Refining Frenzy

Chapter 755: New plan


Even though he had already learned from the three-eyed giant wolf that the innate spirit treasure could evolve, Lin Feng still couldn't hide his shock when he saw it with his own eyes.

His expression changed quietly. Lin Feng stared at the Blue Water Sword that had evolved into a top-notch third-rate innate spiritual treasure, and was speechless for a long time.

Jing Ting and Huang Wenbing were also shocked by the scene in front of them. Their dry throats could not make a sound for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Feng gradually came back to his senses. He suppressed the evil thoughts growing in his heart and took a deep breath. He forced his eyes away from the blue water sword, looked at the three-eyed giant wolf, cupped his fists and said: Congratulations.

The three-eyed giant wolf, who had always been wary of Lin Feng and the others, was quite surprised when he saw this scene. The amusement in his eyes slowly faded away.

Aren't you going to steal the Blue Water Sword? The three-eyed giant wolf couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

It has not seen many humans, but human beings have long been famous among the artifact spirits for being selfish, greedy, cunning, etc. These impressions have long been deeply imprinted in its heart. It was not until Lin Feng appeared that Gradually breaking his understanding of human beings, Lin Feng seemed to be somewhat different from the human beings in his impression.

What would I do with an innate spirit treasure without a weapon spirit? Lin Feng sighed and shook his head. He did not deny that he had ever had the idea of killing spirits and seizing the treasure. I can refine the acquired spirit treasure at any time. Many of these are . Besides, no matter how much I wanted it, I couldn't cross my bottom line and do such a thing.

The three-eyed giant wolf took a deep look at Lin Feng: You are very special, you are different from other humans.

Can I take this as a compliment? Lin Feng smiled faintly, then turned around and flew to the sky, "Let's go, we don't have much time, let's get more ancient trees while we are still gone."

Putting away the blue water sword, the three-eyed giant wolf stepped on the magma lake with its hind legs, immediately splashing away the hot magma. The body jumped into the air and flew straight up into the sky.

The three people and one beast flew to the next treasure place together.

Old wolf, do you know where to find the Holy King Fruit? Lin Feng's eyes were flashing with anticipation. From the very beginning, he had been thinking about the Holy King Fruit. The treasure that can greatly enhance the willpower of the Holy King is what Lin Feng is in urgent need of right now. thing.

The three-eyed giant wolf stopped and glanced at Lin Feng in surprise: Do you want the Holy King Fruit

Lin Feng nodded without concealing his desire for the Holy King Fruit. He asked anxiously: Do you know where to find it

I know that there is a place not far from here, but the three-eyed giant wolf hesitated for a moment and stopped talking. It would be best to wait until I advance to the next level before going there.

The three-eyed giant wolf's words aroused his curiosity, and Lin Feng asked tentatively: Is that place dangerous

Not an ordinary danger. With a humane solemn expression on his face, the three-eyed giant wolf spoke in a low tone, with a slightly trembling voice, in your human terms. The guardian sacred beast of the Holy King Fruit is as powerful as the Titled Holy King.


Lin Feng and the three of them all took a breath of air.

Titled Holy King

So, we'd better not mess with it now. The three-eyed giant wolf was not surprised by the reaction of Lin Feng and the others. Deep fear flashed in its eyes. Reminder: Although you are strong, you are by no means its opponent. Finally, it added, even if the four of us join forces. It can only kill you instantly, so don't take any chances.

He nodded heavily. Lin Feng's expression was extremely solemn: Don't worry, I understand the importance.

Although the pseudo-spiritual treasures stored in his space ring can deal with powerful men at the level of the titled Holy King, they are his life-saving trump cards and he will not use them all unless absolutely necessary. Otherwise, once he encounters danger, he will have no power to resist.

Just because we don’t have a chance now doesn’t mean we won’t have a chance in the future. The three-eyed giant wolf comforted: As long as I continue to devour other weapon spirits, it won't be long before I can have that kind of strength. When the time comes, the fruit of the Holy King will be at your fingertips.

At this point, Lin Feng can only choose to believe in the three-eyed giant wolf.

Compared with humans, weapon spirits are less colorful and have simple and unsophisticated personalities. Since the three-eyed giant wolf has promised, he will definitely try his best to help Lin Feng in the future. As for whether he can get the Holy King Fruit in the end, it depends on Lin Feng. of good fortune.

Three days later.

The strength of the three-eyed giant wolf has reached the limit of the top-level veteran holy king, and is only a thin line away from the title of holy king. The Bishui Sword has also reached the limit of a third-rate innate spiritual treasure. It only needs to be fused with another third-rate innate spiritual treasure to evolve into a second-rate innate spiritual treasure.

On this day, the three-eyed giant wolf waited for so long that its memory was a little blurry.

The lantern's big eyes glanced at Lin Feng quietly, with a hint of gratitude inside. Without the help of Lin Feng and the others, it would never have grown to this point in its life. Among the third-rate innate spirit treasure weapon spirits, it is not the weakest, but it is not comparable to the strongest. If nothing unexpected happens, its fate in this life is to be swallowed up by other powerful weapon spirits and become a stepping stone for other weapon spirits. The Blue Water Sword will also become the nourishment for the evolution of other innate spiritual treasures.

After devouring another innate spiritual treasure, the Blue Water Sword will evolve. The excitement in my heart is racing and uncontrollable. The eyes of the three-eyed giant wolf are flashing with excitement, and I, the great three-eyed giant wolf, will also be promoted to the second level weapon spirit.

The weapon spirit of a third-rate innate spiritual treasure is at the third level, the weapon spirit of a second-rate innate spiritual treasure is at the second level, and the weapon spirit of a first-rate innate spiritual treasure is at the first level.

The third-level weapon spirit, the second-level weapon spirit, and the first-level weapon spirit may seem like three simple levels, but they are actually very different.

Not to mention the weapon spirits of different levels, even the weapon spirits of the same level, there is a huge gap. There is also an unimaginable gap between the top level three weapon spirits and the junior level three weapon spirits. This gap is as big as the former To the point where he can kill the latter instantly without any effort.

The three-eyed giant wolf used to be an extremely mediocre existence among the third-level weapon spirits, neither high nor low, in the middle. But now, the three-eyed giant wolf is definitely the top third-level weapon spirit. It only needs to devour one more weapon spirit. It will inevitably be promoted to a second-level weapon spirit. Even if it is only a second-level weapon spirit for the first time, it is still a second-level weapon spirit, which is extraordinary.

For the weapon spirit, each level is a huge watershed. Once a breakthrough is made, the strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Seeing that the three-eyed giant wolf was so excited, Lin Feng was silently happy for it.

Like humans, the survival law of weapon spirits is survival of the fittest, and it is more cruel than humans. The three-eyed giant wolf was promoted to the second-level weapon spirit, and it broke away from the bottom of the food chain of the weapon spirit and became an intermediate predator. This was naturally a happy thing. After all, the stronger the three-eyed giant wolf is, it is also a good thing for Lin Feng.

Let's hope it keeps its promise. Silently reciting something in his mind, Lin Feng really didn't want to be an enemy of the three-eyed giant wolf after spending several days with it.

Although he is afraid of the second-level weapon spirit, he is not afraid of it either.

The 2,880 fake spiritual treasures hidden in his space ring gave him enough confidence to talk to the titled Holy King.

However, my gains these days are not bad either. The mental power swept across Space 1, and a smile appeared on Lin Feng's face. If the ancient trees are located according to the classification of weapon spirits, then the number of first-level ancient trees in Space 1 has reached thirteen, and the number of second-level ancient trees has reached 13. There are as many as 152 ancient trees, and there are countless third-level ancient trees. They pile up into a mountain with a height of 10,000 meters, which is dazzling.

at this time.

The three-eyed giant wolf slowly calmed down and said seriously: If you swallow another weapon spirit, I will accompany you to grab the Holy King Fruit.

Don't you wait a little longer? Lin Feng said: I don't mind waiting a few more days.

He felt that when the three-eyed giant wolf devoured some weapon spirits and became stronger, the success rate of snatching the Holy King Fruit would be higher.

Hearing this, the three-eyed giant wolf shook his head: You don't know something. Each weapon spirit can only devour weapon spirits of the same level, and cannot devour weapon spirits of a lower level than itself. Even if it is swallowed, it will be useless. Therefore, after I advance to the next level, I can only devour the second-level weapon spirits. The guardian saint beast that guards the fruit of the saint king is equivalent to, or even slightly inferior to, the weapon spirit that has just entered the second level. I am sure to win it.

I see. Lin Feng suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the number of second-rate innate spiritual treasures and first-rate innate spiritual treasures were so rare.

With the restriction of level, the difficulty of promotion of weapon spirit has undoubtedly increased many times.

Let me tell you another secret. The three-eyed giant wolf licked his tongue and whispered: The guardian beast that protects the fruit of the Holy King is not a weapon spirit.

Lin Jingting and Huang Wenbing were all shocked.

The three-eyed giant wolf was very satisfied with the effect of his words. It smiled proudly: Innate spiritual treasures have weapon spirits, and heavenly materials and earthly treasures naturally have similar existences, but they are not called weapon spirits, but medicines. spirit. Medicine spirits, like our weapon spirits, can devour each other and advance, and the treasures of heaven, materials and earth they guard can also continue to evolve.

Can the Holy King Fruit evolve into an enhanced version of the Holy King Fruit

This was definitely the most exciting moment for Lin Feng in the months since he entered the Wasteland.

I don't know what the Holy King Fruit will be after it evolves, because I haven't seen it either. The huge wolf head shook slightly, and the three-eyed giant wolf affirmed: But I can confirm that the evolved Holy King Fruit not only has the effects of the Holy King Fruit itself, but may also evolve new effects. The most important thing is that the evolved Holy King Fruit is far more effective than the unevolved one.

After that, it concluded: So I suggest that you might as well cooperate.

This was an extremely tempting proposal. Lin Feng asked: How to cooperate

How you cooperate with me is how you cooperate with it. The three-eyed giant wolf said: We help it devour other medicinal spirits. It should show its appreciation. As long as it can evolve, I think it won't mind even if I give you half of the Holy King Fruit. No one understands Qi Ling Yao Ling's desire for strength and persistence in evolution better than the three-eyed giant wolf.

Will it agree? Lin Feng was somewhat moved. To be continued.

: Thank you for signing in every day, Blueberry Calling Jelly Village, Lao Sanlu Si Ce Zha Temple, Xiao No. 2 under the Zha Temple, a bowl of lard scrambled egg rice, Junjun Warrior, Gufeng Ghost Buoy, kgbcheney, eleven people generously rewarded

Thank you to the rat snake, very lazy fish Ajiu Returns and the three of you for your valuable monthly votes.

Sorry, I agreed to update three times yesterday, but in the end I only had one update. I was temporarily dragged into a job by a friend, and I didn’t get home until early in the morning.