Refining Frenzy

Chapter 752: Both advanced


The three-eyed giant wolf said fiercely: Give it back to me

Just pay it back, don't be so cruel. Lin Feng shrugged, picked up the third-rate innate spirit treasure, and threw it to the three-eyed giant wolf.

The three-eyed giant wolf jumped into the air, holding the third-rate innate spirit treasure in its mouth, and then fell back to the ground, looking at Lin Feng warily.

Lin Feng said: Don't look at me like that, I didn't steal your third-rate innate spiritual treasure.

The three-eyed giant wolf's eyes remained unchanged, guarding Lin Feng like a thief, for fear that Lin Feng would snatch the third-rate innate spiritual treasure in its mouth.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk in circles with you. Lin Fengdao: I have a deal I want to discuss with you. I don't know if you are interested

Hearing this, the three-eyed giant wolf shook his head decisively, seemingly not interested at all.

Well, I shouldn't have asked that question. Lin Feng directly skipped this link and said: You have lived in the wasteland for so long, you should be familiar with this area, right

The three-eyed giant wolf nodded, then shook his head.

A row of black lines suddenly appeared on Lin Feng's forehead: Can you answer me directly

The three-eyed giant wolf shook his head, not giving Lin Feng any face.

I'm going to get some more ancient trees, but I'm not very familiar with the wasteland. Do you know where there are such ancient trees? Lin Feng said: Logically speaking, there must be treasures around such ancient trees. If the treasures are innate If it’s a spiritual treasure, it’s yours. If it’s another treasure, it’s mine. How about that

It must be said that Lin Feng's proposal is quite tempting.

The three-eyed giant wolf hesitated, considered for a moment, and then shook his head and refused.

Why Lin Feng wondered.

This deal is very beneficial to both the three-eyed giant wolf and Lin Feng. Lin Feng does not believe that the three-eyed giant wolf has no interest in other innate spiritual treasures.

After a moment of silence, the three-eyed giant wolf took the third-rate innate spirit treasure in his mouth aside and said: I don't believe you.

Lin Feng frowned if he didn't believe me.

Innate spiritual treasures are full of attraction for everyone. I don't believe you can resist the charm of the innate spiritual treasure. The three-eyed giant wolf stared at Lin Feng, "Don't think you can deceive me by using those useless trees as a cover." Let me tell you, not everyone can be fooled by this Wolf King.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief: So you are worried about this.

He curled his lips and said: To be honest, innate spiritual treasures are really not attractive to me.

I do not believe.

Why don't you believe what you say? Then why did I just return the third-rate innate spiritual treasure to you

Do you think I don’t understand? You humans are very cunning. You must be thinking of taking a long-term approach to catch big fish, so you deliberately returned that third-rate innate spiritual treasure to me. The three-eyed giant wolf said: You can't fool me.

Lin Feng was completely defeated by this silly wolf.

no solution anymore. At this point, he can only prove himself.

Don’t believe it, I have a way to prove myself. Lin Fengdao: Do you know why I collect these ancient trees everywhere

The three-eyed giant wolf was also a little confused. He had noticed Lin Feng a long time ago and was puzzled by Lin Feng's behavior of collecting those useless trees.

Lin Feng smiled faintly: There are no outsiders here, so it doesn’t matter if I tell you. In fact, I collected these ancient trees to refine acquired spiritual treasures.

The three-eyed giant wolf of Houtian Lingbao looked at Lin Feng in confusion. Said he had never heard of it.

The spiritual treasures naturally bred by heaven and earth are innate spiritual treasures. In the same way, the spiritual treasures refined by man are acquired. It is the acquired spiritual treasure. Lin Feng had to educate the three-eyed giant wolf about spiritual treasures. The power of acquired spiritual treasures and innate spiritual treasures at the same level were almost the same, and there was no distinction between them. These ancient trees are the materials for refining acquired spiritual treasures. but me. Lin Feng is the only legendary weapon refiner in the world who can refine acquired spiritual treasures.

At the end of the sentence, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little proud.

The three-eyed giant wolf said in surprise: You can refine innate spiritual treasures

Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry: I said it all. It's not an innate spiritual treasure, it's an acquired spiritual treasure.

Aren't they all the same? The three-eyed giant wolf didn't care. It rolled its eyes, but how do I know if you are lying to me

It's very simple. Take a look at this weapon first. Lin Feng took out the Giant Spirit Hammer from Space 1, threw it to the three-eyed giant wolf, and looked carefully.

The three-eyed giant wolf pinned the Giant Spirit Hammer to the ground with one paw and observed carefully.

Hey, it was surprised and said: It is really an innate spiritual treasure.

But then it shook its head: No, it is not an innate spiritual treasure, but its power is not weaker than the innate spiritual treasure.

In its perception, the destructive power contained in the Giant Spirit Hammer was actually larger and more terrifying than the third-rate innate spiritual treasure it guarded. Moreover, it also smelled a hint of dead logs from the giant spirit hammer. Dead logs are a unique ancient tree in the wasteland. There are countless within a radius of thousands of miles. It has smelled dry logs countless times. The smell of logs is unmistakable.

This is the top third-rate acquired spiritual treasure that I have refined. Lin Feng said: How about the power of the giant spirit hammer I refined compared to your third-rate innate spiritual treasure

Its name is Djinn Hammer

The three-eyed giant wolf's gaze paused on the giant spirit hammer, and then confessed: It is indeed a little stronger than the third-rate innate spiritual treasure I guard.

It's more than just a little bit. Lin Feng shook his head, too lazy to argue with the three-eyed giant wolf. Now you should believe me, right

I believe that the Giant Divine Hammer is made of dead logs, but why do I believe that the person who refined the Giant Divine Hammer is you, the three-eyed giant wolf? I am still a little uneasy and still doubtful.

Damn it, are you done yet? Lin Feng's patience suddenly ran out and he glared at the three-eyed giant wolf.

Before the three-eyed giant wolf could speak, he changed his expression to a fierce one and threatened: Anyway, you only have two choices, either we cooperate and each get our own benefits, or you fight with me now, you Take your pick.

Uh, is there no other choice



Shut up

Lin Feng was so angry and agitated by the three-eyed giant wolf that he almost couldn't help but kill the stupid wolf.

The three-eyed giant wolf looked at the Giant Spirit Hammer, and then at Lin Feng, who had an unkind look. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, struggled for a long time, and then showed an expression as if he was about to go to hell, and nodded fiercely: "Then let's Let's cooperate.

That's right. Lin Feng said: Return my giant hammer to me.

The three-eyed giant wolf said in pain: Can you put it here first? Leave me some thoughts

I miss you so much, give it back to me quickly. Lin Feng couldn't help but get angry again.

This stupid wolf is definitely the funniest wolf he has ever seen, and he definitely has the ability to piss people off.

The three-eyed giant wolf said persistently: Oh, that's fine.

It slowly released its claws on the giant hammer, and finally slapped the giant hammer away.

Lin Feng grabbed it with one hand, turned around and said, "Let's go, come with me to pick up two people first. After picking up the people, we will start taking action."

etc. The three-eyed giant wolf said: What should I do if I keep holding this third-rate innate spiritual treasure

Lin Feng didn't even look back. Throw a space ring over: just use your mental power to put it into the space ring.

This thing is not a rare thing for Lin Feng, he can make as many as he wants.

This is the space ring of the human world. The three-eyed giant wolf was like getting a new toy. He suddenly had a lot of fun playing with it. It was so magical.

Its love for the space ring seems to far exceed its love for the third-rate innate spiritual treasure it protects.

Lin Feng urged: Stop playing, put it away quickly and get ready to go.

okay. The three-eyed giant wolf put the space ring on one finger of the wolf's paw. Immediately, he followed Lin Feng and flew to a distant place.

After a while, Lin Feng and the three-eyed giant wolf returned to Jingting and Huang Wenbing's training place.

At this time, Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing had already broken through the limit of Dzogchen and reached the half-king realm. Moreover, the power of their will is getting stronger and stronger, and their power fluctuations are getting more and more terrifying, like boiling water. The water glass could burst at any time. Fortunately, this is the outer edge of the Wasteland. Although they made a lot of noise, they were not discovered by others.

Lin Feng and the three-eyed giant wolf stood aside. About three days later, Jing Ting finally broke through first.


A tyrannical power of will centered on Jingting and spread out in all directions. Trees, flowers and grass broke apart one after another, and gravel and dust were swept into the air. It was quite a spectacular scene of flying sand and rocks.

Huang Wenbing seemed to be stimulated by the power of his will. The Holy King's will instinctively rebounded, and he suddenly regained his restraints and broke through to become the Holy King.

For a moment, the two holy kings' wills violently impacted the surroundings.

After a long time, the surroundings calmed down.

Jingting opened her eyes and said happily: Lin Feng, I have made a breakthrough.

Congratulations Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Hahaha~ Haha, boss, I have also achieved a breakthrough. I have become the Holy King. Huang Wenbing is very excited. If we go back this time, Nono will definitely be jealous of us.

Lin Feng said: Okay, don't rush to be happy, quickly stabilize your realm and temper your will of the Holy King. Don't fall back into the half-king realm.

After about a few more hours, Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing both finished their training.

Although their realm has not yet been completely stabilized, after some consolidation, they no longer have to worry about falling back to the Half King realm.

The three-eyed giant wolf asked at this time: Lin Feng, are you okay? You've been waiting for several days. It was originally reluctant and only agreed to cooperate after being threatened by Lin Feng, but now it seemed a little impatient.

This is a wolf unwilling to be lonely

Okay, okay, let's set off right away. Lin Feng said.

After answering the three-eyed giant wolf, Lin Feng told Jingting and Huang Wenbing about his plan. Finally, the three of them and the beast hurriedly left the place where they had stayed for more than three months. To be continued.

: Thank you to the buoy kgb for signing in every day, the commentator, repairing a bowl of lard fried egg rice, Lu Si Ce, the arrogant and arrogant little No. 2 temporary worker under the scum temple, Rong Yanyao, ten people generously rewarded

Thank you Bigoangggg1 and the three oath warriors for your valuable monthly votes.