Red String

Chapter 6


Please have a big meal! The crowd immediately cheered, congratulated a few times, and began to discuss where to eat, and quickly called someone to locate it.

Such a big happy event, if you don't kill it hard, you will be sorry for the friendship as a colleague in the same group.

Crazy Sword and Murong Chan are said to be childhood sweethearts, during which Murong Chan traveled overseas for six years, and the two have been in constant contact. They have been in love for almost ten years, and finally they are about to cultivate.

Ye Xiaochai couldn't refuse, and Kuang Dao hit him off right away, and they had a good relationship. So dizzy, they were dragged to have dinner together. After eating, a group of people headed by Jianjun yelled that it was not enough, and they wanted to sing K again. A group of people crowded into a KTV called Sihai Family noisily, opened a big box, sang, sang, drank and drank, the dice shook loudly, and some people shook and shook with sparkling fluorescent sticks to create an atmosphere , It's just too high.

Yunxiu rushed forward and ordered a song The person who loves you the most is me, and continued to sing sadly. Before she could finish singing, Lord Jian had already snatched the microphone boldly, stepped on the armrest of the sofa, and began to sing with pride. Yunxiu wanted to grab the receiver from Jianjun, but Ruyan pulled her away and handed her a handful of peanuts. Qingyangzi covered his ears with both hands, with a look of unbearable expression on his face, he opened the door and went out to smoke. Ye Xiaochai sat for a while, and after toasting Kuang Dao, he also came out to breathe. Wanting to find the bathroom, I turned a corner in the corridor and heard two people talking in a low voice in front.

Ye Xiaochai was very embarrassed and turned around to leave, but the sound of Su really made him stop abruptly.

The two people who were talking in a low voice didn't realize that Ye Xiaochai was nearby. In fact, there was a distance between them. It was only because Ye Xiaochai practiced martial arts since childhood and had a good hearing ability that he heard their words.

"Are you sure they don't have anyone with them?" One of them has yellow hair and a wretched figure.

"Definitely not. I've taken the opportunity to go in and confirm. There are only those two people. They probably met in private." The other person was dressed as a waiter. Still holding the tray in hand.

"Who is that Su really?"

"I don't know, anyway, our goal is to summon slaves in the flower seat. If other people don't know how to behave, they will be obedient as soon as they hit their fists."

"Hmph, that's just right, I'll go and tell the other side to do it." The two smiled wretchedly, and it's not hard to imagine what disgusting idea they were planning. Just as Ye Xiaochai was about to step out, she turned back, went back to the private room, found Qing Yangzi who had just finished smoking, and whispered to him what she had just heard. Qingyangzi didn't believe it at first, he hesitated for a while before believing what he said, and called Su Zhenzhen. Unsurprisingly, the mobile phone showed that it was not in the service area, and it seemed that some equipment blocked the signal.

Qingyangzi became a little anxious now, if what Ye Xiaochai heard was true, it would not be an easy matter. He called Qu Shitu again and confirmed to him that Su Zhenzhen had indeed gone to the appointment of summoning slaves in Huazuo at night, but he didn't know where. Hua Zuo's house is a solo appointment, and there is no definite address. Even if it is locked in this KTV now, the Sihai family is a very famous place. There are nearly 30 VIP rooms alone, and there are also large and small high-end boxes. Now it is the peak business period at night, and it is impossible to have one room at a time. time to check.

Ye Xiaochai made a quick decision, he had heard the voices of those two people, went to find them and followed, maybe he could find them.

Qingyangzi contacted Qu Shitu and asked him to send someone over.

Ye Xiaochai returned to the place where they had just heard their chat, but they were no longer there. Looking at the nearby room numbers, he thought for a while, went to the service desk, and told someone that he was a guest in private room 722. The waiter who came to deliver the wine just now seemed to have dropped money there, and asked him to come and get it.

The service desk checked and called him with a beeper, "Did you go to private room 722 to deliver wine just now, and the customer said that you lost money there, so you can go to the bar to get it."

Two minutes later, a waiter came running over. Ye Xiaochai lowered his eyes and glanced at him. Sure enough, it was one of them with yellow hair who took out money from his pocket and gave it to him. Ye Xiaochai turned and walked away.

The man pretended to deliver things a few times, while frequently looking at his watch, as if he was waiting for some news. Suddenly the phone rang, he took out the phone, raised his head and looked around indifferently, hid near the window at the deepest part of the corridor, said a few words loudly, while still looking around, making sure there was no one around Then I answered in a low voice a few times, and then I came.

While answering the call, he was still on the lookout for fear of being noticed. After hanging up the phone, he gave a sinister smile, and said as if he was talking to himself, Huazuo Zhaonu, today you are still going to fall into the hands of our boss, because you were rescued eight years ago, The boss who also killed the knife had a broken finger, so he was not so lucky today.

Ye Xiaochai frowned. This person had a wretched appearance. From what he said, it was likely that the gang had failed to attack others many years ago, but unexpectedly made a comeback. He was narrow-minded, but he was a sinister villain.

Most likely, Su Zhenzhen was with the person he was going to attack, and he was probably implicated.

Just as she was thinking, the person on the phone had already come out, Ye Xiaochai quickly dodged into a nearby bathroom, and when she was hiding in, she was suddenly slapped on the shoulder, "Ye Xiaochai?"

Turning around in astonishment, it was Kuang Dao who was drunk, "When I was drinking just now, I realized that you disappeared. So you ran here hahahaha, I caught you, go back and drink with me..."

Kuang Dao drunkenly dragged Ye Xiaochai out, just as he turned his head and slammed into the door, he squatted down covering his forehead and staring at the stars. Ye Xiaochai was anxious and afraid of losing that waiter, but he couldn't do that The son left the crazy knife and was here alone.

He gritted his teeth, picked up the mad knife, and quietly opened the door to have a look. Sure enough, the waiter had disappeared, and Ye Xiaochai stayed on the spot. It was too bad.

While Suzhen was drinking tea, the door was pushed open with a bang. A group of burly men in black suits walked in, the first few were wearing sunglasses, without saying a word, they closed the door behind their hands, and there were a few crisp sounds, the sound of bullets being loaded, at least three guns were fired at the same time. Aim at the two leisurely people.

The appointment to go to Huazuo to summon slaves was not in the itinerary, but I just called to invite temporarily, saying that there was something important to discuss. Although I don't know why it is arranged in this kind of place, but I think it should be that Huazuo Zhaonu is afraid of being followed, but no matter how much Su Zhenzhen thinks about it, he never thought that this situation will appear.

Staring at the muzzles of the guns, Su Zhenzhen slowly put down the teacup, glanced at the opposite side, the hand holding the pot did not tremble at all, even the movement of flushing the water was still graceful, and the flower seat summoned slaves with a smile. , "Zhaonu, are the people from the Huazuo family worried that I will kidnap you? Such a big battle."

As early as when they broke through the door, Huazuo Zhaonu had already noticed something was wrong when he raised his eyes. He couldn't judge the origin of the other party, so he quickly saw how many people there were in the other party. Putting down the tea set calmly, he lowered his eyebrows and said, "Brother Su was just joking, the people from the Huazuo family are not such unmanned fish who break into other places and don't know how to be polite." After Zhi pressed it a few times, there was no response. He immediately realized that someone had tampered with him, exchanged glances with Su Zhenzhen and stood up.

Dressed in aqua-blue clothes, Hua Zuo summoned slaves and tapped their palms with a folding fan, looked coldly at the men in black, and asked, "Which family are you from? You don't know the rules."

The people in black didn't move. Instead, there was a sneer from the door, "Huazuo Zhaonu, you really are the same as you were twelve years ago. You are so arrogant that people can't help but want to kill you."

Su Zhenzhen raised his eyes to look at the door, and there was a short man standing at the door, his bald head was not sure whether it was oil paint or paint, his face was so thin that only bones remained, his eyeballs protruded, and when he smiled, he felt his eyes rolling in their sockets, Very obscene.

As soon as the man's voice came out, Huazuo Zhaonu's expression changed, as if he had been awakened by some memory, the flash of disgust in his eyes was filled with panic that he didn't want to recall, "Performer, you are still alive."

"Yeah, I'm still alive, and the young master of the Huazuo family still remembers me. You didn't expect that we would meet again after twelve years, but this time, why did the tears of your heartfelt bodyguard disappear? Got a new backer?" The operator cast his gaze at Su Zhenzheng gloomyly, and went back and forth between the two of them, "It's no wonder, according to the young master's appearance, I can't find any backer I'm looking for, I'm afraid It's your brother-in-law, Ghost Festival, who has been eyeing you for a long time, or has it actually been done long ago?"

The operator's eyes rolled lewdly at Huazuo Zhaonu, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. For twelve years, he has never forgotten this person. Back then when I was just a fledgling, I made a case of kidnapping the young master of the Huazuo family in a delusion to become famous, but who knew that I would be found within a few hours. Even after being cut off by the bodyguard of Huazuo Zhaonu's tear stain, and after desperately escaping from the pursuit, he was almost obsessed with ghosts, and couldn't forget the child. Of course, I have been paying attention to the changes in the Huazuo family. After inquiring about the news of his return to China, I couldn't suppress my inner restlessness, looked for various opportunities, and cast a lot of eyeliner around him. Tracking here, I found that he and Su Huan really had a private invitation, but no one else went with them. It would be a pity not to take advantage of such a great opportunity.

Recalling his appearance twelve years ago, it was different from the innocence and cuteness when he was a child, which made people rub at will. Now he is an adult, shed his immaturity, his beauty is more awe-inspiring, and his exquisiteness seems to be a stunner that does not belong to the world. I can't wait to press him down and fuck him a few times, so that his perfect expression will be shattered, and I will cry out unbearably. When I think of calling Hanazuo