Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 115: Brothers meet again


Cang Ming sneered, "A coincidence? Shan Wugu, do you think I would believe this explanation?" He burst out, "Shan Wugu, you are so bold, this matter is the order of the Holy Master and involves the great secret of the devil's way. , you dare to leak it privately. If this leads to a difference in the matter here, even if you die, you will not be able to atone for it!"

Yu Guang fell on Qin Yu, and he spun around.

He was so boneless, he really underestimated his means, and he had the guts to ask for outside assistance in the matter of the Holy Stove. There is only one person here, and the soldiers are not too expensive, so they are naturally used to deal with him.

Thinking of this, Cang Ming's killing intent skyrocketed.

Beiguan Mo and the others were all anxious, thinking that the Holy Son had always acted prudently, why did something go wrong this time, and he was caught by the Cang Ming Holy Son.

This is bad!

Shan Wugu was expressionless, "Don't worry about Cang Ming's holy son, since he is my friend, I will protect him."

After rushing out of the island and arriving here, seeing the face on the opposite side, Han Shanye's face turned pale, his pupils contracted subconsciously and his face revealed fear. The first thought was, why is he here? To be able to cultivate into the Golden Core Realm, naturally there is no foolishness, and after a little money in the mind, an idea emerges: This person is following him!

Han Shan Ye's mouth was bitter, this matter must not be known by Cang Ming, otherwise he would be miserable. He was turning his thoughts and heard Shan Wu Gu's words of protection, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He took a deep breath, raised his finger to Qin Yu, and screamed angrily: "Holy Son, this subordinate recognizes this person, rescued the princess of the Kraken royal family, and killed the five powerhouses of my demonic way, he is the one!"

Cang Ming's eyes flashed slightly, "Elder Han, are you serious?"

Han Shan Ye growled, "My subordinates dare to guarantee their lives!"

Holy Son Cang Ming's eyes were like knives, "The mountain has no bones, how do you explain it?"

Shan Wugu frowned, he had heard about the fact that Han Shan Ye and his party encountered a powerful enemy and suffered heavy casualties, but he never thought that it was Qin Yu.

Now, things are in trouble.

Cang Ming raised his hand, the devilish energy in his palm rolled, condensed a devilish face, turned to Qin Yu and roared. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, "Shan Wugu, I have long suspected that you are a spy of the righteous way, but I suffer from no evidence. Now, I have finally caught the handle. This person is your friend, maybe explain, where does his aura of righteousness come from? Come?"

The mountain is boneless and silent.

Cang Ming stepped forward, and the demonic energy burst out of his body, and his eyes swept over, "You people, are you still obsessed with listening to the name of this righteous spy?"

Han Shan Ye sneered and waved his hand, and the demons behind him dispersed, appearing to be surrounded. He was full of excitement, and if he could remove Shan Wugu with this, he would be a great achievement.

Beiguan Demon and the others were furious. Although they were full of disbelief, they didn't know how to refute the current situation. Cang Ming's holy son's ability to identify the devil's face is quite famous in the devil's way. Qin Yu's aura of righteousness cannot be faked at all! What's more, he also killed five demon cultivators, under the evidence of blood, all arguments seem pale.

Shan Wugu has acquiesced, and the hearts of his subordinates are floating, which is the perfect time to make a move. Cang Ming's eyes showed murderous intent, and today he got rid of Shan Wugu, even if he returned to the main altar, he would not be afraid to investigate if he had a righteousness.

Suddenly, a sneer resounded in the air. Compared to Cang Ming's arrogance, it was more of a cruelty and cruelty that he had experienced through killing.

The space suddenly fell silent.

Qin Yu's eyes were sharp, "You widen your eyes and see exactly who Qin is?"

He stepped forward.


The violent aura burst out of the body, the suffocating aura rolled and floated bloody, and the [Devil Body] circulated and the blood boiled all over his body. At this time, he was like a demon king who came from hell.


Affected by this suffocating energy, the surrounding demon cultivators exclaimed and retreated one after another, revealing fear.

This suffocating energy was condensed by Qin Yu's repeated killings, and most of those who died in his hands were strong at the Jindan level. The suffocation is so strong that no ordinary monk can resist it.

The Beiguan Demon and the others were full of awe, with such a terrifying suffocating aura, I don't know how many souls were slaughtered to achieve this, righteous monk? Right way, your grandma has a leg, this is definitely my hero of magic!

Shan Wugu took a deep look, and then said lightly, "Saint Son Cang Ming, is there anything else?"

Cang Ming's face was ugly, and he looked coldly.

Han Shanye's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said: "Holy Son, this subordinate swears that he will never lie, and the surnamed Qin was indeed killed. We five masters!"

Qin Yu was expressionless, "Yes, I killed it." He suddenly growled and gritted his teeth, "You idiots, if it wasn't for Qin's intervention, the daughter of the Kraken royal family would have committed suicide. You really think that she can be killed. Suppression as a sacrifice? The Holy Monarch ordered you to wait here because he wants you to act carefully. Once you kill the Kraken royal family, the Kraken family will be furious. Even the Nether Sea will not be able to resist the anger of the Kraken family! , causing the things ordered by the Holy Monarch to be affected... It doesn't matter if you are courting death, but if you want to pull us together, it is impossible!"

Han Shan Ye was shocked and angry, suppressed by Qin Yu's aura, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Cang Ming scolded the trash and said coldly, "I don't care who you are, but it's a fact that you killed me, a cultivator. Shan Wugu, this person is your friend, and you should bear all the responsibilities. I think , until this matter is found out, you are not suitable to continue to guard the holy furnace."

Shan Wu's face darkened.

Beiguan Mo and others were even more angry.

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, and he seemed to raise his hand inadvertently, twitching his fingertips.

Shan Wugu's eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and he took a deep breath for a long time, "I will produce evidence as soon as possible to prove the innocence of fellow Daoist Qin! Let's go!"

A smile appeared in Qin Yu's eyes.

Beiguan Mo and others were full of unwillingness, gritted their teeth and turned to keep up.

call out-

call out-

One line left quickly.

Han Shan Ye looked anxious, "Holy Son, how can you easily let this person go?"

Cang Ming snorted, "Shut up! Ruining the siren clan, luckily it was interrupted, otherwise you and I would be in big trouble!" He glanced, Shan Wugu waited to leave, his eyes solemn. That cultivator surnamed Qin is by no means an easy-going person. As long as the Expelling Mountain Boneless, the credit for unsealing the Sacred Furnace is all his, that's enough.

However, just in case, we have to do more to avoid accidents.

"Come on, continue to add fuel, within ten days, be sure to unseal the holy furnace!"

For a time, on the blood-colored island, the sirens screamed in horror and resounded through the sky.

Leaving the island, Shan Wugu flew for a while, then stopped and flicked his sleeves to emit a black light. The black light quickly expanded and turned into a big ship. The black surface of the whole body was no different from wood. But if you looked closely, you could see that the hull was not the substance, but the condensed magic energy.

Leading the group onto the plywood, Shan Wugu said indifferently, "Beiguan, let's rest here first."

Beiguan Demon hesitated to speak.

There was a smile on the corner of Shan Wugu's mouth, "Don't worry, things will turn around soon."

He looked at Qin Yu and cupped his hands, "Fellow Daoist Qin, please."

Pushing open the cabin, Shan Wugu waved his sleeves, and the hull ban was opened, isolating this place.

Looking at each other, the two hugged each other heavily and slapped each other on the back. But in the blink of an eye, they pushed each other away at the same time, full of disgust.

"Go away, you pervert, don't ruin the reputation of the young master!"

The two laughed at the same time.

After laughing for a long time, his stomach hurts slightly and his eyes are red.

Qin Yu took a breath, gritted his teeth and roared, "Tudou, you bastard is still alive, I was so sad back then, what's the matter?"

When Shan Wugu heard this title, there was a trace of nostalgia on his face, and he sighed softly in silence, "Actually, I didn't expect that I actually survived."

The mountain has no bones, that is, the wolf who was attacked by Xu Jian and plunged into the abyss!

The wonder of the world is really unpredictable. The brothers who were separated back then meet again today.

Qin Yu knew that he must have encountered a lot, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly: "Let's talk about brothers?"


There was a round table and two chairs. Qin Yu and Lang Tu sat opposite each other, with wine and no food in front of them.

"I was poisoned by Xu Jian and fell off a cliff. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that there was a big river that was flowing endlessly. Haha, the river is so cold, it flows too fast. I fell into the river and my bones fell. I broke a lot, but I actually saved a small life. I was washed by the river water, maybe I was flooded with too much water, and I kept spitting up. When I came, it was a magic monk who saved me." Speaking of this, Lang Tu's face shook, his voice was low, and he took a sip of wine, "Of course, he didn't save me with good intentions, but he just happened to be missing one. The right medicine man."

Langtu paused for a few breaths and grinned, "In short, it's quite a lot of things, anyway, I don't want to go through it again, you know, my lord, I survived, and I live very well, and my cultivation base will rise. Next, I joined by coincidence. Mozong, you know that my aptitude is not good, and I can only take the stupid way of body training, but I didn't expect that there are exercises in Mozong, which are especially suitable for my practice. Because of this, I was selected by the Holy Master of the Devil's Way. Became the so-called Holy Son of the Devil's Way. But as you can see, my Holy Son has a lot of water, no surprise, basically a role that accompanies the Prince to study."

There is a lot of ambiguity in it. In the places that pass by, there are some things Langtu doesn't want to think about, and some things he doesn't want to say.

Qin Yu can understand, but he always feels that the two have an extra layer of separation, and they can't go back to what they were in the past. Perhaps this is the power of time. However, when he thought of the little blue lamp, his emotions dissipated, and he laughed at himself. He didn't have a secret that he couldn't tell.

People are going to change.

"Potato, it's all over after all, if you can live, it's good fortune."

Lang Tu nodded and smiled happily, "I have no complaints. Compared with death, the things I have experienced are nothing at all." After a pause, his eyes brightened, "How about you, Taro? How much time does it take? There is today's cultivation base. To say that there is no chance, I don't believe it."

Qin Yu smiled and recounted the events of the past few years. Even though he carefully groomed it, he could not avoid the traces of concealment.

Lang Tu laughed loudly, "I used to feel very guilty, I feel like I have deceived you, the best friend in the world, and now I feel at ease." He waved his hands and said repeatedly: "Don't explain, don't explain, it's good for everyone to understand each other. ."

Qin Yu smiled bitterly and nodded.