Refuse to Marry the Demon Emperor: Lure and Pamper the Adorkable Concubine

Chapter 65: Sensation throughout the city


The Ten Moves of Immortal Destiny are not that easy to handle.

Wen Laoduo glanced at Ye Muxi and considered how many layers of strength he needed to use so as not to hurt the little girl too seriously.

Under equal strength, whoever persists longest will not be eliminated.

This also means that the stronger the person, the longer he can carry it.

Everyone is optimistic about Ye Xueqian. After all, she is the soul of heaven and can definitely hold on for the longest time.

"Are you all ready?" Mr. Wen asked with a smile.


Ye Xueqian summoned her companion soul beast, the lion.

Beichen Yi summoned his own Earth Dragon Beast.

The other person is the weapon soul, an extremely sharp sword.

Whether it is an attacking soul beast or a weapon soul sword, once it appears, it gives people a ferocious aura.

When it was Ye Muxi's turn, she took out a book and a writing brush with an expressionless face.

Everyone: "..."

I have to say that the previous one was too majestic and domineering, but when it was Ye Muxi's turn, her painting style changed instantly.

"...It's really a spirit of things. She was so embarrassed to show it."

"Hahaha, so stupid! With a book and a writing brush, what does she want to do, read and copy at the same time?"

"Although I also feel stupid, but I don't know why, I suddenly feel that Ye Muxi is not that annoying... She is cute and stupid."

"Yeah, look at her serious expression..."

The huge contrast made the person who was a little disgusted with Ye Muxi just now want to laugh, but at the same time he felt that he should hate her and couldn't laugh.

Then everyone's expressions became quite wonderful.

Even Mr. Wen didn't have a smile in his eyes. He originally thought this little girl was interesting, but now she suddenly felt even cuter.

He smiled and released the aura unique to the Destiny Immortal. His first move: pressure!

Huge coercion shrouded it,

Even if it is an assessment, even if Mr. Wen releases less than half of the pressure, when the pressure is enveloped, the faces of Ye Muxi and others who are undergoing the assessment suddenly change, and their bodies cannot withstand the pressure, and they retreat suddenly. Count the steps!

It was like a huge boulder pressing down on him.



Ye Muxi felt that he could almost breathe.

Is this the strength of the Destiny Immortal

Ye Xueqian and others have already summoned their companion beasts to their side, asking them to help withstand some of the pressure.

Ye Muxi was reluctant to let the encyclopedia accept the rejection. She quickly withstood the strong pressure and wrote one word on the blank page of the encyclopedia—

"seal up!"

The pressure around Ye Muxi suddenly relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

The one in trouble was naturally not Mr. Wen, but herself.

If this move is used inadvertently, Wen Lao may still be hit. Even if the opponent cannot be trapped for a long time, her pressure can be ended.

However, Ye Muxi then thought about it, Lao Wen's attack was a group attack. She trapped Lao Wen, which was equivalent to rescuing Ye Xueqian and the others.

What's more, Mr. Wen is not so easily trapped by Feng.

So when she finished the last stroke, she locked her spirit into herself and trapped herself.

After the pressure around him disappeared, Ye Muxi wiped his sweat and saw that the brush broke again, so he had to take out another one.

Fortunately, she just bought several brushes for drawing talismans, otherwise these would definitely not be enough.

However, Ye Muxi also knew very well that her confinement technique allowed her to temporarily resist the pressure, but it could not be resisted for long.

So after she found out what was wrong, she immediately squatted on the ground and started sharpening the ink.

—Troublesome, it seems that not only do you need to make a writing brush that won’t break, but you also need to keep a large bottle of ink handy.

Ye Muxi thought expressionlessly.

Everyone in the audience was shocked again.

They looked at Ye Xueqian, Beichen Yi and others who were under pressure and almost vomiting blood, and then looked at Ye Muxi easily... grinding ink

How is this going!

Didn't she just suffer from coercion and crippled her!

How come in the blink of an eye, she was so focused on sharpening ink!

"Huh?" Mr. Wen was surprised and found that Ye Muxi had a strange power.

The power seemed to trap her in place. It seemed to have trapped her, but it perfectly blocked his pressure.

The interest in Mr. Wen's heart became even stronger. Looking at the thin sealing power, he wanted to know how effective this power could be.

With a thought in his mind, the pressure suddenly increased to another level.



As the pressure increased, Ye Xueqian, Beichen Yi and others, who had been holding on for dear life, suddenly spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

"Kacha." The sealing power on Ye Muxi also shattered.

The coercion came down again. Fortunately, Ye Muxi had already polished the ink and quickly wrote another 'Feng', trapping herself again. As long as she didn't write an attack move like 'Kill', the amount of power she needed to expend was not much. many.

Then continue grinding non-stop.

Ye Muxi thought to himself: "It's not enough. This ink and this brush are too scarce. I need to sharpen them more quickly."

Mr. Wen almost laughed out loud.

This little girl...

"Mr. Wen!"


The others in Shenhun Pavilion quickly called him.

Only then did Mr. Wen come back to his senses. Looking at Ye Xueqian and others who were pale and about to vomit blood, he quickly put back the pressure.

I originally wanted to try the strength of that girl, but she suddenly gained a lot of strength, forgetting that these young people couldn't stand it anymore.

Mr. Wen was a little embarrassed, something almost happened!

Once the pressure was gone, Ye Xueqian, who was said to be the most talented, was the first to collapse on the ground, and her companion beast, the lion, was also lying on the ground dying.

Beichen Yi and the other person also looked very ugly, and they were at the end of their strength.

And Ye Muxi, who was least favored by others, was still squatting on the ground, grinding ink... grinding ink...

Except for being a little pale, there was nothing wrong with her delicate pretty face.

Everyone: "..."

As if aware of everyone's gaze on him, Ye Muxi stopped grinding, raised his head slightly, and looked at Mr. Wen: "Is the first move over?"

Mr. Wen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Ye Muxi was still trapped in his own confinement technique, so he didn't know it was over.

Seeing this, she put away the freshly polished ink, held the encyclopedia and brush in her hand, and said calmly: "Okay, the second move can start. I'm ready."

Mr. Wen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

If you are ready, you have to see if others are ready too!

Didn’t you see that Miss Xue Qian was still lying limply on the ground, suffering from serious internal injuries

Didn't you see that His Highness the Third Prince's body was shaky and a gust of wind could blow him down

Who is this!

They deeply felt that Mr. Wen must have let Ye Muxi off, otherwise the other three were injured so seriously, why was Ye Muxi fine at all