Refining Frenzy

Chapter 92: Novel theory


The second update is Sanjiang Ticket Recommended Ticket Collection. I can forget everything but this.

A proud young man would naturally not bow to Lin Feng so easily.

I admit that you do have good teaching abilities. Wen Han said lightly: But that's all. You can teach her because her skills still have many flaws and she has too many problems, so she will naturally make great progress. But I'm different. He didn't finish what he said, but his meaning was too obvious.

He is a genius

The girl glared at Wen Han unwillingly. At this time, she was not shy at all.

However, Wen Han didn't care about her reaction. He still looked directly at Lin Feng, his attitude not changing much.

Then tell me, what are the differences between you two? Lin Feng asked.

Wen Han smiled proudly: My mastery of techniques is exactly the same as what is taught in the textbook. Even a five-star weapon refiner can't find any problems. As long as I think about it, no technique can stop me. Therefore, let alone you, even a better mage and weapon refiner cannot guide me further. His tone was very confident, and that kind of confidence could even infect the people around him, making them believe him involuntarily.

He firmly believed that since his ancestors could create a profession of weapon refining from scratch, he could also reach an extremely high height with only the help of textbooks.

Textbook Lin Feng suddenly smiled, "Do you know that the technical standards in textbooks may not be the most suitable standards for you."

These words immediately made Wen Han burst into laughter and said sarcastically: In thousands of years, you are still the first person to question the textbook. You have done something that even the six-star weapon refiners in history have not done. Should I admire your courage, or laugh at your ignorance and arrogance

What Lin Feng means is that in the eyes of outsiders, even textbooks may not be correct. Otherwise, why would they be inappropriate

Although many students already regarded Lin Feng as their idol in their hearts, such rebellious words still made them frown deeply.

That's a textbook

It is a classic teaching material that has been continuously improved by countless ancestors from generation to generation. It will have errors.

They would rather believe that everyone in the world is crazy and that the end of the world is coming, rather than believe that the textbooks are wrong.

No, you misunderstood me. Lin Feng waved his hand, I am not saying that the textbook is wrong, nor do I mean to slander the textbook. If there were no textbooks and many ancient books on the inheritance of weapon refining, I would not be able to stand here today and give you a weapon refining class.

Then what do you mean? Wen Han asked unceremoniously.

The techniques in textbooks are of course correct, but we are the ones who are wrong. Lin Feng bluntly said that there are no two identical people in this world. There are certain differences in physical, mental and talent. Even if this difference is so small that it can be ignored, it is undeniable that it does exist. The same technique, the same textbook movements, just a rough standard. If it is detailed to each weapon refiner, it must be slightly changed, otherwise it will not be able to achieve a perfect fit, and the effect of the skill will naturally not be able to be maximized.

Perhaps what Lin Feng said was a bit profound, but the students around him looked confused and failed to understand.

Because they didn't understand, everyone's attitude still didn't change much. They still felt that Lin Feng was too arrogant.

He thought about it carefully, then pointed at Wen Han and said, "For example, this dress of yours, what do you think of its size?"

This question seemed inexplicable, but Wen Han followed Lin Feng's question and answered with a smile: Of course it's very good, it fits very well.

Yes, the size of this dress is very suitable for you, but Lin Feng changed his tone. Would the same size dress be suitable for the classmate next to you? Standing next to Wen Han is A fat young man, as strong as a calf, with skin as black as coal on his face. He was obviously only thirteen years old, but he looked like a boy of fifteen or sixteen.

Of course Bu Wenhan blurted out, and as soon as he said three words, he suddenly stopped and was stunned.

The other students also fell into deep thought.

It's a very vivid metaphor, and the meaning is not difficult to understand.

Arousing everyone's deep thoughts, Lin Feng paused for a long time before continuing: Obviously, your clothes are not suitable for everyone in the same size. The same goes for techniques. The same movement standards are not suitable for all weapon refiners. Only with slight modifications can it be applied to yourself. Just like your clothes, you need to change the size before they fit others.

According to you, we shouldn't learn those skills at all. Wouldn't it be better as long as one silently comprehends his own skills? Wen Han's words were a bit unreasonable. Likewise, he was also a little panicked, because he found that, He actually subconsciously agreed with Lin Feng's statement. On the surface, he said this to refute Lin Feng, but in fact it was just to strengthen his confidence.

you are wrong.

Lin Feng looked at Wen Han and explained seriously: The skills of hundreds of thousands of castings are just like hundreds of thousands of styles of clothes. These styles have basically been designed after countless people's exploration, or in other words , there are only so many styles of clothes. Since they have all been designed, naturally no one can design new clothes. Those so-called new models are actually just a few minor modifications to the existing styles, and they call themselves new models. However, they are still essentially the same as before, just changing the soup without changing the medicine.

That's true, but can you please stop talking about clothes all the time

Wen Han felt very uncomfortable when he heard the word clothes.

Among the students, a weak voice sounded: This seems to be the truth.

The sound is very small. If you don't listen carefully, you may not be able to hear it.

The person who spoke out was Qi Yue, that shy and cute girl.

The other students looked at each other and had nothing to say. Faced with Lin Feng's words, they really didn't know how to refute.

Because everything Lin Feng said is right. Since it is right, how can we refute it

If I must refute, perhaps I can only say: clothes are clothes, skills are skills, how can you confuse the two

However, no one said this, because they had actually been convinced by Lin Feng, but it was difficult for them to accept this novel theory for a while. The concepts established for more than ten years were suddenly broken, and they all had a feeling in their hearts. The feeling of fear, although this fear comes inexplicably, is definitely there.

Maybe what you said makes sense, but who can prove it is right? Wen Han was silent for a long time and said in a deep voice.

At this time, he no longer had much resistance to Lin Feng's attitude.

Obviously, Lin Feng's words changed his view of Lin Feng. Perhaps Lin Feng was not arrogant, but really had some abilities.

If it were someone else, I might not be able to prove it, but if it were you, maybe I can prove this point of view right or wrong now. Lin Feng looked at Wen Han and asked: According to what you just said, you have learned to refine weapons a long time ago, and your weapon refining ability is not weak, right

Wen Han raised the corners of his mouth, and Lin Feng happened to mention the thing he was most proud of in his life.

Looking at his expression, Lin Feng guessed the answer no longer needing to wait for his answer.

Didn't you say that the skills you have mastered are the same as those in the textbook? Lin Feng looked at Wen Han, then, you first use the skills you have mastered, and then I make some modifications, and you use the modifications again Later tips. In this way, you can easily compare the difference before and after. How about it, do you want to try it

Under the expectant gazes of many students, Wen Han nodded without timidity: I want to see if you really have this ability.

There was always a trace of doubt in his heart.

Even if Lin Feng's theory is correct, but Lin Feng is not him, how can he know what kind of techniques are suitable for him

As the saying goes, if you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish

Therefore, Lin Feng's words are really hard to believe.

If Lin Feng could really do it, then he couldn't imagine how terrifying Lin Feng's eyesight was.

He came to a casting position and chanted the spell slowly. As expected of a genius mage, he chanted the spell very fast without making any mistakes. In just three breaths, he successfully performed the floating technique.

Earth SpellLevitation

earth spellgravity

Earth Spell Shake

The three spells were cast in his hands in sequence. Different angles, speeds and powers can form different techniques. The technique he used at this time was the more advanced tremor technique among the Bai Zhu techniques, with strength as the supplement and tremor as the supplement. Lord, so his focus was on vibration.

Very standard indeed. The girl Qi Yue looked at Wen Han in surprise. This guy was quite proud.

Wen Han stopped and turned to look at Lin Feng, with a hint of ridicule in his tone: Didn't you say that you need to make some changes to achieve better results? Then make the changes immediately.

His state just now was surprisingly good. He dared to swear that the effect of using the tremor technique this time was almost the best since he mastered this technique. It had reached its peak. He did not think that such an effect could still be achieved. There is room for improvement.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, with mixed expectations and worries in their eyes.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, stood there, motionless, as if under a immobilizing spell, his eyes were empty, and he seemed to be a puppet without his soul, and he seemed to be asleep again.

But he obviously had his eyes open, how could he fall asleep

Wen Han stared at Lin Feng and sneered: If you want to delay time, just say it directly, why bother pretending like this

Lin Feng's reaction at this time made him more convinced of his suspicion, but he would not easily miss this opportunity to embarrass Lin Feng.

He wanted Lin Feng to know that sometimes there is a price to pay for bragging.

But when he finished saying this, Lin Feng still didn't react at all.

At this moment, even those students who believed in Lin Feng couldn't help but have a suspicion in their hearts. Could it be that Teacher Lin Feng was really pretending to delay time