Refining Frenzy

Chapter 780: Yuan Kui is missing


Even so, it is very powerful. Xingfeng sighed.

The child in Lin Feng's words is compared to the Heavenly Saint King. If anyone really treats Lin Feng as a child, the consequences will be extremely miserable.

After witnessing Lin Feng's power, the three-eyed giant wolf couldn't help itching his hands: Lin Feng, can we use a few tricks to show me how powerful the legendary Heavenly Saint King is

Although the power of Lin Feng's punch was extremely terrifying, he could not understand how powerful that punch was unless he had experienced it himself.

You glanced at the three-eyed giant wolf, and Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head, forget it, I'm afraid I might accidentally hurt you.

With the strength of the three-eyed giant wolf, it may not be considered weak among the first-level weapon spirits, but this strength is really not enough for Lin Feng to punch him. If he uses a little force, he may accidentally kill the three-eyed wolf instantly. Giant wolf.

With a glare, the three-eyed giant wolf refused to admit defeat and said: "Don't look down on others."

Ahem, Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I didn't look down on you.

Well, since you're afraid of accidentally hurting me, don't do anything and let me test how strong your defense is. Rolling his eyes, the three-eyed giant wolf chuckled. Seeing Lin Feng's speechless expression, he was even more excited about his proposal. Yes, that's it, you are not allowed to make a move.

A strange look flashed between his brows, Lin Feng stared at the three-eyed giant wolf: Are you sure you want to fight me

Without any hesitation, the three-eyed giant wolf immediately nodded: Of course.

Well, I promise you. Lin Feng smiled faintly, stood up with a puff of sleeves, and said calmly, "Come on, I said I wouldn't take action."

Xingfeng and Ten Thousand Needles Pine Thorn Beast were watching this scene expectantly, and they also wanted to see it. How strong is Lin Feng's defense? As a mid-level weapon spirit, whether the three-eyed giant wolf's attack can cause damage to Lin Feng.

The huge body, which had grown several times, moved vigorously towards the opposite side of Lin Feng, the lantern-like eyes of the three-eyed giant wolf. Staring at Lin Feng closely.

The surging momentum stirred up at an extremely fast speed, causing the surrounding space to tremble slightly. The ground was filled with sand and rocks, and the trees and flowers were trembling, making the surrounding area gradually blurry.

Watching the three-eyed giant wolf calmly, Lin Feng's clothes did not move in the wind. The expression on his face is always so calm.


A soul-stirring roar like a wolf king came from the bloody mouth.

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the three-eyed giant wolf turned into an afterimage, flashing past suddenly like a stream of light.

In an instant, the three-eyed giant wolf had crashed into Lin Feng's body.


Kilometers nearby. They all trembled violently.

The next moment, the three-eyed giant wolf moved faster than when it came. It flew upside down, as if it hit a spring. A heart-breaking scream came from the bloody mouth: Ah~ On the top of its head, there was a faint red blood oozing out, soaking the surrounding area red. Hair.

And Lin Feng. But it was motionless, like a hard rock, without any reaction.

Taking in the scene in front of them, Xingfeng and Ten Thousand Needles Pine Thorn Beast were both stunned.

You must try it yourself. Can't blame me. Raising his eyebrows, Lin Feng looked at the three-eyed giant wolf speechlessly. His figure suddenly appeared next to the three-eyed giant wolf. He held the flying three-eyed giant wolf with one hand and asked in a concerned tone: "What's the matter?" Like, are you okay

The three-eyed giant wolf, grinning in pain, glared and asked: What is your body made of? How come it is harder than a first-rate innate spiritual treasure

As soon as he recalled the pain of that moment, the three-eyed giant wolf couldn't help but shudder.

Xingfeng and the Ten Thousand Needle Pine Thorn Beast also flew from a distance and stopped next to Lin Feng and the three-eyed giant wolf. Hearing the three-eyed giant wolf's question, each person and the beast pricked up their ears. They were also very curious. How did Lin Feng do it

What else could it be made of, of course it would be made of meat. Rolling his eyes, the young man angrily let go of the three-eyed giant wolf's hand, paused, and then explained: My body, strengthened by the power of the law of fusion and the nine-layered primordial water, has exceeded Nothing in the world, let alone your head, even a first-class innate spiritual treasure, can't break through my skin. What he did not finish was that his physical strength was far from reaching the limit. As long as he continued to evolve various laws other than the seven strongest laws, his physical strength would also reach the limit in the process. Strengthen it, and finally develop the extremely terrifying physique of the Heavenly Saint Immortal Body. This is the invincible body possessed by the legendary Heavenly Saint King.

If he mastered the Heavenly Saint Immortal Body, no one or thing in the world could harm Lin Feng.

In other words, the Immortal Body of the Heavenly Saint is equivalent to the immortal body. Nothing in the world can cause any harm to it. To say the least, even if the physical body collapses, it can be reorganized in an instant and incarnate into thousands of people, making it invincible.

However, Lin Feng is still far away from that step, so he can only long for it in his heart.

After wandering in his thoughts for a moment, Lin Feng came back to his senses and continued: Half of my current strength comes from the power of the law of fusion, and half comes from the physical body. As for the will power of the Holy King, etc., they have been integrated into the power of law and the physical body. In other words, I can no longer use the Earth Saint King's attack methods.

With such a powerful power of fusion law and a physical body, aren't you satisfied yet? The three-eyed giant wolf said in a sour tone.

After being startled for a moment, Lin Feng suddenly smiled: That's right, it's time to be satisfied.

This is a good thing that others can’t even dream of. What else can I be dissatisfied with

Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's strength, Xing Feng had a new idea. Since you already have such strength, why not get rid of Yuan Kui first. For some reason, he always felt that Yuan Kui was not that simple, especially when Yuan Kui used The act of exchanging ten Soul King Stones for the Saint King of Suiyang made him even more uneasy. Yuan Kui and Saint King Suiyang are incompatible with each other, so why are they willing to pay a huge price in exchange for Saint King Suiyang's status as the Holy King

Lin Feng looked away blankly, squinted his eyes and said: Grandpa Xing is right, it's time to deal with that guy.

Before Xing Feng could speak again, Lin Feng said again: "You guys wait a moment, I'll look for that guy's location first."

A large amount of fusion law power burst out from Lin Feng's body in an instant. Mobilizing the power of various laws floating around, it covers farther away. The power of the integrated laws is like a king who rules the world. Any power of laws surrenders to its feet and does not dare to disobey its will. . The power of endless laws. Covering the entire wasteland, no place was left out.

Within a few breaths, Lin Feng had a complete insight into the situation in the entire wasteland.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and a look of doubt flashed in Lin Feng's eyes: Why is the person missing

Xingfeng suddenly became a little nervous when he disappeared. How could it be possible? This was a wasteland. Besides being automatically teleported out, could there be any other way for him to get out of Xiaofeng? Are you sure you've explored the entire wasteland

Lin Feng was not angry about Xing Feng's suspicion. In fact, he was quite puzzled. He even suspected that he had missed something and didn't check it. He immediately checked it again, but still found nothing.

After confirming again and again, Lin Feng affirmed: It seems to be right, that guy. Already escaped early. Moreover, not only Yuan Kui is missing. The Holy King of Thunder Punishment also disappeared. Nowadays, those who remain in the wasteland are ordinary holy kings and ordinary demon kings, as well as titled holy kings and titled demon kings.

The cunning guy, the three-eyed giant wolf, cursed.

Perhaps Yuan Kui had noticed the moment Lin Feng broke through and became the pseudo-Celestial Saint King, so he secretly escaped from the Wasteland. As for what method he used. But it's no longer important.

A flash of light flashed across his eyes, Lin Feng sneered and said: You can escape the monk, but you can't escape the temple. I don't believe that Yuan Kui would give up on the entire Demon Clan so easily.

Xiaofeng, is there any way you can get out? Xingfeng asked anxiously.

If Yuan Kui goes out directly to the reincarnation realm. If Lin Hai is captured from the death row, things will be troublesome. He felt quite regretful in his heart. If he had known that these things would happen, he should have rescued Lin Hai before coming to the Wasteland. As for his injuries, he should have let those few earth cultivators who had understood the laws of life deal with them first. With treatment, even if it cannot be cured, it can at least be maintained as it is without aggravating the injury.

Lin Feng glanced sideways at the three-eyed giant wolf.

Don't look at me, I don't know either. The three-eyed giant wolf snorted: If I knew, I would have gone out long ago, and I didn’t have to wait for you to come.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Feng pondered for a moment and said hesitantly: There is a way, but I don't know if it will work.

Time is of the essence, don’t worry about whether it works or not, just try it first. Xingfeng Road.

With Xing Feng's support, Lin Feng no longer had any worries. He nodded and said to a few people: "I'll send you to another dimension first. If something unexpected happens later, it will be easier for me to handle it alone."

When he broke through, Space 1 mutated for the second time. Now it is completely substantial and connected to this world, and can finally accommodate other people. Therefore, he planned to send the Xingfeng Three-Eyed Giant Wolf and the Ten Thousand Needle Pine Thorn Beast into Space 1. Although the Sword God Palace was good, it was not his own after all. If an accident happened in the future, he would be controlled by others.

After a while, Lin Feng woke up Huang Wenbing and Jing Ting, and without any time to explain, he sent them into Space 1.

Number 1, please introduce it to them. I'll deal with things outside first. Lin Feng hurriedly handed over No. 1 and left Space No. 1.

After returning to the wasteland, Lin Feng took a deep breath, clenched his fist slightly, and suddenly punched forward.

The space was shattered in an instant, and the land dozens of miles ahead was subverted.

Stepping into the shattered space, Lin Feng's figure gradually disappeared. When the space was restored as before, Lin Feng had long since disappeared without leaving any trace. To be continued.

: Thank you to Lord Shura, God of War, liyexius350056, the third arrogant buoy in the village, kgb, who signs in every day, and eight people who sleep in the swallowing starry sky for generous rewards.

Thank you for 1 cup, rest in peace, godman Xia Zhen, maddog998, sweeping leaves, ruthless law, policy zjn999toolkerkwan2012, the journey of love, Shangguan Yunlong, the fundamental solution to the Qinglong knight, the sharp blade, killing indifferently, maple snow, night, night, moon, blowing rain, leisurely days, layman, little first pig, arrow slow Twenty-three of Bu Ken Ken’s happy steamed buns cast their precious monthly votes