Refining Frenzy

Chapter 55: The light in the dark night


The mayor's residence in Shuanglong Town.

Brother, don’t you feel tired from running to the Lin family’s blacksmith shop every day

Seeing Yang Yi packing clothes again and getting ready to go out, Yang Mang, the second child, asked with bulging eyes: "You are tired of running like this every day, but I am too tired." Lin Tao is not a great person. Is it worthy of your condescension to make friends with him? He curled his lips and said, if you want to repay your kindness, you can send Lin Feng to Xu Ji's blacksmith shop in the county. Are you taking that Lin Tao so seriously

Second brother, things in this world are not as simple as you see. Yang Yi smiled and said: It is true that Lin Tao is not a big shot, but his son Lin Feng is a capable person. I do this not only to repay my kindness, but also to lean on this big tree.

Yang Mang said disdainfully: That guy Lin Feng, through some kind of bad luck, actually passed the three-star weapon refiner examination. But it’s not like we haven’t seen three-star weapon refiners before. We have also seen many four-star weapon refiners. We even had the honor to see the true appearance of a five-star weapon refiner. A mere Lin Feng can be considered a first-class weapon master. big tree

The third child, Yang Chen, couldn't help but smile and asked: "Second brother, Lin Feng may not be so great now, but what about in the future?"

After that, Yang Mang was startled and then shook his head. I don't care what he does. We will talk about the future later.

Yang Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: Lin Feng is only nineteen years old, and he is already a three-star weapon refiner. His talent is extraordinary. If one day, he can pass the assessment of a five-star weapon refiner, then his influence will be immeasurable. Not to mention far away, at least within Jianglong County, no one dared to disobey him. Not to mention the five-star weapon refiner, even now, his influence in Jianglong County is astonishing, and his status is not necessarily much lower than Hu Feizhuo Bufan Feng Jun and others. After all, he is the one who has taught sixteen three-star weapon refiners.

Sixteen three-star weapon refiners

Every time he thought of this, Yang Yi couldn't help but feel deeply.

Although he already valued Lin Feng, he did not expect that Lin Feng's growth rate would still far exceed his expectations.

He looked at Yang Mang solemnly: Second brother, since we have planned to take root in Jianglong County, we cannot ignore these connections. You probably haven’t forgotten how the Lotus Mercenary Group chased and ambushed us all the way, right

Of course I remember, those villains, I, Yang Mang, will not forget easily. Yang Mang held the handle of the knife tightly, obviously holding back his anger. If there is a chance, I will never spare them.

Yang Chen sighed and said: Second brother, the Lotus mercenary family has a great cause and we cannot afford to offend them. In the future, if we encounter people from the Lotus Mercenary Group, I think we'd better go around. Otherwise, they may be planning some conspiracy secretly to harm us.

Third brother's words make sense. Yang Yi nodded, second brother, you'd better be honest and don't cause any more trouble. We are alone now, and we are not as majestic as we were back then.

Yang Mang was annoyed by the two people saying: Okay, okay, it's okay if I don't mess with them. By the way, brother, have you packed up? If you have packed up, then go out quickly. I won’t accompany you today. Save yourself the trouble.

Yang Yi and Yang Chen looked at each other, and then Yang Chen said: Since the second brother is not going, then I am too lazy to go, so I will stay in the house to accompany the second brother. Brother, you should be fine if you go alone.

If Zhao Wen and others from the Lotus Mercenary Group were here, they would probably laugh out loud.

Now, their task is easier, and they no longer have to worry about extraneous matters.

The Lin family's blacksmith shop is not a dragon's den or a tiger's den. If there is any problem, Yang Yi laughed loudly. Then I will leave first and you can take care of dinner on your own.

The fact that Yang Yi went to the blacksmith shop alone soon spread to the ears of Zhao Wen, Qiudong and others.

It seems God is on our side this time. Qiu Dong smiled cruelly, "Yang Yi, Yang Yi, there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, if there is no way to hell you just go through it." If you die, you can't blame me.

However, Zhao Wen frowned: I'm afraid things are not that simple.

Qiu Dong's tone was slightly dissatisfied: things are very simple to begin with, it's just that we think too complicated.

You listen to me first. Zhao Wen was unhappy, but he still endured it and said: For several months before, Yang Mang and Yang Chen were with Yang Yi almost every day. It can be said that they were inseparable. Now that we are here, Yang Mang I separated from Yang Chen and Yang Yi. It seemed that everything was conducive to our actions, everything was such a coincidence. But, could things really be such a coincidence

He looked at Qiu Dong: I suspect that maybe our spy accidentally revealed his identity, which aroused their vigilance, causing them to pretend to be separated. In fact, they were secretly plotting to fight back.

Although Zhao Wen's words seemed to make sense, Qiu Dong was annoyed: This won't work, and that won't work either. Then tell me what we should do.

Wait and see what happens and face it calmly. Zhao Wen snorted. Even if there was only a slight possibility of failure, I was unwilling to try.

What he wants is 100% certainty and nothing can go wrong.

Qiu Dong laughed angrily: Zhao Wen, don't use chicken feathers as arrows to tell you, I have tolerated you for a long time. He scolded you mercilessly, from the first day you joined the mercenary group, I have been watching you. I'm not used to it. You don't have any other skills, so you can only make up your mind and fool the leader into being stunned. However, Captain, he believes in you, but I don’t believe it. I have made it clear to you today. I have already decided that I will personally lead more than ten brothers to capture Yang Yi later. It doesn’t matter whether you come or not. Anyway, I If there are more than ten people left for you, you don’t have to worry about someone beheading you.

At the end of his words, he sarcastically said: With your timid character, you probably won’t act with me.

You~ Zhao Wen’s face changed drastically and turned red with anger. Qiu Dong, you are too presumptuous.

Qiu Dong was not afraid at all: I'm so impudent. Damn it, I've had enough. You'd better not provoke me. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do.

A short sentence, but full of threats.

Zhao Wen's face turned cold, and when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back. He really doesn't dare to gamble

This guy Qiu Dong is powerful, reckless and impulsive, and can do anything. The reason why the regiment leader sent him to take charge of the overall situation was to prevent Qiu Dong from ruining the situation. But the leader probably didn't expect that Qiu Dong actually fell out with Zhao Wen directly and didn't even obey Zhao Wen's orders.

Hum, if you want to die, then go ahead, I won’t stop you. Zhao Wen waved his hand and hummed.

You can't stop it even if you want to. Now that he has broken his skin, Qiu Dong becomes even more rude to Zhao Wen. Just wait here and see how I capture Yang Yi.

Zhao Wen was so angry that he pointed at Qiu Dong with trembling fingers: Get out of here

The sky is dark, a crescent moon is looming in the sky, and there is a vague murderous intention lurking in the dark night.

"Captain Zhao, we, we really don't care about Master Qiu and the others," a member of the mercenary group asked hesitantly in a low voice.

Zhao Wen snorted coldly: Qiu Dong didn't obey the command and acted on his own initiative. He deserved to die.


Feeling that his authority was being challenged, Zhao Wen suddenly became furious and yelled: There is nothing wrong with him. He wants to die himself. Do we have to die with them? You'd better figure it out. I am the leader, and he, Qiu Dong, is just the leader. Just a little captain

yes. No one dared to speak out anymore.

A moment.


One person whispered: I seemed to hear something.

There is no sound that you think too much. his companion scoffed.

After half a stick of incense.


It's true. If you don't believe it, you can listen carefully. The man's face became serious and his voice became louder and louder, as if he was coming towards us.

This time he didn't need to say anything, everyone heard it.

Zhao Wen's expression changed and he immediately said: Everyone, pay attention and be alert immediately.

They all heard the faint sound.

At this critical moment, such strange sounds made their nerves tense.

It's a carriage. Zhao Wen frowned. It was so late. How could there be a carriage passing by? Listening to the sound, there must be more than one.

Sir, over there. A member of the mercenary group reminded.

Zhao Wen looked around and immediately saw the figures of the carriages. In the dark night, the figures of the carriages were looming and very blurry, but he could barely see their outlines. If he counted them carefully, good guys, there were four carriages.

Be careful and don't make a sound. Zhao Wen issued the order.

They watched nervously as the carriage got closer and closer, their hearts almost beating out of their throats. The members of the mercenary group held their weapons harder with a small amount of sweat on their palms. They even wondered if Qiu Dong had betrayed him. They informed the enemy to come here to encircle and suppress them.

Fortunately, the carriage turned around when it was still dozens of meters away from them.

However, just at the moment when their nerves relaxed, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Masters, Shuanglong Town is ahead, but the hillside here is too steep. I am afraid of any accidents, so I still bother you to come down and walk for a while. The groom shouted into the car.

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people slowly stepped out of the carriage. Under the moonlight, it could be vaguely distinguished that they were a group of old people.

One of them laughed and said: I have been bored in the car for a long time, so I can come out and get some fresh air. Xiao Zheng, please go to the foot of the mountain and wait for us.

The good horseman responded and spurred his horse forward.

A group of old people walked slowly down the mountain, talking in low voices, and their voices seemed very happy.

Everyone in the Lotus Mercenary Group was looking in the direction of the old man intently. In the darkness, sixteen soft rays of light were shining on the chests of a group of old people. The light was very soft. If you didn't look carefully, it would be difficult to spot it. .

That was the three-star weapon refiner badge. Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

They couldn't see the appearance of the old people very clearly, but they recognized the three-star weapon refiner badge at a glance.

This means that these sixteen old people are all three-star weapon refiners.

They have come into contact with a lot of three-star weapon refiners, but they rarely see so many three-star weapon refiners gathered together. And those few times were when they accepted a task issued by a five-star weapon refiner. Saw it in the mansion of the five-star weapon refiner

Everyone was confused as to why so many three-star weapon refiners came to this small place in Jianglong County.

Zhao Wen's face was solemn. For some reason, when he saw these three-star weapon refiners, he suddenly felt uneasy. Could it be that Yang Yi had already leaked the information about that thing? He felt a little panicked and immediately gave instructions to the people around him. Order, follow them and take a look, and be sure to find out their purpose of coming to Shuanglong Town.

: Second update, please recommend, vote, collect, like, and appreciate.

Thank you Feihu Yixiao for the big reward of 200 starting coins.