Refuse to Marry the Demon Emperor: Lure and Pamper the Adorkable Concubine

Chapter 80: I know too many secrets


The warm sun is rising and the breeze is blowing.

Now is the time for daily prayer in Shenhun Pavilion.

The Shenhun Pavilion has regulations that, unless they are in retreat or going out on business, no matter who they are, they must participate in daily prayers as long as they are in the Shenhun Pavilion.

The strength of divine power comes from the piety of daily prayers.

The more divine power the people in the Divine Soul Pavilion gain, the more convinced they are of the Lord God.

Looking at the entire hall, the master of the Shenhun Pavilion is the person with the most divine power. At a glance, you can feel the faint golden light flowing from his body, and his whole body is wrapped in golden power.

"Thank you to the Lord God for the divine power. It cleanses away the impurities in my soul and removes the dirt in my body. Lord God is above..."

Murmured prayers echoed one after another in the Divine Soul Hall, and everyone prostrated respectfully with pious expressions.

In the entire hall, only Ye Muxi looked calm.

She was also praying, seriously but not respectfully.

She just followed Nalan Hai's instructions and prayed seriously.

But this divine power cannot be obtained by seriousness. What is required is extremely stupid worship and piety towards the Lord God.

At the end of the prayer, everyone got up from prostrate. Some people were surprised that their divine power had become deeper. Those who had not increased their divine power began to blame themselves. They blamed themselves for whether their prayers today were not pious enough, otherwise why would their divine power remain the same as before.

Ye Muxi looked at them expressionlessly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Cultivation is their own business. If they blindly pray to the gods for more divine power, one day they will forget how to practice and will only pray for the strength of others."

"Like flowers raised in a greenhouse." The encyclopedia sighed: "The master is right, the more talented people are, the less they should come to Shenhun Pavilion. When they get here, the edges and corners will be smoothed and the mind will be destroyed. In their hearts, they only pray, praying for the so-called Lord God to look at them."

This is mercy.

Before entering the Divine Soul Pavilion, they all thought that the Divine Soul Pavilion, which was so famous in the mainland, that only geniuses could enter the Divine Soul Pavilion, and that the Divine Soul Pavilion, which the whole continent yearned for, must be a sacred place.

However, after nearly two months of observation.

There is holiness, only in appearance.

Here, there is the same struggle for rights and the same interests.

All people in the world? Yearning for light

That is only if their interests are not hindered.

It is certainly a surprise to be given divine power.

Who doesn't like this kind of power that can give them great power without them having to practice

"Find cheap daddy, master, let's leave quickly." The encyclopedia said: "We know too many secrets of Shenhun Pavilion."

Only elders can enter the seventh floor of the Library Pavilion, and only the master of the Divine Soul Pavilion can enter the eighth floor.

In the recorded books on the top two floors, they discovered many secrets of Shenhun Pavilion.

As long as one of those secrets is revealed, no one in the Shenhun Pavilion will let them go.

"Let's go." Nalan Hai stood up and said to Ye Muxi.

Ye Muxi glanced at Ye Xueqian and the others. I'm afraid they wouldn't let them leave so easily today.

Sure enough, seeing Master and Disciple Nalan Hai and Ye Muxi about to leave, Elder Zhang suddenly spoke:

"Wait a minute, Master Nalan, don't leave in a hurry. Today, while all the elders and disciples are here, I have something to announce."

Everyone seemed to know what he was going to say, and their eyes looked at Nalan Hai intentionally or unintentionally.

The corner of Ye Xueqian's mouth curled up slightly, and she glanced at Ye Muxi with contempt from the corner of her eyes. There was no tension on the latter's face, which made her a little disappointed.

Nalan Hai turned around calmly: "Elder Zhang, just say whatever you want."

Elder Zhang said: "Master Nalan must also know that every five years our branch will recommend two disciples to the main pavilion to study. This month of this year happens to be the time to report disciples to the main pavilion. The master of the pavilion has already recommended this The matter is left to my discretion, and I am asked to select the two most talented disciples. The disciples recruited by Shenhun Pavilion in the past five years happen to be in this hall now. For the sake of fairness, let all the elders select these two disciples together. .”

The branch does recommend two disciples to the headquarters every five years. This is the requirement of the main cabinet.

Disciples with good luck may stay in the main pavilion directly.

Everyone knows that compared to the branches, the treasures that the main pavilion possesses are not comparable to those of the branches.

After hearing what he said, Nalan Hai said with a lukewarm expression: "My disciples will give up this opportunity themselves, and the elders can choose from elsewhere."

"Master's words are wrong." Elder Zhang said coldly: "Master's disciple Ye Muxi, like Xue Qian, has been the only two heavenly souls in the past few years. In the past few decades, there have been fewer and fewer heavenly souls. If The General Pavilion knows that I have not recorded Tianhun’s disciples, so I cannot afford to be blamed for this crime.”

Nalan Hai said: "Although Mu Xi is highly talented, he is a material soul, so naturally he cannot compare with his beloved disciple."

Elder Zhang, however, was unreasonable and unforgiving: "There is no comparison. You have to try it to know. Elders, don't you think so?"

Everyone in the Soul Hall looked at each other.

In fact, there are quite a few alchemists in the Shenhun Pavilion. There are more outstanding alchemists in the main pavilion in the center of the mainland than in Nalan Hai.

But here in Nanyan Kyoto, alchemists with Nalan Hai's level are rare.

Normally, most people in the pavilion have a good relationship with Nalan Hai, but now everyone knows that this is the intention of the pavilion master. Who asked Nalan to accept any kind of apprentice? It is not good to accept a disciple that the pavilion master does not like. Woolen cloth

If this apprentice were more well-behaved, he would be easier to talk to. However, he is a man who cannot hold up a wall. He has been in the pavilion for almost two months and he still has no supernatural powers.

A discerning person can tell at a glance that she does not believe in the Lord God. Since she does not believe in the Lord God, how could the Pavilion Master leave the person behind

Several elders were silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Nalan, Elder Zhang is right. After all, your apprentice is a rare heavenly soul in recent years. If he is not recommended to the main pavilion, the main pavilion will definitely suspect something." , you have to have a decent reason."

A decent reason

Ye Muxi looked at them expressionlessly, mocking in his heart that not having divine power was indeed a very decent reason.

Not only can it be used as a reason, but it can also be used to drive her out of Shenhun Pavilion directly.

Elder Zhang asked knowingly: "Entering the main pavilion is something that all immortals aspire to do, but Master Nalan asked his apprentice to give up this qualification. This is a bit unreasonable. What is the difficulty for the master? Could it be that... she is not a qualified immortal?" "

A qualified Immortal of Destiny must first have divine power.

Nalan Hai didn't speak, but his face didn't look good.

Even though I had known for a long time that I would face such a day, it still made me angry when someone put their finger on my nose.

Elder Zhang pretended to say: "That is difficult to handle. It has been almost two months since Ye Muxi entered the Shenhun Pavilion, right? He has not had any divine power for two months. This is the most disrespectful thing. The Shenhun Pavilion cannot keep such a person. Na."

At this moment, before Nalan Hai could speak, a cold voice slowly spoke.

"Divine power?" Ye Muxi raised his palms, a faint golden power lingering in his hands: "Is this what you are talking about?"