Refining Frenzy

Chapter 25: Meet


The scene that happened in front of him once again confirmed Yang Yi's guess that something must have happened to Lin Feng.

But Yang Yi couldn't figure out what happened, even if he scratched his head.

Since he couldn't see Lin Feng, he had to do the next best thing and go to see Shopkeeper Xu first, and then go through Shopkeeper Xu to see Lin Feng.

Is your shopkeeper here? Yang Yi asked.

The sales staff didn't know what Yang Yi was trying to do, but most people who were rejected would usually leave directly or meet with the manager of Telford, but Yang Yi asked to see the shopkeeper instead, which made it difficult for them. Of course, the shopkeeper In the blacksmith shop, but not everyone can see it.

When they were in trouble, Defu's sharp eyes saw Yang Yi.

He immediately came over enthusiastically with a smile on his face: It's Mr. Yang, long time no see.

haven't seen you for a long time. Being blocked from the door and unable to even see the shopkeeper, Yang Yi was not very happy, but he still managed to squeeze out a smile.

You came here specifically to see Master Lin, right? Defu said with a smile: Master Lin is still forging weapons, why don't you follow me to see the shopkeeper first, and meet Master Lin later. Seeing Yang Yi, Defu still felt a little guilty. , and therefore more enthusiastic than ever.

Yang Yi thought for a while and nodded: Okay, I have something to ask shopkeeper Xu.

Defu certainly knew what Yang Yi was talking about. When Yang Yi said it, he felt even more guilty. He laughed and said sideways: Mr. Yang, please come this way.

When Yang Yi walked in, Defu turned around and whispered to several sales staff: This Mr. Yang has a close relationship with Master Lin. When Master Lin came to our blacksmith shop, he was introduced by Mr. Yang. Keep your eyes open. Point, I don’t want to see Mr. Yang blocked by you again in the future.

Several sales staff were still wondering, but after Telford's explanation, they finally understood why Telford was so enthusiastic.

They all nodded: We understand.

The inner court.

Xu Liang said with shame: Brother Yang, please forgive me for sending someone to transport the weapons back without your consent. This plan was purely helpless. I hope Brother Yang will forgive me.

As soon as he met Yang Yi, he explained clearly the cause and effect, and naturally also mentioned Lin Feng's passing the three-star weapon refiner examination.

Yang Yi didn't care much about those weapons. What he cared about most was Lin Feng.

Yang Yi was extremely surprised when he heard that Lin Feng had passed the three-star weapon refining examination. When he came last month, almost no one was willing to accept Lin Feng. He spent a lot of effort to arrange Lin Feng in Xuji. Working in the blacksmith shop, I never thought that in just over a month, Lin Feng had already passed the three-star weapon refiner assessment and became one of the most popular weapon refiners in Jianglong County.

Lin Feng's achievements far exceeded his expectations.

He originally thought that it would take several years for Lin Feng to gain a foothold here.

This is really good news

Seeing that Yang Yi didn't say anything, Xu Liang thought that he was dissatisfied and said hurriedly: Brother Yang, this is indeed my fault. Don't worry, I will definitely make it up to you.

Shopkeeper Xu is overthinking. My original intention was to help Lin Feng, and I never considered the issue of earning essence stones. Yang Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: Now that Lin Feng has achieved such good results, I feel relieved. As for compensation, there is no need.

No, no, no, compensation is necessary. Shopkeeper Xu said sternly: If you are in our line of work, you must abide by the rules of this line of work. I did some calculations last night. There are a total of 768 weapons. So far, 582 of them have been sold, which is about 1.8 million fine stones. Excluding materials The cost is about 900,000 fine stones, and the total profit is 900,000 fine stones, but 300,000 fine stones are counted as Master Lin’s commission. The remaining 600,000 fine stones, the sales staff’s commission and the operating costs of the blacksmith shop account for about 100,000 Fine stones, the net profit is about 500,000 fine stones.

500,000 fine stones

He was still a little reluctant to let Shopkeeper Xu give it up like this.

But this time thanks to Yang Yi's batch of weapons, otherwise, the blacksmith shop's losses would be far more than this few fine stones.

Here are 50 soul stones. Count them. Shopkeeper Xu handed over a small bag.

1 Soul Stone is equivalent to 100 Seal Stones, 1 Seal Stone is equivalent to 100 Essence Stones, and 50 Soul Stones is equivalent to 500,000 Essence Stones.

This number made Yang Yi slightly moved. Judging from his net worth, 500,000 fine stones was not a small amount of money.


Shopkeeper Xu, I can’t take these 50 soul stones. Yang Yi pushed the small bag back. I helped Lin Feng not for profit. He had long been mentally prepared to go bankrupt. Now that he doesn't have to go bankrupt, he is satisfied. Besides, I was not involved in the whole process. I deserved the 50 soul stones.

Although Xu Liang felt a little pained, he immediately became anxious when he heard that Yang Yi refused to accept it.

Brother Yang, you really have to accept these 50 soul stones, otherwise I will feel uneasy. Xu Liangyi said righteously: Due to emotion and reason, you deserve these 50 soul stones. If you don't accept it and this matter gets spread, how will others evaluate me? How will Xu Liang evaluate Xu Ji Blacksmith Shop? If the matter becomes more serious. A little bit, it may even affect Master Lin. Outsiders would probably say that Master Lin repaid his kindness with revenge and teamed up with Xu Ji's blacksmith shop to embezzle the precious stones. He looked at Yang Yi seriously. If my competitors knew about this, they would do anything to attack Xu Ji Blacksmith and me.

If such a thing really happens, then Lin Feng's reputation will be ruined, and Xu Ji's Blacksmith Shop will be doomed.

Therefore, Yang Yi really has to accept these 50 soul stones.

Okay, I'll take it. Yang Yi smiled bitterly, and he earned 50 soul stones in just over a month. When I used to work hard outside, I only earned about this amount in a year. But his voice didn't sound that excited.

Shaking his head, Yang Yi stopped thinking about these messy things and asked: Shopkeeper Xu, I want to see Lin Feng, can you make arrangements for me

You are Master Lin's guide, so naturally no one dares to stop you from meeting him. Xu Liang smiled and said: Let's go, I will take you there.

Thank you. Yang Yi bowed his hand.

In his heart, he was filled with emotion: in more than a month, Lin Feng's identity and status had undergone earth-shaking changes, and now it was so troublesome to see him.

When the two came to the casting area, Lin Feng was casting weapons.

They did not rashly disturb Lin Feng's casting, but waited aside. When Lin Feng finished casting a weapon, they came over.

Master Jiang was originally going to ask Lin Feng for advice, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of Xu Liang and Yang Yi and stood still.

Lin Feng. Yang Yi came over.

Xu Liang was still standing aside, waiting quietly.

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Feng turned his head and saw Yang Yi. He stood up and said in surprise: Uncle Yang

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately understood that the middle-aged man in front of them knew Lin Feng well and had an unusual relationship.

Yang Yi smiled happily and said: "I have already heard from Shopkeeper Xu about your matter." Congratulations, Master Lin Feng

The master craftsman was a three-star weapon refiner. One sentence showed that he already knew that Lin Feng had passed the three-star weapon refiner examination.

Thanks. Lin Feng said happily: If my father hears this news, he will definitely be very happy.

Not only was he happy, Yang Yi laughed and said: If he knew that you had become a three-star weapon refiner, he would be so excited that he would not be able to sleep at night. He looked at Lin Feng with emotion, "Your achievements are beyond our expectations. However, these are all achieved through your own efforts. Lin Feng, well done."

Thanks to Uncle Yang's help, Lin Feng was able to achieve what he is today.

Lin Feng asked expectantly: Uncle Yang, did your father ask you to bring anything with you this time

Yang Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: Lin Feng, you only miss your father. He just said a few words. You can't live without your father no matter what.

Lin Feng scratched his head in embarrassment: I haven't seen him for a long time and I miss him a little.

That's all, I'll tell you anyway to save you from being distracted. Yang Yi smiled and said: Your father asked me to tell you, try to master the Qianzhu skills within half a year, and participate in the three-star weapon refiner assessment. Once you pass the three-star weapon refiner assessment, you will return to Shuanglong Town. He has something to do. Give it to you. It seemed like he was participating in some kind of competition. I can't remember the specific name. It is said that this competition has a huge influence on the entire Aoki Continent.

Linfeng lowered his head in deep thought.

Master Jiang on the side couldn't help but remind him: Teacher, if my prediction is correct, the competition your father mentioned should be the Youth Masters Competition.

Lin Feng was startled: "Young Masters Competition, but he didn't ask any more questions. He could just ask his father later."

Yang Yi was also startled at this time, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart: Teacher, he looked at Master Jiang.

Seeing Yang Yi looking at him, Master Jiang quickly smiled and said: Hello, Mr. Yang, I am Jiang He, the teacher's registered disciple.

Yang Yi, the teacher's registered disciple, was confused. Lin Feng, Lin Feng actually accepted him as a registered disciple.

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said helplessly: Uncle Yang, don't listen to his nonsense. I only occasionally exchange my experience in refining weapons with them, but they insist on shouting like this, and I can't help it.

Jiang He said: Teacher, no matter you recognize us registered disciples or not, in our hearts, you will always be our teacher.

You will always be our teacher. The old blacksmiths around him all spoke up, startling Lin Feng.

Haha, Lin Feng, since they insist on worshiping you as their teacher, then why don't you accept them as registered disciples according to their wishes. Yang Yi chuckled, I think they are all sincere.

Yes, yes, we all nodded sincerely and looked at Lin Feng eagerly.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said: Uncle Yang, please stop teasing me. Look at my age, and then look at their ages. If I want them to worship me as their teacher, wouldn’t it be a disgrace to me

Everyone couldn't help but look disappointed.

You are wrong, Lin Feng. Yang Yi corrected him seriously: There is no order of precedence in hearing the Tao, the one who masters it is the teacher. You did what a teacher should do, but you were unwilling to accept the identity of a teacher. Maybe you thought you were right, but this approach was cruel to them. Yang Yi pointed at Jiang He and others. They would feel ashamed and uneasy. They would be living in torment all the time. How cruel.

Yang Yi spoke out what the old blacksmiths were thinking, and they couldn't help but feel grateful.

Hearing this, Lin Feng frowned and fell into deep thought.

: Thank you Wuliang Yehuo for the big reward of 200 starting coins. Thank you for the promise of love. Feihu Yixiao and the four masters of Dugu Mengye are big for the big reward of 100 starting coins.