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Chapter 49: Chasing the Star Thieves


After Ren Sheng followed Zhao Lingyu back to the main ship, he immediately returned to the room holding the special energy mine.

The four guys on his head kept shaking, and he was almost dizzy. In order to appease them, he had better give them this thing earlier.

"Really, why do you suddenly want this thing?" Ren Sheng entered the room and immediately changed the ginseng flower on his head.

He placed the stone in his hand on top of the four ginseng seeds, and used his spiritual power to ensure that the stone would not press on his children. The children on Ren Sheng's head finally became quiet. After the quiet, he still felt faintly. There was some energy spilling out of that stone, which was then absorbed by the four children.

How is this going? Are these little guys absorbing the energy in this stone

Ren Sheng was startled, he quickly tested the stone with his spiritual power, and he breathed a sigh of relief after finding that the energy inside was very peaceful.

It's just that he couldn't absorb this energy at all, and he couldn't even feel it at first. How could his child absorb it

Is it because his children are better than him

The more Ren Sheng thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. He was a little proud at the moment, and at the same time he made up his mind to ask Zhao Lingyu about the specific situation, so that he could see what happened to the stone.

But Zhao Lingyu is outside, how can he get out with a rock on his head? It should be strange for others to see it, right

Ren Sheng searched around the room and finally found a protective helmet. He took out the equipment inside and stuffed the stone in. He found that the energy in the stone began to slowly dissipate because the children couldn't absorb it. , added an energy-isolating formation outside, and then put on a hat and went out.

Anything he wants to remember can be remembered by Ren Sheng, and he is naturally familiar with the lines on the main ship, so he came to the door of the main control room not long after.

Zhao Lingyu was having a meeting inside, and he didn't want to disturb him... Ren Sheng sat down on the ground next to him and practiced slowly.

The children on his head were trying to absorb the energy of the stone. After he started to cultivate, he began to work hard to absorb his spiritual power, and he absorbed a lot of it.

Fortunately, Zhao Lingyu has provided a lot of respiration recently... Ren Sheng closed his eyes and tried to give a little more spiritual power to the child.

After Zhao Lingyu came out of the meeting with others, he found his little ginseng sitting quietly by the door leaning against the wall. He was wearing a very, very large protective helmet, which almost covered his eyes, so he put his face against the wall. It's getting smaller and smaller, and the whole person looks a little pitiful.

"Aren?" Zhao Lingyu called out.

"Ling Yu, are you ready for the meeting?" Ren Sheng opened his eyes and stood up happily, looking at Zhao Lingyu.

"It's already opened, why are you sitting here?" Zhao Lingyu asked.

"You said you couldn't be interrupted during the meeting." Ren Sheng said, then hugged Zhao Lingyu: "Now that you have the meeting, you can interrupt."

"Of course..." Zhao Lingyu nodded and hugged Ren Sheng softly. Maybe he can bring Ren Sheng to the next meeting? No, forget it. With Ren Sheng, he might not be able to concentrate.

"Ling Yu, I have something to tell you." Ren Sheng touched his helmet.

"Ivor, you inform the other spaceships and let them rush to the nearby immigrant stars. This main ship is chasing those star thieves at full speed. I'll go to eat first and come over soon." Zhao Lingyu said, now they are away from the star thief's fleet At some distance, it may take a day to catch up, so of course it doesn't matter if he leaves.

"Yes, Marshal." Ivor responded.

Zhao Lingyu put Ren Sheng on the bed in the cabin, and ordered a meal to be delivered. Then he asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Ling Yu, there is energy in the stone I found!" Ren Sheng said excitedly, then pointed to the protective helmet on his head, and untied the formation by the way.

Zhao Lingyu put his hand on it, and he really felt the energy fluctuations: "There is indeed energy in it, and it's very peaceful, so it can be absorbed." If his powers were still there, there might not be a rejection reaction from the fusion of this energy. ... He thought that Ren Sheng could only absorb the soil, but he didn't expect that he could absorb this kind of energy.

"Really? Then I can rest assured." Ren Sheng arranged the formation on the helmet again, and then put the helmet on his head.

Wearing this helmet on Zhao Lingyu's head, it is like burying the little ginseng under the stone. I don't know if he has been put on his head by Ren Sheng... Zhao Lingyu withdrew the thoughts that were flying in an instant: "Aren, I I suspect that those star thieves have such a unique energy mine." Zhao Lingyu said.

After returning to the main ship just now, he immediately asked Zhao Na what he thought of the people on the main ship, but Zhao Na said that there were people on the main ship who made her feel very dangerous and were hostile to them, although she was not sure. who's that person.

Then, he asked Zhao Na if it would be dangerous to go after the star thief.

Zhao Na's premonition ability can only predict the general direction, but it is very accurate. This time, Zhao Na said that there will be danger, but it is not very dangerous.

It is impossible for the people of the Federation to have strong hostility to him, which means that the star thief was mixed into this spaceship.

Hong Zhong received news that those star thieves had new weapons in their hands, plus a hole was dug on planet 12534, and a large piece of energy ore was taken away...

Zhao Lingyu couldn't make a joke about the lives of three million civilians, but he didn't want to give up this opportunity, so he made an astonishing decision - let the other warships go to the immigrant star, and the central main ship moved forward at full speed to chase the star thieves.

The main ship in the center is the largest battleship of the First Corps, and its combat effectiveness is amazing. With the help of the frigate scout that Hong Zhong brings, even if you can't defeat the star thief, it is no problem to escape - the star thief's ship is full of energy mines, which will affect the speed. , but there are only 30,000 civilians on the central main ship.

This number of people will not have any effect on the speed of the central main ship, not to mention that there are two S-level ability users on the ship besides him, as well as Fuji old.

S-level ability user, this is the existence of a battleship that can fight against a battleship by himself.

"There is still such a stone? Can we get it back?" Ren Sheng asked curiously, a little eager to try. Of course, the father would find a way to get back what his child wanted...

"I don't know, let's catch up and talk about it first." A small hole appeared on the door of the cabin, and the food was brought in. Zhao Lingyu smiled and took a big mouthful.

Ren Sheng swallowed, although he didn't go to grab Zhao Lingyu's meal, he couldn't help but think of Xi Rang.

Today is supposed to be the day when Zhao Lingyu wants to give him a break, but now he's going to chase star thieves, and I don't know if there is any time for him... If Zhao Lingyu doesn't have time to give him a break, kiss should have time, right? Zhao Lingyu said that he would kiss later...

Thinking of the kissing scene he watched on TV with Shen Qiushi before, Ren Sheng was even more looking forward to it.

After Zhao Lingyu finished eating, he found that Ren Sheng was touching his mouth with his hand, looking a little dazed.

"What are you thinking?" Zhao Lingyu asked curiously.

"When will you kiss me?" Ren Sheng said, licking his lips.

Zhao Lingyu's eyes suddenly became very deep.

He has a psychological barrier to "eating" Ren Sheng, but kissing... Ren Sheng is practicing with his "seed" every day, and a kiss should be fine...

Zhao Lingyu slowly approached Ren Sheng, and then found that Ren Sheng's eyes were getting wider and wider, and his appearance was clearly reflected in it.

At this time on TV, wouldn't the kissed party be very shy? Ren Sheng looks really different! Zhao Lingyu was a little emotional, and then he was suddenly kissed by Ren Sheng.

Kissing is not enough, Ren Sheng's tongue stuck into Zhao Lingyu's mouth...

Ren Sheng's enthusiasm made Zhao Lingyu a little excited, but soon, he discovered some problems.

Being kissed by Ren Sheng, he actually had a dry mouth, and it was literally dry mouth!

Zhao Lingyu suddenly thought of Ren Sheng asking him for saliva before. At that time, Ren Sheng put his finger in his mouth, and the saliva in his mouth disappeared...

"Your saliva only has a faint smell of soil, but it tastes sweet," Ren Sheng let go of Zhao Lingyu's mouth and licked his lips, "No wonder those people on TV like to kiss."

Their kisses won't drain the other half's saliva... Zhao Lingyu took a sip of the water next to him, and suddenly remembered that the kiss just now seemed to be his first kiss.

He and Ren Sheng have faced each other naked, and Ren Sheng has helped him solve his desires several times with his hands, but he has only had his first kiss now... Why is this sequence of development so strange

"Kissing is to express love. When kissing, you can't eat all the saliva of the other party." Zhao Lingyu educated, and intends to practice it again.

However, at this time, the contactor in his hand suddenly rang, and after it was connected, Ivor appeared on the other end of the contactor.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Lingyu asked immediately.

"Marshal, Lord Locke is getting angry." Ivor said.

Ivor will look for himself, obviously Ethan is a little angry... Zhao Lingyu stood up: "I'll come right over."

"I'm going too." Ren Sheng also said.

Zhao Lingyu was right, Ethan was really angry.

Although Ethan was always watched by Zhao Lingyu, but that was mainly because he didn't want to really offend Zhao Lingyu. In fact, his strength was very strong.

Even if he has a protection ability with no attack power, even if he rarely fights and is not proficient in using the ability, he is an S-level ability user after all.

When Zhao Lingyu passed by, Ethan used his own ability. The S-level protective ability formed a huge cover on Ethan's body. Even if ordinary people wanted to get close, he couldn't do it, and he is still using his own. The protective cover knocked on the door of the main control room: "Zhao Lingyu, come out for me!"

Ethan's protective shield was so powerful that it was like a huge turtle shell. Under his knock, the door of the main control room was almost crumbling.

"Ethan, I'm here." Zhao Lingyu said.

"Zhao Lingyu!" Ethan looked at Zhao Lingyu angrily: "What's the matter with you? Now that the star thief has run away, and there are civilians on the spaceship, you still want to chase the star thief?"

Ethan looked for Yang Ye before he set off. Yang Ye said that this trip would be safe, so he came here, and all the previous things really proved that this trip was safe.

After rescuing the people on Planet 12534, you should be able to return to the capital planet. It's a big credit for nothing... Ethan stayed in his cabin and slept with satisfaction, but he didn't want to wake up. A piece of news that can be called a bolt from the blue - Zhao Lingyu drove a solitary central ship to chase the star thieves!

Those star thieves are a full fleet, but they only have one main ship... Even if the main ship of the First Legion is very powerful, there will be accidents if they are not kept.

"We came here this time to fight the star thief, of course I'm going to chase the star thief." Zhao Lingyu said without hesitation.

"Zhao Lingyu, there are civilians on this boat! Do you want to take us to death?" Ethan didn't dare to say that he was afraid of fighting, so he spoke with those civilians.

"I know." Zhao Lingyu said.

"You know you dare to do this? Zhao Lingyu! If you don't go back, I will dismantle the main ship right away!" Ethan punched the door of the main control room.

Zhao Lingyu has lost his ability, Fang Chengjun is younger than him and his ability is weaker than him. If no one on this battleship can break his defense, he can naturally do whatever he wants.

Ethan, who used violence to force others to agree to his conditions for the first time, was full of excitement. He had almost foreseen his majestic picture. However, at this moment, a powerful force suddenly hit his protective shield. Then his protective cover shattered with a "click".

Ethan turned his head in shock and saw that Zhao Lingyu was slowly withdrawing his fist.

There is another reason why Zhao Lingyu dares to chase down the star thief, that is, his strength has become stronger, and he has even surpassed many S-level power-type abilities in the history of the Federation, and his combat power is not inferior to the past.

His strength surpassed that of the strongest power-type ability user in the history of the Federation, so how could he still be unable to break Ethan's protective shield

"Did I tell you that after my fusion ability disappeared, my strength increased greatly because of the Zerg Queen?" Zhao Lingyu looked at Ethan.

Obviously Ethan is about the same age as Zhao Peng, much older than Zhao Lingyu, but seeing Zhao Lingyu's appearance at this moment, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and even subconsciously, he answered Zhao Lingyu's words: "No..."

"Then you know now." Zhao Lingyu approached Ethan and patted Ethan's shoulder: "I know you are worried about the safety of the 30,000 civilians, but don't worry, I will never let them have an accident."

"You..." Why do you make such a guarantee? Ethan glared at Zhao Lingyu.

"The defense system of the Locke family is very strong. The ancestors of the Locke family once protected a fleet by themselves, and you must be able to protect a battleship now." Zhao Lingyu said: "I will let you Taking you outside the battleship will definitely give you a chance to protect the entire battleship and the civilians on the battleship."

I don't want to protect this battleship at all! Ethan couldn't help but want to shout, but when he met Zhao Lingyu's gaze, he suddenly shook, and then he couldn't say anything.

He can't beat Zhao Lingyu...

Zhao Lingyu looked at Ethan's expression with satisfaction, patted Ethan's other shoulder again, and then walked into the main control room. At the same time, he said, "Have someone repair the door of the main control room, and the cost will be paid by Lord Locke."

"Yes!" Wu Shuai responded enthusiastically.

Ethan shook and almost fell to the ground, his shoulders were so painful that he couldn't even lift his hands.

"Ling Yu, is it okay if you hurt his shoulder?" Ren Sheng asked in a low voice, but no matter how small his voice was, everyone around was shocked by Zhao Lingyu's strength. When there was no sound, his voice Others could hear it clearly.

"It's just a small injury, it doesn't matter, and you don't need to use your hands to use the power." Zhao Lingyu said lightly.

Ethan shuddered when he heard this, swallowing all his dissatisfaction - if he provokes again, is it possible that Zhao Lingyu will interrupt his hands and feet? You know, even if you have broken hands and feet, you can still use supernatural powers, and you will recover after lying in the medical cabin for a few days...

"Heh..." Seeing all the movements here, Fang Chengjun chuckled lightly, and then glanced at the main control room with a complicated look.

All of them thought that Zhao Lingyu had lost his abilities, and only had prestige, but he didn't expect Zhao Lingyu to be so strong!

If he can break Ethan's protective shield, he is also an S-level power-type power user. Fortunately, he has never messed with Zhao Lingyu.

What Zhao Lingyu did quickly spread throughout the entire spaceship, and the soldiers of the First Army were very excited when they got the news.

Their marshals didn't become a waste, but got another S-level ability... Sure enough, good people are rewarded!

Soldiers on the battleship could get the news, but no one would tell the civilians confined to the cabins. But even so, someone can know in a special way.

Corbyn pressed a bead the size of a grain of rice on his auricle with his hand, with a complicated expression.

He thought that after saving the people of Planet 12534, Zhao Lingyu would go to the nearby immigrant star and then return to the capital star, but he unexpectedly planned to continue attacking star thieves.

This is not to mention, Zhao Lingyu can actually smash the protective cover of the Locke family with one punch...

For a time, Kobe was more curious about Zhao Lingyu's genes, and at the same time began to change his plans.

And the top priority is that he has to leave this monitored place.

Corbyn smiled and chatted with the soldiers of the First Army who came to deliver meals.

Time passed by minute by minute, and gradually, the distance between the main ship and the star thieves became closer and closer, and even a scout ship belonging to the first army found them, and at the same time docked the main ship and began to replenish energy.

It was at this time that the soldier who went to the toilet with Corbion before came out, holding "Corbion" who was a little soft and seemed uncomfortable.

Put "Corbyn" among the civilians, and the soldier walked out. At this time, no one knew that the person in the uniform had been replaced and became Corbyn.

Corbyn's ability is not strong, but it is very special. He can change his appearance at will, and even change his own surface genes after obtaining other people's genes.

Of course, such abilities are not without restrictions. For example, he cannot copy other people's abilities, and he will definitely be discovered when he encounters blood draws.

However, even if there are some small problems, it is enough for most of the time!

Corbyn swept through the doors with his pupils and walked towards the main control room.

It was at this time that the central main ship caught up with the star thieves and took the lead in firing from a distance.

"Are the people of the First Legion crazy? They came after us with a main ship!"

"Those bugs from before are annoying me, I must find my way back on this battleship!"

"Blow up the main ship of the First Army Corps and see how arrogant they are!"

"Yes, let's stop and meet us!"

The star thieves on the star pirate ship were all very angry, but Kobe's number one subordinate, who was left by Kobe to take care of the fleet, changed his face and did not order.

"Second master, the first legion sent a communication request!" a person suddenly said.

"Communication request? They won't be crazy, right? They threw bombs at us, and even sent a communication request?" Someone was very puzzled.

The second master pondered for a while, but said, "I'm connected and show me."

The communication was quickly connected, and Ivor, who had taught several times with the Star Thief Group, stood on the other side: "Hello, long time no see."

"Long time no see, is something wrong?" The second master twitched the corners of his mouth.

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you that it's better not to throw bombs. This time, the last batch of civilians in 12534 are all on our spaceship. If you throw bombs, they may die without a place to be buried... It seems that there are still Are there your people?" Ivor casually mentioned, people who make Zhao Na feel very uneasy, maybe have some status among these star thieves

No matter if it is useful or not, it won't hurt to say a few more words anyway, and you can still find time for the Lord Locke to set up the protective cover - Ethan Locke can't support a large enough protective cover for a while, this is definitely They didn't expect it at first.

The face of the second master immediately changed.

Corbyn should be on that main ship. If he attacks, will Corbyn be injured

My boss is on the enemy's battleship, how do I fight this one? Can he count on Corbion to smash the First Corps and run back alone