Refining Frenzy

Chapter 9: The power of the hatchet


Qiangui Mountain is a big mountain in front of Shuanglong Town. It is said to be a big mountain, but in fact Qiangui Mountain is not big, with an area of about 40 square kilometers and a height of about 800 meters. There is no such thing as altitude in the Aoki Continent. Naturally, here The height is calculated from the ground at the foot of Qiangui Mountain.

However, although Qiangui Mountain is not big, it has existed for a long time.

It is said that Qiangui Mountain was formed by the sitting of a super mythical beast that dominated the world in ancient times. Many years after the death of that mythical beast, its body turned into Qiangui Mountain.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Qiangui Mountain resembles an oversized turtle. The rocks on the turtle's back are red and round, highlighting the small bags, which are like pieces of giant scales. When connected together, they form a An oversized turtle shell. And those little bags also look like the backs of little turtles.

Qiangui Mountain is the only way between the county seat and Shuanglong Town, and people pass by here every day.


The law

In the cold wind, twelve fierce horses galloped at high speed on the mountainside of Qiangui Mountain, occasionally accompanied by a few horse roars.

Qiangui Mountain has not welcomed such a large group of people passing by for a long time, and today is a lively day.

Hahaha~ Brother, we are almost home. On the back of a strong horse, a middle-aged man with a beard laughed and said.

On the back of the front horse, an elegant and middle -aged with similar appearance to the middle -aged beard is also a happy laughter: hahaha ~ Haho has worked hard outside for many years, and he can finally return to his hometown. The days outside are full of intrigues, and after all, they are not as good as Qiangui Mountain.

Vaguely, he saw the neat rows of houses in Shuanglong Town, and his eyes flashed with tears: Shuanglong Town, my roots.

Second, second, third, hurry up, I can't wait anymore. The elegant middle-aged man whipped his whip towards the horse's back and drove

Eleven fierce horses followed closely behind, not leaving even an inch.

However, just as the twelve fierce horses rushed to the foot of the mountain, a voice suddenly sounded among the dense trees: "Kill!"

Dozens of figures rushed out from the trees and jungle, as fast as the wind.

The eldest brother was careful with the second and third children exclaimed.

The boss, be careful, and the nine younger brothers also shouted in unison.


A sharp arrow flew towards him. The elegant middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and bent down suddenly, narrowly avoiding the sharp arrow.

But the dangers kept coming one after another, and even though he had dodged the sharp arrows, the enemy still had another move.

A strong man in green clothes held a sharp sword, and against the flow of the cold wind, in the flickering crystal white light, he slashed at the elegant middle-aged man.


The elegant middle-aged man cursed bitterly and only had time to draw out the big knife from his back and block the blow.


The two broadswords intersected, making a harsh sound of gold and stone, and sparks flying.


Under this huge force, the fierce horse knelt directly on the ground with its front hooves, raising a handful of dust.

The two were of equal strength. They were both fourth-level warriors. However, one made a sneak attack and jumped from a tree, with a strength bonus. The other was in a hurry to fight and had no time to exert his strength.

In the first round of the fight, the elegant middle-aged sword flew out, spun around in the air several times, and finally penetrated a tree trunk.

As soon as the knife came out of his hand, the elegant middle-aged man screamed inwardly that it was bad.

He stepped hard on the horse's back. Using this force, he jumped off the horse and rushed towards the tree trunk.

The person who unexpectedly attacked with a knife almost acted at the same time as him, and struck down again with the knife.

The second oldest, third oldest brother and a group of younger brothers have been surrounded by the enemy and are fighting fiercely with the enemy. No one can be distracted. If they are distracted, there is only one outcome: death.

The elegant middle-aged man ducked aside, leaving a deep blood mark on his left arm.

Unable to retrieve the sword, Ruya, a middle-aged man, immediately gave up the idea of taking back the sword, turned around and ran away.

In a one-on-one fair and head-on battle, he believed that he would not lose to the enemy in front of him, but the enemy would not give him such a chance.

Where to run

The man shouted and chased after him.

After escaping and chasing, in a few breaths, they left the main battlefield and rushed dozens of meters away.

It’s a shame that the elegant middle-aged man’s strength has nowhere to go, I feel hateful and helpless.

After escaping for more than a hundred meters, the elegant middle-aged man still couldn't get rid of the enemy. There were two new blood marks on his back and waist.

What to do? What to do? What to do

The elegant middle-aged man was so anxious that his mind was in a mess. He was avoiding in a hurry while trying to think of a solution.

Ah~ A panicked voice came from the front, it was a woodcutter.

At first glance, the woodcutter looked like an honest farmer, probably a citizen of Shuanglong Town. However, it was the first time he saw such a cruel battle. He was really frightened. He dropped the hatchet in his hand and turned around to kill himself. He ran away, for fear of being harmed by Chi Yu. Maybe there was only one word left in his mind: escape.

Under the threat of his life, how could he care about the hatchet that was regarded as a family heirloom? After the person died, what was the use of keeping the hatchet

He could only deal with it first with a hatchet. The elegant middle-aged man rushed over and picked up the hatchet on the ground.


A deep shout came from behind, and the enemy jumped up high and struck again with his sword.

The elegant middle-aged man had no time to hide. He took the hatchet and slashed to one side. He had to block the knife to one side, otherwise

Sonorous sparks overflowed.


The hatchet miraculously blocked the enemy's sword without breaking in two.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the elegant middle-aged man stood up and stood up straight. He adjusted his posture and took a greedy breath of air. His disadvantage was restored a little.

The strong man in green clothes mocked: It's just a hatchet, can it block me once, can it block me twice? He missed the opportunity to kill the elegant middle-aged man in one fell swoop, and he was a little annoyed.

Without further ado, whoever wins or loses may not necessarily be a refined middle-aged person with a stern look on his face.

Although he is at a disadvantage, the elegant middle-aged man refuses to admit defeat and cannot be defeated in terms of momentum.

Since you are in a hurry to die, then I will help you. The strong man in green snorted coldly and rushed over.

The elegant middle-aged man took a deep breath: You must hold on.

Of course he was talking about the hatchet in his hand. However, he knew very well that the hatchet was just a daily utensil, while the other person was holding a real weapon. Although it was just the most ordinary weapon, its quality was far beyond what the hatchet could match.




After three head-on encounters, the hatchet held on tenaciously.

The elegant middle-aged man was extremely surprised: great job

The strong man in green clothes was extremely angry: "Let's see how long you can hold on." He slightly bent his knees, and then rushed over again.

He wanted to kill the elegant middle-aged man in one breath, and he would never give the elegant middle-aged man a chance to breathe again. He knew very well that Ruya, a middle-aged man, had extremely rich combat experience. If he couldn't kill him in one go and missed this opportunity, he would have to spend a lot of effort.

bring it on

The elegant middle-aged man had a strong fighting spirit in his chest.

A long knife and a hatchet collided again.



The sound of the blade breaking sounded in their ears at the same time, followed by the sound of a weapon piercing the body.

The elegant middle-aged man's eyes dimmed: Can't he hold on anymore? Then he laughed at himself, that's right, it's just a hatchet. It was already incredible that a hatchet could sustain itself under a long sword for so long. What else could he ask for

A hatchet is just a hatchet after all, and it is the stupidest decision to place your hopes on it. The strong man in green sneered.

But, why hasn’t the elegant middle-aged man fallen down yet

it hurts.

The strong man in green slowly lowered his head, his eyes suddenly tightened, and his pupils expanded infinitely.

A powerful and short hatchet was inserted into his chest. Blood dripped slowly from the handle of the hatchet, forming a red blood flower on the ground.

Turning to look at the long knife in his hand, the blade had been broken into two pieces.

It turned out that it was my sword that was broken. Before he could finish his words, the strong body of the strong man in green suddenly fell down.

His eyes were wide open and he could not close his eyes.

The elegant middle-aged man looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief: when did the power of the hatchet become so powerful? He felt that he could hardly keep up with the development and changes of the world.

Sitting on the ground, he gasped for air, greedily breathing in the air around him.

He suddenly remembered his two brothers, stood up suddenly, and rushed over there.

But just after taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, came to the side of the strong man in green, squatted down, pulled out the hatchet, looked at the undamaged hatchet, held it tightly, and then rushed towards The main battlefield.

The elegant middle-aged man was the most powerful person in the group. With the addition of him as a new force, a group of sneak attackers were quickly killed.

Although they killed all the enemies, they also lost five brothers. Including him, there were only seven survivors in total. Fortunately, the second and third brothers did not die, but only suffered a few stab wounds.

Big brother

Second child, third child

The brothers hugged each other excitedly, and the joy of surviving the disaster made them cherish each other even more.

By the way, brother, you, how did you kill that guy's dick

The third child said: Yes, we saw your long sword being chopped off with our own eyes, so it stands to reason

The elegant middle-aged man was very happy and raised the hatchet in his hand: because it

The second and third child’s eyes widened: No, it’s a hatchet.

What happened to the hatchet? Although it was just a hatchet, it cut off that guy's long knife. Its quality was no worse than my knife. The elegant middle-aged man sighed with emotion, and then laughed loudly and said: We have to thank the woodcutter. If it weren't for his hatchet, all three of us brothers would have to answer here today.

The people of the Lotus Mercenary Group are so abominable. We have publicly announced our withdrawal from the Tianlong Mercenary Group, but they are still pursuing us until the second child in our hometown gritted his teeth.

The Tianlong Mercenary Group is not a good person. When we left, they pretended to stay. As soon as we left, they turned around and revealed our details to the Lotus Mercenary Group. The third child was also very angry.

The elegant middle-aged man waved his hand: Don't worry about them, let's go back to Shuanglong Town first.

Hearing this, the second child chuckled and said: Yes, we will go back immediately. After the handover ceremony, brother, you will be the new mayor of Shuanglong Town. Give them a hundred courages, and they will not dare to assassinate official officials of the empire.

The eldest brother is the mayor of Shuanglong Town appointed by Dean Morrowind. Anyone who dares to dissent will also laugh.

: The second updated book is on the list, please collect it and vote for recommendation. Thanks to yzcs888 Feihu Yixiao for the big reward.