Refining Frenzy

Chapter 57: Yang Chen’s face project


This is a misunderstanding, a very beautiful misunderstanding.

The old blacksmiths never mentioned their real purpose of finding Yang Yi, nor did they mention that their teacher was just a three-star weapon refiner, because they knew it well, and everyone could understand the meaning whether they said it or not. .

But their half-hidden words caused Zhao Wen and other members of the Lotus Mercenary Group to suffer.

Even though they had withdrawn thousands of meters away, everyone in the Lotus Mercenary Group was still frightened. They were just a tiny bit away from getting into trouble.

At the junction of Shuanglong Town and another town, the speed of the Lotus Mercenary Group slowly slowed down.

One person gasped and said: We have gone so far away, we should not provoke those evil stars again, right

Facing that group of people they can't afford to offend, they will naturally run away as far as they can. Not to mention the Lotus mercenary group, even the top four mercenary groups in Jingmen City Province will still play tricks if they offend others. No one is immune.

Another person whispered: It's better to stay farther away. I always feel that this distance is still not safe.

Zhao Wen waved his hand and said: Okay, after running so far, it’s almost enough. They probably didn’t notice our existence, otherwise they would have caught up long ago. After finishing speaking, he took a deep breath. He was really tired after running such a long way. Although he was the deputy leader of the Lotus Mercenary Group, his strength was not high. He relied more on His wisdom and the commander's respect for him can give him a firm foothold in the Lotus Mercenary Group.

In fact, many people in the Lotus Mercenary Group looked down upon him.

But now no one will question him, at least the members of the mercenary group behind him will never question him again

Because, if it hadn't been for Zhao Wen this time, I'm afraid all of them would have ended miserably.

At the same time, they also saw Zhao Wen's wisdom through this incident.

He is worthy of being the commander of the military division. Everyone sighed in their hearts. If Commander Zhao hadn't been able to predict the situation and concluded that there was something wrong with this matter, we would have fallen into this whirlpool at this time.

The way they looked at Zhao Wen became a little different, mixed with a little admiration.

Zhao Wen felt the eyes of everyone and smiled slightly, feeling even more proud.

Although the facts are somewhat different from his guess, at least for now, his decision is right. This alone is enough.

Okay, it's almost time to go. After stopping for a moment, Zhao Wen said again.

He wished he could grow a pair of wings, fly thousands of miles away with a whoosh, and quickly leave this place of right and wrong.

He didn't stop just now because he really thought it was safe here, but he couldn't run anymore, so he made an excuse, saying that it was already safe here. With his current status in everyone's hearts, everyone naturally I am convinced by his words and will never have the slightest doubt.

Captain Qiu Dongqiu suspected Zhao Wen, what was the result

Facts have proved that those who doubt Zhao Wen will definitely end up miserable.

Everyone said in unison: Yes

The answers this time were neat, loud and full of energy, which fully proved that Zhao Wen's status in their minds had quietly changed.

Zhao Wen was startled: Why are you talking so loudly? It will be troublesome if you attract those evil stars. Although this place is very far away, he still feels uneasy. Let's leave quickly. Don't stay in Jianglong County. We will bypass Jianglong County directly and speed up the pace back to Jingmen City Province.

Jianglong County was too dangerous, and he didn't want to stay any longer.

Zhao Wen's order happened to be surprisingly consistent with the thoughts of many members of the mercenary group, so no one raised any objections and simply carried out the order. Not long after, they had bought ten items in the nearby town. A few horses hurried back to Jingmen City Province.


At night, four carriages slowly drove into the main street of Jianglong Town. At this time, the crescent moon hung high, and the sky seemed to have been cleaned, making the moonlight look particularly soft.

At this time, some villagers had turned off their lights and rested, while others were still busy.

After inquiring, the old blacksmiths learned the location of the mayor's mansion and hurried there.

They are not familiar with Shuanglong Town and don't know how to arrange the next step. The best way now is to go to Yang Yi first to discuss their plan. At the same time, they can also ask Yang Yi to arrange a place for them. After all, here It is Yang Yi's territory. Naturally, no one knows this place better than Yang Yi.

Excuse me, who are you looking for

Before a group of old blacksmiths could speak, a guard outside the mansion asked first, while the other stepped back in small steps and ran into the mansion to inform Yang Yi's two brothers.

Although their martial arts were not high, their eyesight was extraordinary. They could tell at a glance how extraordinary these old people were, especially the three-star weapon refiner badges hanging on their chests, which proved their suspicions.

Weapon Refiner, no matter where he goes, almost always has an Weapon Refiner badge hanging on his chest, so it is actually very simple to tell whether a person is an Weapon Refiner, just look to see if he has an Weapon Refiner badge on his chest If the badge is worn, it is undoubtedly a weapon refiner. If it is not worn, it is not a weapon refiner.

Freaks like Lin Feng are rare in the world, so they basically don't need to be counted.

Sixteen three-star weapon refiners, they would never dare to neglect

Not to mention sixteen, they would not dare to offend any one of them, but sixteen together would be even more incredible.

We are here to see Mayor Yang Yi. Is Yang Yi in the mansion now? Jiang He asked.

The guard shook his head and said: Sorry, the mayor is out on business. After a pause, he added: "But the other two adults are in the mansion and have not gone out." Your Excellencies, you may wish to wait for a moment, the two adults will be here shortly.

Jiang He asked curiously: "Two other adults, do you think there are three mayors in Shuanglong Town?"

The guard was startled for a moment, then laughed and said: My lords, you have misunderstood. Those two lords are not the mayor, but the younger brothers of our mayor, namely Mr. Yang Mang and Mr. Yang Chen.

That kid Yang Yi actually has two younger brothers. Qiao Wen said with a smile: Then we might as well wait here first.


No need to wait, we are already here.

This voice came from Yang Mang's unique rough voice. He laughed and said from afar: Sirs, this is Yang Mang, the second eldest son of the Yang family. Although this guy acted recklessly and impulsively, he did not dare to make mistakes in front of a group of three-star weapon refiners.

Yang Chen's voice then sounded: This is Yang Chen, the third eldest son of the Yang family.

The two of them walked up to a group of old blacksmiths and bowed: "Yang Chen and Yang Mang have met all of you."

Qiao Wen waved his hand and said with a smile: You two are welcome.

We are weapon refiners from Jianglong County, and these are my senior brothers. Jiang He pointed to the people around him, and then asked: "May I ask where your elder brother has gone? We are just trying to discuss something with him. I don't know when he will come back."

Upon hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

These sixteen people are actually brothers

They were shocked by the origins of the old blacksmiths.

The eldest brother just went out not long ago and went to a blacksmith shop. I'm afraid he won't be back until very late. Yang Chen just finished speaking, as if he was afraid of neglecting these people, and said quickly: If not, I will send someone to inform the elder brother. I think he will be back in a moment. These are people they can never afford to offend.

Yao Yongcai from the blacksmith shop asked in surprise: You mean, he went to a blacksmith shop

The old blacksmiths looked at each other and saw the smile in his eyes.

Yang Chen had a serious flash of doubt and said: Not bad.

Jiang He smiled and asked: Could it be the Lin family's blacksmith shop

It was Yang Chen who was even more surprised. Why did these old blacksmiths even know about the Lin Family Blacksmith Shop

Aren't they from the city

That's just right. You don't need to send someone to notify your brother. Just take us to the blacksmith shop. Qiao Wen and the others came to Yang Yi, and their ultimate goal was to meet Lin Feng's father, Lin Tao. Now Yang Yi happened to be at the blacksmith shop, and the two brothers Yang Chen and Yang Mang seemed to be very familiar with the Lin family's blacksmith shop. , In this way, it saves them the trouble. They can go directly to the Lin family's blacksmith shop and see Lin Tao and Yang Yi, saving them from running back and forth. Junior brothers, what do you think? He turned around and looked at Jiang He and the others. people.

Yes, let's go now. Everyone nodded.

They have long been very curious about the teacher's father. They want to see what kind of strange person he is who can teach such a magical weapon refiner like the teacher.

Everyone reached a consensus and decided immediately.

Poor Yang Yi could only listen on the sidelines, with no room to interrupt, let alone make decisions for them.

Since all of you are going to the Lin family's blacksmith shop, you should lead the way. Yang Chen said.

After saying that, he said to Yang Mang: Second brother, please call all the soldiers over. Since you have found us, we must be responsible for your safety. That's what they say, but in fact, there are no safety risks in Jianglong Town. This is just to increase their impression points in the minds of these old blacksmiths, and it is nothing more than a face-saving project.

After all, he still doesn't know the purpose of these old blacksmiths. If these people are here to cause trouble, and he treats them so considerately and thoughtfully, then these old blacksmiths will not embarrass them too much.

Soon, all the soldiers in the mayor's mansion gathered at the gate. Yang Chen only left two gatekeepers, and took the rest away. If you want to do it, you must do your best, do a good job in honoring the project, and let everyone Only if these old blacksmiths feel his sincerity

Seeing that Yang Chen spoke so seriously and sincerely, the old blacksmiths were too embarrassed to refuse, and finally nodded in agreement: OK, let's all set off together.

The other side of the street.

Figures shuttled through the darkness, silently, like ghosts.

The person taking the lead was none other than Qiu Dong, the captain of the Lotus Mercenary Group.

What they didn't know yet was that all the soldiers in the mayor's mansion were rushing towards their destination.

: Thank you, Zuixinren, Liangxin, Purple, Blue, Flying Fox and Xiao, for the generous reward of 100 starting coins.

Congratulations to the addition of a new deacon, Ke Mindo, to this book.