Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 54: Black short sword


It was pitch black in front of him, and there was a sense of tearing all over his body. With Qin Yu's demonic body cultivation, he just felt a little uncomfortable. You Ji's body tightened, holding Qin Yu's hand hard, she could hear her breathing a lot heavier.

Qin Yu hesitated for a while, then stretched out his hand to embrace her, warm and full of fragrance.

Youji's body froze suddenly, and after hesitating, it gradually softened.

The process took longer than expected. Just when Qin Yu wondered whether he would be trapped in the dark forever, the tearing power all over his body suddenly dissipated.

He let go of his hand and took a step back, Yuji stood up straight, turned her head to look around, her ears were tinged with pink.

Qin Yu broke the silence and asked, "Where are we going?" Their location at the moment was a huge grotto, with caves all over the walls, twisting and twisting and I don't know where to go.

Youji seemed relieved, took out the compass to investigate carefully, and put it away after a while, "Follow me." She paused at her feet and reminded again, "Be sure to bring the guard order."

Lead the way in a hurry.

Qin Yu smiled and followed.

Entering the cave, the light suddenly dimmed, and even if the space is not narrow, it still makes people feel breathless. It was cold and dead, except for the black stone, there was nothing in sight, but you could see You Ji moving forward cautiously, Qin Yu was secretly alert, and did not dare to be careless.

Without warning, with the shrill howl, a big stone in front of the left suddenly protruded, and the black seal outlined a thin figure rushing out, grabbing his arm towards You Ji.

She tilted her body, although she stood up quickly, her pretty face looked at the stone coldly, with no fear on her face. But the slightly pale face and the sweat dripping from the tip of her nose still revealed her true inner state.

To be honest, Qin Yu was also taken aback. It was not easy for her to adjust in such a short time. Sure enough, being charming and weak is all fake. She is a stubborn and sturdy person in her heart. Even if she is afraid, she will hold on to it.

After walking for a while, Qin Yu suddenly said, "Take a rest."

Youji paused and didn't look back, "You're so troublesome!" She carefully identified and determined that there was no problem, then turned and sat down.

Qin Yu wisely left a distance, closed his eyes and rested.

You Ji bit her lip, reached down and rubbed her ankle, her eyes swept over Qin Yu, a little softer.

Of course, she would never let Qin Yu see this.

After a while, You Ji got up and said, "Let's go!"

Qin Yu opened his eyes and smiled.

The two continued to go deeper, and the range of the stone cave expanded outwards. When a skeleton appeared on the ground that had been withered for an unknown number of years, Youji's face changed slightly, and after a long period of indulgence, she turned around and said, "Be careful."

Qin Yu nodded slowly.

Not long ago, I found a broken seal, and there was a big hole in the stone wall after the seal was broken.

You Ji stepped forward to check carefully, and exhaled for a long time, "It was the seal that loosened and let him escape, but the power of the seal still seriously injured him, and he fell to the ground and died."

Qin Yu looked at it, the dark entrance of the cave was nothing special, but since You Ji said so, she thought it was a good idea.

At the crossroads, the cave was divided into three parts. Youji took out the compass, but she played with it for a long time and seemed to encounter difficulties.

"Try it, sense your own blood, it should be fine."

Qin Yu closed his eyes, his mind was relieved, he opened it after a few breaths, raised his hand and pointed, "Left."

Youji looked down at the compass, frowning.

"What's wrong?"

You Ji sighed softly, "It seems that it is impossible to get things easily. There are three passages, and the left side is the most dangerous."

Qin Yu frowned, "How dangerous?"

"very dangerous."

"… going or not?"

Youji's eyes brightened, "Go! Otherwise, this girl will come for nothing!" She took a deep breath, "I can't bear it anymore, so I put it into the guard order... Forget, you're not a magic cultivator, come closer to me."

Qin Yu simply walked over.

The sticker seems to be a little closer, and the fragrance can't help digging into the nose. When you look down, you can see the girl's white neck and the very light sparse fluff on it.

You Ji glanced sideways, meaning there was no need to be so close.

Qin Yudang didn't see it.

Demon Sealing Land, even though it was peaceful all the way to this place, who knows when something will suddenly go wrong.

And knowing that it will be very dangerous next time, if you follow closely, that's not an idiot!

You Ji gritted her teeth and could feel the breath coming from behind her, but she had to admit that her heart seemed to be much more settled.

Forget it, business matters, this girl will endure it!

Entering the stone cave on the left, the faces of the two of them became solemn, not only because it was so dark here that You Ji needed to take out the lighting beads for lighting, but more importantly, the faint magical energy that filled the air.

The Demon Sealing Land is the place where the Demon Sealing Ground is, so it is normal for the demonic energy to leak out, but the two of them went all the way down here, just when the Sealed Demon Cultivator suddenly collided, and there was no hint of aura... In addition, according to the compass, You Ji, Determine the most dangerous road.

The speed of the two slowed down a lot, and neither of them had the intention to speak any more, only the faint footsteps echoed in the cave.

Suddenly, You Ji's body froze slightly, Qin Yu didn't know what was going on, and his body instinctively prepared to deal with it.



The faint demonic energy in the air suddenly boiled, like boiling water in a sea of anger, and it was rising at an alarming rate. It can be clearly seen that on the front and rear stone walls, traces of demonic energy are constantly overflowing, and a shrill howl can be heard in the ears.

This is not a real voice, but the fusion of countless chaotic magical thoughts, trying to invade the minds of the two and control them.

With a coquettish cry, a faint black light erupted from the guard order in You Ji's hand, shrouding her and Qin Yu's figure, and the invasion of demonic thoughts was immediately isolated.

"Come on!"

Grabbing Qin Yu, her figure flew forward. It seems that the magical thoughts have no effect, the magical energy begins to condense, and twisted ghosts appear one after another in the stone cave, screaming and rushing towards the two of them.

Youji's eyes flashed, "Don't worry about it, it's an illusion." Sure enough, the ghost penetrated through the bodies of the two, and then dissipated.

"do not go!"

"Stay, stay with us!"

"You can't escape!"

Some low or sharp or pleading or mournful voices sounded in the cave, there were men and women, old and young. Then on the stone walls on both sides, the seals were impacted everywhere, outlining the ferocious figure of the demon cultivator. They madly wanted to grab the two people in the forward line.

Youji dodged quickly, she seemed to have practiced some kind of exquisite footwork, the magic cultivators on both sides of the stone walls charged wildly, and they couldn't touch the slightest bit, and warned in a deep voice, "Don't resist, let me take you away, or you will touch the seal, You and I will both be sucked into it!"

Qin Yu nodded.

But at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he slammed his backhand to grab You Ji, and the two figures stopped abruptly.

Caught off guard, she was almost caught by the impact seal demon cultivator, You Ji turned around in a panic, and was about to scold Qin Yu, clenching his fists and bending his arms.

With a loud bang, the demonic shadow flying towards him collapsed with a scream, and a black dagger fell to the ground with a "slap".

You Ji's face was pale, if Qin Yu hadn't found out, and hit him as an illusion, the consequences would be conceivable. His lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Qin Yu, "Let's go."

Of course, the black short sword that was knocked down has been picked up by him.

Xu Shi found that the pair of men and women couldn't help, and the sealed magic cultivators fell silent one after another.

Soon, the two rushed out of the cave and came to another large underground space.

You Ji let go of her hand and folded her hair, "This is a magic treasure, it should be of good quality. It has been immersed in pure magic all the year round, giving birth to self-consciousness."

Qin Yu's eyes brightened slightly.

Regardless of whether it is a magic weapon or a magic treasure, there is a chance that due to fate, it will give birth to its own spiritual consciousness, which is called a spiritual treasure. Lingbao is a cultivator of Nascent Soul, and he may not be able to have one, which is enough to know how precious it is.

"Don't think too much of beauty, this short sword is at most a preliminary awakening. With a little shadow of a spirit treasure, it is still far from being transformed into a spirit treasure."

Qin Yu smiled and put away the dagger, "I picked it up anyway, what happens in the future, let's see its fate."

The words are magnanimous, upright, and sloppy, making You Ji's eyes flash slightly, covering up and turning around, "Take a rest."

Qin Yu nodded, "You rest, I'll be vigilant."

It was You Ji who shot just now, and he was very leisurely.

You Ji was not polite, she sat down and took out a pill and swallowed it. The medicine pill is black, with a hint of purple, and the air brings a bit of a dark fragrance, which is different from the medicine pill Qin Yu knew. This Yuji has a very mysterious identity.

After waiting for a moment, You Ji opened her eyes, and two swirls of purple meaning appeared in the bottom of her eyes, and they passed away with an indescribable majesty.


Qin Yu looked back at the Eye Stone Cave, "Miss Youji, this Demon Sealing Land should have been closed for a long time, why hasn't the suppression demon cultivator died yet?"

You Ji shook her head, "Most of them are already dead, but their resentment lingers under the power of the seal." She didn't seem to want to say more, "In which direction are we going?"

The underground space is very large, there is no end to it at a glance, and the visibility is extremely low in darkness.

Qin Yu closed his eyes and opened them after a few breaths, with a solemn expression, "We seem to have arrived."

Saying that, he raised his hand and pointed forward.

Yuji had a happy expression on her face.

Walking in front of the ground, the two of them soon saw a jade slip emitting a faint glow of blood in the darkness, hanging over a large protruding stone.

The two did not rush forward, and carefully inspected the surroundings. After finding no abnormality, You Ji couldn't hold back the excitement in her eyes.

Qin Yu turned around and retreated a few feet away.

The corners of You Ji's mouth were slightly upturned, but this guy was also very interesting. He walked quickly to the big stone, raised his hand and moved the jade slip into his hand. She seemed to be looking at something, and quickly put away the jade slip with a brighter smile on her face.

That's right, it's here!

Taking out a storage bag, the magic energy flashed slightly and a jade bottle appeared. The translucent shape could clearly see the viscous scarlet liquid inside. When it was opened, the rich bloody smell instantly filled the space, and the red blood mist rose from the mouth of the bottle and melted into the stone as if attracted. Soon all the scarlet liquid evaporated, and the entire boulder was covered in blood mist.

The blood mist gradually thinned and was absorbed by the stone. It turned into the same blood color, and the surface actually wriggled like a living thing, with textures emerging, intertwined and intertwined with each other to form a seemingly messy, but extremely strange circular stamp.

Qin Yu frowned, this thing looked like some kind of family emblem.

You Ji's expression was solemn, her full magic power suddenly boiled, the steaming heat rose, and she wet the long black dress on her body and stuck it to her body.

Even at this critical moment, Qin Yu's eyes couldn't help lingering for a second. The back, waist, and upturned body were all gone.