Refining Frenzy

Chapter 26: Apprenticeship banquet


Looking at Lin Feng who was deep in thought, the old blacksmiths couldn't help but feel nervous, their eyes unblinking and uneasy.

Yang Yi didn't say much. He could only persuade and would not interfere with Lin Feng's decision. Besides, he was just an outsider after all and had no blood relationship with Lin Feng, so he was not qualified to interfere with Lin Feng's decision. .

The shopkeeper on the side was very surprised. He never knew that Lin Feng was actually instructing these old blacksmiths on how to refine weapons.

He suddenly felt extremely lucky that he had agreed to Lin Feng's decision to join Xu Ji's Blacksmith Shop, although this was not the first time he felt lucky.

Being able to get Lin Feng's help is God's blessing to me. Xu Liangliang was filled with emotions.

The foundry area was quiet, no one spoke, and their eyes were focused on Lin Feng.

They were looking forward to it, but also a little afraid. They were looking forward to getting the answer from Lin Feng, but they were also afraid that the answer was not what they wanted.

Simply, Lin Feng finally nodded.

Okay, I promise to accept you as registered disciples. After Lin Feng thought about it carefully, he thought Yang Yi's words made sense. It was indeed wrong for him to have wishful thinking and just care about his own safety, so he could reject everyone with peace of mind. However, I will say something ugly in front of you. Only those who have received my guidance before can do it. They are considered my registered disciples, and the rest of them are not counted at all. He made up his mind that apart from these people, if anyone came to ask him how to refine weapons in the future, he would not pay attention to them.

Just being in charge of these people was enough trouble for him, and he had become their teacher inexplicably. He didn't want to cause any more trouble for himself.

His goal is to become a great weapon refiner, not a great teacher

Thank you, teacher Jiang He and his group said excitedly.

They finally got Lin Feng's recognition. From today on, they can openly call themselves Lin Feng's disciples. Even though they are only registered disciples, they are very satisfied.

Yang Yi showed a soft smile: Look at how happy they are, and you will know how wise your decision is.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes: Uncle Yang, you have the nerve to say, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gone to such trouble.

In the past, he only had a relationship with these old blacksmiths as colleagues, and they were only acquaintances with each other. He had no obligation or responsibility to give them advice. Occasionally, when he had time, he could just give them a few random tips. But now it is different. Since they To become Lin Feng's nominal disciple, Lin Feng must shoulder the responsibility of being a teacher.

Hearing this, Yang Yi smiled awkwardly. Although he had good intentions, he could not deny that he did cause Lin Feng a lot of trouble.

It was not just these old blacksmiths who were happy, Xu Liang was also in a very good mood.

In the past, Zheng Shuang had some scruples and basically never communicated with these old blacksmiths, which was why they had never been able to become a three-star weapon refiner. Now with the guidance of Lin Feng, a serious three-star weapon refiner, these old blacksmiths are bound to The progress is rapid, and it is not difficult to pass the assessment of a three-star weapon refiner.

Regarding this, Xu Liangliang was still somewhat sure.

The talents of the old blacksmiths are not very good, but they are definitely not bad, otherwise they would not be able to become a qualified blacksmith by relying on a textbook and continuous practice.

Lin Feng, I have a suggestion, would you like to hear it? Xu Liang came over with a smile.



Jiang He and others shouted.

Lin Feng was confused and said: Shopkeeper, what are you proposing

Xu Liang stroked his long green and white beard, looked around at everyone, and then smiled and said: Since they worship you as their teacher, they should hold an apprenticeship banquet. I said last time that you only need to pass the Samsung For the weapon refiner's assessment, the blacksmith shop will be closed for one day, and everyone will celebrate you together. However, the situation did not allow it at the time, so it just so happened that this time, the apprenticeship banquet and celebration banquet were held together. how

Jiang He immediately agreed: That's exactly what it should be.

Yes, an apprenticeship banquet must be held, and the standards must be high, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the teacher. Master Zhang Zhang Yide immediately expressed his support.

The rest of the people also agreed that this apprenticeship banquet must be held, and it must be a grand event.

Lin Feng wanted to refuse, but before he could speak, a group of registered disciples spoke a lot. Facing the expectant eyes of everyone, he was embarrassed to refuse again. If he refused again, others would suspect him of being arrogant.

All right. Lin Feng's tone was very helpless.

The casting area suddenly burst into laughter.

Xu Liang said again: "Well, it's still early anyway. Let's just schedule the apprenticeship banquet tonight. I will go to Qingfeng Pavilion to reserve a large private room later. I will handle this matter personally. I must satisfy everyone. Lin Feng, how

Everything depends on the shopkeeper. Lin Feng said weakly.

He found that today was really not a good day. He had been tricked by Uncle Yang and also by the shopkeeper. He was really not used to such a high profile.

Xu Liang nodded: Okay, I'll go over and explain to Defu first, and then I'll negotiate with the shopkeeper of Qingfeng Pavilion. With that said, he said to Yang Yi: Brother Yang, it is rare to see such a grand event in our blacksmith shop. You must come to participate when the time comes, otherwise I will be very unhappy.

Haha, just what Shopkeeper Xu said, I will definitely come to participate. Yang Yi laughed and said: Besides, the protagonist of this apprenticeship banquet is Lin Feng. Even if you don't call me, I will shamelessly come to participate.

Soon, Xu Liang left in a hurry.

Although it was still early before dark, Xu Liang still hoped to go there and prepare early to avoid any unexpected mistakes.

Lin Feng, I have something to do, so I will leave first. See you in the evening. Yang Yi also said goodbye.

Lin Feng said: See you in the evening.

Xu Liang and Yang Yi left, and Lin Feng concentrated on forging weapons again. He was not affected at all by the apprenticeship banquet that was coming in the evening. His concentration was admirable.

Seeing Lin Feng immersed in casting, the old blacksmiths also gathered their spirits and continued casting.

However, they were more or less affected. It took a lot longer to forge a weapon than before, but they did not belittle themselves. After all, there are few people in the world who are as dedicated as Lin Feng. Furthermore, Lin Feng is Their teachers, teachers are better than their disciples, that is a matter of course, they have nothing to feel inferior to.

Perhaps it was this concentration that allowed the teacher to achieve such remarkable achievements, everyone secretly thought.

It was getting late, and the crescent moon passed over the top of the mountain in the distance at some point and hung on the top of the mountain. On the opposite side, the sun dropped, became parallel to the horizon, and soon disappeared in this charming night.

Masters, you can stop now. Everything is ready at Qingfeng Pavilion. DeFeo hurried into the foundry area and informed.

Everyone stopped casting and looked at the sky outside. It was indeed getting late.

After tidying up for a while, a large group of people walked straight towards Qingfeng Pavilion. Qingfeng Pavilion is not far from Xu Ji's blacksmith shop. The name is very elegant, but the decoration is splendid and looks a bit luxurious. Compared with the name, it looks a bit more philistine. The taste is a little less elegant.

The people who worshiped Lin Feng as their master this time included all the old blacksmiths, as well as a small number of blacksmiths and apprentices. The old blacksmith was headed by Jiang He, and the blacksmiths and apprentices were headed by Li Qi.

Being able to become Lin Feng's registered disciple, Li Qi was still excited for a long time, which led to many mistakes during the casting today.

He knows better than anyone that becoming Lin Feng's registered disciple is definitely a happy thing

At this time, he was excited, because once he became Lin Feng's disciple, he would not be filled with shame when he consulted Lin Feng in the future. Thinking of this, the smile on his face became even brighter, I can't wait to hold the apprenticeship ceremony immediately.


Li Qi was so excited that he didn't notice an old man pushing a cart slowly approaching from the front left, and finally bumped into the cart with his head.

The old man was weak, and without holding on to the handrails of the trolley, he fell directly to the ground, letting out a low cry of pain. A large wooden box on the cart also slid down the cart's board and fell to the ground, making a loud collision.

Li Qi was young and strong. Although he fell, he was not injured. He stood up and patted the dust on his body. He heard the old man's voice in his ears. He quickly walked over and helped the old man up: "Old man, I'm sorry, blame me." I was thinking about something just now and didn't see clearly in front of me, which is why I disturbed you. After helping the old man up, he apologized immediately and sincerely.

The old man was hurt by the fall, but the injury was not serious.

There is no need for you to blame yourself. It was the little old man who was dim-sighted and accidentally bumped into you. Please forgive me. The old man said in panic.

This should be a poor man from a township, wearing a thin cloth, with two patches on the cuffs and shoulders. In this strict hierarchical world, the status of the poor is very low. They can't afford to offend anyone from the county town. , now that he has collided with Li Qi, the old man is naturally uneasy, fearing that Li Qi will be punished.

Lin Feng stopped, walked over, and asked: What happened

Jiang He and others also stopped and walked back from the front.

Li Qi said awkwardly: Teacher, I accidentally hit the old man's cart just now and almost caused the old man to be injured.

Old man, are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Lin Feng asked with gentle concern.

The old man quickly said: It's okay, the little old man just fell down and was not injured. He thought to himself, it's amazing that this adult is so young but has already become someone else's teacher. Fortunately, this adult is kind-hearted, otherwise I would have been in trouble today. The word teacher, no matter what occupation it is used in, can represent a certain degree of ability.

Well, it's okay. I'd better help you move the wooden box up first.

Lin Feng turned around and went to move the wooden box.

As soon as he lifted the wooden box, the lid fell off automatically and fell to the ground, falling apart with a snap.


A clear and sweet sound came from the wooden box. It sounded like a bird's song, but it was more ethereal than ordinary birdsong, which made people feel comfortable.

: The second update should be very late, around 12 o'clock in the evening. Thank you Mr. Ba for the big reward of 688 starting coins. Thank you Suluhuz and Dugu Book Friends 140926163933204 for the big reward of 588 starting coins. Thank you to Furious Coke for the big reward of 300 starting coins. Thank you for the master of Mengye, the flying fox Yixiao. Baka’s yellow flash persists in calling the beast. Ye Yu, Qiu Feng Sword Dunjie, and six other heroes will give a huge reward of 100 starting coins.