Refuse to Marry the Demon Emperor: Lure and Pamper the Adorkable Concubine

Chapter 1396: Let's have a fight, whoever wins will be on top


Happy wedding night.

With the blessing of his girl, Encyclopedia happily entered the bridal chamber that night, holding a bottle of legendary lubricant in his hand!

Although he didn't understand why Master Nalan would refine such an ointment, it was simply too shameful.

But no amount of shame could stop his current mood.

He is about to have sex soon, how can he not be nervous!

How could you not be excited!

Encyclopedia stepped into the bridal chamber while suppressing his little heart.

Originally, the demon cultivators in the underground palace wanted to come and make trouble in the bridal chamber, but they didn't have the courage.

Once they know what kind of person Encyclopedia is, he will definitely retaliate. If he causes trouble in his bridal chamber tonight, they may be in trouble later. Not everyone can make trouble in anyone's bridal chamber.

And coupled with the great Buddha of Yama.

Although the demon cultivators in the underground palace don't know who the King of Hell is, as long as he stops there, they will feel extremely strong pressure. Under such circumstances, they still have to have a wedding

This is totally out of the question.

So everyone finished the banquet early and left wisely, leaving space for the newly married dog man.

The King of Hell has also carefully understood that after humans get married, there is a night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber.


In hell, he is the only one who has lived for tens of thousands of years. He really doesn't know how to spend the night in the wedding ceremony...

Fortunately for the King of Hell, before entering the bridal chamber, Bai Zhijing secretly gave him a small notebook and mysteriously asked him to go back to the room to read it again. He also said that as long as he followed the drawings and writings in the small notebook, he would be happy. Able to have a successful bridal chamber.

The King of Hell rarely said thank you to Bai Zhijing, which made Bai Zhijing feel flattered and shouted that he didn't deserve it!

The King of Hell was very smart and immediately locked up the room and studied it carefully.

As soon as he opened the small book, the King of Hell discovered that it was an erotic album!

When he saw the erotic album, the King of Hell immediately frowned.

"What the hell?" The King of Hell felt very uncomfortable, especially the movements of the two men in the painting, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Is this all you need to do in the bridal chamber

Then he would rather not!

The King of Hell was about to throw away the erotic album, but for some reason, his mind suddenly changed and he changed the two men in the painting into himself and the encyclopedia.

Thinking of this, Yama's Jun's face suddenly became hot, as if something had broken through the barriers and taboos in his heart. He blushed, and liquid even flowed from his nose.

Unexpectedly, he thought about the day when Encyclopedia changed clothes in front of him.

The nosebleeds became more intense.

The King of Hell wiped his face expressionlessly, controlled the temperature of his body, and then——

Read eagerly.

The pictures and texts that made people sick before were now like the supreme Bible in the heart of the King of Hell.

He studied it seriously, seriously, and carefully.

If someone were passing by and saw him looking so serious, they would definitely think that he was looking at something very serious, and would never know that he was looking at pornographic pictures.

So after the encyclopedia came in, I saw the King of Hell reading seriously.

Encyclopedia: "...are you reading?"

The King of Hell looked at him calmly: "Yes."

The encyclopedia said incredulously: "Aren't you nervous?"

The King of Hell's heart was beating very fast, and he was naturally nervous, but saying such words would undermine his majesty, so he responded coolly: "I'm not nervous."

Encyclopedia: “…”

He looked at the King of Hell and didn't believe what the King of Hell said.

Humph, my brother doesn’t believe it!

If you weren't nervous, would you still read here

He must be trying to divert his attention and not make himself too nervous and screw up!

Thinking of this, Encyclopedia suddenly felt like I was not the only one who was nervous, and I felt a little more relaxed inexplicably.

He walked to the King of Hell and sat down. When he came over, the King of Hell had already quickly put away the erotic album.

His intuition told him that it would be better not to let Xiao Shu see this kind of thing.

The two of them sat together, you looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Encyclopedia was quite embarrassed. After a long time of mental preparation, he still couldn't relax.

" seems like you want to drink first?"

The King of Hell thought for a while: "Well, yes."

There is indeed this step.

Encyclopedia quickly poured wine, one for each person, and said proudly: "Come on, let's do it! From today on, you are my brother's."

The King of Hell corrected him seriously and took his hand over: "That's wrong. It's a glass of wine. That's how it is done."

As he spoke, he hooked the encyclopedia's hand, intertwined his hands, and lowered his head to drink.

After drinking a glass of wine, the King of Hell looked at him quietly: "You are mine too."

"That's necessary!" Encyclopedia said: "Brother Yan, let me say it first. I have a bad temper. If you look at any woman one more time in the future, I will gouge your eyeballs!"

The King of Hell shook his head: "Don't look at women."

Encyclopedia: "Not even female ghosts!"

King of Hell: "Yeah."

The encyclopedia adds: "Neither can men."

King of Hell: "Yeah."

Encyclopedia was happy after receiving his wife's assurance, and suddenly possessed him, kissed the King of Hell on the mouth, and then quickly backed away.

King of Hell: “…”

Encyclopedia touched his mouth in recollection: "It doesn't seem that hard to accept."

It's like kissing a woman, doesn't it feel like anything

A little too much at best...nervous and excited

It must be because of the impending bridal chamber!

So Encyclopedia took out the ointment without saying a word, stood up and said to the King of Hell: "Okay, that's no problem, let's get started now."

King of Hell: "Start?"

"The bridal chamber!" said the encyclopedia: "Lie down."

King of Hell: “…”

Encyclopedia urged: "Lie down quickly, brother is about to start."

The King of Hell finally grasped the point: "You mean, I'm down there?"

Encyclopedia's eyes widened: "You are my wife! You must be down there!"

King of Hell: "..."

The King of Hell stood up slowly and said slowly: "Little book."

Encyclopedia: "Huh?"

The King of Hell said: "Perhaps there is a misunderstanding between us."

Encyclopedia: “What the hell?”

King of Hell: "I think you are my man."

Encyclopedia: "..."

He stared at the King of Hell with wide eyes and disbelief: "I've already married you and come home, but you fucking want to have sex with me?"

He rolled up his sleeves: "Okay, don't say anything else, let's have a fight, whoever wins will be on top!"


In the jubilant underground palace, the wedding celebrations had not completely dissipated. In the atmosphere of red lanterns, two loud noises suddenly came.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

"Is there an assassin's sneak attack?"

Everyone hurried to the place where the movement came and went, and saw from a distance that Encyclopedia was fighting with the King of Hell.

Everyone: "..."

what happened? Didn't they just get married today? Are you like this just after getting married

"Miss Ye, Xiao Shu and Mr. Yan..."

"It's okay, let them fight." Mu Xi calmly drank a glass of wine and said meaningfully: "Perhaps they are being divided?"

This is destined to be a protracted war!

It depends on each other, who can have the last laugh.