Refining Frenzy

Chapter 90: Give it a try


The third update is here. Today’s rewards are indeed a bit crazy. Dear weapon refiners, thank you for your generous rewards and your enthusiastic support.

Yes, I was indeed seriously injured and unable to refine weapons for the time being. Lin Feng nodded and did not deny it.

Temporary Wen Han smiled and said: But as far as I know, you are not temporarily unable to refine weapons, but you have lost the ability to refine weapons forever.

Before Lin Feng could refute, he took the first step and said: Whether you are a useless person or not has nothing to do with me. I just don’t want you to teach me nonsense, that’s all. Don't say you are a useless person. Even if you have not lost your ability, so what. You are a warrior weapon refiner, and I am a mage weapon refiner. Your teachings are dispensable to me. Even, you are important to me. A mage's knowledge of weapon refining is simply not as good as mine.

Regarding the issue of useless people, Lin Feng did not argue with him. He still insisted on his original intention: Who can know whether it is useful or not unless he gives it a try.

No need to try. Wen Han said calmly.

The conversation between the two people was transmitted to the ears of all the students word for word.

And they were giving up in their hearts. They came to Qingfeng Academy not to be taught by a loser.

Although they didn't speak at this time, their thoughts were all expressed on their faces.

However, Lin Feng always responded calmly without any panic, as if he didn't care at all.

Of course, it's not that he really doesn't care, but that he has huge confidence.

Give it a try. Lin Feng smiled and said again.

His voice was still so gentle, without any anger, as if all Wen Han's words could not make a single wave in his heart.

Wen Han frowned and said in a deep voice: "I told you, there's no need to try."


Give it a try. Lin Feng still kept his smile and looked at Wen Han quietly.

The foreheads of all the students were suddenly covered with black lines.

Wen Han's cold face that had not changed for thousands of years miraculously showed a hint of speechlessness. He suddenly discovered that Lin Feng, who looked so gentle and polite, was actually so thick-skinned. He had already explicitly rejected him twice. Lin Feng, however, was unyielding and did not give up at all, asking the original question.

As soon as the word "no" came out, Wen Han stopped again. Looking at Lin Feng's face that also never changed color, he clenched his fists and had the urge to directly cast a spell to kill Lin Feng on the spot, but In the end, he gave in. He really couldn't compete with Lin Feng to see who was thicker-skinned. Just try. You are not afraid of embarrassment, so what should I be afraid of

Hearing this, Lin Feng felt happy and said with a smile: Whether it is embarrassing or not, we will know when the time comes.

This proud little guy was finally convinced by him.

After speaking, he turned to look at the other students and said: I think you should believe in the vision of the dean of Qingfeng College. Since he invited me to teach you, it proves that he recognizes my teaching ability. Otherwise, why would he invite me? After all, my current reputation is not very good. Wouldn’t it be better to be taught by a three-star weapon refiner

These words gradually cooled down the active minds of many little guys. Yes, they can question Lin Feng, but they cannot question the dean's vision.

Even when Lin Feng was at his peak, his prestige was far inferior to Xie Qiufeng, the dean of Qingfeng College.

After all, they were just a group of children, and their thoughts were a little simpler after all. Lin Feng's casual words made them change their stance.

Moreover, I taught sixteen three-star weapon refiners in a very short period of time. Lin Feng said something again, but his tone was very calm, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing. Even if I really become a useless person, my experience and my vision have not been lost. Teaching You guys, you've got enough to rub.

Wen Han glanced at him: Who can't speak big words

Lin Feng nodded and said in agreement: So, let's start now.

One sentence immediately choked Wen Han to the point where he couldn't speak a word.

This genius is indeed very intelligent, but no matter how high his intelligence is, he is still just a child.

Lin Feng clapped his hands and said to everyone: You allocate yourselves. There are five groups in total, four of which are composed of five people, and the last group is composed of four people. I will give you half a stick of incense, start now.

After a while, the students were still not assigned. The reason was that Wen Han was alone and did not enter any group.

It wasn't that the other students had planned to isolate him, but that he didn't bother to join other groups.

He was too withdrawn and too proud to be in a group with anyone.

Lin Feng looked at Wen Han and ignored him for the time being. Since you like it, you can just watch from the sidelines.

Then he asked each of the five student groups to choose a casting position, with four or five students standing in each casting position.

When everyone stood still, Lin Feng said: I don't care whether you have learned to refine weapons before, because no matter whether you have learned it before, I will treat you as if you have never learned it and teach you from the beginning.

Wen Han was not angry at all for being ignored. Instead, he looked at Lin Feng with interest. He was waiting to see Lin Feng's joke.

In response to Wen Han's gaze, Lin Feng automatically chose to filter.

Everyone listened quietly, and only Lin Feng's voice could be heard in the weapon refining room: "Weapon refining, as the name suggests, means refining weapons." However, the weapon refining you and I see in daily life cannot actually be called refining. At most, it can only be regarded as casting. And the one-star weapon refiner, two-star weapon refiner and three-star weapon refiner we call is actually just a blacksmith apprentice blacksmith. , and craftsmen. He is said to be a weapon refiner, but his name sounds nicer. A true weapon refiner is a four-star weapon refiner and above.

Although Lin Feng's language was simple and lifeless, it was still fascinating to a group of children who had just come into contact with weapon refining.

Slowly, Lin Feng explained one by one the common knowledge of weapon refiners such as the levels of weapon refiners, several elements that a weapon refiner must possess, and so on.

It took Lin Feng half an hour to finish explaining these complicated knowledge about weapon refining.

He waited quietly for the students to digest these contents. After a long time, he continued: The three elements of weapon refining are the skill material flame. Weapon refining techniques are all-encompassing and complex, and require a long time to learn one by one. There are many types of materials, but for now you only need to remember the properties of ordinary iron and heavy gold. The rest of the materials will be waiting for you to become a four-star refining master. It’s not too late to learn more about it later; as for flames, flames of different intensities have different effects, but most weapon refiners generally use furnace fire to refine weapons, so I can’t teach you this. The only thing I can teach is how to hold fire. Use auxiliary tools, such as wheel fan windbox, to control the temperature of the flame to achieve the optimal heating temperature of the material.

After talking eloquently, Lin Feng finally concluded: Among the three elements of weapon refining, technique is the most important. Other abilities can be developed slowly, but this skill requires countless exercises and perseverance before it can be mastered slowly.

He looked at the students around him who were listening carefully and smiled: So, next I will focus on teaching you skills. And skills are exactly what I am best at.

Wen Han's patience was slowly worn away. Seeing Lin Feng still looking unhurried and saying some unworthy words, he turned around and left.

Wait a moment. Lin Feng's voice reached his ears. He turned around and saw Lin Feng saying: It's about to start. Don't you plan to wait a little longer


Wen Han glanced at Lin Feng and walked back silently.

Sure enough, Lin Feng finally came up with something useful.

Skills are divided into Bai Zhu Qian Zhu Wan Zhu, Bai Zhu skills include a total of 107 different skills, Qian Zhu skills include 1070 types, and Wan Zhu skills include 10700 types.


Before he could finish his sentence, there was a sound of inhalation all around, obviously shocked by this horrific number.

Many of them even had a hint of flinching in their eyes.

Everyone knows that weapon refiners are very prestigious, especially high-level weapon refiners. Their status is so high that it is unimaginable that a master weapon refiner does not need to salute even if he sees the emperor.

But only now did they understand that being a weapon refiner was not that easy.

Don't be afraid, you are still young and can learn slowly, one year, ten years, or twenty years. One day, you will be able to learn all these skills. Of course, the premise is that you have such talent. Lin Feng's voice sounded at the right time. The skills of Thousand Zhushu are too far away for you. You only need to learn the skills of Hundreds of Zhus now.

He waved to a young man and asked him to hold the giant hammer. He immediately looked around and said: Now, I will teach you the first of the 107 skills of Bai Zhu. Please watch carefully and don't let this student go to waste. Demonstrate something.

Everyone watched attentively.

The first technique, the Tiger Force Technique. As the name suggests, the effect of this technique is to exert your power to the extreme, and then use the powerful force to make the material so how to maximize the power. Lin Feng explained while posing In one movement, you carefully observe my posture, my fingers, wrists, arms, toes, heels, and other parts. Pay attention to the bending angles of each part of me.

Hearing this, Wen Han showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Lin Feng's understanding of techniques was so profound. Most of them were the same as what he had learned. In addition, Lin Feng also said some theories that he had never heard of.

However, he quickly frowned: he originally forged weapons through his body, so he naturally knew a lot about warrior weapon refining, as for mage weapon refining. He didn't think that Lin Feng was proficient in both warrior weapon refining and mage weapon refining.

It is not that there are no such people in the world, but this person is definitely not Lin Feng.

Because Xue Ren mentioned that Lin Feng had never practiced magic, he specifically asked Vice Dean Qin Wulei for advice this morning. How could such a person be proficient in magic weapon refining

As if he guessed what he was thinking, Lin Feng's eyes passed over him and finally landed on a young girl.

If I remember correctly, your name should be Qi Yue. Lin Feng said to the girl: I remember you are the Earth Mage. So, can you set an example for the other two mage students

Wen Han's eyes immediately fell on the girl, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, waiting to see Lin Feng appear embarrassed.

Then, it must be interesting

The girl looked at Lin Feng nervously, a little hesitant.

It’s okay, just give it a try and think of it as doing the instructor a favor. Lin Feng said encouragingly.