Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 143: Black Rider


The sacrificial altar, like the ancient bell outside the palace, belongs to the ancient times, and has some strange and unimaginable functions, such as identifying the quality of sea spirits. The twenty sea spirits used for the assessment were carefully selected, with the same rank and the same level of difficulty.

After the twenty trays entered the altar, almost at the same moment, like the altar itself, it emitted a faint light, all of which were blue and white. This shows that the twenty sea spirits have returned to the normal range, and the light emitted by the trays has begun to change over time.

In several of the trays, the blue and white color continued to be strong, and the white color continued to fade, and finally turned into a strong blue color. This shows that the quality of the Hailing in several trays is beyond the normal range and has reached an excellent level.

A powerful sea spiritist can not only heal the sea spirit's injuries, but also help it improve its strength. Of course, there are very few who can do this, and it can be said to be the top existence among the sea spiritists.

There are different shades of cyan. Usually, the top two in the finals will be born among these sea spirits, but at this moment, countless sea clans exclaimed in unison.

Inside and outside the Taihe Square, nearly a million sea clans gathered, and the sound waves formed by neatly exclaiming, like rolling thunder blasting above the head, and constantly echoing in the air.

In the countless horrified eyes, a tray with an extremely rich cyan color suddenly appeared a little purple, like purple ink dots falling into the water, spreading rapidly. The faint purple is extremely thin, but it is so noble and extraordinary in a blue and white space, like a cloud overlooking the earth.

Because this represents a completely different level!

The sea clan respects purple, and the purple in front of them shows that the sea spirit in the tray has not only improved its strength, but also has made a qualitative breakthrough.

Quality comes first, and then shows quality.

Conversely, the sublimation of quality also represents the leap of quality.

This sea spirit has surpassed its original rank, surpassed other sea beads, and reached a new level.

The Sea Spirit Master Competition has been held for many times, but there are only a handful of purple ones. And most of the protagonists who have played a handful of times have successfully defeated the selected Purple Sea Spirit Master in the next assessment and become a new legend. That is to say, there is a great possibility that the owner of this konjac flower will become a new purple card!

Countless eyes converge on the corner of Taihe Square, where seven or eight cars are parked, and now they have been wrapped in a crowd of dazzling people. The dignitaries of the kings of extraordinary status are not stingy with their smiles and congratulations, and their faces are written in capital letters. of respect and awe.

Purple card, entering the palace without worship, walking in the sea and bowing his head, is a real big man above the sky.

The Qing Patriarch and Mrs. Qing squeezed into the crowd, trying to integrate into the congratulatory crowd of the top circle, but before they got close, the indifferent eyes made them have to stop.

The master of the Qing family showed anger, and his hand was pulled by Madam Qing. This graceful lady still kept an impeccable smile on her face. You must not leave, because even if you stand here, in the eyes of outsiders, the Qing family still belongs to the top dignitaries in the capital.

In the middle of the car, a young man sat cross-legged and frowned slightly as he heard the noise outside.

On the opposite side, the slightly chubby old man brushed his beard and smiled, "They are congratulating you, Young Master Jin, you are stronger than before, you should be safe this time."

The young man's expression was indifferent, "I know." In the ordinary, they are all confident!

The slightly fat old man smiled and his eyes showed longing. After the success of this matter, the family's plan for many years can be on the right track.

Suddenly, a louder roar came from outside the car, and the dignitaries of the Royal Capital who rushed to congratulate them all opened their mouths, stunned.

On the altar, another tray burst out with a purple halo, reflecting the precious purple soul flower among them, making it more and more dazzling.

So far, in the Sea Spirit Master Competition, there has never been a scene where two purples complement each other. All the sea clan watching the game went crazy, and the cheers were so loud that they almost ripped apart the sea water and spread it to the sky.

First, I saw Mr. Ning destroy two high-level sea spirit masters in a row, and then there was Director Wu smashing the competition committee, and the chair smashed the Guidra committee member. Now I have witnessed it again with my own eyes, and two purple streaks appeared one after another.

It's worth it, the ticket is worth it!

Countless people were too shy at the beginning, or they started too late, but they didn't expect the Hai Clan who had the grandstand ticket to beat their chests. It wasn't because they saw it with their own eyes.

Director Wu's tense face instantly turned into a flower. He glanced at Qin Yu, who was as calm as before, and couldn't help but sigh.

This is the real confidence!

Thinking of his nervous appearance just now, he must have been looked at, but Manager Wu's eyes showed a hint of embarrassment, but he quickly calmed down. As long as Qin Yu can win, he is willing to do it no matter how embarrassing he is, let alone laughing at him.

Qingqing's face was full of excitement, hugging Leon and laughing and dancing. Only in this way can she express her joy.

Leon clumsily responded to the congratulations from the sea clan beside him. These senior sea spiritists swept away the reserved pride before, seeing the smell of intimacy, and wished they could hold him on the spot and become brothers.

Patriarch Qing and Madam Qing suddenly found that they were surrounded by people. The dignitaries of the royal capital who had originally warned them with their eyes were all smiles, and they all said hello. A few words came down to apologize for the rudeness just now, and the atmosphere seemed extremely harmonious.

After a short time, the two received a big push invitation, and their hearts were shaking, but their faces were naturally flat, and they smiled and greeted them.

Someone asked why Miss Qingqing was in Hailing Pavilion, and it seemed that she had a good relationship with Mr. Leon.

Patriarch Qing looked at his daughter who was hugging Leon and cheering, his eyelids twitched slightly, thinking that you are not talking nonsense, but except for a bit of sour surprise, he rarely felt angry.

Mr. Leon? Tsk tsk, sure enough, the dignitaries are shameless. Before, they used to call it a boy who was lucky.

Mrs. Qing put it lightly, saying that her daughter and Master Ning's disciples were friends they met at work, but they had a good relationship and nothing.

This kind of cover-up is popular in upper-class circles.

In the middle of the car, the young sea spirit master's face was ashen, "Mr. Ning... why is he still alive?"

The slightly fat old man smiled bitterly, "We have already made people do it, but we underestimated the strength of this guy. The two high-level sea spirit masters who have been trained hard are now dead."

That's right, he is indeed dead, and the order he personally gave will not be an accident. Because only dead people can keep secrets, even his master doesn't want to face the noble woman in Saiga city.

The young sea spirit master gritted his teeth, "Let him die, I don't want to see him again!"

The slightly fat old man hesitated for a moment, nodded and agreed, sighing in his heart. The situation in the game has attracted attention and makes people suspicious. Once Mr. Ning dies, it will inevitably cause a huge storm. Even the owner's arrangement for many years will be exposed and greatly damaged.

But at this point, it was impossible to step back. Thinking of the master's instructions when he came, his eyes turned gloomy. He tapped the car lightly, staying close to the four guards guarding outside, taking a few steps out at the same time, and a powerful burst of aura sealed the qi machine.

Taking out the Lingbei, the slightly fat old man coldly instructed, "Let the dark pile take action, no matter what the cost, remove the obstacles."

Hanging up and putting it in his arms, he showed a gentle smile again, "Master Jin, things are done."

The young sea spiritist snorted softly and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

Two smears of purple made the competition committee shake up and down.

The result was very clear, and no one was dissatisfied, so after a while, Chairman Xu announced the result: Dinghai Chengjingguanjin and Mr. Hailing Gening tied for the first place, and three days later, they will compete for the final winner of this Hailing Master Competition. .

Leon said goodbye to Qingqing. After boarding the carriage, Hailing Pavilion and a group of nine vehicles drove slowly out of the square.

Countless sea clans cheered, chasing the team with their eyes, sending the highest awe and worship.

But not long after the convoy left the square and entered the main road leading to Hailing Pavilion, the windows of the tall buildings on both sides of the long street were all smashed, and twenty black clothes jumped down at this moment. Heart trembles.

In just a few breaths of contact, the Hailing Pavilion guards suffered heavy casualties, and the twenty assassins, like ghosts, quickly approached Qin Yu's car. At this scene, the Royal Capital Sea clan who followed the car was stunned. Countless noble ladies screamed and stumbled away from the guards.

The crowd was chaotic, like a riot.

After the period of overlapping royal power, I haven't seen it for many years. The assassination of Wangdu in the street, some old sea clan's lips trembled slightly, seeming to think of those bloody years.

In the car, Director Wu looked grim, watching the guards die without the slightest expression.

Qin Yu opened his eyes, "Are you waiting for them?"

Director Wu nodded, "Since they started to attack Hai Lao, things can't be eased. Since Mr. has shown enough threats, they will naturally take action." After a pause, his eyes became colder, "Although I took precautions , it's just a precaution, I didn't expect that the other party would really dare to kill people in public in the capital."

He reached out and made a gesture.


The earth trembled, and the chaotic sea tribes were smashed to the side by brutality. Countless people fell to the ground and howled miserably. The cursing words came to their lips, and the knight, who was riding a burly seahorse and whose armor completely wrapped himself and his mount, hurriedly closed it. Mouth full of cold sweat.

The royal family is guarded by whale demons, which is one of the identity indicators, but it is the strongest defensive force, and is recognized as the black cavalry of the royal family. It is a mysterious force, and no one knows who runs it, where it is stationed, and how many members it has.

The most famous battle was in the year when the royal powers overlapped. Three thousand black cavalry entered the capital and surrounded and killed the seven top masters of the old royal family. The black cavalry suffered heavy casualties in this battle, but they also established their supreme status.

Therefore, the black cavalry has not appeared in the world for a long time, but the king's capital has been circulating, legends about it.