Refuse to Marry the Demon Emperor: Lure and Pamper the Adorkable Concubine

Chapter 1394: Go to the church and get married~


I learned what happened from the encyclopedia, and I wasn't surprised at all.

"Little Shu, look, I told you this before. No matter what the matter is, if you don't ask, it will be easy to misunderstand."

Encyclopedia is in a very good mood now, so he seems to be very obedient, and he does what Liao Wen says.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I used to be an idiot, then..." Encyclopedia said with pink bubbles all over his body: "When my brother gets married, you must come."

"Yeah." Wen nodded, with a smile in his eyes: "I will."

He is their eldest brother, how could he not come

After he had accomplished his life-long event, Encyclopedia wanted everyone in the world to know about it, and he even kindly invited Nangong Shang, mother and son, to sit in the underground palace.

The King of Hell frowned: "He is..."

"I know, it's a ghost." Encyclopedia interrupted him: "Brother Yan, you can't kill on such a happy day."

King of Hell: “…”

This isn’t considered killing, right

But since the little book said so, the King of Hell could only agree.

Well, my wife is the biggest.

"But..." Liao Wen suddenly thought of a crucial question: "Has your date been decided?"

Encyclopedia: "What day?"

Liaowen: "The wedding day."

Encyclopedia: "No."

Liao Wen: “…”

We haven’t even picked a date yet. Is it too early to talk about getting married now

But this did not affect Encyclopedia's good mood at all: "It doesn't matter! Why don't you just choose a day! As far as my relationship with Brother Yan is concerned, every day can be the same as that of a newlywed, right, Brother Yan?"

King of Hell: "...Yeah."

Nangong Shang silently looked away.

It's not easy to be a human these days, but I didn't expect that it's not easy to be a ghost, and I have to be shown off by the Immortal Official. It's really sad to think about it.

But Nangong Shang doesn't think there's anything wrong with two men getting married.

First of all, he is a ghost himself. If he really falls in love with someone, he can only rely on his soul to communicate. Is it possible that the body can do anything else

Since it is soul communication, what does it matter if the other party is a boy or a girl

Moreover, because these two immortal officials are getting married and he has saved his life, he should be even happier.

Encyclopedia wanted to get married now, but such a big deal as marriage had to be discussed with his girl, so he took Wen and the King of Hell back to the underground palace with him.

Conquer the evil spirits

How important is getting married!

Let’s talk about it after we get married!

The King of Hell, who has always been meticulous about his work, actually has a tendency to let things go.

As a result, the evil ghosts hiding in every corner of the world were on tenterhooks all day long, fearing that the legendary King of Hell would appear and immediately beat them to their wits' end, daring not to come out.

But they waited and waited for a long time but did not hear any more news about the King of Hell and other immortal officials, and they couldn't help but wonder.

Are the rumors wrong? Didn't the king of hell leave hell and come to the human world

Think about it, how could the King of Hell leave hell

It must be fake!

Maybe it was the rumor released by other evil ghosts, just to scare them, and then take advantage of them to take away all the good things while they were hiding!

Thinking of this, those evil ghosts were ready to move again, and they all sprung up one after another.

But they didn't expect that although the King of Hell left them alone, he sent other immortal officials from hell to come.

Therefore, after those evil ghosts emerged, a lot of them were saved at once, leaving only a few dozen evil ghosts whose strength was hidden deeply still wandering around.

At this time, Encyclopedia was getting married.

More than a month has passed since the last marriage proposal.

Encyclopedia said it wanted to hold a wedding ceremony that would shock the world, but after actually discussing it with Mu Xi, she felt that it was good to keep it simple.

Encyclopedia has never cared about what other people think. As long as the people he cares about don't look at him weirdly, it doesn't matter to him.

Mu Xi has always been looking forward to someone taking care of the encyclopedia, but apart from himself, there seems to be no more suitable person except the King of Hell.

Probably only the King of Hell can control the encyclopedia, so naturally she won't have any objections.

What's more, she always gives priority to the encyclopedia's preferences. If Xiao Shu likes it, no matter who the other person is, whether it's a human or a demon, as long as he likes it, she will support him.

As for Bai Zhijing, when he heard that Encyclopedia was going to marry the King of Hell, instead of feeling weird, he felt happy to see it happen.

"Finally, there is someone who can take away the scourge of Xiao Shu." Bai Zhijing sighed: "Master Yan, I have wronged you."

Encyclopedia was dissatisfied: "Hey, hey, what do you mean? Don't think that since you are the girl's master, I won't dare to beat you? Why is my brother a disaster?"

Before, the King of Hell would have definitely ignored Bai Zhijing and the others.

However, I don't know if it was because of his upcoming marriage, but the King of Hell was in a good mood, so it was rare for him to respond to Bai Zhijing's words: "It's not hard."

After a pause, the King of Hell added: "He is very good."

Encyclopedia said proudly: "Did you see that? My brother is very good. I don't know how many girls and men are waiting for my brother to favor them."

Bai Zhijing is angry and funny, but this is a bit too narcissistic.

The King of Hell immediately grasped Encyclopedia's hand and said in a serious and cold voice: "Don't pay attention to them."

Encyclopedia was so happy that he showed his big white teeth: "Okay, okay, they are not as good-looking as you! I will definitely not like you!"

Although the King of Hell doesn’t like others saying that he is good-looking, but...

He looked at the encyclopedia, um... If he really thought he was good-looking, it should be able to attract him more, right

"Okay, okay, the time has come, it's time to worship." Mu Xi said with a smile.

This marriage ceremony is really simple, so simple that it is not like what the encyclopedia said before.

But it was warm and loving, and everyone from the underground palace came.

Because the aura of the King of Hell is so strong and they are good-looking, everyone actually thinks this pair of dog-boys are eye-catching.

Only Feng Xingtian vomited blood in his heart.

"No wonder Huang'er almost died in the hands of Yan." Feng Xingtian snorted coldly: "Young man!"

Encyclopedia is Mu Xi's companion soul, her parents, and Encyclopedia also recognizes her parents as hers.

Therefore, when they worshiped in the church, they worshiped Mr. Song and the others.

But they are not strong enough to become immortals and cannot come to the big world, so Mu Xi can only let them worship in the world he created.

After praying, return to the underground palace.

Mr. Song was an enlightened old man. He sent a red envelope to the King of Hell and said with a sigh: "When Xi'er got married, I, the old man, was not here. Thanks to Xiao Shu who has been by Xi'er's side all these years, now you are finally getting married. When it comes to his own wife, even though he..."

Mr. Song paused for a moment, looked at the King of Hell, and coughed: "Although you are a man, he is more beautiful than ordinary women. You have nothing to lose. You must live a good life in the future. Grandpa doesn't have anything precious to give to you. I can only wish you well forever."

King of Hell: “…”

Wait, is something wrong

What do you mean, Xiao Shu finally got a wife