Refining Frenzy

Chapter 77: growing up


The autumn wind is getting stronger and time flies.

The temperature has suddenly cooled, and the autumn wind sweeping over Shuanglong Town is also carrying a hint of loneliness.

Unconsciously, it has been more than a month since Lin Feng was attacked.

The Lin family's blacksmith shop was rebuilt. Although the area was the same as before, the total area of the house was much larger. It was upgraded from the original tiled house on the first floor to a bungalow on the second floor. Outdoors, the front yard is still the same, except for a pergola, which is basically the same as before. The backyard is paved with stone slabs surrounding the pool. There are saplings planted around the stone slabs. The interior is mostly painted with materials brought back from the city. After a while, it was bright and refreshing.

With Lin Feng's current financial resources, it is not difficult to build such an elegant courtyard.

The original blacksmithing room has now been renovated more like a refining room. The casting tools are all available and of high quality. It is probably as fast as the one in the Refining Masters Guild, which is specially used for the three-star refining master assessment. The refining room.

At this time, there were frequent and crisp sounds in the refining room.

Lin Feng lay on a soft chair and closed his eyes to rest.

No one knows that he is practicing and his progress is not slow.

The technique was recorded in an ancient book that Lin Tao once gave him. So far, it seems that the effect is pretty good.

The physical strength is already 256p. I wonder if he can break through the first level and become a second level earth warrior before the start of the Youth Masters. Lin Feng murmured softly.

Since breaking through to a first-level warrior, he has been able to improve his physical strength through practicing exercises.

It's just that his talent was too low before, and the effect of practicing the skills was not as strong as his own training. Now that his talent has been strangely improved, naturally he doesn't have to work hard. As for why his talent has improved, he himself I don’t know the reason. Not long ago, Yang Yi came to visit him. He asked Yang Yi sideways, but Yang Yi was also confused and knew nothing, so he finally gave up looking for the answer and could only attribute it all to Nono. . Because the day his talent improved was also the day Nono underwent a strange change.

In this month, his mental strength has also been greatly improved.

He has passed the 51st level of the primary version of elimination, and his mental power has increased from the original 1520p to 2318p. This means that the time acceleration rate in Space 1 has reached an extremely terrifying 231.8 times. Only one night has passed in the outside world. , but several months have passed in Space 1

Of course, 2318p is not the limit of his mental power, but the difficulty of each level he eliminates increases gradually, especially after level 50, the difficulty suddenly increases a lot, and level 50 and level 51 are already spent. He spent a lot of time, and as for the fifty-two levels, which were even more difficult, he felt inadequate every time. If he spent a lot of time on eliminating them, he might not be able to spare much time to practice Wan Zhu skills.

The Youth Masters is about to start, and he can't waste more time on elimination.

Everything will be discussed after the Youth Masters.

Mentioning the Youth Masters Competition, Lin Feng couldn't help but think of the Wanzhu skills he had mastered so far. He smiled and thought: He has mastered 5213 skills. This level is not considered low among three-star weapon refiners. It has only been a month. There are still three months to go. In the next three months, we have to work harder.

In just one month, his abilities have been greatly improved.

The pace of his growth is clearly visible.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

Unconsciously, the crisp sound in the refining room stopped.

A young man's figure slowly walked out.

teacher. The young man stood in front of Lin Feng, bending slightly.

Lin Feng opened his eyes: Got it

The young man nodded: Yes, I got it.

Looking at the indifferent young man in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh: He is worthy of being the child of a five-star weapon refiner. Although he did not inherit Fu Yuanshan's cultivation talent, he did inherit Fu Yuanshan's technical talent, which was even better than Fu Yuanshan's. and. I'm afraid the skills and talents of those six-star weapon refiners are nothing more than this.

If this young man were not his disciple, he would probably be jealous.

This skill and talent is simply breathtaking.

Even though my talent has improved a lot, there is still a huge gap compared to him. Lin Feng had to admit that this young man could truly be called a special genius.

Lin Feng slowly stood up and walked towards the weapon refining room.

After a month of cultivation and practice, he was able to walk on the ground.

Entering the refining room, Lin Feng pointed at a pile of tarosha: Go over and give it a try.

The first is to hold fire

The young man's fire-handling ability is extremely good. If outsiders knew about it, many three-star weapon refiners would be ashamed of themselves.

It can be seen that the test that Lin Feng set for him was not useless at all.

His basic skills are extremely solid.

A moment.

Tarosa has been heated for three times, and the internal particles have become active and are in the best state of stress.

He~ The young man moved his body. His posture was not so elegant, but it gave people a sense of visual enjoyment.

He raised the hammer

The next moment, that quiet figure suddenly became enthusiastic, as if he had devoted all his passion for the rest of his life into the refining of the weapon at this moment.

It was still a violent storm, but it was more refined and free-spirited than the movements of the old blacksmiths, like wanton flames.

Ding ding ding

Ding ding ding

His movements are extremely fast, three points faster than when Lin Feng first learned casting.

From beginning to end, he never made a single mistake, and his control of technique was amazing.

After just a moment, he stopped moving.

That violent flame seemed to be extinguished and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

He calmed down, as cold and indifferent as before.

Without any proud expression, he turned towards Lin Feng and said respectfully: Teacher.

congratulations. Lin Feng showed a smile, you are already a two-star weapon refiner. After a pause, you have completely mastered the Baizhu skills. Whether it is the skills themselves or the combination of skills, you have done a good job. In this regard, I basically have nothing more to teach you. I am just waiting for you to do it again. After getting familiar with it for a few days, you can start learning Qianzhu techniques.

The young man's stern face finally showed a smile.

At that moment, it was as if all the ice in the world melted.

Father, have you seen that your son became a two-star weapon refiner in just one month? The young man clenched his fingertips and murmured silently in his heart, "My child has not embarrassed you, my child's choice is correct."

How he wished that his father was right in front of him right now, sharing this joy and glory with him.

Lin Feng understood his mood very well and patted his shoulder. Lin Feng chuckled and said: If you could become a three-star weapon refiner one day earlier, maybe your father would be happier.

Hearing this, the young man raised his head, faced Lin Feng's encouraging eyes, and nodded slightly: Today, it will definitely not be too late.

His delicate face was full of confidence and indifference.

Brother, Fu Yi, it’s time to eat. Lin Yun walked through the corridor with a smile.

Lin Feng turned around and said: Okay, you can give Nuonuo a bowl first.

Go and eat. Only when you are full can you have the strength to study. Lin Feng patted the young man on the shoulder again, then turned and walked towards the backyard.

Thank you, teacher. After Lin Feng took five or six steps, the young man suddenly shouted at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hands without looking back, and a faint voice came: Eat.

A smile appeared on the young man's face and he quickly followed.

As soon as Lin Feng entered the house, Nono happily flew onto his shoulder.

Lin Feng. Nuonuo rubbed his ear affectionately.

Little traitor. Lin Yun pretended to be angry. Please, I am the one who prepares food for you every day. Do you understand

However, when Nuonuo heard this, he turned his head, leaving a beautiful silhouette behind.

After a month of training, this little guy recovered faster than Lin Feng. Now he seems to be basically fine. He is chirping and jumping around all day long. People who don't know would never think that a month ago, he was covered in bruises and on the verge of death.

The three of them gathered around the wooden table, enjoying lunch one day.

Brother, do you really plan to go to the county seat in a few days? Lin Yun mentioned a heavy topic. His eyes were full of worry. Your body has just recovered a little. This journey has been too bumpy. You Can't stand the torment at all.

The chopsticks in Lin Feng's hand stopped in the bowl, and he sighed: This idea is not a whim, but a plan that has been made for a long time.

He looked at Lin Yun and Fu Yi, worried, and said: Last time those people attempted to kill people, but we killed them instead. The mastermind behind them will not let it go. Although Mr. Hua has strong force, the opponent also has many people. Crowd, coming fiercely. As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four, and Mr. Hua may not be able to protect us. The more we stay here, the more danger we will face. Because none of us can be sure whether the other party will send people to deal with us.

Even if you go to the city, it may not be absolutely safe.

There are only three truly safe places, the Weapon Refiner's Guild at the magistrate's mansion, and Qingfeng Academy.

Lin Yun lowered his head, clenched his fists, and cursed: Those damn guys. Sooner or later, I will kill them all