Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 45: Righteous Demon Alliance


Zhu Qingyun said solemnly: "Qin Yu, you should be clear that this battle between the righteous and the devil will not only involve Juxia City, but also the morale of both sides, and even affect the entire southern battlefield. As far as I know, the top officials of the devil have already Sending the powerhouses of the main altar to come, everyone is a generation with amazing strength, this battle is by no means easy on the surface!"

He paused, "Although you are strong, you may not be sure of victory. You can get 30,000-meritorious feats in a little time by your means. There is no need to take such a big risk. If you are unwilling to take action, I can ask the Alliance to do so. Explain, they can't force you."

Qin Yu felt a little warm in his heart and smiled, "To make you so anxious, the hints are all on the bright side, what is the holy place sent by the Demon Sect?"

Zhu Qingyun never doubted his cleverness, and sighed when he heard the words, "If you don't quit, you will be fighting against the first young generation of Demon Dao who broke through a thousand troops. Breaking through the golden core at the age of twenty-seven, although it is only the first level of golden core, But he killed the Golden Core Realm head-on during the Foundation Establishment period, and the level of his current terrifying strength can only be described as unfathomable."

Qin Yu's heart is slightly stern, the monk world is strict, and the upper monk tells the lower one, almost control of life and death. There are very few people who leapfrog and fight, and those who fight at higher ranks are even rarer, but all those who can do it are the favored sons of heaven, or they are powerful and gifted, or have amazing means of fortune, no matter which one is difficult to deal with. to the extreme.

But on the surface, he is still calm, and although the waves in his heart are far from being a storm, he is just building a foundation to kill Jindan, and he can kill it, and he kills far more than one person!

Seeing his expression, Zhu Qingyun had a worried look on his face, shook his head and said, "I know that you will not quit. You can be a lunatic who steps into the Demon Realm alone and kills all directions. How can you be afraid of a little devil." He turned around. , "Let's go, follow me to the alliance, there are some confidential information about the broken thousand army, which may be useful to you."

Qin Yu nodded, "Okay."

Self-confidence is not arrogance. Po Qianjun is absolutely powerful. Only by knowing his information in advance can he deal with it calmly.

Union Station.

The person in charge of receiving Ning Qin was a seventh-level cultivator of Jindan, named Jiang Yuanhao. Judging from his performance, his status was still higher than that of Zhu Qingyun. He had an excellent attitude towards Qin Yu and his smile continued throughout the whole process. Immediately stopped chatting and sent the jade slip to the side, turned around and sat aside, with a heart-breaking demeanor.

Qin Yu thanked him for taking the jade slip, looked at the information in it, and closed his eyes slightly after a long time. Countless information gathered in his mind, spelled out the figure of breaking the thousand army, and summarized his basic state.

The mana is strong, the body is strong, the magic treasure is in his hands, and his spiritual sense seems to be very sharp... Qin Yu subconsciously frowned, feeling that this person's performance was a little familiar, and immediately found out that this is not his copy!

How many coincidences, prudence, good fortune, and danger, Fang Zhu has cultivated a body today, and Po Qianjun has the strength to break through the golden core even earlier.

30,000 - just merit, is it really too risky? The thought was suppressed by Qin Yu as soon as he started, and the way to change his life is the true meaning of cultivation. If he retreats today to shake his will and mind, there will be hidden dangers.

Opening his eyes, Qin Yu looked condensed, met the eyes of the two, and said slowly, "From today, I will not be able to retreat until the day of the battle."

Jiang Yuanhao smiled slightly, "Of course, fellow Daoist Ning Qin can practice at the alliance station, and no one will disturb him."

Qin Yu got up, "There is one more thing, I will not fight in this battle in the name of the Kong family worshipping Ning Qin."

"No problem." Jiang Yuanhao agreed, "I'll take my fellow Daoist to the retreat."

Zhu Qingyun fell behind him, his eyes swept over.

Qin Yu said nothing, nodded, and his face was calm.

How about breaking a thousand troops? Who is strong and who is weak can only be known after the battle!

The alliance training ground is heavily guarded, and there is a large formation that gathers spiritual power. You can get an absolutely safe practice room for a small fee, which is widely praised.

Jiang Yuanhao led Zhu Qingyun to accompany him, and Qin Yu naturally received a high-level reception. The person in charge of the training field arranged for him to open the best training room immediately.

Coincidentally, the Zhang family and his party were also on the training ground, and seemed to be waiting for someone to leave. Jiang Yuanhao's arrival caused a huge movement and attracted everyone's attention, but Zhang Zhang's eyes fell more on Qin Yu. She couldn't figure out who this extremely ordinary young man was, so that the big man in the alliance could accompany him in person.

At this moment, Zhang Chengzu walked out of the training ground with a smile on his face. After a few days of retreat, he went further to the third floor of the Golden Core. He was naturally extremely satisfied. His eyes fell on Zhang Zhang and the others, and he was about to raise his hand to greet him and paused at his feet. He turned to look at Jiang Yuanhao and the others. After a moment of hesitation, he walked over and cupped his hands, "Friend Jiang, Daoyou Xu, Daoyou Zhu, how are you all?"

He smiled and acted close, but apart from Zhu Qingyun turning around to say hello, the other two just nodded slightly and continued to talk.

Zhang Chengzu's smile became reluctant, and he felt the coldness coming to his face. It was embarrassing to leave or stay.

Zhang Zhang saw his father being treated coldly from a distance, his heart was sour and his eyes were red, and he bit his lip to stop the tears.

Qin Yu noticed this, pondered a little, and cupped his hands: "I have seen Daoyou Zhang."

Jiang Yuanhao was stunned and glanced at Qin Yu, his face was calm and not deep, he turned his thoughts and smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, we met a few days ago."

Zhang Chengzu was excited and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, when Zhang came to live in Xiacheng, he met Daoyou Jiang once." His eyes fell on Qin Yu, grateful and confused.

The monk surnamed Sun, who was in charge of the training field, also smiled and chatted with him, which made Zhang Chengzu's face flush with excitement, and even got closer to him in the future.

Although he really wanted to stay for a while, Zhang Chengzu still held his mind, bowed his hands and bowed his head and walked back. The Zhang family cultivators looked excited, bowed and saluted, and their adoring eyes fell on the head of the family.

Jiang Yuanhao and Sun Siyuan, the absolute high-ranking members of the alliance, the most famous people, chatting and laughing with our family master, what kind of treatment is this? Say it out loud!

Zhang Zhang made a pun with joy on his face, "Congratulations, Daddy!"

Zhang Chengzu smiled and looked back subconsciously. The practice room was ready when everyone handed in farewell, and wished Qingyun to send Qin Yu into it. Seeing this scene, his heart skipped a beat, but he didn't say anything, and took people away from the training ground.

When he returned to the residence and waved back, leaving only the father and daughter, Zhang Zhang couldn't help but said, "Dad, Senior Jiang and Senior Sun are so friendly, it's good for you to spread the news, why are you so depressed?"

Zhang Chengzu smiled bitterly, "Daughter, do you really think that Jiang Yuanhao and Sun Siyuan have fathers in their eyes? They are like this today.

Zhang Zhang said "ah" with a shocked expression, "He should only have a foundation and cultivation base, he is not much better than his daughter, how can he have such a big face..."

Zhang Chengzu's eyes lit up, "Wait! Foundation building, foundation building, I should have thought it was him, yes, it must be him!"

"Who did Daddy say?"

"Consecrated by the Kong family, Ning Qin!"

Zhang Zhang whispered, "It's him!" Although he came to live in Xia City not long ago, he had heard the name a lot, and those who mentioned it all praised it.

"Should have thought that, apart from him, who has such a face, let Jiang Yuanhao, Sun Siyuan and other people change their attitudes." Zhang Chengzu murmured.

Zhang Zhang hesitated: "Dad, although Lord Ning Qin is strong, he may not be able to influence Senior Jiang and Senior Sun, right?"

Zhang Chengzu smiled bitterly, "Of course he can, Zhang Zhang, the bell of meritorious deeds rang for fifteen consecutive days a while ago, remember?"

Zhang Zhang's eyes widened.

"It's him. The alliance issued a seal order for this matter, and it was only by accident that I learned about it as a father." Zhang Chengzu shook his head secretly, thinking that when he first met outside the Hall of Merit that day, he had not been able to get closer to him, so he couldn't help but of dark regret.

However, why did Ning Qin want to help him

Zhang Chengzu's eyes fell on his beloved daughter, and suddenly said, "Zhang Zhang, you really don't know Ning Qin?"

Zhang Zhang shook his head, "I don't know my daughter."

Could it be that Ning Qin is interested in Zhang Zhang? Zhang Chengzu's heart beat a little faster, this explanation is reasonable and reasonable, if it is true... He hesitated for a while and didn't say much, thinking that if this is the case, Ning Qin will definitely have follow-up actions, and it will not be too late to mention it after confirmation.

Six days later, the righteous and the demons will join forces to hide the wind valley. For some reason, or what he learned from Zhu Qingyun, Jiang Yuanhao sent an invitation to Zhang Chengzu, who was excited to bring Zhang Zhang and several outstanding disciples here.

Surprised by Jiang Yuanhao's invitation, Sun Siyuan smiled when he greeted him, and the cultivator of the alliance watching the battle group murmured in his heart. He was not indifferent to Zhang Chengzu, which made him feel the excitement of finally stepping into the circle after all the hard work, and was busy communicating all day.

Compared with the elders' palaces, the young and frivolous second generation behaved simply and rudely, and did not take the Zhang family in their eyes at all. A few enthusiastic people, Zhang Zhang noticed the strange heat in their eyes, and felt embarrassed and simply made a clear line with the second generation, and led people to enjoy the surrounding scenery of the camp alone.

The Tibetan Wind Valley is extremely deep and tortuous, and the interior is even more cracked and intertwined like cobwebs. Even if the wind blows in, it is difficult to get out again. Because of the name of the Tibetan wind, the exposed red rocks have been cracked by the wind and the sun for countless years. Quite a barbaric desolate mood.

Zhang Zhang was immersed in it, and the stagnation was relieved. Zhang Huo and others were overjoyed, deliberately coaxing her to be happy, and accompany her through the valleys.

"Zhang Zhang, look, these dozens of ground fissures staggered past, and the traces look like a foraging bear from a distance?" Zhang Huo raised his hand with a smile on his face, but the next moment, his face froze. .

In the fissure on the opposite side, several cultivators suddenly appeared, and you could feel the cold aura on the other side.

Mage monk!

Zhang Zhang whispered: "Brother Zhang Huo, let's go."

Zhang Huo regained his senses and nodded hastily.

But at this time, the opposite Mo Xiu had found them, and after a short pause, one of them flickered, blocking the way of several people.


Zhang Huo's heart shrank, "Senior, what do you mean?"

Jin Dan Mo Xiu's eyes are cold, "I want to ask you guys, what is your intention to break into the control range of my magic way?"

Zhang Zhang hurriedly turned around, and the maid next to him said in a panic, "Miss, we haven't crossed the border!"

"Girl, what do you mean, the old man is talking nonsense?" Sen Lie rushed towards his face, Qiu Qiu's face was pale.

Zhang Huo gritted his teeth, "Senior doing this is a loss of identity!"

Jin Dan Mo Xiu sneered, "Shut up, I don't have the qualifications to speak in front of you, please give me an explanation immediately, otherwise no one will want to leave!"

Zhang Zhang stopped Zhang Huo from continuing to speak, and saluted, "Junior sees senior. Today is junior and others who are greedy for the scenery, and strayed into the control of the devil's way for a while. Please hold your hand high and spare us this time."