Refining Frenzy

Chapter 740: Lin Fengwen walks away (continued 2)


Lin Feng, don’t make the mistake of yourself

Holy King Miaomiao, Holy King Huoze and others said in a deep voice.

Lin Feng's calm gaze shifted from Saint King Suiyang to Saint King Miaomiao and the others not far away.

Do you also want to participate? he asked indifferently.

Holy King Miaomiao and others were immediately suffocated.

Millions of soldiers and many holy kings looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

Doesn't he know that doing this will offend all the holy kings

Six of the seven titled Holy Kings are here, and the rest of the Holy Kings all belong to the camp of these Holy Kings. As long as he offends these six Holy Kings, he has offended most of the Holy Kings. Even if Lei Lei Even if the King of Punishment comes forward, he may not be able to save him

Looking at Holy King Miaomiao and Holy King Huoze who had calmed down, Lin Feng slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at Holy King Suiyang again.

At this time, Saint King Suiyang's face turned blue and white, and his anger was burning.

Although they resented Lin Feng very much in their hearts, Holy King Miaomiao and others did not dare to speak out at all.

They were sure that if they spoke for Saint King Suiyang again, they might be the next ones to suffer.

They had no doubt whether Lin Feng had the courage to do something to him.

This lunatic dares to even touch the clones of Saint King Suiyang, let alone the clones of these titled Saint Kings.

It is not wrong at all to say that Lin Feng is a madman, because it is impossible for a normal person to attack the supreme master of all realms because of the life of a small low-level soldier, let alone offend all the holy kings at once, and take the initiative to kill him. All his escape routes were blocked, leaving no room for maneuver.

Is it really worth it for a low-level soldier

Everyone found it difficult to understand Lin Feng's thoughts and thought that Lin Feng was too unwise.

Only the soldiers of the Thunder Legion were completely moved.

They have been soldiers for who knows how many years. They have met countless generals, including those with strong personal strength, outstanding ability to command troops, and extremely charming personalities. They have met almost all of them. But I have never encountered a regiment commander like Lin Feng. Just for a lowly soldier, he attacked the mighty Saint King Suiyang, the ruler of all realms.

Rationally speaking, such a person is definitely not suitable to be a regiment commander.

Because any legion commander must be very rational. Every order and word cannot be affected by his own emotions. That's the only way. Only then can a legion's combat effectiveness be maximized and create better results.

But Lin Feng, the rookie army commander, was completely the opposite.

He has no experience in commanding a legion, and he has no leadership ability, and there is no rationality in his actions.

But he is the most loved commander of all the soldiers of the Thunder Legion.

Because this is the only person who has taken the soldiers at the bottom seriously since ancient times.

If this happened to another legion, they could definitely imagine the result. It was just that the legion commander turned a blind eye, or in turn apologized to the Holy King Suiyang, etc.

But Lin Feng didn't. For this fallen soldier, he brazenly attacked the Holy King of Suiyang.

At this moment, every soldier of the Thunder Legion had tears in their eyes and their hearts were greatly shocked.

grown ups

grown ups

grown ups

All the soldiers of the Thunder Legion shouted together. Their voices were full of passion and emotion.

At this moment, the cohesion of the Thunder Legion was extremely astonishing, and every soldier exuded an aura that looked forward to death.

The Thunder Legion has been made of steel through the test of iron and blood. Transformed again and became an even more terrifying and invincible force.


Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, like a pool of stagnant water, bringing despair and fear.

Lin Feng, you

call out.

As soon as Saint King Suiyang opened his mouth, he suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his face and screamed: Ah~

I saw an invisible energy blade passing through the left side of his face, cutting open the flesh on his face, penetrating through the bridge of his nose, and finally passing through the right side of his face, leaving a deep, dark red blood mark. The blood poured out from the long blood mouth, dyeing everything below his face red. Finally, part of the blood dyed his golden silk clothes along the neck, and the other part of the blood It dripped from his chin. His face looked extremely ferocious and bloody.

He slowly put his hands down and spread them out, only to see that his hands were already stained red by the large amount of dark red blood pouring out of his face.

The entire Tianhe battlefield was completely silent.

Everyone was stunned by this shocking scene.

Although they had already guessed that Lin Feng would take action, when the moment actually came, everyone was still so shocked.

The most frightening thing is that Lin Feng not only attacked the Holy King Suiyang, but also used such a cruel method.

For Saint King Suiyang, being treated so cruelly was absolutely intolerable.

He would rather Lin Feng kill him with one move than be tortured so cruelly by a little newly promoted holy king in front of everyone in the world.

He maintained his authority for trillions of years and suffered a fatal blow

From this day on, he, the master of all realms, will lose great prestige.

Ah ~ Lin Feng, I will not let you go. Holy King Suiyang roared angrily, like a shrew, with no trace of his grace and grace.

Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, as if he had been deprived of all emotions.

He knew no fear, no excitement, no sadness, no joy, no sadness. No matter what he faced, he was as calm as a walking zombie, without any reaction that he should have.

As soon as the Holy King of Suiyang finished speaking, Lin Feng did not see any movement, and an invisible energy blade streaked across his forehead.


The sound as if the forehead bones were being cut open with a blunt knife made everyone's scalp numb.

At the same time, a bunch of hair with dark red blood flowed down his cheek.

Ah~ Saint King Suiyang let out a scream again, this scream contained endless pain and anger.

Everyone gulped, feeling endless fear and shock in their hearts.

Crazy, Lin Feng is absolutely crazy

If there was some room for maneuver before, now, there is no room for maneuver at all. Lin Feng and Saint King Suiyang will definitely become undying enemies.

Holy King Miaomiao, Holy King Huoze and several others were also extremely angry, but at the same time they were extremely scared.

If they had just come forward and tried to force Lin Feng to submit through the authority of the Holy King. I'm afraid it's not just the Holy King Suiyang who is suffering from such torture at this moment. Since Lin Feng dared to torture even the Holy King of Suiyang like this without any mercy, let alone these titled Holy Kings.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they had to admit that the status of Saint King Suiyang was indeed much higher than theirs.

They are both titled Saint Kings, but Saint King Suiyang is the master of all realms. He is the King of Holy Kings and cannot be compared to them.

call out.

Another invisible energy blade passed by, this time, it was the mouth of Holy King Suiyang.

The energy blades were seen forcefully piercing both sides of Suiyang Holy King's mouth, forcibly cutting open the flesh on both sides of his mouth, nearly doubling the length of his mouth.

At this moment, Saint King Suiyang's head was almost completely stained with dark red blood, and his eye sockets were also full of blood. It looked even more ferocious.

If you have any chance, just kill me. The Holy King of Suiyang endured the severe pain and said these words with difficulty. How can I be considered a hero by torturing this king like this? Every word I spoke was accompanied by unbearable pain.

The majesty he had built up over trillions of years was completely destroyed in this short moment.

He just wants to die now, even if he loses a clone, he will also lose part of his will. But this willpower is nothing to him. He can divide thousands of such clones at any time and at any time. He would rather lose this clone than accept such torture again.

He can endure pain. But he couldn't bear to be tortured like this in front of the people of the world, and he couldn't bear to have his majesty completely destroyed by a little newly promoted holy king.

However, Lin Feng didn't seem to hear his words at all, and his dark eyes were still so cold.

call out.

Another invisible energy blade penetrated through the neck of Holy King Suiyang, but it did not damage his fatal vitals at all.

Holy King Ah Suiyang covered his throat and let out a scream. However, because his vocal cords were affected, the scream he made seemed extremely strange, as if something was stuck in his throat.

Everyone looked at this scene and shuddered.

Time passed slowly, and one energy blade after another passed through the body of Holy King Suiyang, from the top of his head to his feet, almost every place was not missed.

There were neat blood marks all over his body, and he looked like a bloody man, with no trace of his original appearance.

If his current appearance were placed in front of others, perhaps no one would be able to recognize him. This man is the Lord of all heavens and realms, the King of Saint Kings, Saint King Suiyang.

At this moment, Saint King Suiyang's body shrank and he looked much thinner. His skin covered with blood was extremely pale and without any blood color.

His voice was hoarse and he could no longer scream. The severe pain all over his body touched every nerve in him, but he couldn't scream and could only cover his throat.

I don't know whether it was because he was done venting or something else, but Lin Feng finally stopped.

Looking at the extremely miserable Saint King Suiyang at this moment, his eyes were still as calm as before. An invisible energy blade finally passed through the head of Saint King Suiyang and shattered something similar to a saint. Then, The Holy King of Suiyang was shocked, his vitality quickly drained away, and he soon turned into a cold corpse.

After torturing him for a full quarter of an hour, Lin Feng killed him.

After killing the Holy King Suiyang, Lin Feng slowly stretched out a hand with his fingers spread out towards the body of the Holy King Suiyang.

Poof. Lin Feng softly uttered one word.

The next moment, the cold corpse of Saint King Suiyang expanded rapidly. When it expanded to the limit, it exploded like a balloon: Bang~

His body turned into a mass of blood mist and disappeared from people's sight.

Perhaps, Saint King Suiyang never imagined that this clone would end up exactly the same as the soldier he killed.

What an irony. To be continued.

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