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Chapter 30: New birthday celebration


The capital star is the political, economic and cultural center of the human federation. In the center of the largest continent of the capital star, there is the office building of the federal government. Nearby there is the largest square in the entire capital star, called the capital square.

Every time the federal government celebrates its new birthday, the federal government will hold a military parade in this square, and various leaders of the federal government will also appear. The scene is very grand. It is said that it is a custom handed down from the ancient earth.

Where conditions permit, the celebration will be broadcast live, and other places will also broadcast the celebration video as soon as it is obtained.

This kind of celebration, of course, attracted many people to watch the Capital Star. Before dawn, there were already a lot of people standing in the Capital Square, and these people were also holding various devices that were convenient for viewing from a distance.

Seeing the situation outside, Gao Junfeng, who had changed into a white military uniform, suddenly became nervous: "Captain, we won't have any problems later, right?"

"We are an ability team, what can go wrong?" The captain of the ability team glared at Gao Junfeng.

"My ability..." Gao Junfeng sweated on his head thinking about his ability that occasionally malfunctioned. The abilities of power users are divided into levels, from high to low, they are s-level, a-level, b-level... The lowest is e-level. Gao Junfeng is an E-rank earth-type power user, and even a relatively low e- in E-rank.

A power user like him can play a limited role on the battlefield, and his usual life is just average, but now he has to be reviewed as a member of the power team.

"You can rest assured that the power users here are similar to you, and the advanced power users will not walk in a square under the parade." The captain of the power team comforted.

High-level ability users are the wealth of the entire federation and can enjoy various preferential treatment. Why do they need to join the honor guard to perform abilities like them? These people are basically all E-class.

"This is also..." Gao Junfeng scratched the back of his head with his hand, suddenly remembering something and showing disappointment: "Originally, I came to Capital Star from Sky Blue Star to participate in the celebration, and I wanted to see the Marshal at close range, but I didn't expect the Marshal. The adults can't participate in the celebration..." When he first came to the capital star, the Marshal was injured, and now he has seen the appearance of the Marshal in the video.

"Isn't that saying that the Marshal is getting better? We may be able to see him next time." The captain of the supernatural team patted Gao Junfeng on the shoulder to comfort the other party: "Do you have to work hard to know? Maybe the Marshal Lord Just watching the live broadcast."

"I will definitely work hard!" Gao Junfeng said immediately, his eyes shining again.

The military parade is divided into two parts: on-site and remote. On the spot, the soldiers of each unit walk in a square formation, and at the same time display some small weapons, and also let the ability performers perform, while the remote ones are some battleships and the like conducting battle drills near the capital star, and the drill video will also be in The live broadcast will be broadcast on the large screens on the east and west sides of the Capital Square.

Gao Junfeng's team of power users was arranged at the end of the military parade. They all held their heads high, and while walking, they used their powers to create some beautiful effects, such as the fireworks of the fire-type power users, as well as their soil. The celebration text arranged by the power user with the ground thorns.

It is usually difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with people with abilities, and only at this time can they see the abilities of people with abilities.

Gao Junfeng's ability is very weak. He cooperated with the people around him to accurately create the thorns one by one. In order to prevent himself from making mistakes, he was careful and focused.

It's just that his attention can't be focused on those thorns all the time - when passing the federal building, everyone must salute the leaders standing on the parade platform.

After temporarily stopping the production of ground thorns, Gao Junfeng and the people around walked in a neat pace, and then turned their heads neatly and saluted when they reached the Federal Building.

The leaders of the federation waved their greetings. Even if these people were not Gao Junfeng's idols, he couldn't help feeling excited. However, at this moment, a person who was not supposed to be here suddenly appeared. He took a step from the stairs on the left side of the parade platform. Step up, every step is taken very seriously.

The young-looking man was tall and straight. Although the people standing beside him were high-ranking and imposing people, no one would ignore him, and even everyone's eyes were firmly attracted to him.

He is not actually handsome, but just standing there makes people feel powerful, like a mountain that has stood for thousands of years and can only be looked up.

Zhao Lingyu! It turned out to be Zhao Lingyu! Their marshal is fine, and he even appeared at the celebration!

Gao Junfeng was stunned, and he actually stopped. The rest of the team reacted the same as him. Their entire team stopped just like that.

This could be considered a serious mistake, but no one noticed it at all, because the people watching the ceremony in the square were now watching Zhao Lingyu.

The ceremony has come to the end. Many people who came to watch the ceremony have impatiently communicated with the people around them, but since Zhao Lingyu appeared, the whole square has become quiet in an instant.

Maybe not everyone regards Zhao Lingyu as an idol, but most people have a herd mentality. This is Zhao Lingyu's first appearance after being injured...

In the huge Capital Square, everyone's far-sighted equipment and video recording equipment were aimed at Zhao Lingyu, and many people started live broadcasts, and the atmosphere seemed solemn.

Such a scene was actually not expected by Zhao Lingyu. He knew that the Federation had been promoting himself a few days ago, and Wu Shuai and others had secretly promoted it, but he really did not expect that he would have such prestige.

This is a blessing in disguise, right? It made what he had to do easier.

Glancing at the smiling people around him, Zhao Lingyu went straight to the front: "Hello everyone, I think now whether it's the person who came to the ceremony or the person watching the situation in front of the computer, stand here for me. This incident will be very surprising, in fact, it is also extremely lucky for me to be able to stand here again."

At this time, the military parade has not ended, and it is not time to speak, but Zhao Lingyu suddenly speaks and grabs the microphone, but he does it very naturally.

Yang Ye stood behind his father, looking at Zhao Lingyu with fire in his eyes.

This person is dying at last, and he hasn't started to celebrate yet, and his body is healed in a blink of an eye

He kept hiding his health, and suddenly appeared at this time, Zhao Lingyu was clearly uneasy and kind! With a smile on his face, Yang Ye wanted to go up to stop Zhao Lingyu and try to make the ceremony go on normally.

Yang Ye was just jealous, his father looked back at him, gave him a warning look, but was a little disappointed, and sighed secretly at the same time.

How could his son be inferior to Zhao Lingyu everywhere

Zhao Lingyu is really not easy... In the current situation, they are afraid that they must give up the car to keep the handsome.

"I know, many people now think that I am a hero and defend the dream star, but such a hero is not just me." Zhao Lingyu tapped a few times on the computer in front of the stage, and the two big screens of the east and west were already on the screen. The end of the battleship display suddenly turned into the battle video of the battle against the Zerg Queen.

Some of the original battle videos have been released on the Internet, but they are all edited. The main video is the final battle between him and the Zerg Queen. However, how can the battle be done by one person

The Zerg Queen is huge, and the interstellar battleship seems very small in front of her, and the counterattack of humans has angered the soon-to-be-produced it.

Zerg is a kind of creature that resembles the cockroaches of ancient earth, and they are also known as interstellar cockroaches. This kind of creature has strong defense, and its claws are also very sharp. The queen is the strongest among them. If a battleship is hit by her, it will soon turn into ruins and float in the universe, and the soldiers in the battleship will naturally also Hard to escape.

There are special video recording equipment on the spacecraft, and many soldiers also have equipment that can send back their last words. Zhao Lingyu had someone specially edited them, and now they are all released.

"Mom, I miss the bread you made..."

"The spaceship is going to explode... Dad, I'm sorry..."

"Olan, don't wait for me, find someone to marry..."

"Karl, I love you!"

The last words left by the soldiers before they died, the grief when the spaceship exploded, everything was clearly revealed to the public.

Suddenly someone in the crowd cried, and then more and more people cried.

"These are not movies, all the pictures are real. In this battle, a total of 54,271 soldiers died. Many of these people carried out suicide attacks at the end. If it weren't for them, I would absolutely There is no chance to kill the Zerg Queen alone," Zhao Lingyu added, "However, this battle could have been avoided, or the losses could have been reduced."

Can this battle be avoided? What does it mean? The people were shocked, and there were people in the crowd behind Zhao Lingyu who were just about to move.

The head of the Yang family gave his son a cold look, and once again stopped his son's behavior, showing the same sad and angry expression on his face as most people.

Zhao Lingyu released all the evidence in his hand.

Someone knew that the Zerg Queen was approaching, but deliberately intercepted the communication, making the army lose the best time to drive away when they got the news.

The equipment received by the army before departure was actually replaced by a lot of people, so that the army was short of ammunition...

"My luck is very good. Although I lost my ability because of this battle, I survived and received a lot of blessings, but many people died in the universe. Some of them can't even find their bodies, or even have I can send back a last word..." At the end, Zhao Lingyu was gnashing his teeth.

His step-by-step progress also aroused the emotions of the people. For a time, everyone demanded that those who were behind the destruction be severely punished.

Zhao Lingyu knew that what he had to do was accomplished.

Although he can't completely overthrow the Yang family and the Locke family, he can cut off their arms, and after this cleaning, the future army will definitely be much cleaner, and similar things can be avoided from happening again.

In addition, through this incident, the Zhao family will also regain control of power and step into the core of the federation.

In the future, if others want to move him, they will also weigh their own weight!