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Chapter 113: Send embassies to each other


The people who use mental power in the Human Federation are all in Roya at the moment, and the rest of the people naturally cannot use mental power to quickly learn Roya's language, so they will definitely need translation.

Of course, there are other reasons for Nia to translate the missions of the Human Federation.

Nia has always wanted to return to the "Jianghu" after recovering, and this is definitely an excellent opportunity to appear - Chapman will definitely look very good when he sees his ex-wife who is recovering and may be pregnant.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the mission of the Human Federation can reach Roya safely.

"The mission of the Humanity Federation?" Teng Lao looked at Zhao Lingyu in surprise: "How are they going to get here? On the way..." The Humanity Federation and Ruoya are far away from each other. Will there be an accident on the way for the Human Federation's mission

"If my speculation is correct, Chapman should want to do it." Zhao Lingyu said. He has indeed done a lot of things these days, but the one who has done the most is the Emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor, who looks very gentle, has pushed Chapman to a corner, Chapman... It's time to do it.

"Can you refuse? If the people in the mission are in danger..." Mr. Fuji frowned.

"No, Emperor Will will not be willing." Zhao Lingyu said, Chapman will tell him directly, which means that the emperor has agreed.

Sure enough, just as Zhao Lingyu said this, he received a communication from the emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor at the other end of the contact terminal smiled and said a lot about the Federation of Humanity, and then mentioned the mission that would send someone to protect the Empire of Humanity.

"I wonder who His Majesty will send?" Zhao Lingyu asked.

"Crohn and Case." Emperor Will smiled and said, "If Marshal Zhao is not at ease, you can also go together."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. At that time, I have one more thing to trouble Your Majesty." Looking at Emperor Will on the other end of the contact terminal, Zhao Lingyu suddenly said.

"As long as I can help." Emperor Will smiled.

"Your Majesty said that, I am relieved." Zhao Lingyu said.

After finishing the communication, Zhao Lingyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Teng Lao: "Where is Ren Sheng? What did he do today?"

"He's been in the room the whole time." Teng Lao said, and then quickly picked up the second baby with a bulging belly and put it in Zhao Lingyu's arms: "Okay. Now that you're back, the child will be handed over to you, I still have something to do!" He quickly After walking, after taking a few steps, he slowed down again, and his expression became solemn.

The Human Federation and the Ruoya Empire, I don't know what the final outcome will be...

Teng Lao left, Zhao Lingyu looked down at the children around him, suddenly bent down and picked up the big baby and put it on his back, then picked up the other three children, and then walked towards the room.

When the door opened, Zhao Lingyu saw Ren Sheng sitting on the bed, and when he saw them, a little embarrassment flashed across his face: "You're back."

"It's back. You're back too?" Zhao Lingyu asked.

"I'm back, I... I've been here!" Ren Sheng said.

"Really?" Zhao Lingyu smiled.

"Okay, I went too... How did you recognize me?" Ren Sheng asked in confusion, how did Zhao Lingyu recognize himself

"I can feel your existence... Aren, can you become smaller?" Zhao Lingyu asked. He had seen the prototype of Ren Sheng, but he had never seen Ren Sheng become smaller.

"Of course! But I can't grow as long as Xiaolu." Ren Shengdao, turned into a small ginseng directly.

The little ginseng dragged its roots and walked around on the bed, shaking the leaves of its head from time to time, looking very cute.

Zhao Lingyu wanted to touch the two leaves for a long time, but at this time he finally reached out and touched the stretched leaves.

After becoming a prototype, Ren Sheng always felt that he was more sensitive. When Zhao Lingyu touched it, he subconsciously rolled up his leaves and wanted to avoid it.

But in the next second, he was caught by the little hand that has been holding him. After this little hand caught him, it also grabbed him to his mouth, and then stuck out his tongue and licked it, licking him with saliva all over his body.

"Er baby!" Zhao Lingyu picked up his son and said sharply. Ren Sheng also quickly turned into a human form - being molested by his own son or something is definitely not very pleasant.

"Dad is fragrant!" Erwa looked at Ren Sheng covetously: "I'll just lick, not bite!"

"… "

Zhao Lingyu directly threw the little guys out - this is his daughter-in-law! Only he can lick!

When Zhao Lingyu and Ren Sheng were making out, Ruoya became lively again.

Yunyang Pharmacy and Pregnancy Pill have already been uploaded on the Internet, and Zhao Lingyu's sudden appearance at this time will attract everyone's attention.

The people of the Human Federation are indeed in Ruoya, and Zhao Lingyu... According to the skeleton analysis, he is clearly the person who was called "the prince of sending children" before.

The ordinary people of Ruoya were all excited for a while, and they all inquired around, hoping to see Zhao Lingyu, and those who had been given the Pregnant Pill before, even posted news on the Internet one after another, thanking Zhao Lingyu.

The Federation of Humanity has become popular again, and more and more people have begun to understand the Federation of Humanity and Zhao Lingyu through the Internet.

It was at this time that Ruoya announced that Ruoya and the Human Federation would send missions to communicate with each other.

This news made many people rejoice.

If the Ruoya Empire and the Human Federation establish diplomatic relations, will Ruoya get a lot of pregnant child pills? Even change the status quo of Ruoya

"It is said that the Pregnant Child Dan is very precious. I don't dare to think about it for the time being, but with so many children in the Human Empire, I should be able to raise a few? Isn't the ability user of the Human Empire produced by merging the genes of our Roya? I can totally get a child with my powers..." A well-known male star in Ruoya said such a paragraph in an interview.

When the actor spoke, he was actually joking, but for many people without children in Ruoya, the door to a new world was opened.

That's right! If Ruoya established diplomatic relations with the Human Empire on an equal footing, they could raise a child of the Human Empire!

Even if there is no blood relationship, as long as it is a child!

They don't even care if their children have supernatural powers—according to the current research situation, the more supernatural powers or no superpowers are, the more children they can have... They have money and spare time, and they don't mind bringing up their children at all. Help with grandchildren!

For a time, the Ruoya people paid more attention to the orphanage of the Human Federation...

Although there are basically no orphans on the developed planets of the Human Federation, there are still orphans on many poor planets. In the past, these orphans would rely on government funding to grow up, but recently... Suddenly a large number of strange people expressed themselves to these orphans. interest of.

Sequoia Star is a very beautiful planet. It is located on the edge of the Human Federation. Many of the people living on it are the relatives of the frontier warriors of the Human Federation. These people came here with their relatives as warriors at first, because Sequoia The stars are rich in products and the climate is suitable, and gradually they all settled down...

This planet is far away from the capital star, and the technology is not developed, but it has a large population. More importantly, because there are many warriors and adventurers living on this planet, they are the population with the highest abnormal mortality rate, so there are many orphans here. .

A few years ago, when the Zerg Queen raged in the Human Federation, tens of thousands of families in Sequoia lost their relatives, and there were hundreds of orphans here.

The Human Federation treats soldiers orphans very well, and even has a large pension that can be given to them when they become adults, but when they were young, they had to live in orphanages.

Now that technology is advanced, ordinary people can even completely rely on machines to raise children outside the body, so few people adopt children. Volunteers at Sequoia Orphanage often come to visit children, but only one or two children are actually adopted every year. This number is insignificant compared to the nearly 2,000 orphans at the Sequoia Orphanage.

But recently, things have changed a bit.

The director of the Sequoia Orphanage suddenly received a lot of communications.

The Sequoia Orphanage has a dedicated homepage on the virtual website. The dean will upload photos and videos every day. The communications she received at the beginning were all asking her to increase the number of videos and photos uploaded every day. At that time, she thought that I encountered perverts, but I didn't expect those perverts... No, those who contacted her even donated money to her.

Gradually, she discovered that those people were not malicious and really liked children. Just when she was glad that many people knew about her orphanage and planned to use the money donated by these people to build a playground, she did not expect these people He even started asking him about the specific process of adopting a child, and more and more people came to ask...

That's all, these people are not only interested in adopting young children, but also teenage children.

When did the world change? How can there be so many people in the Human Federation who want to adopt children? The head of the Sequoia Orphanage is unknown.

Ruoya Dixing, a middle-aged man took some orders from the Human Federation website, and after getting paid, he immediately donated all the money to the orphanage, and then flipped through the various photos of the orphanage again.

He actually had a child, but his child was two hundred years old, and he really wanted to adopt another...

Many people in Roya fell in love with going over the wall to the Federation of Humanity. The cartoons of the Federation of Humanity and some children-themed programs became popular all over Roya.

At this time, Nia's body recovered, and it was time for the two sides to send missions to each other...