Red String

Chapter 21


. "

Xuanjizi was pushed away by him, with an embarrassed smile on her face, but a sigh in her heart. After all, I still can't pass this level, give up my research subjects and come back here, I only hope to stay with my seniors, and I am content to be a junior.

Thinking about it, I was shocked again. Several years have passed, and I don't know if the senior is married...

Qingyangzi helped him put his luggage into the trunk, started the car and asked him if he had found a place to stay, Xuanjizi quickly said that it was okay, the hotel had already been booked, Qingyangzi nodded, checked the location of the hotel and drove directly there .

Xuanjizi turned his head and looked out the window all the way. He has been away from here for five years. After graduating from university, he chose to follow the professor to go abroad to carry out scientific research projects. After a few years, he also had some achievements. When he chose to come back this time, many others were surprised. The professor asked him why, He pondered again and again and confessed. I thought the professor would be furious, but he just sighed and let him go. Before leaving, he said that if he doesn't like it, the professor welcomes him back at any time.

He took a look at Qing Yangzi who was concentrating on driving. After several years, the senior really hasn't changed anything. His eyes are still full of pride and ambition, but he is more mature and restrained.

Let's do everything according to the destiny, Xuanjizi secretly encouraged himself.

When the two were eating, Xuanjizi secretly tested Qingyangzi, "Why didn't you see Thousand Layers of Snow this time? Wasn't the senior chasing her hard at that time?"

Qingyangzi blinked, and picked up a piece of snow lotus root as if nothing had happened, "We have already broken up."

"Then now..."

"I'm too busy with work, so I don't have time to think about this." Qingyangzi carelessly served him some food, "It's you who came back alone. Could it be that you have someone you love here, so you gave up your bright future and came back?"

Xuanjizi just laughed, feeling miserable.

twenty one

After breakfast, Su Zhenzhen drove Ye Xiaochai back. At a traffic light intersection, Su Zhenzhen seemed to have no intention of saying, "Do you have any other plans for today?"

Ye Xiaochai shook her head honestly, "Nothing special."

"Then I'll take you to a good place." Su Huanhan looked calm, as if he had expected this answer long ago, when the green light came on, he turned decisively at the next intersection, and drove the car onto the road leading to the suburbs.

Ye Xiaochai looked at the surrounding scenery getting more and more remote, and it seemed that he had entered the road around the city. The road was lined with wide woods, and there were occasional cars passing by on the road. Coupled with the gloomy sky, it could be called quiet or serene. Inhabited.

In the car, Su Zhenzhen answered a few calls, it was nothing more than the company's business, he put all the matter on Qu Shitu and Qing Yangzi with a face of indifference, and seemed to have completely forgotten that Qing Yangzi asked for leave early in the morning and went to The airport welcomes the schoolboys who have been away for many years.

Ye Xiaochai remained silent, and only answered Qu Shitu's call for him on the road, and patiently listened to a lot of precautions by the way. When I passed a roadside stall, I stopped and bought a few oranges.

After peeling one and feeding it to Su Huanzhen, Su Huanzhen frowned, and there was a threatening light in his eyes, "It's very sweet."

Ye Xiaochai looked at him suspiciously, the smell of bursting citrus in the air was distinctly sour, she ate a piece suspiciously, the strong sour smell made her teeth tremble, and her body fluid was secreted quickly. Blinking, swallowing expressionlessly

The two ate the oranges one at a time, without changing their expressions. Although Ye Xiaochai was not afraid of sourness, Su Huanzhen unexpectedly didn't say a word.

After a two-hour drive, they came to a resort in the outskirts of the city, with antique buildings, carved beams and painted buildings, built against the mountains, with birds gliding indifferently in the distance, quiet and peaceful.

Ye Xiaochai got out of the car and looked at the large characters on the lintel of the villa, "Shuiyue Liangwangxuan?" What is this place

Su Zhenzhen threw the key to the parking boy, "This is a project I invested in before. At that time, I just thought that the nearby scenery was good and there were geothermal hot springs. By chance, it has developed well in the past two years. I just wanted to find a vacation for myself. place to rest."

While the two were talking, someone in charge had already come out to greet them, and said that a room had been prepared for the two of them, and asked Su Zhenzhen if he wanted to check the relevant reports. Su Zhenzhen shook his head, he was wearing casual casual clothes today, he didn't come to check this, just casual.

The manager on duty is also a person who knows the occasion very well. After taking a look at Ye Xiaochai, he understood the purpose of Su Zhenzhen's visit this time. After exchanging polite greetings, he left to do his own business.

Before leaving, I politely said that the room has been prepared for two people. If you need to rest, you can go directly to the front desk to get the key.

It was almost noon when the two arrived here. After strolling around the courtyard, Su Huanzhen took him to the greenhouse in the distance. All kinds of flowers in the greenhouse were bustlingly blooming, as if they were disconnected from the outside world.

Someone was squatting among the flowers in a white coat, the hem of the clothes was dragging in the mud carelessly, and there were a few muddy handprints on his back. Seeing someone come in, he stood up with his hands propped up, showing a silent face. Seeing Su Zhenzhen, he just smiled, and continued to squat down and play with flowers indifferently.

"This is Mr. Qiao." Su Zhenzhen whispered to Ye Xiaochai, "At the beginning, my uncle lived here for a while and met Mr. Qiao who lived alone in the mountains. When the two saw a chance, they opened a special restaurant here. The greenhouse is used by Mr. Qiao to cultivate flowers."

"Of course it's not just for fun," Su Zhenzhen glanced at him, "The geothermal hot spring in Shuiyueliangwangxuan is a major selling point, and the various services that match it are also featured. Most of the flowers produced here are used for Featured hot springs, or refining essential oils and soap products, the massage and beauty services that accompany the hot springs have always been the favorites of ladies. On the one hand, selling them as special products is also a big gain. Including the health preservation that the chef researched later The flower package can be regarded as quite a word of mouth."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward, squatted beside Qiao Lao, and helped tidy up the flowers and branches together, and he didn't stand up until they were tidy. Qiao Lao took off the mask on his face, revealing a face that had experienced a lot of wind and frost, with dark brows and some stubble growing on his chin, but his eyes were still clean and peaceful.

Su Zhenzhen introduced Ye Xiaochai to him, and he listened carefully. After finishing, he stretched out his hand and introduced himself briefly and forcefully, "I am Le Diaoyuan. You can just call me Mr. Qiao."

The two shook hands, Mr. Qiao took off his white coat as he walked out, and whispered to Su Zhenzhen about the recent cultivation of flowers and the extraction of essential oils. Su Huanzhen's face is more relaxed than usual, it seems that the old woodcutter has a different relationship with him.

Ye Xiaochai deliberately kept a little distance, exited the greenhouse, looked at the mountains rising in the distance, took a deep breath, and then exhaled, the mountain wind flashed with a trace of clamminess, and even woke up the somewhat sleepy brain in an instant.

Su Zhenzhen whispered to Mr. Qiao for a while in the greenhouse, and seemed to ask something, then came out, looked at his watch, it was already noon, and took Ye Xiaochai to eat, and the two reserved When he got to the garden restaurant and was waiting for the food to be served, the manager who had met him suddenly appeared and whispered something in his ear, Su Huanzhen immediately told Ye Xiaochai that he would leave for a while, then turned around Leave with the manager.

Ye Xiaochai looked at him with a serious expression, probably because something important happened, so she didn't speak, and let him leave. At this time, a little rain started to fall outside the window. The water vapor and the haze made the courtyard suddenly smoky.

The fragrance of scented tea circulates, which is very heart-warming on a slightly cold rainy day. Ye Xiaochai took a sip of the lotus tea in front of her, but she heard a familiar voice next to her ear, with a trace of surprise, "Ye Xiaochai? Why are you here?"

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