Refining Frenzy

Chapter 762: The second-rate acquired spiritual treasure is born [Third update]


After four months of solid accumulation, Lin Feng's strength has risen to the point where it has surpassed the top-level veteran Holy King, and is not far away from the level of the Titled Holy King. There are still more than four months left, and Lin Feng estimates that before leaving the Wasteland, his strength is likely to reach a level comparable to that of the Titled Saint King.

What he gained in the wasteland far exceeded his previous expectations.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Lin Feng shook his clothes and raised a cloud of dust all over his body.

Try the power of fusion law. After thinking about it, Lin Feng closed his eyes again.

A long time ago, he had successfully integrated the power of the six laws, leaving only the final power of the law of gravity that had not yet been integrated.

Although he knew that he would probably not be able to integrate the power of the law of gravity this time, Lin Feng still did not give up.

The sharp increase in soul power caused the time acceleration in Space 1 to also increase sharply.

The time deficit that was originally only more than 80,000 times has now increased to an astonishing 250,000 times.

One day has passed in the outside world, and nearly 700 years have passed in Space 1.

Such an improvement gave Lin Feng several times more time to refine fake spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures out of thin air.

When another four or five days passed in the outside world, Lin Feng finally stopped integrating the power of law.

As he expected, before he fully understood the law of gravity, it was impossible for the power of the law of gravity to be integrated with the power of the other six laws. All he could do was to try his best to explore the balance point of the power of the seven laws. , even if it is not found in the end, it is a step forward, and it can save a lot of time when integrating the power of the law in the future.

I don’t know when I will be able to master the seven-fold method. Lin Feng sighed.

Lin Feng understands that the food must be eaten one bite at a time and the road must be walked step by step. However, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to him. He naturally hopes to have the strength to fight against the Holy King Suiyang in advance.

After a while, Lin Feng calmed down and his eyes became calm again.

It's time to refine the fake spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures.

Looking at a large mountain made of ancient trees not far away, feeling the majestic power of will contained in it, a ray of light flashed in Lin Feng's dark eyes. Compared to his own strength, these ancient trees are His true support.

He reached forward and grabbed it, and an ancient tree at the foot of the mountain was suddenly sucked in by a suction force.

The claws turned into palm knives, and Lin Feng chopped off the branches of the ancient tree with his bare hands. He quickly threw the old tree aside, leaving only the branches.

Lin Feng has not forgotten that these branches also contain some will power, which is even much stronger than the material of his artificially made pseudo spiritual treasures. The will power contained in them alone is not artificially made pseudo spiritual treasures. Materials are comparable.

With these branches, Lin Feng can directly refine the fake spirit treasure without having to work hard to make the fake spirit treasure materials.

Not only does it save a lot of trouble. And it saves a lot of time.

It's just a pity that those seventh-grade, eighth-grade and ninth-grade weapon refining materials were collected by him from the four seas, and it took him a lot of time. Now, there seems to be no use for it.

Shaking his head slightly to get rid of all the distracting thoughts, Lin Feng unleashed the power of the law of fusion. And he realized 90% of the power of the law of gravity, created a virtual world environment, and immediately threw a branch into it.

Although it is a branch. But its size is not small, its diameter is comparable to that of an ordinary tree.

Repeating the previous actions, Lin Feng quickly threw ninety branches into the virtual world environment simulated by integrating the power of the law and the power of the law of gravity, and used time acceleration.

After the power of his soul tripled, he found that his control over the power of law had been greatly strengthened.

In the past, he could only control thirty or forty fusion laws and the power of the gravity law, but now he can easily control the power of 90 fusion laws and the power of the gravity law, and can refine ninety or even a hundred pieces at the same time. Lin Feng controlled the number of fake spirit treasures at ninety just to be on the safe side.

Time passed quietly, Lin Feng repeated the fool-like process of refining weapons, and pieces of fake spiritual treasures were born from his hands.

Later, Lin Feng had become numb and was producing fake spiritual treasures like a machine on an assembly line.

He once refined a pseudo-spiritual treasure, which once made him ecstatic. Even if he later mastered the materials to use the will of death to create pseudo-spiritual treasures, and then refined a large number of pseudo-spiritual treasures, he was still very satisfied. But now, looking at a Pieces of fake spiritual treasures were born in his hands, but he didn't feel anything.

Ten days later.

The area around Lin Feng was filled with fake spiritual treasures, the number reaching an astonishing 55,000.

In a daze, his eyes inadvertently caught sight of the densely packed fake spiritual treasures surrounding him. Lin Feng suddenly woke up and stopped what he was doing.

55,400 pieces. Even though Lin Feng had extraordinary concentration, he couldn't help but be shocked by the huge number.

Taking a deep breath, a smile flashed in Lin Feng's eyes. With these 55,400 fake spiritual treasures, he had the capital to compete with the Titled Saint King, and even had the confidence to fight against Jiutian, a first-level weapon spirit.

However, the more fake spirit treasures there are, the harder it is to control them.

Lin Feng can currently only control the explosive power of 10,000 pseudo-spiritual treasures at most. If it exceeds this number, the power of the pseudo-spiritual treasure explosion will be out of his control, and the out-of-control power will be enough to kill him thousands of times. Therefore, he is still no match for the Thunder Punishment Holy King Suiyang Holy King, even if he relies on fake spiritual treasures, he still cannot do it. What's more, the strength of Holy King Thunder Punishment and Holy King Suiyang exceeds him by a lot, and they can break free from the lock of his momentum or will in an instant. In this way, even if he detonates the fake spirit treasure, he still cannot harm Thunder Punishment Holy King. The king and the holy king Suiyang.

He knew very well that if he wanted to deal with the Holy King Suiyang, he could only fully comprehend the power of the law of gravity and become a true Holy King.

By then, the will of the God of Death will be sublimated, become more powerful, and double in weight. It will be as strong as the Holy King Suiyang, and I am afraid that it will not be able to easily break away from the lock of the God of Death.

After thinking everything through, Lin Feng took a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

After a while, he asked No. 1: No. 1, how long has it been since I retreated

Master, it has been twenty-four days now.

It’s not been a month yet? There was a trace of surprise on his face. Lin Feng clenched his fists, feeling his own strength, and then looked at the pseudo-spiritual treasures around him. He was very satisfied with the harvest of this retreat. The pseudo-spiritual treasures were almost refined. Now, it’s time to refine the acquired spiritual treasure.

His eyes gradually became serious. Lin Feng valued the acquired spiritual treasure far more than the fake spiritual treasure.

This thing is the most terrifying existence

Judging from the power of detonating the pseudo-spiritual treasures and giant spirit hammers during the battle with Jiutian, the power of detonating one giant spirit hammer is comparable to the power of detonating a hundred pseudo-spiritual treasures. It should be noted that the giant spirit gods The hammer is only a top-level third-rate acquired spiritual treasure. Above it, there are second-rate acquired spiritual treasures and even first-rate acquired spiritual treasures.

This time, Lin Feng planned to try to see if he could refine a second-rate or even first-rate acquired spiritual treasure.

If it is successfully refined, it will be extremely beneficial to Lin Feng.


Using the power of the law of fusion and the power of the law of gravity, Lin Feng took out an ancient tree that had already had its branches and leaves removed, and it was an ancient tree with a diameter of 3 meters, and accurately threw it into the simulated world environment. among.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng used the law technique to accelerate time.

Carefully observing the changes in the ancient trees, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with light: It works.

Although the changes in the ancient tree were very slow, much slower than when Lin Feng originally refined the Giant Spirit Hammer, Lin Feng was still aware of its changes.

As for whether it will be nurtured into a second-rate acquired spiritual treasure as Lin Feng guessed, it is unknown.

Putting almost all his attention on the gestating ancient tree, Lin Feng felt inexplicably nervous and a little uneasy.

Before the Lingbao was completely conceived, Lin Feng could not be sure whether it would be a third-rate acquired Lingbao or a second-rate acquired Lingbao. However, this result was extremely important to Lin Feng and there was no room for his negligence.

Time passes quietly, day after day, year after year. In the blink of an eye, three thousand years have passed in Space 1, and more than four days have passed in the outside world.

Lin Feng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, was covered with a thick layer of dust. Except for the occasional flash of light in his eyes, the rest of him looked like a human sculpture. He just stared at the slowly changing ancient scene. The tree has not blinked once for three thousand years, or even moved a finger.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes sparkled with brilliance.

The whole person seemed to be a sculpture that came to life in an instant.

Just because Houtian Lingbao has reached the final stage of its conception. Whether it is a success or a failure, the result will be revealed soon.

His breathing suddenly became heavier. Lin Feng trembled all over. The dust dispersed and filled the air. Then he slowly stood up and stared at the ancient tree that had transformed into a round bead. Only this round bead could be seen. The ball began to tremble slightly. Although the amplitude was small, it radiated a terrifying pressure.

About an hour later, the space suddenly shook.

The power of the law of fusion and the power of the law of gravity were suddenly shaken away, and a bead emitting cyan light was about to break through the air.

Come back to me. Lin Feng suddenly shouted, stepped on his feet, the figure flew past at high speed, jumped into the void, and grabbed the thumb-sized bead in his hand.

As soon as his fingers touched the bead, a piece of information flooded into Lin Feng's mind: Wood Spirit Bead, a second-rate acquired spiritual treasure.

The next moment, the anxiety on Lin Feng's face was swept away, replaced by a look of ecstasy.


Using an ancient tree with a diameter of more than three meters, Lin Feng successfully refined a second-rate acquired spiritual treasure, which is as powerful as a second-rate innate spiritual treasure.

Does this mean that as long as an ancient tree with a diameter of more than ten meters is used, there is hope to refine a first-class acquired spiritual treasure

A burning light suddenly flashed through his dark eyes, and Lin Feng's breathing became heavier. To be continued.

: Thank you to book friends 160202065921746 and reviewers Xiu for their generous reward.

Note: This update is specially updated for Bacha. Thank you again for Bacha’s generous reward of 10,000 starting coins.