Refining Frenzy

Chapter 727: The wonderful use of the will of death [first update]


After enduring the divine punishment, Lin Feng rested quietly for a while, and the wounds all over his body healed quickly.

He was not in a hurry to leave, but instead became familiar with the new power in Space 1, and used the nine-layer primordial water to strengthen his physical body, and strengthened his physical body to the half-king level. In this way, with the double superposition of legal strength and physical strength, his strength will rise to another level again.

With the tempering of the Nine Levels of Yuan Shui and the strengthening of the seven most powerful laws, Lin Feng's physical strength increased at a crazy speed.

After spending about ten drops of the Nine Layer Essence Water, his physical strength finally reached the saturation level and it was difficult to continue to improve.

Lin Feng slowly stopped, and then began to adapt to this more powerful body.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Feng stopped his movements and showed a smile: My current strength should be several times stronger than those of the lowest holy kings, but compared to those of the veteran holy kings, it is far behind.

Strictly speaking, Lin Feng's strength was between the bottom Saint King and the veteran Saint King.

As long as he doesn't meet those veteran holy kings, basically no one can threaten his life.

Of course, this is only his own strength. If the move of detonating the holy weapon is also included, he himself does not know what level his strength is.

correct. When it came to detonating the holy weapon, Lin Feng suddenly had an idea. Now I can control the will of death. I wonder if I can give a trace of my will to the weapon refining materials or whether I can refine more advanced weapons.

Lin Feng had made similar conjectures a long time ago, but was limited by his own conditions and could not put them into action.

Now that he has become a half-king, he can finally give it a try

He immediately took out nine pieces of equipment refining materials of different grades, ranging from first-grade equipment refining materials to ninth-grade equipment refining materials, and then carefully separated the nine weak wills of death, integrated them into the nine pieces of equipment refining materials, and then nervously Observe nine pieces of materials carefully. I felt quite uneasy.

After a while, Lin Feng's eyes showed a look of ecstasy.

At this time, he was even more excited than when he became half king.

It can really give Lin Feng the ability to suppress his inner excitement. In this way, I can continuously create countless pseudo-Lingbao level weapon refining materials in the future.

The results of the test were very gratifying. Six of the nine weapon refining materials did not change at all, but three of them were successfully integrated with the will of the god of death. These three refining materials that were successfully integrated with the will of the god of death were seventh-level, eighth-level, and ninth-level weapon refining materials. Material. In other words. Only high-grade weapon refining materials can be integrated with the will of death.

Lin Feng couldn't help but guess, according to this rule, does it mean that after he is promoted to the Holy King, he can make the will of death lower the grade requirements of the refining materials? Or can he give more will of death to make an entire refining piece The materials of the weapon are full of the will of death, surpassing the level of pseudo-spiritual treasures.

This idea. Although a bit scary, it is not impossible.

However, all this will not be known until Lin Feng becomes the Holy King.

As for Lin Feng, there was still an extremely long distance between him and the Holy King. It is too early to talk about these now.

After testing the materials, Lin Feng started another test, that is, whether pseudo-Lingbao-level materials are the same as Lingbao-level materials. Can the Holy King’s Lingbao be refined using pseudo-Lingbao level materials

This problem has been bothering him for a long time now. He could finally experiment in depth.

But before that, Lin Feng decided to integrate the power of the law of life into the power of the fusion law. He felt that the power of the fusion law, which is the fusion of the six laws of power, is useful for the birth of pseudo-spiritual treasures or spiritual treasures. With better results, Lin Feng has long understood the saying that sharpening the knife will not waste time chopping wood.

While this trace of inspiration has not dissipated, I must seize the time to integrate the power of the law of life into the power of the law of fusion.

If he misses this period of time and loses this glimmer of inspiration, it will take him a thousand or even ten thousand times more time to successfully integrate the power of the law of life.

Closing his eyes, Lin Feng immediately started a new journey.

Time passed slowly, and the various powers of law around Lin Feng became active one after another, like flying elves.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes again, the power of the law of life had been successfully integrated into the power of the law of fusion.

sixfold method

He opened his palms, and the power of the fusion law, which was a fusion of the six laws of power, jumped in his palm, exuding a wave of heart-stopping fluctuations, so strong. He took a deep breath, and the power was at least ten times stronger than the fifth level magic. A person's combat effectiveness is determined by many aspects such as law, strength, law, technique, elemental power, combat awareness, combat experience, etc. The power of law technique is very important in many aspects. It affects a person's combat effectiveness to a great extent. In other words, although Lin Feng's strength has not increased to ten times, it is still two or three times stronger than before he mastered the six-level method.

Now he is comparable to some veteran saint kings.

As for which one is stronger and which one is weaker, we have to wait until we fight to know.

With his supreme limit, he not only became a half-king, but also had strength comparable to some weaker veteran holy kings.

When you think about it, it feels unreal.

Lin Feng was not too immersed in the joy of the sudden increase in strength. After mastering the six-level method, he immediately used the power of three laws of fusion, and then used the power of the law of gravity, and then used three pieces of pseudo-spiritual treasure level. The refining materials were thrown in to see if they could produce false spiritual treasures or spiritual treasures. After all, these three materials were artificially made. Lin Feng had no idea whether they could be refined into false spiritual treasures or spiritual treasures. .

After using Time Acceleration, Lin Feng waited quietly.

After about a quarter of an hour, the power of the three fusion laws and the power of the law of gravity slowly dissipated.

With one move of his hand, Lin Feng took back three weapons of different shapes.

As soon as his hands touched the three weapons, three different pieces of information came to his mind.

Octagonal edge, pseudo-spiritual treasure, suitable for practitioners of strength attributes.

The scepter of life, a pseudo-spiritual treasure, is suitable for practitioners of life attributes.

Yin fan, pseudo spiritual treasure, suitable for wind attribute practitioners.

Three fake spiritual treasures

Moreover, these three pseudo-spiritual treasures are no longer limited to a certain law. Rather, it only needs to have attributes similar to a certain law, such as the attribute of power, the law of gravity, the law of explosion, the law of gold, and many other laws that have power attributes. They are not unique to the law of power, but the law of power can bring the characteristics of power into full play. To the extreme, it can also bring out the power of the octagonal prism to the extreme. Other practitioners of the law will feel somewhat unable to use it. However, the power of the pseudo-spiritual treasure is too powerful, even if it cannot fully exert its power. It is still more than ten times or even dozens of times stronger than the nine-turn holy weapon.

This is another good news for Lin Feng

In this way, the power of detonating the sacred weapon will be greatly enhanced. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He has worried more than once that when one day his opponents become holy kings, whether the move of detonating the holy weapon will pose a threat to these holy kings. After all, the power of detonating the holy weapon is limited, and it is okay to deal with some ordinary holy kings. But if he encounters a slightly more powerful Holy King, he may not be able to handle it.

Now his strength has increased to the half-king level. With the increase of the six-layer method, his combat effectiveness is comparable to some weaker veteran holy kings. For him, detonating the holy weapon was like eating it and throwing it away, but now it was better. Detonating the holy weapon was upgraded to detonating the fake spiritual treasure. The power has skyrocketed, and even those veteran saint kings probably don’t dare to underestimate it.

While there is still some time. Let’s refine a bunch of fake spiritual treasures first.

Without saying a word, Lin Feng once again took out a large pile of seventh- and eighth-grade weapon refining materials.

These materials, which were gradually being eliminated, finally have a use.

Lin Feng was a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't throw them away because he didn't need them before. Otherwise, he would have no materials to use now. Moreover, they were equivalent to pieces of fake spiritual treasure materials.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Feng suddenly felt dizzy, and then there was a sharp pain that felt like his soul was being torn apart, and his soul continued to convey a feeling of weakness.

His body trembled and he immediately stopped moving. The uncomfortable feeling eased a little.

What's going on? He frowned.

Looking at the more than ninety pieces of pseudo-Lingbao-level weapon refining materials on the ground that had been successfully transformed into pseudo-Lingbao-level weapons, Lin Feng seemed to have some realization.

He got it.

The reason why the situation just happened is probably because the will of death is excessively consumed.

However, he found the reason but couldn't solve it.

Forget it, let’s just make do with refining more than ninety pieces of fake spiritual treasures. Lin Feng sighed, and then used the power of the ten laws of fusion and the power of the ten laws of gravity to start giving birth to new pseudo-spiritual treasures.

While refining the pseudo-spiritual treasure, he slowly restored the will of death.

After a while, Lin Feng completely got rid of the dizziness, and his soul also conveyed a gradually enriching feeling.

When Lin Feng successfully refined more than ninety pieces of pseudo-spiritual treasures, his soul power was completely restored, but the will of death was only restored to 30 to 40%. If he wanted to fully recover, he would probably have to spend a lot of money. Two or three times as long will do. After such a comparison, Lin Feng discovered that although the will of death has many uses and can be used in many places, it takes a lot of time to recover and is even more difficult to recover than the power of the soul.

Lin Feng made a decision in his heart that he must use the will of death with caution in the future.

No matter what time, the will of death cannot be drained out.

After all, if he happens to encounter a powerful enemy when the will of death is exhausted, he will lose the power to resist and let the enemy ravage him.

Moreover, Lin Feng really didn't want to experience that feeling of weakness, severe pain, and dizziness a second time.

After a few more days, the will of death finally recovered to 70% to 80% strength.

Lin Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Seventy-eight percent of the will of death should be enough under normal circumstances.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the sound transmission jade slip in his space ring began to tremble.

It was the message from Ting'er. Lin Feng's eyes suddenly became solemn and his brows furrowed slightly. Nuonuo, Huang Wenbing and Bai Zhanfeng knew the situation on his side. They must have told Jingting that if there was nothing serious, they would not bother him. , and since they chose this time to transmit the message to themselves, something big must have happened. To be continued.

: Thank you for being aloof and arrogant, I am Lu Fengxian, buoy, kgb temporary worker, book friend 160229004542517, Daoyuan Chenzha Temple, and the nine people who sign in every day, Shan Beishang, generously reward you.

Thank you to the novel addicts lrun Sean, Brad, and Silio Singing Winter for their valuable monthly votes.