Refining Frenzy

Chapter 96: Attention-grabbing examination


With Lin Feng's current progress rate, the situation is not optimistic.

With a heavy heart, Lin Feng sighed softly and exited Space 1.

As usual, I went to the canteen and bought a bag of asparagus fruits. After Nono was full, he went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Just after breakfast, Qin Wulei found Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded and said that he had learned about the freshman assessment. Will the assessment be conducted today

When it comes to the freshman assessment, Lin Feng doesn't feel any pressure at all. The students in the weapon-making class have made amazing progress. In just one month, they have achieved good results. Compared with the second-year students, I'm afraid it's more than that. If he can't pass the test, then he has no choice but to admit it.

Lin Feng's lips curled up as he failed to pass the test. He had never considered this issue.

Qin Wulei explained: Freshman assessments are conducted once a month, ten times a school year. Today is exactly one month since I left school, so the assessment time is set for today. As she said that, she glanced at Lin Feng and frowned slightly. This is your first time teaching students in the academy. If they don't get good grades, it's understandable. You don't have to have any psychological burden. She whispered comfortingly.

The reason why he frowned was actually because Lin Feng never asked her for help this month, nor did he ask any other mage mentor for help.

In the past, any weapon refining instructor would invite a mage to assist in teaching. Only with a mage partner can he provide the best guidance to mage students.

Especially Wen Han, a genius mage student. As the most talented student among this freshmen, the college naturally attaches great importance to him.

But when she went to the dean Xie Qiufeng to mention the matter, Xie Qiufeng rejected her proposal, saying that Lin Feng must have his own ideas, and outsiders should not interfere with his teachings. The effect will be natural after a month. See you later.

Now that the one-month period has expired, Qin Wulei is still a little worried about Lin Feng.

Is there any psychological burden? Lin Feng chuckled, don't worry, I never have any psychological burden.

Hearing this, Qin Wulei felt helpless in his heart. Lin Feng didn't care about his own affairs at all. It was useless for her to worry about him here. There was really nothing she could do about him.

Lin Feng asked: By the way, when will the assessment be held specifically in the morning and afternoon? Do we need to go there

There will be an assessment in the morning. After the assessment, there is no need to go to class today. Qin Wulei pointed in the direction of the dedicated venue for simulated actual combat. The assessment location is the dedicated venue for simulated actual combat. Students must participate. It is mandatory and no one can escape for any reason. According to the instructor, there is no hard requirement, but it is best to participate. After all, these students are taught by you.

Oh, then I won’t go. Lin Feng shook his head. I happened to be a little busy. Since I didn't have to go to class in the afternoon, I had to take advantage of it.

Qin Wulei was speechless for a moment.

She really wanted to ask: Is there anything more important than the assessment of the students you teach? Don’t you care about their assessment results

But thinking about it carefully, she didn't have much interaction with Lin Feng, nor were they friends. It was naturally difficult to say some things.

She opened her mouth, and finally nodded helplessly: Okay, that's it.

Well, thank you for informing me early in the morning. Lin Fenggong handed over his hand, and if there was nothing else, I would leave first.

Watching Lin Feng leave, Qin Wulei's mind was full of doubts. What on earth was Lin Feng busy with

Lin Feng is a useless person. He doesn't need to practice or study. He has never heard of Lin Feng having any industry outside. Naturally, he doesn't need Lin Feng to run it. However, Lin Feng shows an eager look, which is indeed a bit disturbing. Doubt, what on earth is he busy with and what deserves his attention

Could it be that he was worried about being embarrassed when the assessment results came out later, so he deliberately avoided it

After thinking for a while, Qin Wulei couldn't figure it out, so he had to give up.

Time passes bit by bit.

When Lin Feng returned to the dormitory and continued to practice matching skills, the venue dedicated to simulated actual combat was extremely lively.

The quality of the freshmen this time was a little worse than in previous years. However, the freshman assessment this time was actually more lively and eye-catching than in previous years.

The person who presided over this assessment was Vice Dean Qin Wulei. The dean and deputy heads of each grade, as well as many tutors from other classes, all came to pay attention.

In total, there are twenty-three instructors alone, six of whom are weapon-making instructors, and the rest are warrior instructors or mage instructors. There is only one instructor responsible for simulated actual combat training, and the chief and deputy team leaders of each grade are here. Of the five, three were absent, plus Xie Qiufeng and Qin Wulei, there were thirty people in total.

Strangely, this assessment seems to be too lively. Xie Qiufeng looked at the many instructors thoughtfully.

He vaguely felt that many of the instructors were not here for the assessment, but had other purposes.

Everything about this matter was unusual, but Xie Qiufeng couldn't guess the reason for a while.

Many instructors were chatting in low voices, occasionally raising their heads to look at a group of students, then looking back and continuing to chat in low voices.

At this time, all the students had arrived. After the counting was completed, Qin Wulei walked to Xie Qiufeng and whispered: Dean, can we start

Xie Qiufeng glanced at the instructors and said calmly: Okay, let's get started.

OK Qin Wulei nodded, then turned to look at the many students. He controlled his voice and tried his best to reach every student's ears. Please be quiet. The assessment is about to begin. I hope everyone is prepared in advance. Now I will give you one more time to burn incense and please prepare.

Hearing this, the students calmed down one after another and began to prepare for the next assessment, either stretching their muscles or concentrating their minds.

The many instructors who were chatting also stopped and looked over.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that a large number of people are focusing on the group of students in the weapon refining room class.

The most eye-catching one among this group of mentors is undoubtedly the gentle and modest gentleman Xue Ren.

I saw Xue Ren standing in front of many instructors, with a faint smile on his lips. He looked outstanding and charming.

He came anyway. Qin Wulei frowned slightly. Wasn't he never interested in the freshman assessment

After a while, Qin Wulei cheered up and announced the start of the assessment.

The first to take part in the assessment were the freshmen of the samurai major. There were four classes in total, three of which had 40 people, and the last class had 39 people, for a total of 159 people.

The assessment process is very simple. They only need to reveal their entire cultivation base and punch the force measuring stone with the most powerful force to test their specific cultivation base and strength.

The process was very simple, but there were a lot of people after all. It took 159 people a full two-quarters of an hour to complete the test.

After the test, the staff member in charge of recording immediately handed the recorded results to Qin Wulei, who handed it to the dean Xie Qiufeng. Xie Qiufeng took out another record and compared it with observation. On the other side, The students in the mage class also started taking tests.

Compared with the assessment of warriors, the assessment of mages is more troublesome.

It was necessary to test not only the time it took them to cast the spell, but also the power of the spell and the growth of their mental power.

Only by combining the three aspects can we roughly determine the speed of their progress.

The assessment here is in full swing, and the students in the weapon refiner class are bored. If they had known that they would have to wait so long, maybe they would not have come so early.

Like the students in the weapon refiner class, many instructors were also very bored, chatting quietly with each other and not paying attention to the assessment situation here.

Are they just here to join in the fun? A trace of suspicion flashed across Qin Wulei's face.

Xie Qiufeng had already compared the two assessment results of the warrior class students. His expression was neither happy nor worried. No one knew whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

He put the recorded results aside and turned his attention to the mage students who were undergoing the assessment.

From the corner of his eyes, he seemed to have accidentally spotted a group of instructors. The confusion on his brows became more intense, but he didn't say anything and still waited quietly.

Not long after, the assessment of the mage students also ended.

Next, it is the turn of the weapon refiner class, a professional class that is most valued by the academy.

It's time to start. Xue Ren whispered a reminder, concentrated his attention, and looked at a group of students in the weapon refiner class seriously.

Upon hearing Xue Ren's reminder, the instructors who were talking behind him immediately stopped and looked over.

Even those instructors who had little friendship with Xue Ren cheered up and observed more carefully.

Xue Ren glanced around and couldn't find Lin Feng. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: This guy is quite smart. He knew he would be embarrassed, so he simply didn't come. He snorted softly, but even if you don't come, you still look so embarrassed. Don't worry, I will definitely help you and help you publicize the assessment results to everyone. Your name will spread to every corner of Qingfeng College.

A strange smile flashed in his eyes: Lin Feng, Lin Feng, this time, I want to see if you can bear it.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Qin Wulei stood in front of a group of students. After watching the first student in line walk into the casting booth they had prepared early in the morning, he slowly announced: The assessment has begun.




Looks suddenly came from all around. All the instructors, grade leaders and dean Xie Qiufeng, as well as a group of students who had finished the assessment but had not had time to leave, all looked over.