Refining Frenzy

Chapter 87: Cast a spell


Sanjiang Piao recommendation vote, Sanjiang Piao topped the list, but the recommendation vote is a bit miserable. Dear weapon refiners, the author needs motivation, and Lin Feng also needs motivation to insist on normal updates during the New Year. Is there any reward

Under the bright sunshine, students were walking around the college, either going back to their dormitories or going to the cafeteria, keeping company in twos and threes, and it was so lively.

In the tutor's dormitory area, Lin Feng's dormitory was quiet as usual.

Nothing could be heard except an occasional bird that chirped slightly aggrievedly.

In space one.

Lin Feng stood opposite No. 1, staring at No. 1 in a daze.

This guy actually turned into Qin Wulei, which made Lin Feng unable to adapt for a while.

Master, don’t you want to learn spells? No. 1 opened his eyes and asked doubtfully: Can we start now

The sound of "Master" immediately made Lin Feng feel chilly, and he quickly said: "Hurry up and change back to your original appearance."

Number 1 appeared as Qin Wulei and called him master, which was too much for him.

Hearing this, No. 1 transformed back into Lin Feng's appearance. Although its intelligent brain could not analyze the reason why Lin Feng was so rude, Lin Feng was its master. Since Lin Feng had given the order, it was naturally impossible for it to disobey it.

call. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw No. 1 returned to his original appearance.

He put away the strange thoughts in his heart and said: Let's get started, turn on the teaching mode.

In an instant, No. 1 became indifferent, a pointer appeared in his hand, and he said calmly: Turn on the teaching mode and simulate the environment.

The next moment, Lin Feng's surroundings turned into a field dedicated to simulated actual combat No. 6.

In front of Lin Feng, Qin Wulei's image slowly appeared. She chanted obscure spells in a low voice, and there were faint fluctuations in the air.

Earth Spell Shake

In Space 1, Lin Feng once again experienced the vibration technique used by Qin Wulei.

But just as the shaking started, the scene stopped. Number 1 stood next to Lin Feng and said calmly: Student Lin Feng, after systematic analysis, the spell contains a total of 107 words, without any repetitions. The pronunciation of each word is different. However, after No. 1 analysis, the role of the spell is to reduce the mental load, or reduce the mental requirements of the spell on the caster. Based on the mental strength of the student Lin Feng, , there is absolutely no need to learn spells. He looked at Lin Feng and said seriously: It is recommended that student Lin Feng skip the part of learning spells and go directly to the part of using mental power to adjust the free earth elements around him, so that time can be used effectively.

This is really good news. Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: But my earth affinity is so low, is it really possible without using a spell

Number 1 said with great certainty: Yes, with your strong mental power, you don’t need a spell to cooperate.

Well, let’s get started. After receiving No. 1's confirmation, Lin Feng felt confident.

It seems that if the mental power is strong enough, it still has many advantages, which Lin Feng has never thought of before.

What is certain is that his choice to come to Qingfeng Academy to be the instructor of the weapon refiner was too wise. Otherwise, how could he have established his own advantage by chance

Lin Feng closed his eyes, thinking about the method Qin Wulei said in his mind, and his mental power came out of his body, sensing the thin earth elements around him.

Number 1 said from the side: Since your earth affinity is lower than that of ordinary mages, you must calm down and be as calm as possible before you can sense the existence of the earth element, and you can only sense it. Relatively active earth elements, but unable to sense those static earth elements. If you want to sense the earth elements quickly, you must compress your mental power and reduce it to a fixed range, so that you can sense more earth elements faster. But in this way, if you If you cast a spell, the range of influence of the spell you cast will be much reduced.

Lin Feng's breathing relaxed, and he slowly calmed down, returning to the calm state of an ancient well.

He just stood there with his eyes closed, focusing on mobilizing his mental power to sense the presence of the earth element.

a stick of incense

A quarter of an hour

an hour

He was as motionless as a stone statue, untouchable by lightning.

Finally, after an hour and a stick of incense passed, Lin Feng's mental power finally sensed the legendary earth element.

They were small yellowish light spots one after another. If they hadn't been emitting a faint light all the time, I'm afraid no one would be able to detect their existence.

Their size is too small, let alone the naked eye, even with mental power, it is difficult to capture their existence.

There is one ten meters to the left. Lin Feng said softly: There is one three meters in front, one meter behind, and one meter to the left.

The number of light spots that he sensed with his mental power gradually increased, and the number continued to increase.

Three hours later, he stopped, because the number of light spots he sensed with his mental power no longer increased, and the number reached the limit. No matter how hard he tried to sense and search for it, he could not sense even one more light spot. point.

In his mind, the light spots sensed by his mental power formed an illusory picture.

The light spots were sparsely scattered around his body, like fireflies, moving erratically in different directions, as if they were being pulled by some mysterious force.

Is this the earth element

This was his first time coming into contact with the earth element, and everything in the mage world was full of novelty to him.

According to what No. 1 said, he tried to compress his mental power and narrow the area covered by it, so that all his mental power was concentrated in a specific small area.

Sure enough, in this way, I can sense more earth elements in the same area. Lin Feng was delighted, I could also sense those relatively inactive earth elements.

This scene is amazing.

At this time, No. 1 said: Student Lin Feng, please use your mental power to rearrange these earth elements according to the structural model of the vibration technique.

As soon as he finished speaking, something suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's mind, which was the model mentioned by No. 1.

It is a triangular pyramid structural model, which can also be called a spell model. As long as the earth elements are rearranged according to the triangular pyramid structural model, the vibration spell can be cast.

Lin Feng tried to control the light spot with his mental power. To his surprise, the light spot accepted his control obediently and moved to a specific position according to his ideas.

It didn't seem difficult. Lin Feng thought so, so he simply controlled multiple light points at once and constructed a triangular pyramid structural model in a very short time.

It took almost only one breath and one breath for the triangular pyramid to take shape, which was beyond Lin Feng's expectation.

The moment the triangular cone was formed, the ground trembled violently, a hole opened, and then the ground began to shake violently. However, as the maker of this triangular cone, Lin Feng stood firmly on the spot. , was not affected at all, as if he was in another dimension.

This is the spell. Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. I also cast the spell.

His mood was extremely exciting.

Although the power of the vibration technique he used was several times smaller than that used by Qin Wulei, it still could not calm the excitement and joy in his heart.

The corner of his mouth raised: From today on, I am a real mage.

Sixth level earth mage Lin Feng

Suddenly, Lin Feng frowned. He closed his eyes and sensed the triangular cone with his mental power. A flash of doubt flashed in his eyes, and the earth element controlled by his mental power began to lose control. He tried to use his mental power to enslave these earth elements again. Unexpectedly, he succeeded, but when he replenished these earth elements into the triangular pyramid, the earth elements also escaped his control again.

This situation immediately made him very puzzled. Could it be that his method was wrong

Fortunately, No. 1 explained in time: The existence time of each triangular pyramid is limited. After reaching the time limit, the triangular pyramid will slowly collapse until it completely disappears. When the triangular pyramid completely collapses, the spell effect disappears. The reason cannot be analyzed at present. This seems to be a specific rule under which everything must be followed unconditionally.

A spell cannot last forever. Who can break the laws of this world

Immediately, No. 1 said: Of course, in theory, the higher the mental power of a person, the longer the triangular pyramid he builds will last.

I see. Lin Feng thought for a moment and nodded.

Next, ask student Lin Feng to continue practicing until he can construct a triangular pyramid model as soon as his mind moves. Number 1 patted the pointer in his hand. If Lin Feng did not do well in the next period of time, the pointer in his hand would not be merciful.

Under the strict guidance of No. 1, Lin Feng made rapid progress. Every time he successfully constructed a triangular pyramid model, he could sense the earth elements more easily, and the time spent was shorter than the last time.

It only took him a few hours to master the vibration technique.

Before Lin Feng could be happy, No. 1 said: The spell model of the vibration spell is a triangular pyramid, the spell model of the gravity spell is an equilateral hexahedron, the spell model of the levitation spell is an equilateral dodecahedron, and the spell model of the recovery spell is an equilateral dodecahedron. It is a hollow cylinder. The spell model of Slowness is more complex and dozens of times more difficult than the Triangular Pyramid. Therefore, student Lin Feng, don't be too happy too soon.