Refining Frenzy

Chapter 749: Acquired Lingbao [Third update]


After leaving the place of fighting, Lin Feng lost his direction for a moment and didn't know where to go next.

He was very unfamiliar with the wasteland, so he simply chose a direction to move forward. It would be best if he could find the treasure. If he couldn't find it, he wouldn't be disappointed. Everything would take its course.

After taking Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing out of the Sword God Palace, the three of them wandered through the forest aimlessly.

Boss, what is that on your shoulder? Huang Wenbing stared at Lin Feng's right shoulder.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked over his right shoulder.

After seeing its appearance clearly, Lin Feng said nonchalantly: Oh, it's nothing. It was just that when he fought with the Holy King of the Earth, he broke more than a dozen ancient trees. This should be a piece of sawdust that accidentally got stuck on his clothes. As he spoke, he reached out and picked up the sawdust on his shoulder.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

This is when he picked up the sawdust, looked at it carefully, frowned slightly, and the power of his will

Jingting asked curiously: What's wrong, Lin Feng

Lin Feng waved his hand and his expression became solemn: This sawdust is not simple.

He closed his eyes and sensed it carefully, and a breath of will rushed towards his face.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and said in shock: This piece of sawdust actually contains the power of will throughout its body.

Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing looked at each other, and Huang Wenbing said blankly: I don't understand.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. In short, you just need to know that this is a great thing. Lin Feng did not explain in detail. He felt the surging power of will coming from the sawdust, and the shock in his heart could not subside for a long time. This sawdust was one level higher than the fake spiritual treasure material. The pseudo-lingbao material only contains a trace of will power, but this piece of sawdust contains will power throughout its entire body. It seems as if it is a physical object condensed by the power of will.

Lin Feng had always been thinking about whether there would be materials in the world that were more advanced than pseudo-lingbao materials. Today, he finally came across it.

It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes. Lin Feng was shocked. I'm excited again. Such materials have a high chance of giving birth to innate spiritual treasures.

Lin Feng didn't know whether it would work or not, but he could definitely give it a try.

However, this piece of sawdust is too small, not enough to breed an innate spiritual treasure. Lin Feng pondered, looking at the towering ancient trees on the side, but he didn't know if other ancient trees would work.

He punched out and instantly broke an ancient tree in front of him.


The ancient trees broke in response. Then he slowly fell to the side.

Lin Feng immediately closed his eyes and began to sense carefully.


Sure enough, he opened his eyes and was extremely pleasantly surprised.

The trunk of the ancient tree that was broken by him still contains huge willpower.

Putting this ancient tree into Space No. 1, Lin Feng looked around, and then chose a smaller ancient tree to test. He found that although the smaller ancient tree also contained huge willpower, it was not as powerful as The ancient tree from the previous lesson is like a cup that is not filled with water. It will take some time to fully accumulate.

After that, Lin Feng tried it several times. Finally a pattern was discovered.

Only the ancient trees with a diameter of more than one meter have reached the level of perfection. Every part of the trunk is perfectly integrated with the power of will. The branches and leaves are quite different, while the ancient trees with a diameter of less than one meter are even worse. More. The smaller the diameter, the less power of will it contains. A sapling as thick as a thumb only contains a trace of power of will, which is no different from the material of a fake spiritual treasure.

This new discovery. Lin Feng was even more excited.

The branch I got in the Sea of Thunder Mist, which was made of pseudo-spiritual treasure material, was probably the branches of these ancient trees in the Wasteland. Lin Feng boldly guessed.

Boss, what's wrong with you? Huang Wenbing said in confusion: Isn't it just some trees? There's no need to be so excited.

Jing Ting also looked at Lin Feng doubtfully.

Lin Feng smiled slightly: In your eyes, these are just some trees, but in my eyes, they are pseudo-spiritual treasures with infinite power, and even innate spiritual treasures.

Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing were both shocked and felt incredible.

Hope my guess is correct. Lin Feng looked around. This way, you don't have to worry about having no innate spiritual treasures available in the future.

Boss, is this true? Huang Wenbing looked more excited than Lin Feng. You can really refine these trees into innate spiritual treasures. His voice was trembling.

Lin Fengdao: I’m not 100% sure, but I’m very hopeful.

After saying that, he said to Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing: "You guys wait for me for a moment. I'll try it. If this can really happen, then we have something to do."

Leaving Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing to practice on the spot, Lin Feng entered the Sword God Palace in a flash, and then entered the No. 1 Space from the Sword God Palace.

He randomly picked a sword from a pile of fake spiritual treasures, held a few sword flowers in his hand, and then quickly waved his right hand. The sharp long sword made dozens of beautiful trajectories. When he put away the sword, The ancient tree that he had brought into Space No. 1 had its branches and leaves cut off, leaving only a huge trunk.

Success or failure depends on this.

Lin Feng took a breath and fired out the power of the law of fusion and the power of the law of gravity.

The trunk of the ancient tree was thrown into the power of the law of fusion, and the power of the law of gravity swirled around the power of the law of fusion, releasing a trace of power and barely integrating into it.

After that, Lin Feng intercepted the trunk of a small tree and processed it in the same way, allowing it to slowly gestate in a heaven and earth environment that simulated the power of the law of fusion and the power of gravity.

time speeds up

With the increase of the will of death, the effect of time acceleration is fully displayed.

After an unknown amount of time, the trunk of the small tree slowly transformed into a thin sword. A trace of coercion emitted from the thin sword. When the power of the law dissipated, the thin sword was completely formed.

Pseudo spiritual treasure. Lin Feng smiled faintly, just as I guessed.

Reaching out to grab the thin sword, a piece of information came into Lin Feng's mind: Moonlight Sword, a pseudo-spiritual treasure, suitable for practitioners of light attributes.

Lin Feng was not surprised that the trunk of the small tree was refined into a pseudo-spiritual treasure, nor was he very excited. His eyes were fixed on the trunk of the ancient tree that was still slowly changing in mid-air. This was what he really cared about. .

Time passed quietly, and a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye in Space No. 1. The shape of the trunk of the ancient tree changed, and the power of will contained in it gradually transformed into destructive forces. A trace of power fluctuation was revealed casually. , all heart palpitating.

Lin Feng, who was sitting cross-legged, stared at the trunk of the ancient tree, motionless.

His body was covered with a thick layer of dust, but he didn't care at all. His eyes never moved, and his body never moved, just like a lifelike human sculpture.

In Space No. 1, two hundred years later.

The trunk of the ancient tree had turned into a giant hammer, and the destructive power fluctuations it emitted reached its limit and began to tremble violently.


With a deafening roar, the power of the law of fusion and the power of the law of gravity were blasted away by the power contained in the giant hammer.

Without the constraints of the power of the law of fusion and the power of the law of gravity, the giant hammer was about to fly.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lin Feng instantly released the will of death, firmly suppressing the giant hammer and grabbing it with one hand.

At that moment, a piece of information flooded into Lin Feng's mind: the giant hammer, a top-notch third-rate acquired spiritual treasure.

Lin Feng frowned. This was different from what he imagined. What is the acquired spirit treasure? Why is it not an innate spirit treasure

He released the will of death and cast the six-layered magic through the giant spirit hammer. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and a terrifying power spread.

After testing the power of the Giant Spirit Hammer, Lin Feng secretly said: It is a little worse than the Sky-Slaying Ax, but it is definitely stronger than most third-rate innate spiritual treasures.

The Sky-Slaying Ax is a second-rate innate spiritual treasure, and the Giant Spirit Divine Hammer is only slightly less powerful than the Sky-Slaying Ax. Even if it is not a second-rate innate spiritual treasure, it is no less powerful than any third-rate innate spiritual treasure.

Lin Feng, the top third-rate acquired spiritual treasure, vaguely understood something, which should be equivalent to the top third-rate innate spiritual treasure.

The difference between the two is probably just a different name.

As for why the Giant Spirit Hammer is called the acquired spiritual treasure, Lin Feng thought about it and understood: the innate spiritual treasure was born after countless years of gestation between heaven and earth, so it is the innate, and the acquired spiritual treasure is refined by me. Yes, although I simulated the environment of heaven and earth, it is still different from the real world, so it is considered acquired. However, innate spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures are divided into first-rate, second-rate and third-rate. Innate spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures of the same level are equally powerful, and there is no one who is stronger or weaker. This point has been personally proven by the power of the Giant Spirit Hammer.

After figuring out the situation of the innate spiritual treasure and the acquired spiritual treasure, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing: "The acquired spiritual treasure, I never thought that I, Lin Feng, could actually refine the acquired spiritual treasure."

He is definitely the first weapon refiner in the world to refine acquired spiritual treasures. His skill in refining weapons is unique. Before this, I am afraid no one dared to believe that spiritual treasures could be refined artificially. Moreover, they could be refined artificially. The acquired spiritual treasure is no less powerful than the innate spiritual treasure of the same level.

The most legendary weapon refiner in history, he deserves the title

The most important thing is that his status will definitely be elevated to an unprecedented level.

After the joy, Lin Feng calmed down and began to plan how to collect ancient trees.

In the eyes of others, ancient trees are worthless, but in Lin Feng's eyes, they are perfect artifacts. After some polishing and carving, they will become infinitely powerful acquired spiritual treasures. The time it takes to refine an acquired spiritual treasure is more than 1,000 times that of refining a fake spiritual treasure, but an acquired spiritual treasure is an acquired spiritual treasure, and no matter how many fake spiritual treasures there are, it cannot be compared with it.

If you can refine a second-rate or even first-rate acquired spiritual treasure, then even if the time spent increases ten times or a hundred times, it will still be worth it. Lin Feng's eyes flashed and his smile became brighter. To be continued.

: Thank you to the commentator, Xiu Bubu kgb〃偳茬伟唻ぐ, for the generous reward from the four people who sign in every day.

Thank you Brother Miao for your valuable monthly vote.

Note: This update is specifically for the page-turning page. Thanks again for the reward of 10,000 starting coins for the page-turning page.