times, and his bold laughter was so familiar, "Xuanjizi, why haven't you changed at all for so many years! ’ he said, ruffling his brown hair vigorously.

"The senior hasn't changed either." Xuan Jizi smiled kindly, and quietly calmed down his beating heart, "The senior is still such a wise and powerful image, it hasn't changed at all."

"It's just your sweet talk." Qingyangzi put his arms around his shoulders, half pushed and half hugged him and walked out, "Let's go, the car is parked outside, and the senior will cleanse you up