Refining Frenzy

Chapter 29: Wayward Nono


Lin Feng knew only a little about monsters.

He only knew that from now on, this powerful monster would be his partner. Contracted monsters are the existence that many masters dream of, but those who can actually own one are extremely rare. With Lin Feng's strength, there was almost no hope of owning a contract monster. However, his luck was indeed enviable. By accident, he signed an equal contract with the purple-eyed blood-winged bird.

Therefore, Lin Feng was very content.

Lin Feng, I really don’t know how to describe your luck. Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng with envy. Among all the monsters, the purple-eyed blood-winged bird was considered to be at a mid-level level, and yours seemed to have undergone some mutation. The speed it showed just now was faster than the ordinary purple-eyed bird. The baby of the Eye-Blooded Winged Bird is several times faster. When it reaches adulthood, it may reach the seventh or even eighth level. When he said the last sentence, his voice was trembling.

A seventh or eighth level monster can easily destroy the entire Jianglong County.

Such a monster is considered a relatively powerful existence even within the monster clan.

hey-hey. Lin Feng lowered his head and smiled stupidly.

Yang Yi patted him on the shoulder: Take good care of it. It can protect you in the future and just make up for your lack of strength.

Congratulations teacher

Congratulations, Lin Feng

Jiang He, Li Qi, Xu Liang and others came forward to congratulate him, but they still did not dare to get too close for fear of being hurt by the purple-eyed blood-winged bird.

After such an episode, the apprenticeship banquet started again and everyone was seated again, but the atmosphere was not as harmonious as before.

They couldn't forget that there was a monster watching them.

After the banquet, Lin Feng handed a bag to Yang Yi and asked, "Uncle Yang, there are some soul stones in it. Please help me bring it to my father. My brother's future tuition fees and family expenses can all be paid from here." Withdrawal inside. Xu Liang has already settled last month's salary to him, which is a commission of 300,000 essence stones, which is 30 soul stones. There are a total of 25 soul stones in this bag, and the rest is left to Lin Feng himself Save it for emergencies.

Are you afraid that I will swallow a part of it secretly? Yang Yi asked after taking it.

If Uncle Yang needs essence stones, just take them. I can earn so many essence stones because of Uncle Yang's contribution. Lin Feng smiled freely.

Yang Yi laughed: Haha, you kid.

By the way, I almost forgot about this. Lin Feng suddenly searched his arms again and took out a badge. He solemnly handed it to Yang Yi, "Uncle Yang, please bring this badge to my father." His expression became much more serious.

What kind of badge? When Yang Yi saw it, he suddenly felt a little hot and asked in surprise: Why did you take this back

This is a three-star weapon refiner badge that symbolizes honor and status.

Lin Feng said: I just want to make my father happy.

Not only this badge, but every badge he obtained in the future, he planned to leave it to his father for collection. Because this is not just his honor.

However, it is so rare for people like Lin Feng to hand over the three-star weapon refiner badge to others for safekeeping. No wonder Yang Yi is so surprised.

I really envy your father. It is his honor to have such a well-behaved child like you. Yang Yi put the badge away solemnly and then said with emotion.

Lin Feng smiled and did not answer.

I heard from your father that your brother is on vacation at the end of next month. Do you plan to go back with him or go back later? Yang Yi asked: "If you go back together, then I can just send a few people to talk. Halfway through, he shook his head again." Shaking his head, I almost forgot that there is a purple-eyed blood-winged bird beside you. A baby blood-winged bird with purple eyes was completely comparable to his subordinates.

I went home with my brother. Lin Feng said fondly: Our family has not been reunited for a year.

Since his younger brother Lin Yun went to Qingfeng College, they can only meet once a year, and there are too few opportunities to get together.

Okay, I'll leave first. If you need anything, you can go directly to the shopkeeper of Wenshu Inn. He is a friend I have known for many years and should be able to help. Yang Yi waved goodbye.



It was dark outside the house, and the edge of the sun had just emerged from the horizon. I remembered the clear chirping of birds in a dormitory in the backyard of Xu Ji's blacksmith shop.

Nono, can you please stop for a moment and stop the helpless voice of Lin Feng that echoes in the dormitory

Nuonuo is the new name given by Lin Feng to the purple-eyed blood-winged bird. As for why he named it Nono instead of Lan Landidi or something else, it is because Lin Feng asked the purple-eyed blood-winged bird at that time: "Little Guy, after I said what's your name, I remembered that the old man seemed to call it Azi.

However, the purple-eyed blood-winged bird didn't seem to be very satisfied with the name Azi. When Lin Feng asked, he shouted happily: "Nono."

So, the little guy's name was decided.

But Lin Feng didn't expect that since he had this little guy by his side, his life would be full of helplessness.

Even Xu Liang once said with emotion: Monsters are monsters, and they are much more willful than human children.

Early every morning, Nuonuo would fly all over the house and keep chirping, reminding Lin Feng that it was time to get up and feed him. Its food is not ordinary meals, but the extremely precious and rare asparagus fruits in the fruit market. It eats nothing but asparagus fruits. No wonder the old man would say that it is too picky and cannot be fed by ordinary people. it. A month ago, Lin Feng would have been powerless. It likes to stand on Lin Feng's shoulder. Except for sleeping at night, it almost never leaves Lin Feng's shoulder. Even when Lin Feng is forging weapons, it is unwilling to leave, as if this is its nest.

Chirp, chirp Nuonuo screamed happily, jumping up and down on the surface of Lin Feng's quilt.

Li Qi and others were also tortured by this little guy until they wanted to cry. They had hardly had a good night's sleep since this little guy came.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at Nuonuo helplessly: I have never seen such a willful monster like you.

He got up and dressed, then took Nono out of the dormitory and walked towards the fruit market outside the blacksmith shop.

This little guy has a very picky mouth. Not only does he want to eat asparagus berries, he also wants to eat the freshest asparagus berries that have been left overnight. He also has no appetite.

When I came back from the fruit market, it was already dawn.

At this time, Lin Feng no longer felt sleepy. After breakfast, he began to exercise.

After exercising in the inner courtyard for about an hour, the old blacksmiths started working one after another. Lin Feng also stopped exercising and walked towards the casting area.

Good morning, teacher. As soon as Jiang He saw Lin Feng, he shouted respectfully.

Zhang Yide, Li Qi and others also shouted: Good morning, teacher!

Lin Feng smiled and said hello: Well, good morning everyone.

Jiang He was the first to come over, with a shy face and said embarrassedly: Teacher, I always made mistakes in the virtual and real skills last night, please give me some guidance.

Since Lin Feng officially accepted them as registered disciples, the number of times they consulted Lin Feng has increased significantly. This was also the reason why Lin Feng was initially hesitant.

However, the speed of their progress shocked Lin Feng.

Originally, in Lin Feng's opinion, their progress speed should be similar to that of Li Qi. Unexpectedly, their performance exceeded Lin Feng's expectation. It has only been more than twenty days since then, but almost all of them have almost reached the bottleneck of two-star weapon refiners, and are only a little short of being promoted to three-star weapon refiners.

In this regard, Lin Feng could only sigh: his decades of casting experience were not in vain.

According to Lin Feng's speculation, maybe in a few days, someone will completely master the combination of 1070 skills and become a three-star weapon refiner. Within half a month at most, these old blacksmiths can basically all reach the standards of three-star weapon refiners.

As per the old rules, come here and try it first. Lin Feng's teaching method is very strange, but the effect is unexpectedly good.

After a while, Jiang He left with satisfaction, and Zhang Yide rushed over soon after.

After giving guidance to several named disciples, Lin Feng was free to start his own casting.

The progress of the old blacksmiths is huge, and Lin Feng's own progress is also not small. It has been almost a month since he passed the assessment of the three-star weapon refiner. One month is not long, nor is it short. In Space 1, This time was extended forty to fifty times. It was a long period of time. It was through such boring learning that Lin Feng mastered 1,380 kinds of Ten Thousand Casting techniques.

He is no longer a rookie who has just entered the ranks of three-star weapon refiners.

However, Lin Feng's strength is still very weak. After such a long time, he still has not reached the standard of a five-star warrior apprentice.

When talking about strength, Lin Feng couldn't help but think of his younger brother Lin Yun.

All in all, Qingfeng Academy will be on vacation in about a month. Lin Feng is very much looking forward to the day when he will meet his younger brother. With his younger brother's cultivation talent, he must already have considerable strength.

Lin Yun did not show any talent in the art of weapon refining, but his physical talent was extremely good. Perhaps he could not compare with Xiao Ran, a genius who was almost a monster. But other than Xiao Ran, Shuanglong Town could not find anyone more talented than Lin Yun. , even in a county full of talents, Lin Yun's talent has attracted a lot of attention.

It has been several months since I arrived, and the time for Lin Feng to return home is getting closer and closer.

: Asking for recommendation votes, favorites, and clicks. Thank you Fuhu Dandan for the big reward of 588 starting coins, and thank you for the yellow flash of Baka for the big reward of 100 starting coins. Congratulations on the addition of a new helmsman to this book. Congratulations on the addition of a new deacon in this book. Congratulations on the addition of a new deacon. Super simple.