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Chapter 67: Pregnant Zidan was born


Nothing is more important than a child to the Roa.

Because there have been cases of women who were not found in time after pregnancy, and eventually miscarried accidentally. Later, all the personal terminals worn by Ruoya people on their wrists were equipped with the function of detecting embryos.

In Ruoya, pregnant women do not easily meet people, so this function of Crohn's personal terminal has only been activated a few times, and it was when he made a special trip to visit pregnant women, and now...

When he saw Yang Ye's wife before, his personal terminal had already been activated, and now it has been activated again!

He already knew that Yang Ye's wife was pregnant. In addition, the energy intensity of the embryos was only A in the human classification, so he didn't care too much. But now, there are still people pregnant, and the energy of the two embryos is still high. Not low!

"I'm pregnant to attend such an occasion. I'm too good at taking care of myself!" Crohn looked at the personal terminal in his hand in disbelief.

The translator translated Crohn's words, and everyone's eyes fell on Yang Ye and his wife, and then they were a little puzzled.

Isn't Yang Ye's wife only pregnant with one? And she had already seen Crohn's, and Crohn's had no reason to say it now.

There are also twins... Nowadays, ordinary people use some ovitrogen, and it is not difficult to conceive seven or eight at a time. If they are pregnant, they often have to undergo surgery to reduce the fetus. Those who came to this banquet were all A-level S-level power users and their families.

In the history of the federation, although there have been cases of high-level power users being pregnant with twins, only one pair has been successfully born, or because both parents are A-level water-type power users, and both children are also water-type. Ability to be relatively mild to achieve.

This time... Could it be that Ren Sheng is pregnant again

Everyone's eyes fell on Ren Sheng, but Crohn finally locked on the target, then took a few steps and stood in front of Gerd who wanted to squeeze out the crowd and leave.

The people who were standing beside Gede were pushed out by a slightly domineering ability. This ability cleaned up everyone around Gede, leaving only Gede standing in an open place, but It didn't hurt Gerd at all.

"Pregnant women shouldn't be squeezed." Crohn looked at Gerd eagerly: "Two children, a little weak but very healthy, you are really amazing! Uh, you are female? What's your name?" Humans, like Royas, only women can give birth to life, right

Gerd's face darkened.

He had already made up his mind to ask Ren Sheng about the precautions for pregnancy and left the Capital Star, but he actually encountered such a thing...

Seeing that there were countless people around him looking at him, all of them were shocked and questioned, but Gerd calmed down after the initial panic.

"Hello Mr. Crohn, my name is Gerd, I think you must be mistaken." Gerd extended his hand to Crohn, looking personable.

"Impossible, my personal terminal can't go wrong, but Gerd... S-level ability user? Male?" Crohn looked at Gerd in surprise. He has read the information of several S-level power users in the Human Federation, including this Gerd in front of him.

This man is obviously a man, how could he be pregnant? Or twins? Does he have a special physique? Or an artificial womb? But that thing is not invalid for the ability user. Kron looked at Gerd's expression more eagerly.

"Yes, I am a male, it is impossible to get pregnant." Gerd said.

"Yeah, Mr. Crohn, did you make a mistake?" Fang Chengjun also stood up, his heart was like a stormy sea, but he didn't dare to show anything on his face.

The person from the higher civilization in front of him wanted to see Rensheng's child before, and now he is so eager to get pregnant with Gerd, and he doesn't know what to do... He must not let others hurt Gerd.

Crohn's approached Gede, looked at Fang Chengjun disdainfully, and then said: "I'm not mistaken, there are indeed two embryos, it should be a month after conception, one is a metal ability, the other is an ice-type ability... Really Unbelievable, two children with different abilities live in the same mother!"

The fetus has supernatural powers. For the mother, it means that you have a mass of foreign energy in your body. It is easy to reject the fetus, and the fetus has to ask for the energy of the mother...

If the energy in the mother and the fetus is weak, even if there is a conflict between the two sides, it will not be too strong, and the child can always be born. If the fetus and the mother are too strong, the two are prone to problems.

The unconscious battle between the two is either to damage the mother's body or to abort the fetus, but now, someone is actually pregnant with two children with different abilities!

Crohn was amazed, but the people of the Human Federation looked at Gerd in shock.

Is Gerd really pregnant? He has a metal ability, and it is normal to have a child with the same ability as him, but that ice-type ability... All eyes turned to Fang Chengjun in unison.

Doesn't it mean that Ge De and Fang Chengjun have a bad relationship and are on the same page? These two even have children? So although they seem to be at odds, they have been in the dark all the time

No, now is not the time to think about it. What they should be most concerned about is how Gerd gets pregnant.

The origin of Ren Sheng is unknown. They have four eggs at a time. They can be regarded as the other's special race, but Gerd... Gerd's genes are recorded in the Federation, and he is still a real man. How could he be pregnant

The only ones who know the reason are probably Ren Sheng and Zhao Lingyu.

Ge De is actually pregnant, and it seems that it belongs to Fang Chengjun... Ren Sheng looked at the two of them curiously, and didn't understand what was going on at all.

These two are together, and even have children, why are they so indifferent? If he is Ge De, he must be on Fang Chengjun... No, Ge De seems to be taller than Fang Chengjun? It would be really weird if he threw himself on Fang Chengjun...

Ren Sheng only thought about these things, while Zhao Lingyu thought about more things.

From the first time he met Crohn, he was analyzing Crohn's intentions, and at this time, he finally discovered some problems.

Crohn, seems to take children very seriously.

Crohn wanted to see his child before, and now he has an extraordinary concern about Gerd's pregnancy.

Zhao Lingyu originally wanted to use the nourishing potion to trade with higher civilizations. After all, the nourishing potion has many functions. It is difficult to resist it by simply regulating the body and delaying aging, but now it seems... Maybe the pregnant child Dan is in the gram. Ron's eyes are more valuable

That's right, the power users were created by them. The problems encountered by human power users must have been encountered by them, and may even be more serious...

Thinking of this, Zhao Lingyu gave Ren Sheng a reassuring look, and then stood up: "Mr. Crohn, I think I know what happened to these two children."

"What's the matter?" Crohn looked at Zhao Lingyu.

"Mr. Gerd ate the Pregnant Pill I gave." Zhao Lingyu said.

"Pregnant Dan?" Crohn repeated the pronunciation.

"That's right, it's the Pregnancy Pill, as long as you eat the Pregnancy Pill and then have sex with someone, you can get pregnant, eat a few pills to get pregnant," Zhao Lingyu said, "Aren only eats four Pregnancy Pills to give birth. Four children, and before, Gede ate two." He and Rensheng's children are very special, and Crohn's in front of him can't be seen casually. In this case, it's a good idea to let Gede divert his attention.

And pushing the cause of pregnancy to Pregnancy Zidan will make everyone pay less attention to Ren Sheng.

"Is there really such a thing?" Crohn's body suddenly released a powerful breath, and soon, he gathered his breath again, and then looked at Gerd apologetically: "Sorry, I was too excited just now." He almost hurt a pregnant woman... No, pregnant man, it's unforgivable!

"There is such a thing, but the medicinal materials needed are very precious," Zhao Lingyu said. "Before Mr. Gerd helped me upgrade the battleship of the First Army, I only gave two."

Zhao Lingyu was very calm, but he had already clenched his fists in private—this Crohn was very strong, very, very strong. His current strength has surpassed everyone in the Human Federation, but he has absolutely no way to compare with the person in front of him!

Just upgrade the battleship and have two kids? Crohn almost wanted to ask himself how many Zhao Lingyu would give if he sent Zhao Lingyu a fleet.

However, the words came to his mouth, and he finally swallowed it back.

If he really sends Zhao Lingyu a fleet, the technology of the Human Federation can definitely advance by leaps and bounds, which is very unfavorable to the Ruoya civilization.

However, although he didn't ask, Crohn's expression became more eager. He had thought about seeing Ren Sheng and Zhao Lingyu's children before, but now he just wanted to get pregnant Zidan, and even wanted to have a child right away.

Speaking of having children... Although Crohn was interested in both Ren Sheng and Gede, if he could choose at will, he would prefer to choose Ruoya... Turning his head suddenly, Crohn's eyes were fixed on the past few days. Corbion, who has been following him.

Sweat broke out on Corbyn's head: "Your Excellency the Duke..." He just wants to be a quiet beauty star thief in the Human Federation, and it's okay to have children...

Seeing Kobe like this, Crohn's interest was also lacking. If you really want to give birth, Kobe is still too weak, it is better to find a ninth-level power user, but it is difficult for him to overwhelm such a person, and he can't beat the opponent, and the issue of the child's attribution is also difficult to solve... Crohn's Many thoughts flashed in his heart, and finally looked at Zhao Lingyu with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, can you give me one of this Pregnant Pill?"

"Of course, but I'm afraid it will take a few days." Zhao Lingyu said: "Only I can cultivate the medicinal materials needed for this kind of pregnancy pill, and only Ren Sheng can refine it, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive."

The person in front of them wants to conceive a child pill, and they happen to have a child pregnant pill in their hands, so they will be invincible, unless these people can thoroughly study the pregnant child pill and find out the refining of the pregnant child pill. method, otherwise it would never hurt them.

However, the refining of Pregnant Zidan must have spiritual power, which means that others will definitely not be able to do it...

Since the appearance of Crohn's, the stone that had been pressing on Zhao Lingyu's heart was loosened, and he began to think quickly about how to maximize the benefits.

Crohn can see Zhao Lingyu's mind, but he doesn't dare to force Zhao Lingyu now.

If the Pregnant Child Dan really exists, then the opportunity to make the Ruoya Civilization re-bright may lie in Zhao Lingyu... If the Pregnant Child Dan is fake... Zhao Lingyu must not be able to bear the anger of the Ruoya Civilization.

"No problem, I can wait." Crohn smiled at Zhao Lingyu and asked, "I don't have a place to live in the Humanity Federation. I don't know if I can borrow it from Zhao's house?"

"Of course, if Mr. Crohn is willing, he can also visit the medicine garden at my house." Zhao Lingyu said generously, and added: "Of course, I also have a request. Like last time, I tried to draw my blood. I don't want it to happen again, and I don't want it to happen to my family. The importance of genes, Mr Crohn's should be very clear."

"No problem." Crohn said, he could understand Zhao Lingyu's feeling that he didn't want to be studied.

"If Mr. Crohn violates the agreement, I will definitely not provide pregnant child pills again." Zhao Lingyu was very serious, and his momentum became fierce.

"We can sign a contract." Crohn's expression became serious. Getting some Zhao Lingyu's genes to study was something they planned before they came, but Zhao Lingyu obviously rejected it...

He knew that most of Zhao Lingyu had secrets, but after researching Zhao Lingyu's secrets, they could not let them have children, so it must be more important to be pregnant.

"Okay." Zhao Lingyu nodded. His body is very hard now, and it is almost impossible for Crohn to get his genes. As for Rensheng, he also has some special means, so the most important thing to pay attention to now should be their children. In the future, it is better to kick the child in the pocket.

"I'm tired, let's go to rest." Crohn said, he is no longer in the mood to attend the banquet.

The banquet has just begun... Zhao Lingyu thought of the breath released by Crohn before, and nodded: "No problem."

Zhao Lingyu took Crohn away, and when they were far away, the rest of the people began to talk.

The nourishing potion that the Zhao family had previously launched was amazing enough for them. As a result, after the nourishing potion, the Zhao family actually came up with the Pregnancy Pill, which was favored by higher civilizations

Zhao Lingyu felt threatened when he first saw Crohn's, but some people's thoughts were diametrically opposed to him, such as the Locke family and the Yang family. They didn't think Crohn's was a threat, but even thought it was an opportunity.

Now, this opportunity has been robbed by Zhao Lingyu...

Yang Ye's face was ugly, and Ethan was even more angry. His anger broke out when he saw Gerd: "Ged, I didn't expect you to be pregnant as a woman, it's really admirable."

Gerd had already broken the jar by this time, and the corner of his mouth was hooked, revealing a sexy smile: "It's better than some people having no children." He was pregnant with two at a time, how amazing? It is that one of them is not a metal ability, which makes him a little nervous.

Ethan's face darkened.

Gede saw the corner of Ethan's mouth twitching and walked out, Fang Chengjun followed without hesitation.

He wanted to be with Gerd before, and now that Gerd has his child in his belly, it is even more impossible for him to give up on Gerd.

However, looking at Gerd's current appearance, it seems that he doesn't want to be with him... Fang Chengjun really wants to go back to a month ago and slap that smart self.

Why wait for two people to have a child and then be together... Looking at his grandfather's experience, he knows what the consequences will be. He even wants to follow his grandfather's old path... No, now even his own child is gone!

"What are you doing with me?" Gerd looked at Fang Chengjun angrily.

"Who am I not following you?" Fang Chengjun smiled. In the future, he will not care about anything else and will only pester Gede!

"Don't you still have the Pregnancy Pill? I want someone else to give birth to the child! If you feel that you are at a loss, the Pregnant Pill that I don't need here can also be given to you."

"I only want our children, those two can be kept for later life..." As soon as Fang Chengjun finished speaking, Gede's aircraft had already flown away.

Sitting in his aircraft, Fang Chengjun chased after him closely.

Ren Sheng was still with Zhao Lingyu at this time.

He has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and his cultivation is not low. In fact, he is about to cross the heavens.

At that time, if those cultivators hadn't broken into his master's cave, he might have spent the heavenly tribulation in that cave, and then went to the Immortal Realm.

Considering that he is an elite of grass and trees, has cultivated for a long time, and has never been contaminated with blood, it can be said that there is no danger in crossing the heavens, but at this time his master's cave was breached...

His attack power is very weak, and his attack alone is estimated to be comparable to that of the Nascent Soul. Fortunately, he can escape.

At first, he escaped from the siege of a group of masters of the Nascent Soul stage, but later he encountered masters of the distraction stage and the Mahayana stage, and he was completely unable to escape.

And the Crohn in front of him is equivalent to a master of Mahayana, although it is only the initial stage.

There is only one person on the other side, he should escape, but this person can threaten him, there is no doubt about that.

If I knew earlier, he wouldn't follow Zhao Lingyu, and these days, it's hard to just make love... Zhao Lingyu is more powerful, and his safety can be guaranteed!

"Don't be nervous, think of something else." Zhao Lingyu held Ren Sheng's hand. Recently, he always had a mysterious feeling and could sense Ren Sheng's mood at any time.

Ren Sheng took a deep breath and let himself think about other things, such as Gerd's child...

In the realm of self-cultivation, after a cultivator is pregnant, he has to eat a lot of medicinal pills to warm his body. Would he like to get some for Gede? Although Yang Yan Dan can warm and nourish the body, it is actually not symptomatic. Gede should eat some Qi nourishing pills and the like.

When Ren Sheng thought about it, he was no longer afraid and felt much more at ease. At this time, the Zhao family had already arrived.

Crohn got off the aircraft, strode in, suddenly stopped again, and looked at Shen Qiushi and Feng Kexin who were walking from a distance in surprise.

"Mr. Crohn's, what's the matter?" Zhao Lingyu asked. Before he came, he had asked Shen Qiushi to hide the four children. What happened to Crohn's

"I'm so happy, I have two children again..." Crohn said with emotion as he looked at his personal terminal, and then looked curiously at the small golden crystal on Feng Kexin's wrist: "Energy crystal? Pregnant woman It's really good to wear this, it can improve the baby's power level, this is what we did at the beginning, and the result... "

Later, everyone's power level became higher and higher, and it became more and more difficult to want children...

"Two children?" Zhao Lingyu was a little puzzled, but Feng Kexin had only one in his stomach.

"This beautiful lady is also pregnant," Crohn looked at Shen Qiushi with admiration, "beautiful lady, if you were not pregnant, I would definitely pursue you."

Zhao Lingyu had the urge to punch Crohn's face in the face. This man coveted his wife not long ago, but now he is eyeing his mother... He must practice harder in the future! Never let this happen again.

No, what did this man say? fucking pregnant? Zhao Lingyu looked at Shen Qiushi's abdomen in surprise.

His mother is just over a hundred years old, and it is very normal to have children, but now... Will his younger siblings be younger than his children

Zhao Lingyu was just surprised, but Shen Qiushi didn't believe it at all: "It's impossible, I hurt my body..." After giving birth to Zhao Lingyu, there was a problem with her body, and she couldn't give birth to a second one. How could she be pregnant now

By the way, Ren Sheng ate a lot of good things for her... Shen Qiushi remembered that he used to eat nourishing potions as snacks. Did Ren Sheng take care of her body

But... She was waiting to hold her grandson, but she was also pregnant, what is this called

"My personal terminal will never be a problem." Crohn said, these humans are unwilling to admit that they are pregnant, what is this

"I have something to do, excuse me." Shen Qiushi said, she turned around, walked slowly at first, then walked faster and faster, and finally ran.

"Pregnant women can't run!" Crohn looked at Shen Qiushi helplessly.

"Mr. Crohn, let's go to the medicine garden?" Zhao Lingyu said.

Although he really wanted to stop Shen Qiushi's inappropriate behavior, he thought that the child in Shen Qiushi's belly had nothing to do with him, so Crohn didn't care: "Where is the medicine garden?"

"It's right behind." Zhao Lingyu walked there with Crohn's.

The flower houses looked very spectacular. Crohn followed Zhao Lingyu in and saw a plant that he had never seen before, and also felt a strange energy: "I seem to have encountered this kind of energy somewhere."

The elixir will generate spiritual power, and there are some scattered in the flower room. Ren Sheng was taking a deep breath of comfort when he heard this, and immediately widened his eyes in surprise - Crohn's encountered spiritual power